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Saturday, 10 July 2010 (for us they will) 5:10pm Pete and Sarah (and their daughter Daria) came over today so Pete could take a look at my carpets and give me an estimate on replacing them, since that's what Pete does for a living and he has a surplus. Thankfully, he's also my friend, so he was honest and told me that my existing carpet's actually fairly high quality, better than the stuff he'd be putting in, so all I really need is a judicious use of spot remover. Sounds good to me. Went to the gym this morning for my usual two hours crunches, weights, and various cardio thingies. I won't be going back this afternoon, and in fact I won't be back until Thursday morning, provided I get home at a reasonable hour on Wednesday night. My goal while in Vegas is to, if not continue to shrink out of these pants (which seems unlikely), to at least not start the process of outgrowing them again. I will not lose my momentum, damnit. | ||
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Friday, 9 July 2010 (the broken wheel) 9:23am I still don't have a (replacement) key to the office, which kinda sucks, but the place also seems kinda deserted on Fridays, which I like. I've decided to change my schedule to from Monday through Wednesday, which is what it's been since I started last November, to Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. It's time for a change. Though I'm in no way obligated to do so, I told Damiel in class this morning that I'll be out of town Monday and Wednesday. I don't want him to think I'm flaking out again, not when it's finally beginning to work. (The needle has begun to slip under 220.) | ||
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Thursday, 8 July 2010 (simmering) 3:04pm For as unpleasant as doing this application for the Grant isspecifically, the "narrative application," which is a lot of here's why i'm awesome and you should give me money kinda stuffat least I can take some solace in the fact that even if I don't get this particular Grant, the stuff I'm writing for it right now will surely be useful for other applications. It's kinda like completing a proposal or resume, in that you don't generally have to start from scratch every time. So that's something. And I can also repurpose certain essays and things I've written before, because if there's anything I have a stockpile of, it's words about myself. me me i i! As soon as I stepped onto the treadmill this morning (after doing an hourish of crunches and weights), I noticed that one of the toes on my right foot was hurting. Turned out I'd rubbed the top of the skin off of the toe. My first athletic injury! In a few months, anyway. For all that, you'd think I would be able to fit back into my pinstripe pants, but nope, not just yet. And, sadly, it's not likely to happen before Marta and I leave for Vegas this Sunday. I even behaved myself when we ate at Tazaki Sushi last night. Feh. Just gotta work at it. | ||
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Wednesday, 7 July 2010 (noneflexed) 5:18pm Marta and I attempted to follow the 49 Mile Scenic Drive last Wednesday after I picked her up. We were unsuccessful, and it was mildly traumatizing, since it resulted in us getting stuck in some gnarly afternoon commute traffic. Worth a shot, I suppose, but today we simply convened and my place. Much easier that way. | ||
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Tuesday, 6 July 2010 (clockwork black) 11:12am I'm not sure exactly what woke me up last night, whether it was Perdita crying or something else, but she wasn't well. And it took me a couple more minutes to realize that she was essentially limping, and couldn't jump onto the bed. Her right front leg was essentially limp, and this freaked me out doubly because it reminded me a lot of Mary when she died. The day The First and I finally had to have Mary put to sleep, her legs had pretty much given out on her, and she couldn't walk. It was horrifying, to put it mildly. But Mary had been sick for some time, but Perdita's been just fine, and there's no way she would just up and die on me like that, right? Right. I picked her up from the floor and put her on the bed, noticing that her collar felt a lot tighter than usual. I turned on my bedside lamp and investigated futher. Turned out that, somehow, she'd managed to get her leg stuck in her collar, all the way up to whatever the feline equivalent of her shoulder is, like she'd been trying to step through the collar. I removed the collar, and she was fine after that. It was still scary, though, and I have no clue how she accomplished it. Cats are endlessly inventive. I went back to sleep, and got up a couple hours later to hit the gym. Crunches, weights, treadmilling and the AMT 100i. Still haven't shrunk out of the size 18 pants yet. Soon, I hope. | ||
