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Thursday, 20 October 2011 (one of my turns) 9:32am More book rejections. Moving on. 11:44am Marta and I came back to the Black Light District last night, and I took her to the bus stop this morning. Now, to try to get more work done. My head and neck are feeling a lot better. The pain is mostly all gone, except for some stiffness. Probably won't be back to the gym until next week, though, plus I'm canceling plans we had to hang out with some new friends tomorrow night. I hate being a flake, and I've been doing a lot of it lately. Marta just brought to my attention an archiving-oriented talk being given at the Mina Dresden Gallery tonight. It's related to what I'm doing in school, so I should go. So I'm going to go, damnit. 6:29pm At the thing. Gods, everybody here looks so much smarter than me. To my credit, I have the most interesting hair, and I'm almost certain nobody else has a tail. Yep, I'm going far in this world. 9:13pm Very interesting talk, and I'm going to post the copious notes I took to the discussion forums for my class, because I'm a student and that's what I do. There were two earthquakes today. One was a slight nudge, which I felt, and the later, bigger one I did not feel because I was in Phoebe. sometime after midnight All I can say is, i gave her that pony. Not that it matters. | ||
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Wednesday, 19 October 2011 (absolutely curtains) 7:37am I was in bed by half past eight last night, and slept for ten hours. Good stuff, that cyclobenzaprine. (Of course, it helps that i was just plain exhausted from a long day where a great deal of effort went into just keeping my shit together.) I'm feeling somewhat better, and while today should probably be another full-rest day, I will instead just take the naproxen and get caught up on the work I've had to neglect these last two days. 2:54pm Work has been accomplished, but now I'm heading to Marta's. I really need to get out of here. | ||
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Tuesday, 18 October 2011 (speak to me) 8:34am The teevee in the San Francisco General Hospital Urgent Care waiting room is showing Beetlejuice, specifically one of the waiting room scenes. That's irony, or something. It took about five minutes for me to get my intake interview (my numbers was 98, they were currently serving 94). How long it'll take to actually be treated is a different matter. 11:58am About three and a half hours, apparently. I was surrounded in the waiting room by people loudly complaining about how much it sucked that they had to wait. Yeah, well, that's how it goes. 11:58am The short version, as near as I can tell, is trapezius straincarrying too much weight in one place. (There's a long version, but I can't read her handwriting, especially on the carbon.) Not the weight on my body, but in my purse and such. Also, when she asked about any sort of strenous physical activity I'd done lately and I told her about some of the things we did in bootcamp, I told her, and she was all oh, yes. that would absolutely do it. Okay, then. Now I know. And, of course, working at a computer all day long never helps, either. Now I get to spend the rest of the afternoon at the Pharmacy to get my prescriptions of naproxen and cyclobenzaprine. The latter is apparently drowsy-making, so that pretty much does away with any plans I might have had tonight, both in the form of a Google Hangout meeting with some classmates to work on our Group Project, as well as going to the Pete and Sarah's to watch a movie. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be asleep long before any of that happens. 1:37pm A friend who works at the hospital just brought me water and a tuna sammich. I'm seriously touched by this. 5:19pm They finally called my name around four, though I had to wait in an extremely grumpy line for another hour, where a mixup behind the scenes (and a clerk taking pity on me) resulted in me getting my prescriptions for free. Between that and the sammich, the universe is being nice, which I appreciate. Still: so, so much pain. Now that I'm out of the hospital on the way home, the adrenalin is starting to subside, and the pain is kicking back in. Fun. Took a naproxen for the drive home, and once I'm there I'll take the cyclobenzaprine, and hopefully I'll conk out shortly thereafter. | ||
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Monday, 17 October 2011 (free four) 8:10am I'm still in a great deal of pain, and I can barely turn my neck to the left or right without causing more pain. I've been taking the ibuprofen that I have left over from my bout with maybe-strep earlier this year, but it's not doing much good. Unless this starts to go away today, I'm going to have to go to the SFGH Urgent Care clinic tomorrow. Driving there sounds a little dangerous, but I'm going to have to leave the house eventually for food. On the plus side, my latest post for the weekly (about the 1983 CBS Saturday Morning Preview Special, which I distinctly remember watching) is up. So that's cool. 6:38am Made it to the produce market and back. I was mostly on autopilot, and the "getting dressed and leaving the house" adrenalin kicked in gave me a wave to ride. Hopefully it'll be there tomorrow morning when I go to the hospital. | ||
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Sunday, 16 October 2011 (high time, cymbaline) 7:20pm Lunch at the Irving Street Cafe, and then Life at the Morrison Planetarium in the California Academy of Sciences (which Marta is a member of), as well as watching the penguin feeding. Marta went back home after that, and I went into the Mission, after first stopping at a housewares store to buy a Roomba. Every vacuum I've ever bought has broken down within a year or so, and we've been hearing good things from our friends with Roombas, so I decided it was worth a shot. Doesn't cost much more than a decent vacuum, not that I really know what a decent vacuum is, since I've never owned one. I just want to be able keep my floors clean. Being a grownup and all. Ugh. My head is starting to hurt. I don't care for that at all. 9:21pm My head is now pounding. I've been hydrating, but apparently not enough. This is really bad, similar to but not quite as gnarly to my old squid headaches. I'm able to keep up with my hosting duties at Bad Movie Night right nowI'm a professional, yo, not like the night in 2007 when I had to abandon my postbut this still really sucks. 11:13pm I made it home, but just barely. Now it's my neck and my head, but just the right side of both. (Roughly analogous to the parts of Gus Fring's head that experienced trauma, and spoiler if you haven't watched the fourth season of Breaking Bad yet.) I hope it goes away overnight, but I'm definitely not going to the gym tomorrow, that's for sure. | ||
