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Monday, 10 October 2011 (slipping the reins) 11:22am Went to spin class this morning. There were only four other people there, oddly enough. Guess I'm not the only one who tends to give Mondays a miss. 12:01pm Had dinner with the friend who didn't want to see me last month. (At Spices! II, of course.) We've patched things up, or at least made good progress toward doing so. I'm happy with how it went, anyway. | ||
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Sunday, 9 October 2011 (a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler) 12:01pm At Dash. The paper is finished! It's going to need another draft, or at least an editing pass, but I'm proud just the same, since it's not due until Tuesday. | ||
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Saturday, 8 October 2011 (power and greed and corruptible seed) 7:14pm Marta and I had dinner at Udupi Palace. We started out at Aslam's Rasoi, but left before we ordered because it was way too loud for our nerves. We're now at the Latin American Club to see a friend of hers read in Litquake. It's very loud and crowded here, too, and we're standing. sometime after midnight We'd been thinking about going to Frolic since we haven't been in forever and had Frolic Powder at the ready, but between the fact that none of our friends were going to be there and the general trickiness of our own moods combined with the fact that I intend to be at Dash by half past eight Sunday morning to spend the day finishing my Journal Review, we decided to just go back to Marta's place and do the Powder here. We haven't done it alone for a while, and that's often my favorite way, so we can get into extreme cuddling. Whatever else went wrong at the second party at Edie's, it being a death knell in my relationship with Ennui as well as Nastassja's meltdown (which, remarkably, had nothing whatsoever to do with me), I still have fond memories of my couch time with Nina and Morgana and Alison and very much want to do that kind of thing again, the reciprocation of people who are rolling on the same level. But Marta's not on the same level even though she took as much as me, and though we got in some nekkid full-body cuddling, she's asleepshe hasn't really been truly awake or engaged since we got hereand I'm riding out the MDMA on my own. Not how I planned it or would ever want to do it, but it's how it is right now. | ||
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Friday, 7 October 2011 (where many martyrs fell) 1:11pm Unthology No. 1, which for some reason includes my story "The Last Dog and Pony Show," is now available through iTunes. Available for pre-order, anyway, which is still pretty cool. Not so cool is the fact that I burned my left hand. My own damn fault, I forgot that a pan I was using had a metal handle and thus required an oven mitt (the other pot I was cooking with had a rubber handle, thus lulling me into a false sense of security) and so I put bare skin to hot metal. Not pleasant. I think it's just first degree, I held it under cool running water and put a gauze bandage on it, but still, ouch. And, duh. Not the first left hand trauma this week, either, as I cut it on Monday. I am nothing if not ungraceful. It's not really conducive to the whole "finish the paper" thing, since I'm finding it difficut to concentrate what with my hand hurting being all gross and hurty. The fact that Marta wants me to come home sooner rather than later isn't helping, either. 6:12pm The drive back to San Francisco was relatively painless, since it was against the commute and my hand isn't hurting quite so much. (I'd also forgotten how badass medical tape wrapped around a hand looks.) I picked up Marta, and now we're back at the Black Light District, where Perdita is more or less happy to see me. There's also plenty of mail, including the latest issue of make/shift with my review of Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States (fun read, that) and a letter from the EDD saying they want to talk to me on the phone again, this time because they're confused about who my former employer is. I didn't do anything wrong or lie at any point, so I'm not worried about getting into legal trouble, but it's all still very annoying. And I have a sneaking suspicion it may result in my latest extension being cut off, which would suck, but it has been over two and a half years now. | ||
