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Sunday, 10 February 2008 (stopping by) 2:45pm After the not-rehearsal yesterday (and having lunch with Rhiannon and her mom), I went into Colma to continue my grown-up shopping binge. I got a new pillow, a dishtowel rack, and a mop. A mop! Haven't had one of those a very long time. I suppose dusting is the next step. I spent the night cleaning, then went to a party at Harvey's new place a few blocks away. Not a whole hell of a lot happened, though Collette was there. Small City, smaller neighborhood. We talked for a while, for the first time since mid-October 2005. It was nice.
At an actual rehearsal, and then Bad Movie Night later.
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Saturday, 9 February 2008 (rapprochement) 12:52pm At the Dark Room right now. So far as Rhiannon and I both knew, there was supposed to be Ten Commandments rehearsal at noon. We were both here at noon. Nobody else is, however, and it's pushing one, so I guess that means no rehearsal. Normally I wouldn't mind the free dayI've pretty much nailed my rolebut, see, I left Ennui to come here. We were still in bed, not having got back to Cassandra after the movies until two this morning, and it took no small amount of will to pull myself away from her, especially since we both have so much more energy in the morning and I was just liking being with her, and I had been ruminating on how I've been feeling these past few weeks so much more calm and centered and satisfied than I did for much of last year, that I don't feel I'm wanting for so much, and the sense of emotional emptiness has gone away. So, yeah. I didn't especially want to leave her, but, well, duty called. Or so I'd thought. Feeling a little ripped off, to put it mildly.
Phoebe is fine. Paid forty bucks for a standard checkup, and while they tell me that the water pump is cracked or leaking or something, that it's not something that needs to be fixed right away so long as I keep an eye on the water levels. Now I just need to figure out how to keep an eye on the water levels.
Ennui had been a little less certain about the show, not because of the movies but because it would be six hours in the Castro Theater's seats. A valid concern, to be sure. She's survived many a Drive-Out Theater with me on Chicken's bus, but as she pointed out, sprawling out on a comfy bus where we get on and off a couple of times is a little different. True enough. For me, the only weird part about being in theater seats was that damn side of the chair between usI'd grown accustomed to being able to be right up against her. Alas. Still, though, it was a perfect lineup: three classic "date" movies. The first two were teen romantic comedies, from a time when such movies weren't about getting laid so much as just getting to kiss, what Ennui not unkindly calls "schmoopy movies." For the life of me I can't remember the last time I saw a movie like that in a theater, let alone when I was on a date like someone. We held hands tighter and planted kisses at all the right moments. (Finally, I get the appeal!) The third is a slasher film, of course, what Roger Ebert calls a bruised forearm movie: your date grabs your arm every time some scary or exciting happens. Ennui was bruising my forearm quite nicely. And she surived the ordeal of sitting in the seats, so it looks like we'll be back for "Lost In Space" in April. It's obvious that I don't like movies, right? I mean, nobody who does Bad Movie Night can love them, correct?
I'm at the Dark Room right now, experimenting with the front desk at the lobby as a place to sit and write. So far, so good.
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Friday, 8 February 2008 (gateway drug) 9:16am One of Phoebe's warning lights has been flashing lately, specifically the "High engine coolant temperature/automatic fluid temperature and low coolant level warning" light. She's running fine otherwise, but still, that can't be good, so I'm taking her to Saturn of Colma this morning. It's what a parent does. Jonco tells me that after a regular oil change and coolant refill it should be fine. Yay. I'll be late to work, but Ennui and will still be able to go to Midnites for Maniacs tonight, and isn't that what matters? I came home from work yesterday to find my landlord in my kitchen. It was only unexpected in that I'd thought he was going to be there earlier in the week, and I'd given him permission. The sink faucet needs help, and the doorbell is fracked. (I had also complained about some junk the upstairs people had dumped out front a couple weeks and which was still sitting there. Bunch of savages in this town.) (Oh, and when I voted on Tuesday, I couldn't help but notice that mine was the only name listed for my address. An oversight, I'm sure. I mean, they're good upstanding hetero breeders, so surely they vote, yes?) It figures that he would have to be there when the apartrment is a little less orderly than I would have liked. The big plastic bag the comforter came in was still on the couch, and the blankets I'd removed from the bed were still on the ground. Granted, the place still looks worlds better than it has in the past, but damnit, I wanted him to see it as its spiffiest, so he might take more sympathy on me for having to live beneath the giraffe. Alas. He'll be back today to work on the doorbell some more, and I straightened up last night (after an unsuccessful attempt to get some writing done at the Sea Biscuit) so he'll see it looking like the home of someone who deserves good soundproofing.
