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Friday, 20 February 2009 (shake to clear) 8:06pm Home, tonight. No great shock to that. Not for lack of places to be, since there's both a friends-only Uphill Both Ways show at The Dark Room right now and Jim asked me to work the door for the show following it at ten, but I'm still battling off this dumb stupid illness. The First has given me a lot of interesting (and wholly solicited) advice, not the least of which was acupuncture. Unfortunately, I had no luck getting in anywhere for today or tomorrow. Same thing happened when I called Lyon-Martin this morning. They're booked for their next few business days, and certainly aren't open on weekends. Western Medicine or Eastern, the great constant is that they never have time for you. However, one of the acupuncture places in the Sunsetthe Outer Lands, my 'hood, y'all!did hook me up with some chinese herbs in pill form. So, home, warm, herbed. Because I want to go to the gym tomorrow, or as soon as I can. I had to cancel with Raphaela this morning, although I did go to work, because sick days are a finite resource and in these uncertain times it feels more important than ever to be reliable. Middle management may be more expendable than ditch-digging monkeys such as myself, but damnit, I'm still one of the best ditch-digging monkeys there is. Meanwhile, it's been confirmed that I'll be in AIRspace in both March and June, and the June show will be part of the National Queer Arts Festival, my sixth year in that particular shindig. Memorizing the piece has been coming along nicely, and I'm fully confident that I'll have it down and sounding good well before night of the first show. Better yet, I'll be hosting the AIRspace shows like I did that one night back in December. This time I volunteered, and the guy who runs the Garage couldn't have been happier. This is what's called "staying in the game." | ||
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Thursday, 19 February 2009 (not for the season) 2:16 pm Home. This isn't where I wanted to be today, but my throat still hurts and I'm still congested and I work up this morning with both eyes having excreted goo overnight, so yeah. Really done with this. Health again, please? Though they're gone and the new people haven't moved in, it isn't quiet upstairs. Sounds like the between-tenants cleaning is taking place. It's thumpyso much so that it wakes up Perdita every so oftenbut not like the giraffe, and more importantly, I know it's temporary. So, I deal. I haven't even put in my earplugs. Yet. Give me a few more minutes, like when they inevitably turn on the industrial-strength vacuum. I've found the folding tables which had disappeared from the garage. The former neighbors neither took them nor threw them away: they're in the backyward, directly under my windows. I've been aware that there were tables there for some now, given the stuff piled up on them that I can't help but see on the rare occasions I look out my windows, but it hadn't occurred to me that they were using my tables. As goes without saying, they never asked for my permission to use my property. That's a loving, morally upright nuclear family for you. Though it's never been a secret, and there was even a big music festival bearing the name last year, I only just discovered the that the Sunset District, my home for the last fourteen years, used to be called the Outer Lands. I love that so much. I wish they'd change the name back. It also used to be mostly sand dunes, but you can't beat the name. | ||
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Wednesday, 18 February 2009 (no egress) 11:51am Still sick. I woke up for the second morning in a row with my left eye practically sealed shut from the dried goo it excreted overnight. Yummy. The eye's now bloodshot, which a couple of coworkers have commented on. One of them said usually your eyes are glowing, which I'm going to take as a compliment. My archnemesis, their eyes don't glow. Win, me! We were supposed to go on a forced lunch march in a little while ago, but I managed to get out of it thanks to my gnarly peeper. Again: win, me! This also means I'm going straight the frak home after work today. I'd been hoping that I'd be healthy enough to go Tyrol's spin class tonight, or maybe even Smack Dab, but no. Dumb stupid fragile human body. Unsurprisingly, their curbside detritius was still there this morning. I don't expect it'll disappear too quickly. | ||
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Tuesday, 17 February 2009 (not like everybody else) 10:34am Back at work. I'm only better in the sense that my throat isn't killing me as much as it was yesterday morning, and I'm not appreciably worse otherwise. (Granted, when I woke up my left eye seemed to have excreted some goo as I slept, but nothing's perfect.) Besides, I'm not feverish nor do I feel like I'm going to hurl, and I've already taken a sick day, so here I am. And, wow, the rain is noisy. Our roof is about thirty percent skylight, and the rest of it is largely made of wood, so every drop sounds like hail, and according to Sister Edith, actual hail (of which there was some yesterday) is LOUD! Didn't work with Raphaela last night, and I'm not going to the gym today, but I hope to be healthy enough to return