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Tuesday, 20 September 2011 (the words don't fit the picture) 9:14pm Back at home, eating take-out from King of Thai and about to watch Breaking Bad. The Goldies had to cancel due to a fever, which is apparently catching, since my landlord was originally going to working on the Black Light District's electricity tomorror morning, but had to cancel because he contracted a fever as well. (I am in no way doubting that these things are realmy own still-iffy intestines are a testament to how illness can come out of nowherebut it's just one of those weird, meaingless coincidence.) I'd thought we were going to just spend the night at Marta's, especially since I'd found an unmetered, untimed place to park which would be perfect for relocating to Dash tomorrow morning, but due to a miscommunication I hadn't comprehended that Marta wanted to go back to my place because we haven't had sex in a couple weeks now and it isn't yet comfortable doing so at her place with her roommate slash ex-boyfriend there. So we processed a bit, and there were tears, especially because she mentioned that she wasn't even entirely sure that she wanted to spend the evening with me at all since she'd been around me a lot lately and needed some alone time, and of course that's the kind of thing that still triggers the holy hell out of me five years later. So there are things to be worked through. And it's also the first Tuesday night I've spent at home in a while, which means I could theoretically go to bootcampt tomorrow morning, but I probably won't. | ||
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Monday, 19 September 2011 (family bible) 12:33pm Got 97/100 on my Association Review. Not a bad way to start my school career. I went to the Apple Store this morning and bought an iPad. It's a big scary, big investment (one that I paid for with my debit card rather than my credit card to make sure the pain was genuine). but I'm finding I can't do everything from my laptop, or even my laptop and desktop I need that "reading from a book" feeling, and for everything to not be on one screen. As I say, it's an investment, one which is going to guarantee I complete this program. Low is playing at the Great American Music Hall tonight. Davina and Mouse will be sitting with Marta and I, if all goes well. sometime after midnight They did, and it was a great show. Marta and I even got to hear "Nothing But Heart" twice, once while we were in line outside during the soundcheck and again in the show itself, and the encore included "The Last Snowstorm of the Year." Bliss. Bliss doesn't last. I know that much. That's one of the things I love about Low: their music exists in that moment where the bliss gets replaced by something darker. | ||
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Sunday, 18 September 2011 (summer of roses) 5:13pm Back home. We broke down the camp and headed out a bit earlier than I expected, then Marta and I had brunch with Jonco and Heather in Oroville, and we headed straight back to the Black Light District. First Sunday in a while that I haven't been at Borderlands, but there are things that need to be done here. 11:51pm So-so turnout at Bad Movie Night for Battle of Los Angeles, which is to be expected for one of the most seriously obscure movies we've ever done. But we had fun, and, as always, that's what matters most. I got laid off from CNET ten years ago today. | ||
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Saturday, 17 September 2011 (once more with feeling) someday after midnight It's been a good, mellow day and two nights camping at Lake Oroville with Jonco and Heather and their friends. This was the right place for us to be right now. Next time. I'll be ready when the next Fox Hunt comes around. Just need to regroup my head a little. | ||
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Friday, 16 September 2011 (falling down the mountain) 5:11pm Driving north to the campground. It's taking a bit longer than we'd expected, but these things always do. | ||
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Thursday, 15 September 2011 (one x one) 9:42am Woke up with unhappy insides that decided not to digest most of the food I ate last night (a lot of it spinach). I went to the gym anyway and did some heavy processing with Rita as we tried out some new crosstrainer-y machines. It was about how I've feeling ignored and unwanted and easy to hate lately, and she went into total shrink modeit's what she does for a livingand she even apologized toward the end for having bad boundaries. But I really needed it, and helped me to put things in perspective. (have you considered the possibility that all these people who don't respond are just flakes?) It was all with my heart rate hovering in the early 160s, which is how every therapy session should be conducted. You can't not be honest. 11:31am The marketing guy announced that company wants to start doing using a thing called Google Author Tag Markup, which would involve printing information about each writer, with a headshot and all. I politely asked if I could opt out, and he said it was no problem, that it's not mandatory. Whew. Apparently I'm image-conscious. sometime after midnight Went to the Pete and Sarah's tonight to watch Kiss Me Deadly on Blu-ray with them. That's as good an excuse as any to | ||
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Wednesday, 14 September 2011 (red red sun) 9:14am Marta and I watched Breaking Bad with the Goldies last night, then spent the night at her place. Home now. Work will be accomplished. 1:17pm The first Landing on Water rejection. Thanks so much for the opportunity to consider this memoir. I find the topic fascinating, and I was really interested in discovering how Sherilyn navigated her transition from male to female and how she dealt with rediscovering herself after years of hiding her true self. But unfortunately I didn’t love the execution—I’m concerned that Sherilyn focuses so much on the daily drama of her love life that the narrative feels a bit insular and lacks the “big picture” story that can relate to a wide audience. I’m sorry that LANDING ON WATER isn’t right for us, but thanks again for thinking of us and I wish you the best of luck with it.And so it begins. | ||
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Tuesday, 13 September 2011 (same direction) 8:31am Spun again this morning. Rita was a bit more talkative, which was nice. 12:14pm Okay, I'm declaring this paper done and ready to submit. There are certain formatting things I'm not certain about, especially as regards to citing in the APA style, but we were not given a proper example to work from (in spite of many of us asking), so I did the best I ccan. 2:09pm Another blog post for the weekly, this time about a TV Carnage mixtape. I write about what I know. 6:49pm Having dinner with Marta at Pasquale's. Ordered a (vegetarian) lasagna, because I'm still feeling somewhat defeatist. Why is indulgence no longer satisfying? | ||
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Monday, 12 September 2011 (i send a message) 7:42am Just got back from spin class. I've decided not to hide behind the "But I'm out late!" excuse for not going to the gym on Monday mornings. We'll see how long this lasts. Rita was there, though we didn't talk much. I'm not sure she ever entirely woke up. Today, I work on my Association Review paper (a review of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, to be precise). I thought it was due on Friday, but it's actually due tomorrow. I'm glad I noticed that when i did. 11:23pm A new blog post of mine is up on the weekly, this time about Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock and Roll. I do love Christian scare films. 5:14pm Perdita is now free of flea-bite bumps. I'm the best kittymom ever! (Ignoring that I let it happen in the first place.) | ||
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Sunday, 11 September 2011 (johnson's aeroplane) 4:01pm We left Bolinas around one after lunch, I dropped Marta back off at her place, and now I'm at Borderlands Cafe. It's been rearranged. I don't care for it, but it is what it. 11:23pm Great turnout at Bad Movie Night for Titanic II. Who knew? | ||
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