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Thursday, 10 June 2010 (stopgap) 7:45pm Marta was waiting for me when I got home yesterday. We went to Target and stocked up on cleaning supplies, then returned to The Black Light District and began cleaning. Her idea, but I was all for it, and by her own admission, it was more for her benefit than mine (even though she's only here a couple days a week). Real deep-cleaning stuff, like removing the five years of Perdita fur from the black bedsheets on the living room wall. We also deconstructed my vacuum and figured out how to get it operating properly again, no easy task since the American economy is pretty much based on people buying a new vacuum every few years. (A system that's been working like gangbusters, obviously.) The project has a ways to go still, but I'm glad we're doing it, especially since it means she'll be sticking around for a while. Which I already knewand it doesn't have that kind of scary intensity as when, say, Ripley unexpectedly cleaned my bathroom. It feels nice. Marta left mid-afternoon to pick up her mother (who's in town for the next few days, and who I won't be meeting this time around, if ever), and I headed to the gym. Weights and treadmilling. This is what it takes, and the only way it works. | ||
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Wednesday, 9 June 2010 (shocked at my own pretension) 6:43am Just got back from the gym. Treadmilling, then Damiel's abs class. 2:21pm Went to the Pharmacy, armed with all my various bits of Healthy San Francisco paperwork, including a copy of a cancelled check which proves I'm up to date on my dues. (Heathy San Francisco is the only thing I still pay for with checks at this point. It's nice to have a paper trail in these circumstances, I suppose, but I really wish I could pay them online like everyone, else because this 2010, not 2000. This is the future!) Turns out it wasn't my Healthy San Francisco account which had expired, surprise surprise, but my Pharmacy ID card, which is through a different system entirely. But whoever called to inform me evidently didn't know the difference, or didn't care enough to make the distinction. Ugh. The net result is that I have to call in the refill in again and hope they get it right this time. They're decent people and they have a tough job, but damn, there's no reason it should be this difficult. I'm entitled to better servce, I am. | ||
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Tuesday, 8 June 2010 (perfectly civil and mature) 7:19am I was in bed by nine last night and more or less asleep by ten, and though I woke up in time to go to the gym, I decided not to. I wanted to actually get eight hours of sleep for once, plus the muscles around my right ankle are not happy, so I want to go easy on them. Though I'm not ruling out a gym trip this evening. Besides, I have an appointment at the DMV this morning to get a new identification card, since I lost the last one. So damned annoying, since I have to go there in person and pay money and stuff, never mind getting to work late, by which time there's never any parking left. Life is difficult, is what I'm saying. 10:23am I swear, for the longest time I couldn't find my card. And then, as I was going through my wallet once more in the parking lot of the DMV, by jove, there it was. I have no idea how I managed to not find it all this time, and I don't suppose it really matters. What matters is that I was able to turn around and go straight to work without having to step foot in the DMV, and saved twenty-six bucks too. Hooray for small victories. 9:31pm No gym this eveningmy ankle is feeling better, and thankfully my neck is toothough I did do my civic duty and vote. I also got a call from the Pharmacy, saying that they couldn't refill my prescription because my Healthy San Francisco coverage has expired. This being the same coverage which I jumped through so many hoops to renew a few months ago, the dues for which I paid just a few weeks back. Gods, I am so very very very sick of this. Why can't my work just hire me for real? They know I'm good enough, that I'm an asset to the company, all that stuff. I just don't get it. | ||
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Monday, 7 June 2010 (the same all over) 1:10pm Ugh. My neck is sore. My best guess is that I slept on it wrong. On the plus side, I did make it to the gym at five this morning, doing weighty stuff before Cally's class. And not that the numbers matter or anything (uh-huh), but I seem to have dropped about ten pounds, all the way down to a still-way-too-frakking-high 230. So I guess I'm doing something right. Gods, though, I hate my metabolism so much. 3:11pm Called in my hormone refill to the San Francisco General Hospital Pharmacy. Here's to hoping. | ||