tomorrow. I don't like taking this much time off. 10:40am They were still around yesterday, and the kids spent a lot of the not-rainy time in the backyard. Today is supposed to be their last day for real, and I'm assuming that if anything's changed about that, my landlord would have informed me. So, when I get home tonightwhich should be sometime after ten, since I'm going to Pete and Sarah's place at nine to watch last week's Galacticathey should be gone. Or very very very close to being gone, and that'll be that. 11:31pm It's ther last day, allegedly. Though the lights are on, the house is quiet, and the garage and backyard are empty. There's a pile o' junk on the curb out front, and they also either took or got rid of the two folding tables I keep in the garage, but it's a small price to pay. I think they may actually be gone, for real. | ||
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Monday, 16 February 2009 (your impossible return) 11:56am Home today. Didn't want to be, but my throat started feeling funny on Saturday night, and was officially achey by Sunday morning, and by the end of the night it felt like it was on fire. It's doing a little better today, but it still hurts to swallow or breathe, which means that I'm probably going to have to cancel with Raphaela tonight, since breathing is kinda important when working out. Aside from the fact that I'm tired of being sick and I don't like how we're barely a month and a half into the new year and I keep using up my sick days, the other reason I wish I wasn't home today is that they're still here. Their official last day is tomorrow but they aren't gone yet, and my theory about the giraffe being gone for good proved incorrect judging from the thumpthumpthumpTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPthumpthumpthump overhead. My intention had been to keep my distance during the final days. (Take that, intentions!) Theoretically they're gone for good in forty-eight hours, but I wouldn't put it past these people to stay on even longer. Maybe it's like approaching the speed of light: the closer you get, the longer it takes. Or something. I don't know much about approaching the speed of light. After picking up Phoebe from the shop on Saturday, I then took her to get her smog test done, because what are rainy Saturdays for if not spending hundreds of dollars on car maintenance? She passed, as I knew she would. From there I went to the gym, then did some erranding before returning home. I was home for the rest of the evening, though the writing didn't quite happen. On Sunday morning I saw Coraline 3-D with Rhiannon, had lunch with her and her mother, then hit the gym. I'd hoped to sweat out whatever nasty was causing my current throat issues, but no such luck. By the time Bad Movie Night rolled aound my throat was really hurting, but the show must go on, and go on it did. I wasn't even aware of the pain most of the time, because I don't notice those things when I'm in show mode. I noticed it afterward, though. And I know we need the rain, but I can't help but notice how often I fall ill during rainstorms. Bleh. I was talking to The First the other night about my tendency to catch colds lately, and she suggested that it might help if I eat more warm foods. It's true that most of what I eat is raw and/or cold, aside from the copious amounts of hot sauce I put on stuff, so it couldn't hurt to try. I guess it's time to finally learn the mysteries of quinoa. There's hammering going on outside. I just peeked out the window: the plastic playhouse in the backyward is being dismantled. That's a good sign. 4:41pm At the gym yesterday afternoon, I ran into the girl whom I've nervously flirted with before. She told me that she'd lost my email address and would like it again, so I gave it to her, both of us dancing around the notion of me getting her email addy, or even, heaven forfend, an exchange of phone numbers. It's probably that I don't want to expend any more energy into this than I already have. While on my new favorite machine, the AMT 100i, I decided to retitle my current book from Exchange and Descent to Bottomfeeder. The word has been in my mind for a while now, it's thematically appropriateI've always been a bottomfeeder, probably always will be, and heaven knows I was during the majority of the time covered in the bookand most importantly, people can understand it. The words "exchange and descent" don't mean anything to anyone but me, and if Google can be believed, it's only been used once before. Which is normally terrific, I love my new phrases and nelogisms (even if the editors of Femmethology nixed the word "jorm" from my essay, though they referred to its usage as a "Lewis Carroll moment," which is totally frabjous), but in this case, the simpler the better. And it makes better phonetic sense, too. The "d" sound at the end of "and" tends to blend in with the beginning of "descent," making it sound like "essent" and bleh, I'm tired of having to explain to people how to spell or pronounce my own name or (far less often these days) kittypr0n, so I'm done with the self-consciously clever naming for now. Bottomfeeder it is. | ||
