Monday, 28 June 2010 (off hands)
Earthquake! Haven't felt one in a while.
Must have been a bigger earthquake than I realized, since it seems to have knocked my office key right off of my keyring. It's gone missing, in any event. This is not good. With any luck, I'll find it in my gym bag when I get home. My YMCA membership card is on my keyring, so I hand it to them every time I walk in, so maybe it fell off in that process. I guess. I hope.
Did my usual Monday morning of getting there at five, doing two sets of ten crunches, a half hour on the treadmill, Damiel's class, and then another half hour. Gotta keep at it.
So he makes a point of acting sullen and resentful and restless at the Monday check-in meetings, yet still said that one of the reasons I wasn't going to be hired full-time was that I didn't really seem to be getting into the spirit of the organization. Yeah, that's fair.
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Sunday, 27 June 2010 (inclementally downwards)
Both the dinner and the show were excellent last night, and both getting into The Mission and leaving later in the evening were easier than I expected. We also cruised the Dyke March gathering at Dolores Park, just because. (One of the few people I recognized was my old archnemesis from NakedSword. I'm still prettier than her, my girlfriend is way hotter than hers. I win!) We left after the show, not at all tempted to go into the Castro for the Pink Saturday event proper. Which is just as well, because as usual, drunk straight boys with guns have ruined it for the rest of us. To the best of my knowledge it hasn't been determined that the shooter was straight, but I would be extremely surprised to learn that it was a queer.
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Saturday, 26 June 2010 (eternal winter)
Though the YMCA wasn't open until seven this morning, I got up at four anyway to see the Big Lunar Eclipse. The viewing was supposed to be the best from the West Coast, and I'm sure it was in places that weren't fogged in. So, nothing. Feh. I went back to sleep for a while, then was up again to get to the gym. Figurski used a word on Thursday which terrfied meplateauing. As in, the body getting sufficiently used to what you're doing and stops burning fat, or at burns far less. Which is scary, and I'm pretty sure it's happened before, and I hope it hasn't started already. If my weight doesn't drop below 220 in the next week, I'll know something is wrong.
Tonight, Marta and I have plans for dinner at Old Jerusalem and then a show at The Marsh. Nothing Pride-related, not even riding in Dykes on Bikes, as we unexpectedly did last year. (Well, unexpectedly for me, anyway. She was going to regardless, but I hadn't expected to get to ride with her.) It's just as well, really. I think it would be something of a letdown after last year, and I like the idea of keeping tonight comparatively intimate, insomuch as dinner and a show in The Mission can be intimate.
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Friday, 25 June 2010 (mysteries of the organ)
Didn't make it back to the gym last night. Between the spin class and the sex, my body had been through enough. I did get there at five this morning for weights followed by Damiel's abs class (where I gave him an mp3 CD of the soundtrack to The Wire, since he'd mentioned on Wednesday that he couldn't find a Solomon Burke song featured in the show's final episode) and then an hour on the treadmill. My tentative plan is to return this afternoon, but it all depends on when the second plumber of the day arrives, and how long he'll take. There have been issues with the washing machine's sink, since everything breaks down eventually. And it still beats going to a laundromat.
Did an hour on the treadmill this afternoon, during which I had a breakthrough (while going at 4MPH and reading Michael Krasny's Off Mike: A Memoir of Talk Radio and Literary Life and listening to Steve Boyett's Podrunner Workout Music podcast) on the story I'm currently writing, a chronicle of an exceedingly difficult time. Sometimes I wish my writing didn't involve reopening old wounds, but in the long run they're all I've got to work with. Especially since I can't make stuff up.
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Thursday, 24 June 2010 (lost in the blood)
Though I did run and take Damiel's abs class yesterday morning, I didn't make it back later in the day, since after I got off work, Marta and I went to an application workshop for the San Francisco Arts Commission Cultural Equity Grants. It's a lot of paperwork, but I think I have a pretty decent shot at it. At completing the application, anyway.
This morning, Marta came with me to Figurski's spin class. It was good, but it was at half past nine, and I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm a 5AM gym person, not a 9:30AM gym person. The early risers are more my people.
When we got back, Marta and I had breakfast, cleaned the apartment some, had lunch, almost napped, but instead tore into each other. Yay for the energy provided by exercise.
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Wednesday, 23 June 2010 (october language)
Damn. I almost avoided the whole office birthday party thing, which is why I made a point of not working on my birthday last week, but no such luck. I get that it's a ritual everyone else enjoys, but I just don't care for it, especially when I'm at the center of it. At least in this case, it was primarily for the people whose birthdays are this week, with me included as an addendum. I also got the standard-issue "card signed by everyone in the office." Which is sweet, but I really would have preferred to have opened up the envelope and found a W-4. But that's just not going to happen. Alas.
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Tuesday, 22 June 2010 (physical memories)
Went running again last night, then to bed earlyish and up at four to be at the gym again at five for the weights and Cally's spin class, and then running again after work, with crunches preceding each session. Because. I also received a rejection from a literary magazine this morning, but that's okay. I'm still hanging in there.
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Monday, 21 June 2010 (back down the slide)
It's not going to happen here. It's really not. I need to seriously start looking elsewhere.
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