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Sunday, 6 June 2010 (possible to fake such things) 12:56pm We did have our quiet evening at home, having salad for dinner and watching an episode of Cosmos and getting stoned and watching another episode of Cosmos, then a couple episodes of How I Met Your Mother before finally crashing out. Going to bed, anyway, and I'd expected we were going to go right to sleep, but instead we were up for a little while longer, having at each other. Funny how that works. Brunch at a thoroughly so-so French bistro in Forest Hill (which got my food wrong because of that whole fancy-pants thing of not actually writing down our orders), and now we're attempting to actually get some work done. That'll happen, I'm sure. No gigs other than Bad Movie Night coming up this month, though I did get invited to read from It's So You for a queer fashion reading in August at Femina Potens. Dig me, Im still in the game! | ||
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Saturday, 5 June 2010 (and now i knew) 2:50pm I managed to sleep for about five hours, which isn't much less than I usually get, but my body still feels sluggish today. I don't believe my days of staying up all night are behind me by a long shot, but I think I'm going to have to be in better shape for it to work. Thankfully, Marta and I have a quiet evening at home planned. | ||
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Friday, 4 June 2010 (serious about aftercare) 5:05am Don't wanna, but I gotta, so I'm gonna. sometime after midnight I've been up for nearly twenty-three hours. I treadmilled and did Damiel's abs class this morning (though I skipped weights), went to work until four, then to The Dark Room to kill time before going to the The Sanchez Annex Writers Grotto for their open house. I made it back to The Dark Room in time for the reunion gig of Jim's old band Rats of Unusual Size. It was also a reunion for me and my old friend Tallulah, whom I haven't hung out with in about seven years or so. We stayed at the theater with Jim and Rhiannon and the others until about two or so, after which I dropped her off at home. My body was just starting to get used to the whole "getting up at four in the morning" thing, and I think I'm confusing the hell out of it now. | ||
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Thursday, 3 June 2010 (when it starts getting fun) 7:11pm I got to the gym at five (more or less) yesterday morning to do a half an hour on the treadmill, then make my unremarkable return to Damiel's abs class, followed by weights. After I left work for the day at two, I picked up Marta and we returned to the Presidio, parked Phoebe, then walked to the Musee Mechanique by way of Fort Mason, then to The Wave Organ. All told, it took about three hours, and by the end of it my inner thighs were chafed raw, because I'm still out of shape and they're fat. We had shrimp cocktail and spaghetti for dinner at home, and this morning Marta joined me in Figurski's spin class, her first time in a spin class at all. It was a particularly brutal workout, as Figurski's tend to bewhich is why I like them so much, plus I really dig his personality, which is far too important to me. When he mentioned in passing that he used to teach at the SoMA Gold's, I asked him if he knew Tyrol, and he said he did. Makes sense on several levels, really. We returned to the Black Light District, where I had another book rejection waiting for me. It's not my first and it's not my last, but this one hurt more than most, since it was the second of the two publishers that I'd had a good feeling about. I was grateful that Marta was there to comfort me as I sobbed, the first time I've cried about a book rejection (and probably not the last time, sorry to say). I might not have reacted so strongly had I not been so endorphinated, but maybe that's a good thing. Our next destination was the Ikea in Emeryville so Marta could get a new bookcase. It was my first time there, and I really didn't like it very much. Maybe if I had a bigger house and more money, but otherwise it didn't do much for me. Back in the City, after helping her move the bookcase into her apartment, I did get a new chair for my living room desk for twelve bucks a Community Thrift. A little bit more my style, or at least more my price range. | ||
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Wednesday, 2 June 2010 (letting it go) 7:37am I've started having oatmeal for breakfast. Trying to be healthier and all. 5:41pm There are many appropriate places in San Francisco to take loud teenagers for a picnic, but The Wave Organ is not one of them. | ||
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Tuesday, 1 June 2010 (ample if on time) 8:42am Nasty case of the hiccups, and my arms are sore from doing weights at five and then spinning in Cally's class at six, but I'm otherwise happy to be back at work. I think I'm still holding out hope that they'll realize how valuable I am and hire me full time. | ||
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