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Sunday, 15 February 2009 (down the interstate) 11:12pm Wow. A lot of people came out in the rain to see The Matrix at Bad Movie Night this evening, especially because it's supposed to be a good movie. Peter Finch from KFOG interviewed Jim and Rhiannon and I before the show for his Fog Files segment, whch was pretty neat. He told us that while interviewing Joel Hodgson (formerly of Mystery Science Theater 3000, currently of Cinematic Titanic) on Friday, he told him about Bad Movie Night. I also mentioned when I briefly met Joel on Friday evening at the Cinematic Titanic Live show. Granted, I was babbling like an idiot, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I don't handle meeting heroes very well. (Earlier in the week, someone pinged me on Facebook to tell me that they'd bought all of my chapbooks a few years back at Femina Potens and were a fan of my work. Everybody has a fan.) | ||
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Saturday, 14 February 2009 (our ghost in her wood) 10:09am At Java Beach, for the first time in forever. I'm mostly here because Phoebe is down the street at Eugene's Auto. Her driver's side front tire started shrieking while I was on my way to The First's place on Thursday, so I called on Friday and made an appointment for this morning. He identified the problem over the phone as being the brake pads (duh), and acquired them yesterday so they'd be ready to go today. I may be able to salvage this day yet. I wanna hit the gym then return home to write, hopefully about the Cinematic Titanic Live show last night. I haven't written anything for Medialoper in almost a year, and though I have no lack of other projects demanding my time, it's good to flex those muscles, too. There was some thumping overhead last night, and the garage is mostly cleared out. They weren't moving stuff when I left this morning, but I can't imagine they're done, not when Tuesday is their last day. Still, with any luck I should be able to return home unmolested (or at least undetected) this afternoon and shut them out. There were some open boxes of books in the garage earlier this week, and I couldn't help but notice a shitload of books on Yoga and meditation and such. As it happens, meditation is something I've been interested in for some time now, but have been stymied by the fact that I can't do it at home because of the noise they make upstairs. I doubt they'd grasp the irony. But, yeah. I intend to spend this afternoon and evening at home, writing. It's Valentine's Day and I have nowhere better to be, and work to do. Raphaela told me this week she intends to go out tonight and get laid come hell or high water, and the truth of the matter is, she can do that. She's a cute genetic girl who likes to fuck boys. There are dozens (hundreds?) of places she can go to accomplish that feat, especially if she's not too picky, and alcohol will grease those wheels. Me, I'm a marginally-attractive-as-these-things-go tranny who likes to fuck girls. That leaves the Lexington Club and Divas, and if I'm realistic about the cultures in question, only Divasand if I'm even more realistic, it's still a long shot at best. A really really long shot. So, I can go out and try to beat the odds for something I don't really need at this momentI mean, I am so ready to get laid again, and there's no question that there are basic physical needs which are going unfulfilledor I can focus on what really needs to get done, my work, my writing, what Jeanette Winterson called that which lasts. The rest will come in time. Even if I don't know when. | ||
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Friday, 13 February 2009 (the next ten) 4:57pm Axes have fallen, and my neck was not under any of them. | ||
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Thursday, 12 February 2009 (the mission is extended) 10:40am The gig last night was pretty much what I expected it to be: a low-key, slightly underattended affair put on by a bunch of bright-eyed college kids. Which isn't a bad thing at all, and it was fun, even if while I was reading I got the feeling that they weren't quite sure what to make of me, and some of my references fell flat. At the Garage back in December the fluoridation joke got a big laugh, but not so much as a peep this time. And, really, what more should I expect from a godsdamned fluoridation joke? A couple of the kids came up to me afterward and treated me like a rockstar, which is always nice. As a writer, I'll take what adoration I can get. (I'd hoped that the thirty-mile drive to Hayward might be far enough to qualify me for tour sex, but it was not to be.) The buzz from performing was killed shortly after I got home. The upstairs was once again dark, and the accumulation of packages and missed-delivery slips suggested they hadn't returned yet. So, for the second night in a row, I did something I haven't done in over a year: I parked Phoebe on the street directly in front of the house. Usually I park her around the corner, where space is more ample, and which also gives me the advantage of being able to come and go relatively undetected. They can see the street in front of the building from their living room window (the curtain to which is always open, day or night), and I got tired of being watched when I parked in front. But they're gone now, so I parked in front. It's a relatively small space, and Phoebe ended up sticking a few inches