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Wednesday, 10 May 2006 (flesh against flesh) 3:11pm Shut up, Stapp. I don't even care if you're here or not. Ryder and I watched some Twin Peaks last night. So unusual to find someone who not only remembers and watched it during the original broadcast, but still likes it. She even watched the entire second season at the time, a feat which I thought was limited to The Ex and I. She's not so fond of Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, but hey, nobody's perfect.
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Tuesday, 9 May 2006 (for free) 12:10pm Ryder left the Black Light District around eleven on Sunday morning. At half past noon, Karla picked me up and we went to the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to see the Inbal Pinto Dance Company's presentation of "Oyster", which sounds more highfalutin' than it really was. A lot of fun, though, dark and surreal and seemingly random. From there, I walked to Mr. Pam's place for her rooftop party overlooking the How Weird Street Faire, which really should have been called the Dirty Stinking Hippies Who Can't Wait For Burning Man Faire. Or maybe I'm jaded?
Ryder was there. Both of us would have been even if we hadn't stumbled across one another at Divas earlier in the week; Ryder goes farther back with Pam than I do. We determined that we've both been at Pam's parties in the past as well. San Francisco is a tiny, tiny place. Some of my coworkers were there, and a few pulled me aside, somewhat confused that the girl I appeared to be with was, in fact, not Vash. (They like Vash a lot, which is good, since I love her.) I met Ryder's wife Dusty, though I never saw her face, as she was in a costume which can be best described as "a cow and Mexican wrestler after a transporter accident." Ryder later informed me that her wife liked me a lot. Yay for good energy. Around five Dusty left for The Eagle, and shared a cab with Ryder back to their house. It's conveniently located within stumbling distance of The Dark Room, and stumble there I did around a quarter past seven to co-host Battlefield Earth for Bad Movie Night. By the grace of Muni, I finally got home around eleven, more than a little exhausted from one of those long,
gloriously San Franciscan days.
In the negative column, as we were bouncing around the 16th and Mission area buying props for my Twilight Zone episode (we had rehearsal at 10pm), I can't help feeling like I got more hostile looks than usual, including a couple of teenagers who snickered loudly, one of them saying That's A Guy! as we walked past. Already in a heightened emotional state, I did the worst thing conceivable: I talked back, saying no, it's not a guy, which of course didn't help one goddamned bit because my dumb stupid voice always gives me away, and besides, we all know that if you respond to someone who threatens or otherwise harasses you, anything which happens from that point on in is your own fault, right? We continued walking, and I listened for the sound of their feetsurely they wouldn't let such an obvious faggot talk shit to them, would they? There's a peculiar tightrope buzz that comes from the knowledge that at any moment there could be very strong, anticipated but unwelcome impact from behind, as they defend god and naturalness and heterosexuality from the mere existence of my sort. (Breeders, unite! Rise up against the oppression of diversity!) But, nothing. They wouldn't even take on an obvious sissy like me. I'll bet they the ones who take it up the ass. Rehearsal went pretty well. We're not as far along as I would like considering the show is next week, but considering the rough gestation of this little play, it could be worse. So long as more of the elements work than don't work, I'll be happy.
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Monday, 8 May 2006 (putting down the pieces) 9:18am Yep. Time to break out The Ethical Slut again. 9:52am One of the few non-annoying things about work on Friday was Tim informing me that, yes, the rumored move really will be happening, that a company re-org will be announced on Monday. He didn't say where I'd be moving to, if I'd be getting the particular desk I've been coveting, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, even if my breathing will remain the same.
Meanwhile, my other big project has been working on the company's
MySpace profile. It still needs work, but
I'm kinda proud of what I've done with it so far. Replicates the look and feel of our site
pretty well, I think. Friend us, damnit.
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Sunday, 7 May 2006 (the gift of submission) 11:22pm you look even prettier than usual. what's different about you?
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Saturday, 6 May 2006 (never had a lesson) 4:30pm Bailed early from a Tim & Roma! shoot this morning, before anyone other than Pam was there. Ever since Vash and I had drove into San Francisco a couple hours earlier, I'd been feeling dizzy. My vision was doing that weird flashing thing, and was tunneling like mad. I didn't feel physically ill, just disoriented, almost as if someone had slipped me something. I wasn't on the set for very long before I realized that attempting to hold the boom would be way too much. The possibility of me fainting was feeling too real, so I took the high road. Maybe it was a delayed reaction to yesterday's office Cinco de Mayo festivities. I had a number of deadlines, and getting called away from my desk for to the compulsory activities was not helping. I'm fundamentally lazy, but ultimately, I like getting my work done. Also not helping was the fact that the booze was bring brought out earlier than was usual for a Friday, and I could bear the thought of being around the straight people when they started to drink. (I'm a prejudicial bigot who is afflicted by intolerance.) My grumpiness was palpable to anyone who cared to palp it. I finished my work, and when Vash called at three to let me know she was leaving her office, Officer Dave was kind enough to let me do the same. Vash picked me up as I stood outside the buidling in a protracted telephonic argument, and we headed into The Beast. We misbehaved in Wonderland for while before heading into Berkeley to see Dav'id's play, first having dinner at what Vash assured me was a fairly authentic Jewish deli. I have to admire any culture which puts so much emphasis on spicy mustard, So, really, after I left work on Friday, it was a perfectly lovely evening. I don't know what was wrong with me this morning. After getting home and attempting to nap (at eleven in the morning? yeah, right) and more successfully showering, I started to feel a bit more lucid. My head now seems to be mostly back to normal. Good thing, since Ryder's coming over in a little while.
