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Saturday, 31 January 2009 (state-dependent retrieval) 12:42pm I started getting sniffly at dinner with Ilene on Thursday night, and the fact that her apartment is a bit colder than mine probably didn't help. I went ahead and kept my usual Friday morning appointment with Raphaela, hoping to burn out whatever was in my system. It didn't work, but I don't think it made it worse, either. Gods, I'm so tired of getting sick, especially when it seems to happen every few weeks. OVER IT. And right after getting a clean bill of health, no less. So I stayed home last nightwhich especially sucked since Beth Lisick was performing in Sketchfest at The Dark Room, and I have a message for her from my motherand have been trying to stay warm and relaxed. The thing is, the next all-girl party is tonight, and I'm not going to miss it. Period. In addition to hydration and Vitamin C and the usual stuff, I've even started taking cold medicine. I'd kinda sworn off it a few months back when I started getting into shape, and I've been doing fine without since the illness always runs it course in a couple of days, but this is a special case. I'm fairly confident that I'm not contagious, and my energy level is okay, but I kinda need my nose to not run. 5:45pm Feeling a little better, and it'll have to do. Gonna shower (again), get dressed, head out into the world and let my will do the rest. Mabye Akima will be there, and maybe she won't. 11:12pm i wanted to play with you, but i was afraid it would freak out sadie. 11:55pm This is just a guess, but I think tonight was the first time Neil Young's "Computer Age" has played in the background of an all-girl orgy. sometime after midnight The nametag. | ||
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Friday, 30 January 2009 (whiling it away) 12:11pm Tim just slapped my hand because of my causal tone with client. Of course, the client loves working with me because of my causal tone (and the fact that I'm good at my job), but that's neither here nor there. I rolled over and showed my underbelly and apologized. 2:02pm Feh. Yeah, I'm getting sick again. No Sketchfest at The Dark Room for me tonight. Dumb stupid body. 7:09pm They can't leave soon enough. They just can't. | ||
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Thursday, 29 January 2009 (so semi-precious in your detached world) 3:30pm Fresno will not be my refuge during that weekend in February. I already a ticket for Cinematic Titanic Live that Friday night so I'd have to leave on Saturday morning, and I'd still have to get back in time for Bad Movie Night on Sunday, so there's not much point. I'll crash at The Dark Room on Saturay night, and possibly Friday, too. (I know from having done it many times before that Perdita will be fine on her own for a weekend, especially if I leave her extra food and water.) I'd be staying in town that weekend regardless, since shortly after I got the Cinematic Titanic ticket, Thomas Roche asked me if I'd read at this year's My Sucky Valentine that same night. I had to decline, but it's always nice to be asked. Gig-wise, in addition to the three Saturdays of AIRspace in March, I'm also reading at the next Perverts Put Out in April, the first time I've read at the event since 2004. This time, I asked them rather than them asking me, but that's okay. It's good for me to do the legwork, to keep myself out there. I don't know what's happening after that. Whether or not I'll be chosen to be in AIRspace's June show is uncertain, and nobody's asked me to be in their reading, so this may well be the first time since 2004quite a watershed yearthat I haven't been in a National Queer Arts Festival show. If so, that's okay. I had a good run (I DO, I DON'T: A Queer-Centric Solution to an American Institution in 2004, The Bad Date Show in 2005, Transforming Community II in 2006, The Penis Issue in 2007 and Coming Out...Again! in 2008), there's always next year, and I'm doing pretty damn well considering I haven't been the flavor of the month for a long, long time. And I still have plenty to keep me busy. But not tonight. Ilene and I getting together for dinner at Galactica, and it'll be the first time I've stayed at her place (or anyone's) since this past summer. Meanwhile, ten years ago Eternal Recurrence, Part II (Suture and Dissolution) And so it went. | ||
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Wednesday, 28 January 2009 (returning the compliment) 2:09pm When I returned home from Fresno after xmas last month, the people upstairs had left a generic holiday card on my doorstep. Written inside: Sherilyn,(The scare quotes around the words "together" were theirs, not mine.) I never responded. Didn't see the point, really, since it struck me as unlikely that they would finally start making an effort to keep the racket down, to somehow keep the kids from yelling and running and thumping and screaming all the time. No doubt this makes me the asshole in the dynamicthey're a just a loving family trying to reach out to the weird, Boo Radley-esque loner living beneath them, for pete's sake!and I'm okay with that. My mom thinks I should have called Child Protective Services about the incident with their son. I don't know, maybe she's right. | ||
