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Monday, 10 May 2010 (a personal boycott) 9:31pm I can only assume that the Berkeley publisher has received the manuscript by now, seeing as how it was sent via Priority Mail on Thursday. Now, for more waiting. On the plus side, the Instant City #7 release party is next Monday, and of course, Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation comes out in August. (And, hey, its Amazon Sales Rank is #411,436! That means something good, right?) So, I've still got some momentum. | ||
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Sunday, 9 May 2010 (the sum total) sometime after midnight Our plans to attend the Land's End Star Party last night fell through because of cloudy skies, but Marta and I walked around for a while out there in the dark anyway. It was nice. There's a lot of natural beauty very close to where I live that I don't visit nearly enough. As thwarted plans go, however, the pancake-making which didn't happen on Thursday was successful this morning. So all's well. I'd been hoping to return to the gym tomorrow morning (for some reason, it's in my head that it can only begin on a Monday), but I was at The Dark Room quite late (Bad Boys II is an absurdly long movie), and it's pushing one o'clock. Damn my occasionally nocturnal lifestyle. Not that I necessarily would have gotten to bed any sooner if I'd been at home. I really need to work on that. | ||
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Saturday, 8 May 2010 (always ending in tears) 12:53pm Went to KrOB's last night. Got stoned with him and his girlfriend, watched movies, and ate things I probably shouldn't have eaten. But it was worth it. | ||
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Friday, 7 May 2010 (the last kakapo dreams of flying) 11:41am Just went runningwell, power-walkingalong the beach. It's nowhere near as good a workout as actually going to the gym, but it's better than nothing. Mostly. | ||
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Thursday, 6 May 2010 (nor'wester head on) 9:07pm Marta and I went to Land's End last night for the sunset, and then to Kitaro Sushi on Geary for dinner. Even though it's pretty much the sister location of Kiki, one of my favorites, I didn't really care for it. Too much sprog and gangbangery, perhaps. This morning, we had (a very late) breakfast at the original Bashful Bull when our original plans to make pancakes went belly-up, as plans often will. But that's okay. And we had pretty fantastic sex before that, so anything that happened afterward was going to be okay. She left for work early in the afternoon, and I'd pretty much settled in for the evening by five when I got an email from my Agent: seems a Berkeley publisher is interested in the book (this seems potentially great for us), and wants to read a hard copy. So I printed it out and rushed it to the post office, sneaking in under the wire before they closed. The publisher should get it tomorrow, and, whatever happens will happen. | ||
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Wednesday, 5 May 2010 (winding it out in the high country) 1:12pm Cinco De Mayo. Some of them have been significant. This one, not so much. | ||
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Tuesday, 4 May 2010 (the road to diamond harbour) 5:29pm According to bloodwork I had done at Lyon-Martin a few weeks back, I am completely VD-free. Which I already knewmy risk factors are roughly nil, since I've only been with Marta for the past year and she's cleanbut it's still nice to have confirmation. It seems that my Hepatitis B immunity isn't quite what it should be, though, in spite of having gotten the full range of shots in the past, so I'll be going back in soon to start that entertaining process again. 5:46pm I'm feeling sad. I don't know why, I don't like it, and I can't shake it. 7:31pm Marta reblondified my roots on Saturday, and I squidtightening occurred last night. Those are good things. | ||
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Monday, 3 May 2010 (downtown to vesuvio) 9:11am Good crowd at Bad Movie Night last night for I Am Legend. I guess we got our groove back. 10:52pm Finally heard back from Tin House. I got accepted to the workshop, but my scholarship application was declined, which means I'm not going. | ||
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Sunday, 2 May 2010 (the barracuda sequence) 11:12pm Today, I actually went outside. (And last night, too, to pick up Marta and bring her back here.) We parked at The Dark Room, walked to Sun Rise for a late lunch, then to the Portrero Del Sol Skateboard Park to watch the skateboarders and just be out in nature for a while. It does happen. | ||
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Saturday, 1 May 2010 (rain receding) 1:09pm It's a beautiful day outside. I know this because I have the curtains on both my windows open, which is a new paradigm for me, but I'm growing to like it. It helps that my neighbors and their dog are elsewhere. They're all very sweet, but I still have "people looking into my windows from outside" issues that I'm dealing with. | ||
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