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Saturday, 10 September 2011 (biting bullets) 10:11am Bolinas-bound. With Guinness, of course. 8:11pm We arrived around noon, had lunch, visited the goats, and got caught up on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report over dinner. Can't complain at all. | ||
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Friday, 9 September 2011 (all the voices) 8:12am No bootcamp this morning, and ugh, my stomach feels gross. I think it's a combination of sadness, sleep deprivation, and the quesadilla I got from La Tortilla on the way home from the Goldies' last night in a fit of nihilism about the state of my body. I also have a ton of work to do, but I must sacrifice the morning to the San Francisco General Hosptial Pharmacy. 10:19am Wow. There were no lines at the Pharmacy, and I got in and out in about ten minutes. Thank you, universe. I needed that. 2:41pm I guess this sort of thing is to be expected. By his own admission, the instructor of the class I'm currently taking is new to the system we're using (the terribly modern-sounding Desire2Learn), but I don't think he got the same training we got on in the one-unit class last month. Like, we were told to post questions about the course in the appropriate discussion forum rather than directly contacting the instructor, since other students would most likely have the same question. So I posted a couple questions I had about the Association Review in the Association Review forum on Tuesday, thinking he would respond, especially since said Review is our first big project and what everybody's working on right now and thus is all topical and stuff. He didn't reply, so I wrote him this morning with the questions, starting in my adorably passive-aggressive way: "Hi! I originally posted these first two questions for you in the Association Review topic forum on Tuesday, but I guess you haven't read my post yet." He replied: "Yes, I keep my eye on the Questions topic mostly regularly; others, I look at every several days." But but but! (I wanted to say, but didn't.) The instructions for the Association Review topic forum say "Use this discussion topic to post any questions related to the Association Review assignment" so you should be checking in on that one, too! (Again, I did not say.) He even made a reference in the other night's online lecture to things other people had been posting in the Association Review forum, but made no mention of mine, so, what? I know I'm hypersensitive to being ignored these days, and don't have much use in the world other than as an outlet for misdirected anger, but Jesus fuck. Marta and I are going to be joining Jonco and Heather on a camping trip next weekend. Not our original plans (and it means undoing a hard-fought reservation), but it's much more what I need right now, and will still by thenI don't expect my world to stop feeling like it's spun off its axis for a while. For example, I'm so scatterbrained, I nearly lost my phone last night, leaving it on top of Phoebe in a the fairly gnarly parking lot of Discount Beauty Supply between Fillmore and Webster. The only reason I didn't was because someone honest came across it first, and a genuinely nice guy rather than a "wicked nice guy" who felt the need to give me a you should be more careful! lecture, which is a miracle in itself. In the more immediate term I'll be picking up Marta from her place tonight, and we'll drive to Bolinas tomorrow morning. 3:10pm My new post for the weekly, about I show I enjoyed that nobody else did called Cop Rock, is up. | ||
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Thursday, 8 September 2011 (melting in the sun) 3:52pm Doing a little better today, though I'm still mostly sad. I'll get over it eventually. 6:24pm Just made plans to visit c0g and m0 in Bolinas this weekend. That'll help, as will going to Pete and Sarah's later tonight to watch the extras on the 2001: A Space Odyssey Blu-ray and hang out in general with Pete and Sarah. I kind of need to be around people who like me right now. | ||
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Wednesday, 7 September 2011 (face the change) 11:19am Back home now. Finishing up this week's work-work and my submission to the McSweeney's Column Contest. Along those lines, my latest blog post for the weekly is up, this time about a VHS mixtape from a defunct production company. A girl I had a crush on that I worked with at Organic is in one of the videos embedded in the article, if you know where to look. Continuing what's been a very sociable seven days for Marta and I, we're having dinner with a friend tonight. 7:21pm Or not. The friend doesn't want to see me, so they're having dinner with Marta and I'm walking aimlessly through the City, trying to avoid crowds, listening to Willie Nelson on my iPhone (which I almost lost earlier when I stupidly left it on top of Phoebe earlier in a particularly seedy parking lot) and wishing the tears that so clearly want to come out would just get it over with so I can get beyond this horrible feeling. 