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Saturday, 15 October 2011 (goodbye blue sky) 12:49pm Marta and I had lunch at La Playa Taqueria, and are now at one of the restored windmills in Golden Gate Park. It's moving and everything. Very neat. 8:32pm At Davina and Mouse's place to watch some Herschell Gordon Lewis movies with friends. Davina has a cold, which is a shame. | ||
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Friday, 14 October 2011 (mudmen) 8:14am Bootcamp this morning was brutal (of course it was, because that's the only word I can ever think of for it), and as I was worried might happen, the fact that one of the regular instructorsthe guy who seems to do Fridays, anyway, which are the only mornings I've been attending these past few monthsis a jock boy has been attracting other boys to the class. Younger boys, too, in their twenties, whereas the boys who attend on a regular basis otherwise tend to be in their fifties or older and not quite so testosterone-poisoned. One of the younger boys, while we were doing planks on medicine balls, made a joke about how he was "sweating on his ball," and his tone was so ha ha i made a funny!, it was more off-putting for his belief in his own cleverness than anything else. I don't know, I'm just not feeling comfortable in that class anymore. I might start spinning or doing something else on Fridays. 9:57am Got a 99/100 on my Journal Review. I may not flunk out after all. 2:13pm My UI claim doesn't appear to be affected. Hooray for small freakin' miracles. | ||
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Thursday, 13 October 2011 (a selection of errors) 9:11am I didn't see Rita anywhere at the gym this morning, so I took the spin class instead. She eventually did show up, but just for few moments to talk to somebody else. I tried not to be too hurt by that, but I'm me, so it's tough. As I was leaving, however, the woman behind the desk said that Rita had in fact asked about me, but didn't want to interrupt me in spin class and wanted me to go talk to her right now in the weight room. Yay! I did, and we agreed to meet together next Thursday morning so I could bring her up to speed on all the recent developments. Whew. That was close. 4:21pm I've been asked by the weekly to do an interview with some guys who wrote a book on horror hosts. My backslide into journalism continues! Also, I can't help but notice that straight people, or at least the straight media, has been giving me more work and opportunities than the queer media. Just one of those things. | ||
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Wednesday, 12 October 2011 (this flower is scorched) 10:09am At Dash, in my favorite corner out of the sun and with a power outlet. I don't expect to be home until late-ish tonight, since I'm officially on the schedule for the Occupy SF: Art and Performance Series tonight. That'll be interesting, at the very least, and it's also far enough away from the actual protests that the chances of getting arrested are remote at best. 2:35pm Unexpected Davina visit! She was in the neighborhood after dropping her son back off at school following a field trip, and she co-worked with me for a while. It was nice to see her, even though we spent the majority of our time on our various electronic gadgetry. 6:56pm Marta and I are having dinner at Cafe Zoetrope, just a few blocks away from the Occupy SF thingy tonight. We've already been giving plenty of tourists their yep, this is san francisco all right! moment as we've walked around North Beach, and as we sat down a balding fellow a few tables awaythe only other person in the roomwas not trying to hide the fact that he was staring at us. So I looked at him and smiled and nodded, and he said to Marta: you lose at the hair contest! It took us a moment to figure out what the hell he meant by that, which was that my hair with its squid and multihued bangs was much more colorful than Marta's, which is brown with blue highlights. I pointed out to him, as kindly as I could, that in this particular room may be the runner-up, but that she certainly didn't come in last in the hair contest. He agreed, and after assuring me that he likes my hair (because I needed that reassuring from him), left us alone. Meanwhile, I'm brainstorming ideas for my research paper. You never can tell where your brain is going to start storming, and this is as good a place as any. 10:17pm Back home now, after dropping Marta off at her place. The show went really well. There wasn't much of a crowd, but whatever. It was outdoors at a park on the Embarcadero on relatively warm night with a fullish moon flanked by Jupiter overhead, and it doesn't get much better than that. As planned, I read Bob Dylan's "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie," which was perfect (the piece, not my over-amped and occasionally slurred performance) and well-received, and I think I also scored points with the organizer of the event due to the fact that I was reliable and showed up and did my thing. Apparently some of the other people who'd agreed to participate didn't take their commitment quite so seriously. I may not be a Name, but I deliver the goods, and that's valuable, too. | ||
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Tuesday, 11 October 2011 (nobody can sing the blues like blind willie mctell) 9:49am Many more people in spin class this morning. Rita was not in the class, though she stopped by to talk to someone else. The EDD is supposed to call between ten and noon. I am so ready to get this over with. 12:37pm That went well, I think. I'm definitely not in any kind of legal trouble, which is important. The EDD person was super-nice and helpful (which they've always been, thank goodness), turns out the major problem was that I'd been actually listing the companies I've been working part time for on my claim form, when in fact since I'm an independent contractor, I should just put "Self-employed." Did not know that. But somehow (and I'm a little fuzzy on this one) it resulted in me getting perhaps a larger claim this time around than I might have otherwise, so there's a good chance it'll be reduced or taken away entirely. The EDD person wasn't sure what would happen, but sounded fairly confident that I'll continue to get something. She asked me about my NakedSword, which of course the source of the original claim, which I think is a good sign. I'll find out in the next few days either way. As I say, the worst that'll happen is that the claim will end entirely. Which will suck hard, but it could be worse, and I'm refusing to stress about it further. No point. Never is. 7:13pm Having pre-Breaking Bad sushi at Kiki with Marta. | ||
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