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Wednesday, 31 August 2011 (the revolution's pride) 8:41am At Dash, where somebody has already taken My Desk. Feh. I need to start getting here earlier in the morning. Gonna get lots of work done today, and Marta and I are having dinner with Davina and Mouse tonight. sometime after midnight That went well, and plans were made for the future, some vague and some less so. They invited us to join them and their kids on a trip to Disneyland over Thanksgiving, which is tempting as hell. I wasn't even sure it was for real when Mouse suggested it, but I glanced over at Davina, who was nodding enthusiastically. The decision hasn't been made yet by any means, and spending Thanksgiving with Jonco and his wife still sounds lovely, and all the more important since my niece won't be joining them this year. So, I don't know. We'll see. Just getting the offer is powerful, and makes up for so many other offers that other people don't make. I'm always concerned about how affectionate I can get with Davina, and how soon, and the fear of overstepping my bounds is as strong as ever. I waited for her to make the first move tonight, and when she did it was a little (just raking her fingers along my back she walked past me in the kitchen), it was electric. We were doing a little cuddling by the end of the night, and a prolonged smooch as Marta and I were leaving. Just enough, especially considering that I've been feeling...restless, for want of a better word, since the Leather-Levi Weekend. Also just enough: Mouse says he really likes my posts for the weekly. Hey, that's one! | ||
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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 (nightfall sunshine) 9:43am Twofer! Another post of mine is up on the weekly, this time about the commercials for the Intellivision PlayCable. No working out with Rita this morning, since the Stonestown YMCA is closed. I already feel out of shape. 11:45pm Dinner with Marta at New Eritrea, My Little Pony and The Larry Sanders Show, at hre place, then Breaking Bad with the Goldies. Now, sleep. | ||
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Monday, 29 August 2011 (her invocation) 10:09am New blog post up on the weeklywhich I wrote this past Thursday night, so the editors must really like itabout Trailers From Hell. Schoolwork and stuff today, and this evening I'm going to a friend's birthday party at some fancy art gallery. 11:51pm The party was fun, but I was a little annoyed by the fact that the DJ (a guy on a laptop, of course) pretty much spend the whole time just starting at the screen, motionless, like he was checking his work email. Which he may well have been. DJs who don't at least bob their head along to the music which the rest of us are ostensibly supposed to be dancing to should have their DJ licenses revoked. I was very sociable and talked to a lot of people (many of whom recognized from Bad Movie Night), but as the evening progressed people were starting to pair off with their partners. Marta was not with me, so I had nobody to pair off, which made me said. As romantic as it is to be the tragic girl in a Paul Westerberg song, I just can't handle dancing alone at nightclubs anymore. Though I'm sure I will again someday. sometime after midnight Earthquake! And I tweeted back and forth about it with one of my heroes, who evidently lives in the Richmond. He's someone I hope to work with someday. | ||
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Sunday, 28 August 2011 (superterrain) 3:35pm Dropped Marta back off at her place, and I'm now at Borderlands, at a table at which I'm hopefully less likely to be surrounded by stinky boys. 11:32pm A few more people turned out for Drive Angry at Bad Movie Night. Enough for a tank of gas for a week, anyway, and that's pretty good. | ||
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Saturday, 27 August 2011 (profusely branched) 1:26pm My upstairs neighbor is playing the drums. Thankfully, they're in their living room and thus not directly above my apartment. I did talk with him this morning about the fact that Janeway has been directly above my bedroom the last few nights and making a lot of noise. He apologized and said that he'll put her elsewhere, or at least remove the things that she uses to make noise. It's times like this when I wonder why everyone can't just have cats instead. 7:07pm Helped Marta put her new bedframe together, and now we're having dinner at Enjoy Vegetarian Restaurant for the first time in years. From here, we're going to Davina and Mouse's place for Roughie Night III. sometime after midnight Only a few other people showed up, but it was fun all the same. Got in some cuddling and smooching with Davina. Not as much as I might have liked, but, as always, I'll take what I can get. | ||
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Friday, 26 August 2011 (a faint metallic glow) 8:57am At Dash. Marta's going to be meeting me here later when she gets off work (I almost joined her last night after class because she'd had a spectacularly bad day, especially when it looked like her best friend Alicia wasn't going to make it, but my presence was not needed), and I think I can only work so many days from home. Cabin fever and all that. Bootcamp this morning was (of course, of course) brutal. The Stonestown YMCA is going to be closed for the next week for cleaning, and there's been talk of the bootcamp folks getting together for guerilla sessions elsewhere. We'll see how that goes. 6:03pm Marta and I had lunch at her place, then I took her therapist's and I went to New People to get some work done. (Not much. A little. This is not my most productive day.) We thought about getting sushi or something since we were in Japantown anyway, but decided we needed adventure. So now we're climbing up the Filbert Steps up Telegraph Hill toward Coit Tower, which neither of us have done before. We'd actually meant to go up the Vallejo Street Stairway, but ended up here instead, and that's not bad at all. 7:04pm Having dinner at Trattoria Pinocchio with Marta. Haven't been here since Ripley's forty-first birthday in 2007. We're at practically the same table, but everything else feels different and better. 10:49pm Dropped Marta back off at her apartment and returned to the Black Light District now, alone. Not actually my night with her, see. | ||