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Tuesday, 27 January 2009 (tempting chaos) 8:25pm Losing a job sucks, and my sympathies go out to whoever it happens to. I know how painful it can be. Getting laid off from CNET in 2001 broke my heart, and getting shitcanned from the office job at the construction company in 2004 felt like a cruel joke. (The person who was training me to be their replacement decided not to leave after all, so I was shown the door.) Hell, Sister Edith tells me that Pike got laid off from CNET, and he'd already been there for a couple of years when I started in 1999. Impermanence is a bitch. I have not been laid off by NakedSword, and what's more, I know how incredibly fortunate I am to have a job that I love, especially in this economic climate, and I'm very grateful for it. The few things that I don't like about itmy petty, sub-schoolyard non-rivalry with my archnemesis, for exampleare perfect examples of what Bunny calls bourgeois suffering. On the scale of actual human trauma and suffering, it doesn't even register. So, I came home this evening to see a FOR RENT sign in the upstairs neighbors' window. I contacted my landlord, who informed me that the husband lost his job, and can't find a new one, so they're moving back from whence they came. Their last day is on Sunday, February 15. (Presumably, the actual process of moving out will take place that weekend. As it happens, I'd been tossing around going to Fresno for a weekend in February.) I'll say it again: losing a job sucks. Me, I only have one other mouth to feed, and she goes through about one six-dollar bag of Trader Joe's Cat Food a month. I can only imagine what it's like for a family of four. That's harsh, and I wish them well. Meanwhile: ohmygodohmygodohmygod, they're gone in three weeks! I outlasted them! There's always the possibility that childless replacements will be worse, or that in spite of how rough he knows these past twenty-five months have been for me my landlord may rent to yet another couple with small children because in this aforementioned economic climate he can't afford to wait to find a proper Double Income No Kids couple who (ostensibly) won't offend my delicate eardrums. I recognize that. The Devil I know and what have you. But still: they're almost gone! I win! As I typed that, there was a thumpthumpthumpTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPthumpthumpthump as the giraffe continued the same rampage it's been on since December 23, 2006. But not for much longer. Oh, and I saw my doctor at Lyon-Martin this morning. Turns out I'm healthy. She did a full poke-and-prod physical, and also had blood tests done, though I won't know the results for a couple of weeks. I'm curious to see what the numbers look like compared to last time. I'm going to start seeing her every six months, which she said is frequently enough since I'm clearly doing fine. Funny how my last doctor didn't feel that way. | ||
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Monday, 26 January 2009 (the bible-black predawn) 4:39pm Possibly because we were showing a PG-rated movie (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian), a family brought a girl who looked all of eight years old to Bad Movie Night. It's not the first time we've had kids in the audience, but it's a rarity. To make it even more entertaining, they sat in the second row, directly behind me and Mikl-Em and Geekboy. I originally wasn't going to host, since I've never liked the Narnia books and have no interest in the movie, but I had to cover for Jim. Anyway, we warned the parents that the show was not child-friendly, that even though it was ostenstibly a family filma family film with a body count in the hundreds, mind youwe were still going to work blue. They understood (after we explained that blue meant "adult" and not "sad"), and they had a great time. The kid seemed mostly bored, probably because the movie was boring and most of our jokes went over our head, and she wasn't traumatized by the fact the we use dirty words and make the occasional secks joke. Personally, I just love the fact we get to use the phrase "work blue" at all. It feels like old-school showbiz. | ||