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Thursday, 7 February 2008 (knowing the difference) 10:30am I had a scary moment on the train yesterday morning. We were at Embarcadero Station, and I was minding my own business, dark glasses and headphones on while finishing up Magical Thinking by Augsten Burroughs. Then, out of nowhere at all, it hit me: holy shit! it's february, and i don't have a fastpass! It had been February since Friday, and it was now Wednesday, and though I drove on Tuesday was I pretty well freeloading the rest of the time. And it's not so much my unintentional bucking of the system which troubled me as the fact that a ticket for being on the train without proof of payment would easily set me back a couple hundred bucks. I've heard tell of a grace period, but I doubt it, and I certainly wouldn't argue the point of with the Muni equivalent of what Summer once charmingly described as (her punctuation) fucking meter maid nazi's! They're doing their job, and I goofed, no question. Thankfully, no fare inspectors materialized by the time we got to the next station, and I paid my $1.50 for the next three stops. I haven't seen a fare inspector in weeks and an argument could be made that the odds were actually against one appearing now, but I've discovered lately that I'm more than willing to pay extra for peace of mind. What else is money good for? Besides, you know, home furnishings. After work I drove to the Bloodbath and Beyond in San Mateo. I briefly considered calling ahead, but decided that the odds (yesterday was all about the odds) of me finding the comforter in question were exactly the same whether I called or not, since their answer would be meaningless. I took 280 down and only hit any real traffic when I exited to 92, which lead directly to the store. They had the right color and label and all, but not the correct size. So close. I asked an employeean older employee, one whom in my fogeyish way I parsed as being more competent than the Millennials I've been dealing withif the could check if there were any more, like, in back or something. He said there wasn't, but that he could call the other stores. Oh, why the hell not? He called the Mountain View store, which said that yep, sure, they had it in stock, make and model and color and size and everything. The employee confirmed that the item number was correct, and gods bless him for that. They put it on hold, and he told me that Mountain View was about fifteen minutes away. Which is entirely true under optimum traffic conditions. However, my traffic conditions were driving south on 101 at a quarter to six, which is rather like the Los Angeles freeway experience. It took about an hour to get to Mountain View, and in the meantime I doublechecked the route using Google Maps on my phone. Maps and driving directions on my phone. It's a freakin' tricoder! Living in the future rules! The long, slow drive also gave me plenty of time to ruminate on the fact that I was driving all over the Bay Area, bouncing between various locations of the same nationwide chain store, trying to find an item which I could surely get in town if I wasn't so focused on it being the same label. For someone who likes to think they're above shopping at Old Navy (and who doesn't care for Starbucks, but mostly because their mochas suck), I was showing a disturbing amount of brand loyalty. Of course, it was okay because I had one of those 20%-off mailers. (Sent to my address under Maddy's old married name, no less.) There's a very real possibility that I spent more on gas and time than I saved via the coupon, but that's not the point. I got twenty percent off at the register, damnit! That would make it even more comfortable! The Mountain View store did have it on hold for me, the one-hunnerd percent cotton flannel red comforter, and I was back on the road at seven. Of course, Ten Commandments rehearsal was starting at the Dark Room at that very moment, but I'd called Rhiannon earlier and told her I'd be late. Besides, I had my priorities straight, right? Right. I got into the City at a quarter to eight, and they hadn't gotten to any of my scenes yet anyway. We've been working on blocking, where each person is on stage at any given moment, and it always makes a play feel more real. I'm certainly on stage much more than I'd expected I would be, and I'm getting some nice bits of business. Also working with Meliza quite a bit, which is always fun. Speaking of whom, as I gave her a lift back to her house, she asked me if I'd like to participate in her National Queer Arts Festival show this year. I said yes, of course. I almost never say no to Meliza, and I'm happy to be in the Festival for the fourth year in a row. The comforter works very well.
