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Tuesday, 20 March 2012 (scarlet dust) 8:13am Hey, it worked! Now, productivity. 11:32am Got a callback much sooner than I expected from the CalFresh people. It was essentially a phone interview, and I think it went pretty well. I even bonded a bit with the employee about sharing a birthday (hey, she brought it up). I still have to send in some various documents, but I've got a good feeling about it. Certainly, she didn't give me the impression I was in any danger of not being approved. 12:51pm My latest article for the weekly, about The Wizard of Speed and Time, is up. I also have two more in the queue for this week, a Pony recap and another cult-movie article. I think this'll be my first three-fer week, and hopefully not my last. It'll mean I have to keep churning 'em out, but I'm pretty sure that's also the definition of "writing for a living." Which I'm obviously not quite doing yet, hence needing food stamps. Ah, the life of the starving artist slash student. | ||
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Monday, 19 March 2012 (and now, nothing) 9:34am Starting today (and not last night, since I seldom get home before eleven on Sundays), I'm going to make a concerted effort to get to bed before ten and be up again at six. As it is, I've been up til midnight, sleeping until half past seven, and actually sitting down to work by nine or sometimes ten. That's no good, especially since I usually break for lunch at noon, and I'm never as productive after lunch as I am before. I need to sit down to work at eight, and get at least four solid hours in. So, that starts tomorrow, though the "going to bed at ten" thing starts tonight. Hell, not too long ago I was gettting up around four in order to be at the gym by five. Things have changed, they have. | ||
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Sunday, 18 March 2012 (if your life depended on it) 4:01pm While Marta and I were at Trader Joe's earlier today, the clerk asked us if if we were coming back from a party. It's becoming a thing. I've applied for CalFresh, known formerly and still coloquially as food stamps. What's hilarious to me about the official name is the fact that closest places to me that accept the cards are liquor and convenience stores. Clearly, the system needs work. In any event, they say I should hear back within thirty days, so I'm not going to worry about it in the meantime. 11:23pm Surprisingly big crowd at Bad Movie Night for On Deadly Ground, which I'd thought for sure was going to be our least-attended movie this month. Just goes to show that you can never, ever tell. | ||
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Saturday, 17 March 2012 (these ideas never lasted long) 7:30pm Marta and I are at Mission Chinese Food. All did not go quite as planned, partially due to a change of my own mind, so instead of going to the KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival, Marta and I are staying in town and going to a film screening at Oddball Film + Video, most likely without KrOB. I'm a little embarrassed that I've never been to Oddball before, what with them being quite literally around the corner from The Dark Room. No excuse, particularly since there's a good chance I'm going to apply for an internship there before I graduate. It's also, for better or worse, St. Patrick's Day. There are many people on the street wearing gaudy green and already getting drunk. I've decided to leap to the conclusion that every one of them is a bad person. It's just easier that way. 11:34pm That was a lot of fun, and it was my first time in any kind of film archive at all. Oh, yeah, I so very much work in that field on some level someday. Marta and I arrived there kinda late, before the actual show started but after the rest of the audience had arrived, and oh, the prolonged stares I got as we were settling in. Nothing I'm unaccustomed to, of course. Someone told me on the street that I look like I'm going to a party (in spite of my lack of green), and as Marta as I were crossing 19th we heard someone say that girl's a furry! Well, there you go. | ||
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Friday, 16 March 2012 (news from howland) 3:39pm Both of the school projects are pretty much ready to be submitted, and I've volunteered the one to do the submitting, which is extra responsibility but also means I get to make the final edits. Now, I'm actually trying to get caught up on my other schoolwork. There's always more. 6:18pm It's been raining this week, particuarly heavily this evening, enough that the leak in the bathroom ceiling has returned. On the plus side, it only happens after a prolonged period of heavy rain, so I can't complain too much. (Nor would I to my landlord.) 9:15pm Power failure! It's officially a rainstorm. The whole neighborhood is out, near as I can tell, at least down several blocks in both directions, and I know the power's out at Collette's place as well, so it's pretty major. And I got the project that's due tonight already submitted, so if the power doesn't come back until after midnight, I won't have to plead such a phony-sounding excuse. (Plus I could tehther 3G from my phone to my laptop, so I guess it wouldn't be an excuse at all, come to think of it.) 9:24pm Power's back. I am so glad that I have a battery-operated clock on my living room wall, because without the hum of my various electric gadgets and appliances, things are just too quiet. It's the same reason that I find it difficult to sleep during a blackoutthe absolute silence is unnerving, perhaps because there's nothing to mask out the sounds of the rest of the world. I do need my white noise. | ||