into the driveway, but they're gone now and surely wouldn't be returning this late in the evening, so why not? The problem is that I'm stupid, and twenty minutes later there was a knock at my door. I knew it was going to be them, asking me to move Phoebe so they could park in the driveway. I debated whether or not to answer it, because frak them, they've done little else but inconvenience me for the last two years, and after another knock I consoled myself that they're almost gone for good, so I opened the door and of course it was the wife asking me to move my car so they could pull their rental in and load it up, so I put on my jacket and went out and moved Phoebe. In spite of that I still win, because they're going away and I'm not, so frak them. I did put my earplugs in when I got back inside, and turned on the Buddha Machine and white sound generator on. They didn't have the giraffemy operating theory is that they've been gone the last few days taking their kids to their new home, and I'll never have to hear them again. I like that theory, and I'm sticking with it. 2:19pm I started this diary ten years ago today. What have we learned? 3:20pm So our corporate uberlords is visiting the office tomorrow, so naturally, Tim wants everyone here by nine. Most days I am here by then earlier, and often the first one in the officebut tomorrow I have my weekly, Officer Dave-approved morning painfest with Raphaela. So when Tim was going around the office confirming that everyone would be in by nine, I had to tell him that I actually wouldn't be in until later. Not fun, since I've never been his favorite employee (he knows I have a good work ethic and our rapidly dwindling client base all love me, but he doesn't get me) and his mood code has been set to Hardcore Crankypants lately as it is. He looked at me for a few seconds, then said: well, do as you wish. That was a bit chilling. But, whatever. There've been signs of impending shitcannings, as is to be expected during the Global Financial Apocalypse, and if I'm on the list, it's already been decided. | ||
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009 (irregular around the margins) 10:26am I returned home last night to find everything pretty much the way it was in the morning, with no evidence that they'd come back, or were likely to that evening. I kept my earplugs out, turned off both the Buddha Machine and the white noise generator, and slowly began to relax. Slowly. Not really there yet. I put the earplugs back in when I went to bed because it's such a habit now wherever I'm trying to sleep (be it my Mom's or The Dark Room or Ilene's), though when I woke up around five this morning they were out. That happens a lot, and I'm never quite sure if they fall out on their ownthey're lodged in fairly deepor if I remove them on my own in my sleep. One was under my pillow, which suggests to me that maybe they don't just fall out. Anyway, I got out of bed with the intention of going to the gym, but my body wasn't up for it. Usually it is, usually I get up and get dressed and leave the house already feeling energetic (being a morning person and all), but my energy level was all wrong, so I went back to bed without putting the earplugs back in. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep or not, feeling so aurally vulnerable, but before long I was in another place entirely (first in the mall-like building, and then we were in the van as the road narrowed to nothing below us, as i gently put my hand in hers and she smiled and gripped my hand and moved closer) and then I looked at the clock and it was half past seven. So it can be done. I'm not convinced they're totally gone yet, though. I mean, they've gotta come back for at least some of the rest of their stuff. There's a large plastic children's playhouse in the backyward as well as a wetsuit hanging on a clothesline, and in the garage are bikes and beds and that double-stroller they use all the time, not to mention more wetsuits and a few surfboards. (I know better than to think that all surfers are chodes, but the surfers who've lived above me have been choodes.) On the other hand, they'll have no need for surfing equipment where they're going, it's hella expensive to move, and why not just leave it all behind? What's it to them? In any event, I still haven't ruled out spending this weekend away from home, just in case. Tonight I have a gig at Cal State East Bay, and tomorrow night I'm having dinner with The Ex. It's also an anniversary of sorts. 3:02pm How it ended. Or how it began, depending on your point of view. Eternal Recurrence, Part III (Crucifixion) Part IV and V were planned but never written, though they'll eventually exist in the first two chapters of Landing on Water. (The existing stuff will be rewritten quite a bit, since there's a lot I don't like about it stylistically. It is a ten year-old rough draft, after all.) The tricky part is going to be my lack of notes beyond the chapter titles above, since I lost the notebook I used in those days. Normally I'm good about hanging onto my notebooks, and I have them all back through '97 or so, but I lost that particular notebooke later in the year. I've lost a lot of material things in my life, and this one hurts the most. | ||
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