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Wednesday, 6 February 2008 (refinement of the decline) 10:39am Despite my best efforts to forget, I remembered early yesterday afternoon that I had a doctor appointment at five. Bleh. I was also in the grip of my latest furnishing obsession: a new comforter for my bed. The flannel sheets are nice, but as I got into Ennui's bed after the Drive-Out Theater, I realized that the sheets were not enough. Her bed is always comfy and cozy even when it's freezing outside and she doesn't have the heater on, and it's not just because her body is always comfy and cozy to intertwine with. Even when we're not touching each other, it's still nice and warm. So. Flannel comforter. After work I drove to the Bloodbath and Beyond in SoMA to search for the proper comforter to match the sheets. Gotta do it right, after all. Finally found them (while dodging the relative of an exfun!), 'cept they didn't have the right size or color. If I wanted a green one for a king-size bed, no problem. Feh. I then went to my doctor appointment, which is becoming a quicker and more cursory process all the time. He asked me twice if I'm feeling happy, and judging from his tone the second time it was obvious he didn't remember having asked the first. Not that I would ever say anything other than yes to that question coming from him, regardless of how I'm actually feeling. I just wanna spend as little time in his presence as possible. As he was leaving the room, he spotted the curly eyeliner patterns I've been doing on my right temple ever since Edie's pattern party. Like many, he asked if it was a tattoo, which I tend to take as a compliment. I said that no, I did it freehand with liquid eyeliner. He scoffed, smirked and said: well, have fun! The level of condescension in his voice is tricky to describe. Reminded me a bit of the guy at Kragen last week. Kinda had to be there, though I wish I hadn't been. Drove into the Outer Sunset, only to find that the polling place had moved for reasons not clearly specified. Tracked it down, stood in what I thought was the line, only to get a dirty look from a guy who had been standing several feet away but still considered himself to be in line. Still, I haven't seen a line for voting, let alone at six in the evening, since 2004. As always, I wonder where these people were in the elections following The Great Overshadowing. Too busy waving their flags to vote, evidently. After voting for Nader and thus ensuring a Bush victory (as always, feel free to blame me, I don't mind) I returned home for a few minutes. Just long enough to give Perdita some love, and call the Bloodbath and Beyond in Colma to see if they had the comforter. The dead-sounding kid checked, and said they did. I confirmed: red flannel comforter for a queen-sized bed. In stock, right now. He said yeah, they had them. So I drove there, puttered around inside for a while unable to find them, and finally asked for assistance. Quite possibly the gayest retail clerk in the history of known space informed me that, no, they don't have them in stock, and haven't for a while. But the El Cerrito and San Mateo stores should have them. Yes, of course. I guess I'm driving to San Mateo tonight to find out. I'd call first, but there's really no point. Made it to Ten Commandments rehearsal less late than I'd expected to. We didn't do any of my scenes, but hey, I was there. That's what matters.