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Monday, 5 July 2010 (the crawling spirit) 1:09pm Pretty good turnout for Bad Movie Night, all things considered. We got a group of new people who had a lot of fun, and one person who most certainly did not. Rhiannon and I exchanged a look as a very old woman in a walker came in the door. We asked her (very kindly) how she heard about the show, and she said she'd been reading about it in the paper. An SF Weekly reader, no doubt. Which is why I'm not surprised that she was unaware that we talk through/over the movie, and she left quite angrily halfway through. So it goes. The gym didn't open until eight this morning, being a national holiday and all, but I headed back out to The Dark Room for a semi-record-breaking fifth day in a row at seven to drop off some DVDs (including one for Marta, giving me the opportunity to see her for a minute or two), then got to gym just as it opened. So, so busy. I don't like crowds, especially when they're using my favorite machines. Damiel was there, however, and let me sit in as he did a mini-abs class with a couple of his new trainees. Then I did a half-hour on one of the few unoccupied machines, and that was enough for a day. I'm looking forward to five tomorrow morning when I (more or less) have the place to myself. My sinuses have cleared up some. Of course they havethe long weekend is almost over. Inasmuch as there's such a thing as a "long weekend" when one is only employed half-time, but still. | ||
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Sunday, 4 July 2010 (the wraiths and strays of paris) 11:46am Just so long as I'm over this cold by the time Marta and I leave for Vegas next Sunday. That's all I really ask. It figures that I would not only get sick over a long weekend, but that I wouldn't even have the luxury of not having to leave the house. Alas. Head full of phlegm or not, I'm kinda glad that I had to work at The Dark Room these past few nights, given my tendency to not go out into the world if I don't have to. And they were good shows too, a juggler on Thursday and Friday and a belly-dancing revue last night. Marta was with me for much of Thursday night and all of last night, and we had dinner at Big Lantern, my favorite Chinese restaurant in The Mission. Normally I get their Sesame Meatless Chicken, which makes up for being vegetarian by being deep-fried and drowned in a sauce which is probably three-quarters sugar, but instead I got the compartively healthier Kung Pao Tofu. It's little things like that which add up, as I know from many years of experience. It's time to finally have a little willpower, and put that experience to use. We're still doing Bad Movie Night tonight, even though it's a national holiday and an evening which people traditionally spend outdoors. But The Castro was nearly packed when I saw Tron and Brainstorm there on the Fourth a couple years back, some people aren't really into the fireworks thing, and perhaps most importantly, it's my show and I wanna do it. Besides, more often than not in recent years I've been alone and depressed on the Fourth, and this is the best way I can think of to avoid that. | ||
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Saturday, 3 July 2010 (all the pretty little horses) 1:34pm Feh. Not feeling any better today. I came straight home after working the door at The Dark Room last night, hit the gym this morning, had breakfast, then napped until lunch. I'm pretty sure I'll be napping again until I have to leave for The Dark Room again in a few hours. Sleeping helps battle a cold, right? | ||
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Friday, 2 July 2010 (the following of the track) 10:26am I am determined to just burn through this cold. I was at the gym at five this morning, and for the two hours that I was doing my usual thing, I wasn't really conscious of the phlegmmy throat or runny nose. Hooray for small miracles. Not quite my usual thing, thoughrather than an hour altogether on treadmill, my fear of plateauing has lead me back to my old favorite machine, from Gold's, the AMT 100i. Gotta mix things up a bit. Neither Marta nor I got into the Lambda Literary Writers’ Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voices. That's how it goes. Just means I won't have to miss a week of work in August. | ||
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Thursday, 1 July 2010 (inherent theatre) 7:11pm Marta stayed over last night, as she often does on Wednesday nights, though she did not join me for spinning this morning. Which was fine, since my ultimate preference is to be at the gym by five and do my usual two hours, and being a normal human being she's not about to do the five-in-the-morning thing unless she absolutely has to. Which she does not absolutely have to, having a natrually slim (though, as she hastens to point out, not necessarily fit) body. Though I do have to, aboslutely. We went to the San Francisco Arts Commission today to look at previous grant applications, ones which were actually given money. The process seems a lot less mysterious now, and I feel like we have both have a chance in hell of making it work. I'm at The Dark Room now, working the door. There's a bit of a family crisis pulling Jim and Erin elsewhere, so me and Rhiannon and pretty much running the ship for the next couple days. It means I won't be able to hit the gym in the afternoons, which is nowhere nearly as annoying as the fact that I seem to be developing a cold. Bleh. I'm supposed to be getting healthier, godsdamnit. | ||
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