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Thursday, 6 October 2011 (the arrow on the doorpost) 10:51am No run-jog-walking this morning. Rain and all. Never did get that thunderstorm last night, sadly. My former editor at the weekly is putting together a performance series to take place at OccupySF. She asked me to perform, but then was perplexed when I said yes, explaining that she'd meant it as a joke. (It was a Facebook tagging thing, where while she was tagging people to ask them to participate, she'd only included me to see what I would say as a reply, and she did not expect it to be "yes".) I knew my stock in this town as a performer was low, and even at my peak in the mid-2000s I was never a name guaranteed to bring people in, but I didn't realize it was that low. Anyway, I'm probably going to do it (I haven't read "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie" aloud in a very long time) unless I slip through the cracks as they continue the planning, which has been known to happen. 3:03pm Today's my big "work on the Journal Review" day, and so far it's going quite well. My intention to is to finish it tomorrow before I return to San Francisco. 10:32pm It's a Three Cat Night! | ||
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Wednesday, 5 October 2011 (threedifferentones) 12:27pm That was quickthe entry I wrote yesterday, about the documentary Sex, Death & Eyeliner, has already gone live. Usually it takes a least a few days, or weeks. I guess the editors like the fact that it concerns San Francisco, and thus is borderline relevant to the blog. 5:37pm Left the house on a Trader Joe's run, and am now back where it's safe. There's supposed to be a thunderstorm this evening, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that. There's also a class lecture this evening. I went run-jog-walking around the neighborhood yesterday morning and today. Maybe tomorrow, too. I'd thought about exploring the local YMCA, but it's probably a million miles away. Everything is. Marta's going to be checking in on Perdita today. I didn't bring Perdita along for the same reason I don't bring her along on Thanksgiving: there are already five cats here, and cats which are not nice to outsiders. That's way too much stress for her. Anyway, Marta's going to be spending the night at my place, which makes me happy, even though I'm not there. I suspect part of it is to get a little away-time from her mother (who, quite coincidentally, is visiting the same week that I'm out of town), but I appreciate it all the same. | ||
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Tuesday, 4 October 2011 (bucking the steel breeze) 9:51am Not going anywhere today. I've got nowhere to go. I asked a couple friends who live out here if they want to get together for dinner or something, but I haven't heard back. So. 8:31pm Very excited about the blog post for the weekly I just finished writing. Of course, I'm excited when I finish writing anything. | ||
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Monday, 3 October 2011 (a legend or a martyr) 1:46pm Arrived in decent time, much faster than the drive to Sacramento usually takes. Ah, the comforting familiarity of Whole Foods in an unfamiliar town, though I've been to this one a couple times before. It seems smaller now, for some reason. The cute hipster girl who was my clerk said my hair reminded her of Burning Man. Twice in as many days, though of course I found it sexy coming from her, as opposed to annoying from the Bro yesterday. | ||
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Sunday, 2 October 2011 (the cross fire of childhood and stardom) 1:04pm If the neighborhood was infested with Bros last night, and it really was, then it's even worse right now. We're at the Crepevine (I wonder if Ripley still does her Sunday brunch ritual at the one in the Castro? I intend to not find out) which is just barely tolerable in terms of the number of loud people and Bros taking up space. One of them sat down at the table next to us and started talking at me, mostly about how he "judged" me (his words) to be a Burner because of my hair. That's what I get for having hair like this, I guess. Thankfully, they moved to another table after a few minutes. Hooray for small miracles. 11:12pm Lousy turnout at Bad Movie Night. I blame both Hardly Strictly Bluegrass and the Castro Street Fair. They're as good as anything to blame. Heading to Sacramento tomorrow to housesit. And catsitting, even more importantly. | ||
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Saturday, 1 October 2011 (random precision) 9:24pm Marta and I are at Yancy's Saloon. We were hoping (well, I was hoping) to find a place in her neighborhood to dance, but no such luck. The only real contender, Blackthorne Tavern, is a showing a soccer game, as is Yancy's an everywhere else. And like everywhere else it's very loud and crowded and there's a lot of bleedthrough from Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Not that I would be welcome at them, but I want to go to the kinds of bars that Willie Nelson used to write about. This place beats leaving the neighborhood and having to deal with the rest of the City, I suppose. And it's as good a place as any to scheme. | ||
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