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Tuesday, 5 February 2008 (red birds will fly) 11:51am Sometimes there are moments when I'm aware of my mortality and the fact that I could die at any moment, and it would almost be okay because it would be in the midst of living well. It was how I felt last night as Chicken's bus precariously sped along the twisty 17 on the way to Santa Cruz, with Ennui cuddled up next to me on the right under the itchy wool blanket as we watched a KrOB montage of car chases and crashes, followed by Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! Jim was to my left and Rhiannon was on the other side of Ennui, and the four of us were sitting at the front of the bus. Usually Ennui and I are in the back (and Jim and Rhiannon aren't along at all), but we were occupying the front for Bad Movie Night riffing purposes. Sitting up front felt not unlike going on a school trip and sitting with the teachers instead of the students. Which is ironic, considering the point of us being there together was so we could be noisy and rude later in the night. Of course, crashing and/or dying would have sucked pretty hard, but still, what a way to go. I did have a moment of melancholy when "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" went through my mind, because it once had such a strong meaning in the past with someone else, but, well, that was in the past with someone else. That light did go out, and I tried my best to re-ignite it. No such luck, and there's nothing I can do about it now. These excursions always have a certain ramshackle, improvised quality which adds to the adventure. Chicken evidently wasn't entirely sure of the route to Santa Cruz, and I gathered that was intentional. He could have easily looked it up beforehand, as I surely would have in my anal way, but it's more interesting if you don't. Which is why our original plan of staying the Casino Arcade until eleven got cut short because the arcade actually closes at ten. Nobody had thought to look that up beforehand. It was okay, though. As I say, it all adds to the adventure. While there, Ennui and I played a few rounds of a Pong knockoff called Volly, and I of course did the obligatory runs of Battlezone, Tempest and Star Wars. I does love me some old-fashioned vector graphics. Most of the other Boomers and Gen-X'ers stuck mostly around the classic games and/or Air Hockey, which I also played a bit of. Also gave some of the newer-fangled racing games a try, since we had the arcade to ourselves, and I had over a dozen tokens burning a hole in my pocket. I was as surprised as everyone else when, at half past nine, they announced that the arcade was closing at ten. By that point, however the chant of karaoke at the bowling alley! karaoke at the bowling alley! had already begun. So, when they literally cut off the power to the arcade, we relocated across the street to the Boardwalk Bowl. Specifically, to the Coasters Bar & Grill therein, where it was in fact karaoke night. There already quite a few regulars when the inlfux of Mission hipsters (that was us) invaded, but a few of us managed to squeeze onto the list. Jim did "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart" by the Bee Gees, and Chicken did the not-at-all-ironic "Under the Boardwalk" (the best Bruce Willis song ever). After much deliberation, I went with Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone," since it was one of the few songs that appealed to me at all, even better, I know the words by heart. I'm a Connelly, after all. I had to glance at the screen every so often for the first words of the next verse, but otherwise, I was solid, able to put more of my energy into the performance. I got a lot of compliments afterwards, and was informed that it was videotaped and will be on YouTube soon. Oh, swell. Just what the internet needs. Earlier in the evening, Puzzling Evidence gave me a DVD of some video he shot from the Superhero Skating trip a few weeks earlier. There's me playing with a lightsaber (hey, it was there), and Ennui successfully doing rollerskating limbo. I'd imagine that will also find its way online eventually. Microphones in hand (and microphone cables plugged into a speaker), Me, Jim and Rhiannon riffed on Speed on the even more treachorous and windy way back to San Francisco. Ennui was next to me, of course, because she gets to sit in the front row with me at the Dark Room, and she sure as hell wasn't going to be apart from me on the bus. After a stop at an In-N-Out Burger which was not in Rohnert Park but looked precisely the same, we arrived in San Francisco around two in the morning. For not having gotten nearly enough sleep the night before, I held up pretty well. Ennui and I then went back to Cassandra to crash in her e'er-comfy bed. After work today I'm heading back into my neighborhood to vote (Nader, of course), and then going to the Dark Room for Ten Commandments rehearsal. Run run run. Meanwhile: the first review I've found of It's So You mentioning my essay, and thus the only real proof that I am in the book. I wasn't so sure myself, but it's online, it must be true. Also: a German who felt my Twitter about the blackout last July was worth repeating. How flattering.