11:23pm When they were done, I met back up with Marta, and she treated me to dinner at Spices! II. Once I actually had food in my system, she tried her best to explain what had gone wrong. I still don't fully understand, but it seems to circle back to a recurring theme in my life: I am not a very sympathetic person, I'm difficult to forgive, the quality of mercy has been strained dry, and what might be minor transgressions in other people are much more severe when I do them (particularly when they involve desire on any levelnothing's ever gotten me into more trouble than expressing desire, no actual acting on it required, just wanting has always been a crime, very Catholic), and are responded to accordingly. I even managed to upset Marta with an offhand comment, which goes to show. Staying at Marta's place tonight. Hadn't planned to, but there's no real reason not to (other than the whole "getting to the gym at six tomorrow morning" thing, but I've emailed Rita that I won't be there). | ||
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Tuesday, 6 September 2011 (in god's eyes) 9:14am Worked out with Rita this morning. Spinning, and not the sweatiest spinning I've ever done, but still, it felt good to be back. I feel like I've been gone from there for much longer than I actually have. 12:17pm Just talked on the phone with someone at the Fox Hunt's Venue and got some issues cleared up. I'd been given some very bad information when I initially called last month to make a reservation for the Fox Hunt weekend after next, and the person I spoke to today was very apologetic, and all's well now. Still, though, I don't know what it was about August, but it was a horrible month for communication. Granted, September hasn't been much better. There are many people who should have responded to me by now about various things, and one of the blogs I've been writing for seems to have dropped me altogether without going to the trouble of informing me. No reason why they should, I suppose. sometime after midnight Marta and I had dinner at Soi Gow, rested for a while at her place, then watched Breaking Bad with the Goldies. Now, sleep. | ||
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Monday, 5 September 2011 (waveguides) 3:11pm I've spent most of the day doing schoolwork, though I did talk to my upstairs neighbor a bit about laundry (mainly, their tendency to leave their clothes sitting in the machines for days on end). We talked through my window, because we're in a brownstone in 1930s Brooklyn. | ||
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Sunday, 4 September 2011 (the disquiet entities) 4:33pm Marta and I had an expensive, rich, and thoroughly enjoyable brunch at Nopa this afternoon with Daisy and Liam and Davina and Mouse and many others. The waiter said it was the biggest group he's ever served, which suprised me a little. The two of us have no relocated to Borderlands, because it's Sunday afternoon and that's what we do. 11:41pm Surprisingly strong turnout this evening at Bad Movie Night for Snakes on a Train, a blatant ripoff of Snakes on a Plane. It even brought out the girl I'd with worked on the SFinX shows a million years ago. She was mainly there for the translated-from-Croatian subtitles, but still. | ||
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Saturday, 3 September 2011 (the last days of true heathenism) 7:11pm Marta and I joined Daisy at the Castro to see Bringing Up Baby. It was a double feature with Monkey Business (not the Marx Brothers one), but Marta doesn't do so well with sitting for that long. We're at the Black Light District, about to have dinner and start on both Six Feet Under and Battlestar Galactica, at long last. | ||
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Friday, 2 September 2011 (the technological womb) 3:49pm At Borderlands. Did schoolwork this morning, and am now getting caught up on my me-writing before going to opening night of Star Trek at The Dark Room. I'm relieved to see that the character I was going to play has been changed back to a boy (it had been changed to a girl when I was going to play it, since I'm entirely too insecure to play boys), which should slightly reduce the amount of regret I'll feel when I see how much fun everybody's having onstage. I know I made the right decision to drop out of the play, but still. | ||
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Thursday, 1 September 2011 (a thousand lights in a darkened room) 11:20am I'm starting to push 190, and my favorite skirt is getting tight. Gods, this body falls apart so quickly. I skipped an Elluminate class last night to have dinner with Davina and Mouse, but that's okay. Synchronous attendance is not mandatory, and they're recorded so we can play them back later, which is what i'm about to do. I've also finished building an alphabetical list of all the movies we've done (so far) at Bad Movie Night. It's for school, sorta. | ||
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