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Monday, 20 February 2012 (toward the low sun) 3:24pm Just finished up this week's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic recap (as well as dashing out an article about The Wizard of Speed and Time), and am now beginning a software tutorial for 202. Yay holidays. I'm also going to re-apply for Unemployment, because it needs to be gotten over with. | ||
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Sunday, 19 February 2012 (tandem in conjunction) 2:12pm Submitted the essay for 204. I'm pretty sure it's worth an A. 11:35pm Now, that was more like it: we got a nearly full house at Bad Movie Night for Green Lantern, and the journalism student was there with a photographer. Perfect timing, really. | ||
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Saturday, 18 February 2012 (the third treatise) 8:52pm Marta and I had dinner at Osakaya (our original plan of On the Bridge didn't happen due to the insane number of people in Japantown town), then returned to the Black Light District, where something I'd suspected was confirmed: I am officially out of Unemployment Insurance extensions. Considering that I've more or less been riding the same claim since I got laid off NakedSword in 2009, I can't say I'm surprised. Nor can I say I'm not freaking out a little. I'll be okay for the next few months, but it's still on the stressy side. The notice did say that if I'm still unemployed I can re-apply. There's no guarantee that it's going to work, but I'm going to give it a shot. But for now we're going to relax and watch A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas. Everything in due time. | ||
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Friday, 17 February 2012 (receptacle selling) 11:17am Just started on the sixth page of the essay. It's officially longer than the mininum length! Heading to Marta's in a while, and later this afternoon we're heading to Ilene's place to help her prepare for a dinner party. (Which we'll be attending, obviously.) sometime after midnight The dinner party went quite well, and both Ilene and Porter are interested in going to Everfree with us in August. Sweet. | ||
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Thursday, 16 February 2012 (getting dark around the corner) 7:15am Okay, this is a pattern I did not have seen coming: since they like my recaps, one of the organizers of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic convention called Everfree has invited me to attend as press. It's in Seattle this August, which will be tricky logisitically, but I think I can make it happen. 3:01pm The publisher just asked for my mailing address. Shit's gettin' real. Also, at Further Confusion Marta and I posed for a professional photographer while I was in Blip, and the pictures are up. I quite like them. | ||
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Wednesday, 15 February 2012 (elements of the table) 1:20pm Oh, hooray for small miracles: the line at the Pharmacy was short, my prescription was ready, and the whole process took barely half an hour. The vibe there was already horrible, including a shouter, and the woman at the window seemed to brighten considerably when I approached, probably because I was the first person who'd actually smiled at her so far that day. She also complimented me on my pink hair in my ID, even though she's seen that ID several times over the past couple years. I think she was just grasping for straws, and I was happy to help. I also talked boots with a German-accented fellow in scrubs, who asked me where I got mine. My boots, I mean. I don't have any scrubs. On the way back home, I stopped off at the Bay Area Video Coalition to drop off some DVDs of kittypr0n as well as some other Access SF stuff I've hung onto over the years. The BAVC folks actually wrote me back in December after my article on the weekly about Access SF went up, asking if they could get copies of the source material for a retrospective they're planning on doing this year. In fact, my stuff is going to be starting the collection off, so that's pretty neat. And, while I was out this morning, the second my My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic recaps (covering episodes three and four) went live, which is also neat. 2:51pm Sent in my application for the Research Libary Intern position at Lucasfilm. If I get the position, it won't get school credit for itI haven't taken enough units yetbut it would still be an internship at Lucasfilm, which seems like a great place to start. Now, I head to The Grove Fillmore, and then Raphaela's pilates class. It's the second to last week, and I don't know what I'm going to do when it ends. Aside from go back to the Y, of course. And considering that my weight has dropped to the lower 170s, I must be doing something right. | ||
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Tuesday, 14 February 2012 (music for the head ballet) 9:14am My Healthy San Francisco renewal appointment at Lyon-Martin this morning has been postponed due to a power outage (on their side, not mine). The account doesn't actually expire until April, so it's not a huge deal at the moment, and if the refill is ready for me to pick up at the Pharmacy at all, it'll still be there for me tomorrow morning. All of this means I can actually get some schoolwork done today. First I return Davina's housekeys to her, and then I go to Marta's to work. Plus, I have a gig at the Center for Sex and Culture tonight. 11:41pm We had dinner at Manora's Thai, which did not appear significantly busy because of Valentine's Day (and it all went much better than the last time we ate there), then I read at Bleeding Hearts, and then we returned to Marta's. A good night overall. | ||
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Monday, 13 February 2012 (on the turning away) 2:40pm I've spent the last few days doing research for a paper for LIBR 204, the class I added by the skin of my teeth last week. There's a five-to-ten page paper due this Sunday, and I'm ready to start writing it, which I think would put me ahead of the curve were it not for the fact that I may not get any work done at all tomorrow and Wednesday. But it'll happen. 9:29pm Over a page into the paper! Yay for momentum. | ||
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Sunday, 12 February 2012 (man, we was lonely) 6:28pm I've been corresponding with the publisher this week, mostly working out little details about the book (which I'm about ninety-five percent certain I'm going to call Meet on the Ledge), and the main one on my mind has been publication rights. They have them for three years, which is apparently pretty standard, but my main concern was that if I were to include chapters from Bottomfeeder, and then after Ledge was released Bottomfeeder finally sold, does that mean I would not be able to include those chapters in Bottomfeeder itself until 2015? It's all so confusing to me. But they replied that there wouldn't be a problem with Bottomfeeder being published with the chapters that I'd put in Ledge in it. They're not asking for exclusivity on the material in Ledge, and I'll keep all other rights to the material including reprinting individual pieces. They just want the right to sell Ledge for three years. Okay, then! I haven't actually received the contract yet and I'm going to read it closely before I sign it, but I'm thinking this is going to happen. 10:41pm Good-ish turnout for Captain America: The First Avenger at Bad Movie Night. Better than Thor last week, anyway. | ||
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Saturday, 11 February 2012 (of secrets) 10:34am Good heavens, but it's been an exhausting week, and I don't expect this upcoming week to be any less so, because in addition to having to spend large chunks of time at both Lyon-Martin and the Pharmacy, I have a gig on Valentine's Day, and big assignments due for both classes at the end of the week. I could barely imagine last semester what it must be like to have more than one class at a time, and now that I have two, I'm having to extend my imagination to taking an actual full load of four classes. Which I expect I may end up doing next semester. 12:05pm At Mouse and Davina's place while they're out of town, checking in on their cat. I'm honored that they asked me to do it, and of course it's nice that it means they'll be able to check in on Perdita the next Marta and I are out of town. And, from here, I'm heading to Marta's. | ||
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