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Monday, 4 February 2008 (all you have spread before me) 1:10pm I got my annual smoking-before-a-show experiment out of the way early this year. Had a brief hit off of Spiegelman's pipe about half an hour before Bad Movie Night started, and I remained baked well afterward. It certainly made for one of my less coherent introductions to the movie, but it was Clambake, for pete's sake. Not a packed house, and though Ennui was there, it's not like she hasn't seen me made stupid by drugs. (I smoked a bit with Rimma before going into the DNA the night before, but it's quite different when you're not the center of attention.) It also made talking to Ennui's girlfriend Jessie about the manuscript interesting, especially since she was drunk and stoned. All literary discussions should be like that. She was with Jessie and Jack, but it was nice to see Ennui even briefly. Her and I hugged and kissed when she got there, and when I was talking to Jessie later (I was in the front row, turned around and talking to them in the second row) Ennui reached out and took my hand while Jessie and I talked. I just kept thinking to myself, yes, yes, yes, this is how it should work... Afterward, I went to the Power Exchange. It wasn't raining, I hadn't been in a while, it was a Sunday so I'd be likely to find parking (it's been tough lately with street construction), I haven't seen Hal or Rhonda for a while, and most importantly, I still stoned, and I'd rather drive the mile or so from the Dark Room to the Power Exchange than all the way across town to the Black Light District. Stayed for about an hour sitting on the couch editing the latest draft of the Breaking Up is Harder to Do piece until I felt the crash coming on, then headed homeward.
Tonight is Bad Movie Night: The Voyage Home (for? on? at? in?) Drive-Out Theater. My energy level's not quite what I'd like it to be, but, well, that's my own fault. And I'll manage.
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Sunday, 3 February 2008 (in a jugular vein) 1:50pm At Ten Commandments rehearsal. It's coming along nicely. Doing a readthrough with the keyboard player. I didn't do anything at all at yesterday's rehearsal, since nobody that I'm in scenes with was actually there. Happens a lot, but hey, at least I was there at noon. Afterward I drove to the Sea Biscuit, but my table was being used. I circled a few times, and it was still being used. I parked, ate at the Chinese restaurant down the street which I want to like but has always sucked, then checked the Sea Biscuit. Someone else was using the table. Well, fine. Be that way. I'd been needing to hit Target for a few weeks now anyway, so I drove to the Serramonte Mall. After the obligatory Hot Topic run, I got a basket full of housewares (but not a thingy on which to hang my dishtowels, unfortunately) at Target while figuring out what I wanted to do with myself for the night. Staying home was vaguely an option, as was seeing if Johanna wanted to watch a movie. I almost pinged Ennui, but decided not to. We have assorted plans for the next few weeks, and I didn't want to push it. (Everything old is new again!) So I texted Rimma, who invited me to join her and Ilene at either New Wave City or Strangelove at either the DNA or the Cat Club, whichever was the one happening at whichever place that night. Sounded good. I drove home in the rainstorm, considering as I always do in inclement weather to just not go out, and certainly not clubbing. But it's too easy to chicken out, and I really needed to be around friends. Besides, when I was at home getting my club apparel it sounded like upstairs they were strapping bowling balls to the bottom of chairs and repeatedly slamming the chairs into the floor. So, I braved the storm. I met Rimma at her new apartment, which is quite nice. We went for sushi, returned to her place to tartify, then walked to the DNA Lounge for New Wave City. I've never been a big fan of the DNA, but it's not as claustrophobic as the Cat Club. Ilene arrived shortly after us, and her and I spent most of the evening talking and dancing together. I also go to have my annual brief chat with Chupa (along with the obligatory non-alkie juice drink, though she was a little shocked when I told her I drink booze now), and even Rae was there, whom I haven't seen for an even longer time. There were quite a few familiar face from my hardcore gothclubbing days in '99, in fact. It's almost as if this past decade didn't happen. Actually, I think a lot of us wish it hadn't.
I left around a quarter to three in the morning, and was in bed by half past. Much to my surprise, I was able to sleep until ten, though I'm still a tad loagy.
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Saturday, 2 February 2008 (the land of promise) sometime after midnight Spoils of a night dancing at New Wave City with Rimma and Ilene: vague flirting, sore feet and little else.
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Friday, 1 February 2008 (right for you) 12:31pm KrOB is calling this Monday's Drive-Out Theater, on which Jim and Rhiannon and I will riff on Speed as we return from a trip to the arcade at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, Bad Movie Night: The Voyage Home. Oh my yes. The network was down when I got to the office this morning. Sadly, it was soon repaired.
I was talking to Sadie the other day about the piece I'm going to read at My Sucky Valentine, and she said: you love to stir the pot! In fact, as I told her, I don't love to stir the pot. I'm just not afraid to.
Now back out into the world, maybe?
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