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Thursday, 30 June 2011 (lie down in darkness) 7:12pm I've been walking funny today, mostly because of all the lunges and squats and stuff we did in bootcamp yesterday. Which is the goddamned point, of course. I worked out again this morning on the treadmills with Rita, all of which makes me feel perfectly okay about the cheese-and-refried-bean-heavy dinner we're currently enjoying at El Michoacano in Los Banos. What the hell, we're on vacation. There's even refried beans with the chips and salsa! Very classy. Tapatio hot sauce, too. | ||
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Wednesday, 29 June 2011 (rocketing down) 8:51am I did make it to the gym this morning for bootcamp. It was a substitute, inasmuch as the word "substitute" can be applied when the person they're substituting is never coming back. Replacement, maybe, especially since so far as I know this person isn't going to be the new permanaent instructor, and I won't be there on Friday, so it doesn't matter much to me at the moment. She certainly didn't work us as hard as our original instructor, but few people would. 6:02pm Okay. I've gotten as much work-work done as I'm going to this week and therefore this month, as well as fair amount of personal stuff, including the preshow DVD for Bad Movie Night this Sunday (which I'll be dropping off at The Dark Room before leaving town tomorrow). My paycheck for June's going to be half of what I made in May, but I kinda knew May was a fluke in that regard. I expect July will even things out. | ||
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Tuesday, 28 June 2011 (the low hum) 8:24am Though I think I'm ready to go back to the gymand, more importantly, I really want to, meaning I've gone sedentary yet, thank goodnessI didn't go this morning, since I had to drop Phoebe off at the mechanic at half past seven. Marta came with me and then walked back to the Black Light District, and will be heading out on her own a little later to go to work. It's started to rain, so hopefully it won't last too long. (We need rain, of course, but it's all about my convenience.) 1:39pm Yeah, no such luck for Marta or myself. I had to walk the twenty minutes in the rain to get to the mechanic's, which, really, isn't so bad at all. While I was out I dropped off the keys to my apartment in Collette's mailslot so she check in on Perdita while I'm gone. And, best of all, my landlord recently fixed my front door lock, which has been well-nigh impossible to use for the past several months. Hooray for that. | ||
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Monday, 27 June 2011 (sevastopol) 9:03am Okay, back on the horse. I missed a lot of work-work time last week, and I have a dozen other bits of personal work to get caught up on before Marta and I leave for Fresno on Thursday. So. Productivity and stuff, at least until I leave this evening to having dinner with Ilene and Marta tonight. 1:26pm Just noticed that Bad Movie Night made it into yesterday's SFist Tonight! (I'm usually a day behind on these things.) 8:31pm That went well, I think. We had dinner with Ilene at Osakaya, which I think that Marta and I can reasonably call our favorite restaurant in Japantown. I don't know if anything's changed as such, but it doesn't matter right now, either. We'll see how things go at the next Frolic. | ||
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Sunday, 26 June 2011 (being the one) 3:22pm At Borderlands with Marta, working. It's nicely empty today. Pride Sunday probably has something to do with that, especially since they're closing at four o'clock to do what I'm assuming are their own Pride-related activities. 11:31pm Pretty good turnout at Bad Movie Night for The Spirit. Not great, but better than it's been for the past couple weeks. Also, the new roommate at The Dark Room apparently hosted a similar show back at Princeton (!) and is interested in being on mic sometime, which was cool. I wasn't actually hosting tonight, but I sat next to Daisy, who was. | ||
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Saturday, 25 June 2011 (the broken places) 4:03pm Officially doing much, much better. My throat doesn't hurt when I swallow (or spit, har-de-har), and I've been mildly productive. And as well I should be, since I haven't left the house since I got home from the hospital on Thursday. Marta invited me to join her in Dolores Park for Pink Saturday, but I'm cutting my losses and just meeting her in the Richmond for dinner later before we go to Davina and Mouse's house. And before that I need to hit Walgreens to get a new toothbrush, because I haven't brushed my teeth in over forty-eight hours and they're feeling spectaularly grody right now. sometime after midnight It's just as well that I didn't try to meet up with Marta in Dolores Park, as it was pretty much exactly the kind of clusterfuck that it is every year (and that's great if that's your thing, but it isn't mine so much anymore), nor was she able to easily get out of it and into the Richmond since the Muni was predictably overwhelmed. We wound up getting food to go from one of the restaurants near Davina and Mouse's place and eating at their dining room table, which was just as well, all things considered. It was Roughie Night II: Doris Wishman Be Not Proud, Bad Girls Go To Hell and Let Me Die A Woman and as many Doris Wishman trailers and related ephemera as I could squeeze into three and a half hours. Not a lot of people showed upit was me and Marta and Davina on the couch, and Ilene and Porter and Mouse and Liam (with the kids, but sans Daisy, who's been ill and stayed home to rest up for hosting Bad Movie Night tomorrow) on the floorbut that's okay. We still had fun, and it's Pink Saturday, after all. | ||
