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Monday, 31 May 2010 (the blunt part) 11:21am Had my appointment with Damiel with this morning. We did the crunches and stuff that I haven't since the last time I attended Damiel's abs class, whenever that was. It's among the many horses I need to get back onto. He also showed me and another girl a whole new set of weight exercises, most of which involving core and balance stuff. They reminded me a lot of what I used to do with Raphaela, and I picked up on the form a lot of quicker than I might have otherwise. I'll most likely never get to work with Raphaela again, certainly not the way we did before, but I think this can have the same effect on me, get me back to where I was before. This is the only way it works. Being Memorial Day and all, the office is closed. I never really appreciate days off, especially now that I'm paid hourly. It throws off my whole week. But it means writing will get done, oh yes it will. | ||
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Sunday, 30 May 2010 (movement of the strands) 11:41pm Marta and I had dinner at Sushi Time last night, then returned to the Black Light District and did Ecstasy and listened to Portishead and Coil and talked (the truth serum in full effect on me, saying things which I've been afraid to say before) and snorgled for hours. It was wonderful, the best and most hopeful one-year anniversary I've had a in a long time. We got out of the house in time to have a very late brunch at Sun Rise with Orin and Lynae, and then hung out at their place for a while. Marta returned home before Bad Movie Night (Seven Pounds, as is her wont. But that was okay, becuase we'd had a perfect night and day together. | ||
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Saturday, 29 May 2010 (in no particular rush) 9:46am Back from the gym, weights and treadmilling. I also made an appointment with Damiel for this Monday morning to upgrade my workout. Though they're still here, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my upstairs neighbors are going to take advantage of this three-day weekend. It would be really nice to not have to worry about noise levels tonight, since Marta and I are going to be celebrating our one-year anniversary. We've also bought tickets to go to Las Vegas in July. We got an absurdly good deal on both the flight and a room at The Luxor, which makes me especially excited. I've always wanted to stay there, since it's all goth and stuff. Sadly, The Neon Museum won't be open while we're there, but The Liberace Museum will be, much to my delight and Marta's chagrin. (She's scared of it, and reasonably so.) And The Pinball Hall of Fame, too. And it's just going to be nice to get out of San Francsico for a few days and not end up in Fresno, where we'll be going in August or September anyway. Having oatmeal for breakfast. Because I'm healthy like that. sometime after midnight Ennui once referred to Ecstasy as "truth serum," and that's as accurate as ever with me. | ||
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Friday, 28 May 2010 (preening in the mirror) 8:23am Up at four (well, a quarter past four), at the gym by a little past five after stopping to the admire the predawn full moon setting over the ocean, and done there by half past six. Weights then treadmilling. We'll see how my muscles feel for the rest of the day regarding the weights, but I'm not too worried. I also made an appointment with Damile for this Monday morning to work on my weight regimen. I feel terribly prodigal, but he's been really sweet about it. Meanwhile, I've emailed and texted Raphaela, but haven't heard back. I'm mostly just curious where she is these days. The website for her other gym implies she's still there, but I'm not so convinced. | ||
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Thursday, 27 May 2010 (god bless the darkness of the night) 7:46pm Got the squid three years ago today. To celebrate, I got Hot Spicy Squid for dinner from a nearby Chinese restaurant. It wasn't very good, but it was worth a shot. Went to the gym this morning. I had to drop off Marta at her office firstwe had reason to believe today would be stormy, which really didn't happen at alland while I could have made it to Figurski's class in time, I really wanted to do weights before my cardio, because according to him that's how you burn fat, and burning fat is what I really need to do. So, weights and then an hour or so on the treadmill. I've done this before, and I can do it again. I at least need to get the shiny pants to fit again, since Marta likes me in them, but I have been able to wear them since we got together because my waistline has been steadily expanding since then. And my face, too ,judging from this video of my Instant City reading this past Monday. I'd honestly I had no idea at the time that it was being so thoroughly documented, in spite of the fact that whoever shot the video was practically up my nose. I was perhaps also a little distracted by how the audience wasn't laughing at any of the jokes in my intro banter. I'm the first to admit they weren't especially funny, but I was hoping to get at least one lone chuckly out of "Bottomfeeder Expanded Universe." Nothin'. Oh well. I'm still glad I got to do it, and it's good to work with a less-than-receptive crowd on a regular basis. Keeps me grounded. | ||
