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Saturday, 31 March 2012 (darkness in the north) 8:42am It occurs to me that I'm getting paid to write about food. (Very little, but still paid.) Therefore, according to the transitive property, I am a foodie. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. | ||
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Friday, 30 March 2012 (soul cleansing) 3:56pm My editor just informed me that a My Little Pony DVD has been sent to me at the weekly's address. Huh. 7:56pm For both research and comfort food, Marta and I are at Spices! I in the Richmond. Not Spices! II, because for as much as I love Spices! II, it doesn't have STiNKY! Tofu on the menu. | ||
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Thursday, 29 March 2012 (the narrow way) 1:46pm The PIN number for the CalFresh card has arrived, but the card itself has not yet. That's progress, I suppose. 3:01pm The phone interview went well, I think. I was one of only seven applicants they chose to interview out of the ninety-two who applied, which has got to be a good sign. I certainly impressed them with my knowldege of arcane video formats, which is relevant, because part of the job would involve cataloging old VHS and DVD. I think I really sealed the deal when I mentioned my familiarity with Macrovision. Now, I try not to think too much about it. Tonight, Porter, Ilene, and some other friends are gathering at Marta's place for a mini-My Little Pony marathon. 5:51pm Drama. Miscommunication, misunderstandings, and thwarted expectations between Marta and I. And after yesterday's sunniness, it's a suitably ugly day outside for it. sometime after midnight Things mostly went well tonight, but I officially give up on trying to introduce people to the series. They'll find it if they want to. Not my job. | ||
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8:44am My recap of episodes 15 and 16 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is now up, yay. Looking like it's going to be my only article this week. So it goes. Wednesday, 28 March 2012 ((untouching) sleep) 2:45pm Marta and I returned to the Black Light District last night, worked for a while this morning, went to the Cult of Beauty exhibit at the Legion of Honor (where I kept wanting to shout fuck your fascist beauty standards! because that's what the Internet has taught me), had an entirely too delicious salad for lunch at Lou's Cafe, went to the Cal Academy of Sciences to do some research on the electric eel for the weekly's annual "Best Of" issue, and then returned home to find an email requesting a phone interview for the summer internship at the Lucasfilm Research Library. I replied, and the phone interview is now scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. All in all, a damned fine day. | ||
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Tuesday, 27 March 2012 (the all-important wherewithal) 4:51pm At Marta's. It's an ugly, rainy day outside. But I'm with Marta, and hummus has been acquired, so all is well. Also, I received an email from the director of The Wizard of Speed and Time, thanking me for the kind writeup. That's pretty awesome, and I'm glad I made him happy. | ||
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Monday, 26 March 2012 (the all-important wherewithal) 2:02pm Of course, staying out late tends to result in waking up late, and never quite getting a proper momentum. Alas. I didn't get much done this morning, but I'll be super-productive this afternoon, yes I will! 2:40pm Just bounced a new, non-memoir book idea off My Agent. That's gotta qualify as productivity. And My Agent liked the idea, which helps. | ||
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Sunday, 25 March 2012 (interstellar semantics) sometime after midnight Disappointing turnout for Bad Movie Night's seventh anniversary showing of Red Dawn. Nothing close to the full house we got for our fifth anniversary, and I was in (or at least on my way to) New York for last year's anniversary, but I'm told that one was packed as well. Alas. These things always go how they will go, and it can never be predicted. I did join a group venture with Porter, Rhiannon, and a few others to Shotwell's afterward, where I enjoyed a Two Rivers Pomegranate Cider, so that was lovely. And, hey, I'm on vacation now, right? | ||
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Saturday, 24 March 2012 (the way to infinity) 2:13pm Marta doesn't have school today, what with it being spring break and all, so we're working from her place. Besides, it's rainy and ugly outside, so there's not a whole heck of a lot else to do. 10:44pm At the Black Light District. Had fusilli with fake-meat sauce (I have also earned faux-Italian deliciousness) and watched American Graffiti. | ||
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Friday, 23 March 2012 (constant descent) 8:13am My third and final article for the weekly this week, about The Gong Show Movie, is up. 6:23pm Marta and I are having dinner at Kitchen Kura. Their Okonomiyaki isn't quite up there with On the Bridge's (is that a pun? I think that may qualify as a pun), but it's still quite good. Surely lots of fat involved, as there must also be in the crab mayonnaise that comes with the broccoli, but what the hell. I've been hitting the red chard this week. I've earned Japanese deliciousness. | ||
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Thursday, 22 March 2012 (uncertain shelter) 11:05am I am now officially on food stamps! (It may take the card a couple weeks to arrive in the mail, though. I was given the option of coming to the office at 8th and Mission to pick it up in person, but, I declined.) I've also sent my resume to someone on the Bay Area Furries email list whose company is looking for a copywriter. Seems like perfect timing, somehow. | ||
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Wednesday, 21 March 2012 (derelict world) 9:17am Received a contract for an anthology on atheism being published by Columbia University Press that I queried about last week. Not that I've submitted or even written the essay yet, nor is it all guaranteed to be accepted once I do write it, but, apparently, college presses like to get this stuff out of the way first. They'll also get to keep the copyright on the piece until the sun becomes a red giant, but that's okay. 11:22am My recap of episodes 13 and 14 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is up. Come to think of it, I don't think I own the copyright on those, either. 4:32pm I sent in all the required documents for the CalFresh application this morning, and I was told I'd heard back by four. It's now half past four, and I haven't heard a peep. I call shenanigans! | ||
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