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Thursday, 25 August 2011 (the starvation feast) 10:03am My third blog post for the weekly, about the Jerry Lewis Cinemas franchise, is up. Momentum! I like this one quite a lot, and the weekly's editors are very happy with my output so far (your stuff is really entertaining, and your writing is accessible and just smart-alecky enough), so I think this may work out. 8:12pm Just had my first actual online class lecture thingy through Elluminate. Weird. Attendance was not actually mandatory, since the session was recorded and will be made available, but it feels important to be present as often as possible for these things. | ||
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Wednesday, 24 August 2011 (the hiding sea) 11:55am No bootcamp this morning, since I stayed at Marta's place again after watching Breaking Bad with the Goldies (though we did go back to Marta's place for a while after dinner to relax and watch a couple episodes of The Larry Sanders Show . It is, however, the official first day of the Fall 2011 Semester for real, so that's something. Looks like my first major assignment will be a paper about a relevant professional association, and I'm happy to see that the Association for Moving Image Archivists is on the big list. (I also like that "moving image archivist" shortens to MIA.) So that's where I'm starting. I also just had my phone interview with the EDD about the fact that I indicated on my last UI claim form that I'd begun school. It went well, and my benefits will not be affected or reduced, especially since my my school schedule is flexible and I can accept work when it's offered to me. And I do intend to keep working as much as I can. On that note, it's been brought to my attention that McSweeney's is looking for new columnists. There's no reason not to give it a shot, but I'll be goddamned if I can think of anything to write about. | ||
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Tuesday, 23 August 2011 (that's the way) 2:03pm My second blog post for the weekly (and the first one I wrote), about Faygo and the Insane Clown Posse, is up. Not great, but there it is. 6:57pm At San Jalisco with Marta, because we're in the Mission and that's where the comfort food is. I swung by NakedSword earlier to pick up some dresses I had shipped there from Target, and as I chatted with Sister Edith, she confirmed that some of the less-cordial people we met up at Saratoga Springs a couple weeks ago are like that with everybody. That helps, some. | ||
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Monday, 22 August 2011 (two suns in the sunset) 9:21am My Agent says that Bottomfeeder (which I hadn't realized was still in circulation) is currently being read by a French publisher, one which focuses on littrature amricaine and autobiographie, transgression, autodestruction, et rdemption, which makes them sound like a perfect fit for the book. It would also be translated into French, which sounds great to me, and it would be the second work of mine to be translated into another language, since my stories in The Book of Hours are in both English and German. Not getting my hopes up too much, of course, but I'm excited all the same. 4:42pm Less exciting news from the marketing guy: work-work has indeed dried up to one article per week for the next few weeks. Which, while not at all inadequate, at least keeps in the loop until things pick back up, which he says should be in November. Here's to hoping, and to hoping that my student loan comes through sooner rather than later, because I kinda really need it now. But I'm neither panicking nor stressing about it. No point. 6:12pm Picked up Jim from The Dark Room and took him erranding. Things felt a little tense between us after I dropped out of Star Trek, but we're back to being pals again, and for that I'm very grateful. Not that we weren't ever pals, but, it's nice that we're past the unpleasantness. | ||
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Sunday, 21 August 2011 (wearing the inside out) 3:20pm At Borderlands. I did get tonight's preshow finished last night, and banged out my fourth blog entry for the weekly this morning. (The first one continues to underwhelm the world, but that's okay. These things start slow.) I've decided to submit the story that was rejected from the British erotica anthology to Topside Press, and I'm now attempting to get started on my queer bookshop story. My energy level's all wrong, though. 4:42pm Marta just joined me, which helps, but not so great is the fact that there's a distinct smell of stinky feet, probably emanating from one (or all) of the five boys sitting with us at the table. Boys, they smell funny. sometime after midnight Pretty good crowd at Bad Movie Night for Ghost Rider, not great, but enough to pay for a tank of gas. Afterward I joined Mikl-Em, Cesare and Rhiannon at Shotwell's, where I had an Eel River Acai Berry Wheat beer and a bit of brownie and a cheese tamale from the Tamale Lady, all of which felt very decadent, and I also played Liar's Dice, which I didn't care for at all but seemed like something Marta would enjoy. It's almost two in the morning. It's good to have late nights every so often, especially when I don't have to get up early the next morning. Makes me feel adventurous. | ||
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