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Thursday, 15 March 2012 (in the tempest) 4:53pm The project that's due on Sunday is pretty much all done and formatted and ready to submit. Now I make dinner, then work on the project that's due tomorrow night. That's just good prioritizing! Unfortunately, it means no Jerrying with KrOB tonight, though if all goes well, we'll be going to the KFJC Psychotronix Film Festival on Saturday. | ||
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Wednesday, 14 March 2012 (the earth whispers) 9:12am Back home now. On the way I stopped at Safeway to stock up on the no-salt-added cottage cheese that's become such a staple of my diet, and the wide-eyed clerk, almost as desperate to make small talk as I was for her to not make small talk, asked me if I was going to a party. At a quarter to nine in the morning. I told her that, no, I'm going to work, which is true (I work at home, but it's still work). I'm guessing it was because of the aviator cat hat. I'm hardly the only person wearing this sort of thing lately, especially in cold weather, but different rules always apply to me. Meanwhile, my recap of episodes 10 and 11 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is up. Dunno when I'm going to be able to start on the next one, considering the sheer amount of schoolwork I have to do this week, but I'll get to it. 3:12pm The publisher has asked when my next reading is, and if there are any videos of me reading online. Scary! Now I head to Lyon-Martin for my belated Healthy San Francisco renewal appointment, wihch is also scary. 4:41pm Okay, that was fairly painless. Because of my increasingly meager income, I no longer have to make quaterly payments, which is nice. (I'm so looking forward to having a decent-paying job again, and health insurance feels like an impossible dream at this point. Has it really been three years? Yep.) (Speaking of three years, Rachael now works there. This town is not small enough.) Also nice is the fact that I don't have to go to the Pharmacy to deal with any paperwork there. Hooray for small miracles. | ||
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Tuesday, 13 March 2012 (neurodegenerative) 2:13pm Another meeting the Libr 204 group, which is why I'm not heading over to Marta's right now like I normally would be. There's still some prickliness between us, which will hopefully be smoothed out before we have dinner with Alicia at Old Jerusalem. 4:45pm I've been asked to pitch ideas for the weekly's annual Best Of issue. Neat. If I do this right, I might be able to squeeze a month's rent out of it. sometime after midnight After Marta and I processed we went to dinner, which was lovely, except for the part where I almost left my phone at the restaurant. (And by "almost," I mean I actually did, and one of the employees chased us down the block to return it to me. Good lord, my brain.) Things were fine when we got back to Marta's place, and then they weren't. | ||
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Monday, 12 March 2012 (the only one i see) 11:42am Didn't sleep very well. Stressing about the review, for no good reason, and I'm also just plain sad, as I tend to be when things go south with Marta. But I wrote the Shatner review and got it into the system by ten, and (after my editor gave it some very necessary polish) it's now up. 3:14pm Been working more with the Libr 204 on the group assignment, and it's coming along nicely. Also, my custom-made black and purple outside-fur aviator cat hat has arrived from AnimeHot. It's the one I originally coveted at Further Confusion, but which had to be a custom order because of my gargantuan cranium. It's practical, because my tokidoki hoodie, though it fits perfectly otherwise, has a tendency to not stay over my head if there's a stiff breeze. And it feels comforting on my head right now, at home, so, yay. And and: "Let us give thanks for the shallow and superficial things, sometimes all we have to cling to in moments of duress." | ||
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Sunday, 11 March 2012 (place your bets on chance and apathy) 6:42pm Not our best day, not by a long shot. Spent most of it working at her place and not talking, and we're now enjoying an almost embarrassingly delicious meal at Gyro King before going around the corner to the Orpheum. And we've made it this far, which is a good sign. sometime after midnight Great, fun show (which I'll be reviewing for the weekly tomorrow), and we did okay. Home now, to try to sleep. | ||
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