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Friday, 5 May 2006 (cease to resist) 2:10pm A world of no.
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Thursday, 4 May 2006 (not to be a stranger) 8:59am Last night, Vash and I went to the open dress rehearsal for the first weekend of The Twilight Zone. My episode isn't until the third weekend, and although I saw a few last year (and directed my own turkey in '04), it felt important to be there last night, to see what the other directors were doing this time around, to make my own project feel more real. I talked to one of the actresses I'd been kinda hoping to get for the lead in my play; she told me that she strongly considered it, but just didn't have the time. Which is totally fair. It's just nice to know that she was interested at all. Mind you, I'm very happy with Chris in the role; she's bringing a certain energy which I hadn't anticipated, and it's a nice surprise.
Vash dropped me off at the gym this morning, the first time I've been all week. I'm not proud of this. I got out of the house too late for no good reason
on Monday morning. Tuesday morning I got up at five, puttered around the apartment for a few minutes, then unceremoniously collapsed back onto
my bed for another two hours. Wednesday morning I woke up in a Tenderloin hotel (a nice hotel, by TL standards) with Ryder, whom I'd met about six hours earlier. By the time I got home, I had to turn around and go straight to work, and didn't even make it to the office until
eleven. Ironically, I parked my car Tuesday night in the the garage of a building which included a Crunch, but all my gear was at the Embarcadero location, and I didn't have a change of clothes. In any event, it was too early for that dress.
...explores the friction at the intersection of contemporary trans and queer communities. With a burgeoning transsexual community growing in tandem with a genderqueer movement, what are the issues that arise when non-trans queers share cultural space with transpeople and genderqueers? With distinctly different needs and identities, what needs to be worked out between the transsexual and genderqueer communities? Heady stuff, especially for a show which happens in a little over six weeks. Though I haven't decided for certain what I'm going to read, I'm leaning towards a story about my involvement in a photoshoot for a graphic novel from a couple years back. Although there was no small amount of controversey at the time (my fall from social grace in many eyes can be traced back to it), I don't believe that particular dead horse has received the flogging it truly deserves.
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Wednesday, 3 May 2006 (riding the dust) 8:40am have you ever felt so used up as this? 11:20am The latest episode of the The Tim & Roma Show is up. Actually, a few have gone live since I last mentioned it, but the is the first in while that I've worked on. Sorta. I was the second camera on the Roman Heart interview, but the footage I shot seems to have disappeared. On the other hand, I decorated The Pink Room for the interview, so a number of my favorite boxes are on display. Gotta make your mark however you can. 2:53pm "...since [he] wants to do more writing...really great writer...excited to bring him in....have you read [his] blog?...funny and bright and energetic..."Ambition runs dry. I tried.
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Tuesday, 2 May 2006 (maybe the next one) sometime after midnight Somtimes, it happens.
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Monday, 1 May 2006 (the prairies and the hillsides) 4:48pm Finally had my entire Twilight Zone cast on stage last night, all three of 'em. Ty and I worked with the lights for a few minutes, getting some sense of how my proposed scheme might work, and Jim has rigged an actual physical radio so he can pipe audio through it. Vash is still creating the artwork to go on the walls, but I put up blank sheets in their place so the performers would have something to work with. The pieces aren't all gathered just yet, nor are they quite fitting, but they're coming into existence and they will fit. This morning, as I was taking out my garbage (time to take out the trash!), I locked myself outside of the building. I closed the gate behind me so the neighbor's dog would make a break for it, but remembered too late that I didn't have my keys. Thankfully, the aforementioned neighbors were homeand have done it more than once themselves, so I didn't feel quite as embarrassed as I might have otherwise. Not to jinx anything, but my new neighbors might be who I'm hoping, mutual friends of mine and Vash's, one of whom is in her writing group. They've seen the place and they've met my landlords. A good start. Sunday afternoon, my gmail account received this: From: Sherilyn ConnellyFine. I goofed. Did a dorky, careless thing. I fully admit it. And I suppose I should be grateful that he's a "wicked nice guy" who isn't going to threatening the President, or whatever. (I'm aware that identity fraud is very real, but please. a-ha! someone else's email account! finally, i can tell the president what i really think of him, and someone else will take blame! the perfect crime! bwahahaha!) But was the snotty tone necessary? Especially from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're?" He probably doesn't know the difference between "lose" and "loose," either. Makes me wish I could be around for when he makes a mistake. Nah, I'm sure that never happens. Feel free to reply, I'll get it. Nice try, but, I've changed my password, so no, I don't believe you will. Nee-NER.
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