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Wednesday, 26 May 2010 (sealed the deal) 1:33pm At the gym by five again, but not for weighting. There's an actual five o'clock spin class on Wednesdays (as opposed to the rest of the week when it's at six), and besides, you're not supposed to do weights two days in a row. Though I'm tempted sometimes. | ||
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Tuesday, 25 May 2010 (the bit about hallucination) 10:20am Another Bottomfeeder rejection via my Agent, this time from an editor that I had a really good feeling about. And they seemed to love the book, actually, but as usual, they have no idea how to market it. Which I understand. I don't know how to market myself, either. On the plus side, I woke up at four and was at the gym by five for an hour of weights before Cally's spin class. The gym opens at five, and the first people to arrive are almost all older than me by a decade or so, which means I have no excuse. Sometimes I think back to when I used to get up at quarter to four every day of the week in order to get to Autodesk by six, and tell myself that I was able to do that because I was in my twenties. But that's a lame excuse, as are all my excuses. | ||
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Monday, 24 May 2010 ( ) 5:13pm I did make it to Cally's class. And now, to watch the Lost finale and continue filing. It's a full life. | ||
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Sunday, 23 May 2010 (a high percentage) 3:12pm Marta and I had dinner at Udupi Palace last night, then went to a bit lit event at the Make Out Room. I felt uncomfortable there, as I frequently do at these events lately. I'm not sure why, beyond the fact that there's inevitably people there whom I don't particularly want to see. That happens a lot. On the plus side, it meants I got to spend more time with Marta than I usually would otherwise. (Granted, usually we spend Saturday rather than Friday night together, but in terms of actual hours, it was more than usual. So that made me happy. It did mean I could go to Figurski's spin class this morning, though. Damiel instructs the class before it, and when I walked and as it was wrapping up, Damiel pointed at me and said: you were in the paper yesterday! Seems one of the other instructors had just graduated from college, and at the party yesterday Damiel was passing the paper around. Doesn't make me feel like any less of a flake from having spiraled out of his class, though. And I did weights first, because I always will if I can. I recently got a cheap but adequate filing cabinet from Target. And now, I begin filing the many, many unfiled papers in my apartment. I am way too excited about this. 10:52pm Excellent Bad Movie Night tonight, and the movie (Wild Wild West) was short enough to allow me to get home at a reasonablish hour, which means I am going to Cally's spin class tomorrow morning, yes I ma. | ||
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Saturday, 22 May 2010 (lest panic begin to set in) 1:11pm And then, sometimes, you wind up on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle's Datebook section, or the Entertainment section of the online version. The article is about Instant City, and the picture was of course from the release party this past Monday. I'd noticed the photorapher at the time, and I'm pretty sure I made an obviou joke about the size of his lens to an ever-tolerant Marta, but I didn't give him much thought beyond that. I'm not actually mentioned in the article at all beyond the caption of the picture, which is perfectly fine by me, though I especially like the text on the picture in the print version: City has literary flourish. Though I get that it's a pun of sorts on the name of the magazine, I'm still proud to represent San Francisco's literary scene. I hate the actual picture of myself, of course. If I have a good side, that ain't it, and I really wish I'd taken the time to do something with my bangs beforehand. Alas. The squid looks good, at least. | ||
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Friday, 21 May 2010 (rattled to the core) 2:40pm Back to the gym this morning, again with the weights and treadmilling. I've been trying to get myself out of the "If I can't attend my favorite spin class there's no point in going to the gym at all" mindset I've developed, because it's counterproductive and just not true. I wish I could attend Figurski's class as much as I used to attend Tyrol's, but I can't, and that's all there is to it. On the plus side, my leg muscles are sore right now, which is a good sign. It's the soreness of muscles repairing themselves after strenuous use, not the soreness of atrophy, which is one I know all too well. It was more pleasant than awkward spending time with Collette yesterday. We mostly just small-talked, discussed our jobs and pop culture and the like. Which was fine. No point in getting into the heavier stuff, not five years later. Even if we don't necessarily hang out on anything resembling a regular basis, I'll be happy to consider her a friend again. Tonight, me and Mike Spiegelman and Ziad Ezzat are doing Bad Movie Night on Chicken John's bus for the final Drive-Out Theatre. It was an adventure when we did it two years ago when everything was different, and I expect it'll be this time around as well. | ||
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