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Friday, 24 June 2011 (freshly blackened eyes) 8:44am Doing better. I slept more soundly than I have the last couple of nights, and while my throat still hurts, my temperature has dropped back down to normalish I'm not as achey or feverish as I was before. I stil don't know how productive I'm going to beand work is backing up in bad wayplus I'm under orders from my mother to rest. So. | ||
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Thursday, 23 June 2011 (compounding the drudgery) 11:13am I did leave the house yesterday, to pick up Marta from the bus stop on Sloat, and again this morning to take her to work (well, half the way to work) and myself to the San Francisco General Hospital Urgent Care Center. Surpisingly, it's not quite as despair-y as the Pharmacy, possibly because everybody's sitting down and there's a television showing what appears to be a sidewalk-bought camcorder bootleg of last year's Karate Kid remake. I've been triaged, and am now waiting to actually see a doctor. And it occurs to me that if they write me a prescription for antibioticswhich I'm hoping they do because I want to get healthy again as soon as possible, certainly by Saturday evening, when I have a couch-date with Marta and Davinathen I'll have to deal with the Pharmacy after all. Alas. 1:01pm Just got poked and prodded and had samples taken from my throat. The doctor asked me if I've ever had strep, and also (disclaiming with i hope it's okay if i ask you a personal question) if I engage in oral sex, and since I do, even though it's just with a single, disease-free girl with whom I've been fluid-bonded for the past two years, the doctor is still going to check me for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Fine by me, since I never decline a VD test. (Though Marta is free from any sort of sexually transmitted disease, as previously mentioned, it would be more than a little ironic if she gave me, like, a cold or something, since she was paranoid to the point of crankiness about me making her sick this morning.) In the meantime, I'm getting a prescription for penicillin and ibuprofen. To the Pharmacy I go. 4:34pm There. I got my drugs, and I can leave now. I was already expecting this process to take all day, but wow. I'm so entitled! 6:51pm Gods, I'm so glad to be back home. I'm feeling better overall right now than I was twenty-four hours ago, but I don't know how much of that its because my body got into "Okay, we're out in the world have to function" mode. Adrenalin and all. | ||
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Wednesday, 22 June 2011 (projecting polite disinterest) 7:35am My throat hurts badly when I swallow, and my whole body is achey. I don't think I'm getting much work done today. 11:37am My Agent likes the latest chapters of Landing on Water. I'm glad, because I was unsure about them myself. 2:34pm I've spent most of the day attempting to nap, and I can now add chills to the menu, and a thermometer reading which I'm pretty sure is higher than it ought to be. Marta's coming over tonight as usual, though I won't be picking her up from the Mission or West Portal. I'm not convinced I can leave the house, quite frankly. | ||
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Tuesday, 21 June 2011 (failed vision) 8:53am Worked out this morning with Rita, did some food erranding, and now I get some work-work done. The pay rate is not so good this time around, and I feel like I'm getting jerked around a little, but, well, that's the life of the independently contracted hack. 1:48pm My throat's beginning to hurt. Never a good sign. 3:50pm Slammed out two articles, and am now doing some quick edits to the latest draft of Landing on Water before shuffling it off to My Agent, and then I have some other chores to accomplish before heading off to the bootcamp instructuctor's potluck. I'd really like to just keep working on the book, but as always, I feel most energized to work when I have no frakkin' time. 9:33pm The woman who always studiously ignores me and refuses to acknowledge my presence at the gym also did so tonight at the potluck when I tried to talk to her, so now I know. I also now know that I'm getting sick, as my throat is hurting a lot more, and I have the bootcamp instructor's blessing to not to be in her final class tomorrow morning. She could tell I'm not well, saying that I'm not as bouncy and extroverted as usual. She would know, I suppose. | ||
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