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Thursday, 20 May 2010 (allowing for such possibilities) 2:18pm Back to the gym this morning, weights and treadmilling, cut somewhat short by a further craving for the Hiyashi Chuka from last night. The basis is just cold ramen, but even the ramen from the Asian stores in my neighborhood doesn't come close. Alas. Now, I'm going to go hang out with Collette at The Sea Biscuit. It's a bit overdue. | ||
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Wednesday, 19 May 2010 (warming the bed) 12:47pm Just got another rejection from a writers' conference. Not so much rejection from enrollment so much as rejection for a scholarship, which is the only way I'd be able to go. Oh well. 5:23pm I must be a grownup, because I just a got a filing cabinet, and I'm very excited about it. Finally, I can do light filing in the comfort of my own home! 11:12pm Marta and I had dinner in Japantown (hiyashi chuka, yum) and got caught up on Breaking Bad. Now, sleep. | ||
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Tuesday, 18 May 2010 (falling behind so fast) 9:11am But not on Tuesday mornings, evidently. | ||
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Monday, 17 May 2010 (several years into the process) 10:41pm Good turnout for Bad Movie Night last night (I, Robot), and an even better turnout for the Instant City reading tonight, including a couple of my coworkers. I don't think my reading was very goodmuch like at Perverts Put Out! the last couple times, I was inexplicably nervousbut everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Also hit Cally's spin class this morning. See? I can do it on Monday mornings. | ||
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Sunday, 16 May 2010 (the dictionary definition) 5:50pm The wedding yesterday was a lot of fun. Marta wore a dress (her idea!), and we both ate and drank entirely too much, but that's kinda the point. And we rode a train, which was pretty awesome. | ||
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Saturday, 15 May 2010 (edging closer) 9:25am Marta and I are going to Orin and Lynae's wedding today at the Western Railway Museum. Unless there's something I'm forgetting, it'll be the first wedding we've attended together in the year that we've been dating. | ||
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Friday, 14 May 2010 (dressed to our trashiest nines) 1:53pm I went to the post office to mail off a submission to an anthology. The publisher of the anthology (who only takes hard copies, hence the post office) is in the UK and requested a SASE along with the submission. But the post office was out of International Reply Couponsnecessary for an overseas SASEand had no idea when or if they'd be getting more. Because who wants to get mail from other countries, anyway? They called around and asked other post offices, but nope, not a one to be found. And it's not like I could wait for them to get more, because the deadline for the anthology is June 1, and I was going to be cutting it close as it was, seeing as how I can't afford the super-fast postage.) Instead, the clerk suggested I include a money order for two dollars and fifteen cents, which she said should be more than equivalent to the postage for a letter from the UK to the USA. (That was her best guess, anyway, since she had no idea what the actual postage would be. That feels so American.) So, we included a money order, and when I got back home I emailed the publisher and explained to them why they'll be getting a money order rather than the Coupon thingy. The publisher said that would be fine, and that they appreciated me letting them know. So I'm their good side, if nothing else. 9:07pm Working the door at The Dark Room for back-to-back comedy shows. Hadn't planned on it, but they need me, so here I am. Gets me out of the house, at least. 10:48pm I had a word problem to figure out regarding the door money, and not only did Marta solve it for me (over chat), she was excited to do so. Not only did she just complete her MFA in Creative Writing, she's also a math nerd. So hot. | ||
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Thursday, 13 May 2010 (reveling in it) 12:09pm Went Figurski's spin class this morning. He's my favorite by a long shot, since it's both a brutal workout (as it should be), and he's also very present and engages with the class. Like Tyrol did. I really wish I could take his class on a regular basis, but as near as I can tell, the only other time is on Sunday morning, smack dab in the middle of my time with Marta. And that's no good at all. So it'll be Cally's class instead. | ||
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Wednesday, 12 May 2010 (the proper side of the fence) 4:29pm Marta lost her cell phone today. She'll be getting a replacement in a few days, but I shudder to think of what's going to happen to our communication until then. I'm quite fond of our constant texting. | ||
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Tuesday, 11 May 2010 (taking it all in stride) 8:20am Went to Cally's spin class this morning. It was comforting in its familiarity. She played one of the three same CDs that she always plays (which I've grown to enjoy in spite of songs from Mary Poppins and The Polar Express, and she hit all the same notes that she always does, and I was fine with that. A few people welcomed me back, as they often will. I would kinda prefer not to be noticed at all, but that seldom happensand, of course, when it does happen, I feel like I'm being snubbed. Because that's how I am. 5:11pm Left work early to go to Lyon-Martin for Hepatitis A and B shots. One of the shots didn't hurt, and one of them did. 7:52pm Doubleheader today: I went to the evening spin class. The instructor has all the personality of a wet rug, her music was arbitrary and she didn't seem to care for me, but I burned a frakton of calories, twice as many as in Cally's class. Gods, I really miss Tyrol's class. But that's long over. I wish I could get back the willpower and determination I had back thenyou know, a whole year and a half ago. | ||
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