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Sunday, 25 January 2009 (all these things that i've done) 3:01pm The equivalent to this weekend ten years ago, January 22-24 of 1999, was one of the roughest in my life. It was the personal nadir of my breakup with The First, which was pretty much one big nadir, as breakups are wont to be. Not that I knew it from experience, since it was my first breakup. I'm an old hand at it now. Anyway, I was compulsively writing about it all to a couple of friends, one of whom was my best friend when we worked at Autodesk, with whom I saw Velvet Goldmine on opening night and who originally gave me a copy of Candy Darling's diary compilation My Face for the World to See. When I originally reprinted the letters in my own diary in 2002the earliest I could get away with doing so without getting into trouble with Maddy for violating her ban on anything suggesting that The First ever existedI condensed them into the all-purpose "Dar," itself a reference to Alanis Morissette's "Joining You." It's not my best work by a long shot and there's lots of stylistic bits in it that I'm not crazy about now, but I'm so very glad I wrote it, both because things I don't write down get lost, and becuase it's the basis of the first chapter of Landing on Water, the follow-up/prequel to Exchange and Descent.. Eternal Recurrence, Part I (Conjunction)The chapter-heading bits were actually part of the original letters, as was my style back then. They may well make a return for Exchange and Descent, and Dave Eggers uses them in A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, so I can always make the argument that if it's okay for real writers to use the device, it's okay for the likes of me, too. And "eternal recurrence" was a Nietzsche concept which I never quite grasped because it's Nietzsche and I'm not that bright, but the phrase was resonating with me so I used it. In retrospect, it was a premonition. | ||
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Saturday, 24 January 2009 (intermittent surveillance) 5:43pm Here we go again: my semi-annual attempt to carve out some office space at home, in the form of the twenty-odd year-old desk in my bedroom. I forget exactly when I got this desk. All I remember for is that my mother got it for me while I was at camp, so that puts it in the mid-eighties. It's followed me ever since, and has been in this same exact place in my current bedroom ever since The First and I moved in in '95. There's been no point in moving it, and the fucker's too heavy anyway. I can only imagine how pristine the carpet under its feet must look. I know I can be productive at home, having written most of my Medialoper article about Star Trek: The Motion Picture at this very desk. It ain't exactly the same as being the desk at which War and Peace was written, but it's one of my favorite articles, so I know it can be done. This is also the first time I've attempted it in full environmental lockdown, earplugs in and headphones on (currently playing Muslimgauze's "Hebron Massacre (Short Mix)", courtesy of Temple a million years ago) and the white noise generator at full blast eighteen inches away and the Buddha Machine on. Perdita's also in petting distance, which does less for noise issues and more for basic emotional stability. For the most part, I'm blocking them out. There's still the occasional THUMPTHUMPTHUMP now and again breaking through my defenses, but on the plus side, I'm warm and cozy. Right now, climate control is the primary advantage my home has over my place of employment. (That, and Perdita. I can't overstate how happy it makes me to have her nearby.) The office is basically a large concrete block, and it gets cold as fuck in this weather, especially on the weekends when the thermostat is programmed to turn on and make it habitable for human life. In the plus column it's fairly pleasant during warm weather, and the fan at my desk equalizes things nicely, but when it's cold it's brutal. It also doesn't help that when I swung by after the gym this morning to grab some stuff, Tim was there and came very close to roping me into doing work-work. Yeah, not so much, and all the more reason to keep my distance this weekend. So, home it is. | ||
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Friday, 23 January 2009 (naming conventions) 6:11pm A heavily-pierced girl behind the counter at Other Avenues asked me if I was going to the Edwardian Ball. I choose to interpret it as a flirt. I didn't think to say no, but i used to date a girl called ennui, because and I'm glad I didn't think of it because if I thought it at the time I probably would have said it, and that wouldn't have been a good thing at all. Xiola had to cancel our plans for tonight due to work drama, and it's probably for the best. Between the rain and working with Raphaela this morning, my energy level's somewhere on the nonexistent side. Mostly it's from Raphaela, though. In her parlance, we killed it today! She pushes me a little harder and little farther every time, but of course that's the whole damn point, this the only way it works, and indeed it must be working and I must be stronger and in better shape than when we started, because there's no way I could have done as much or for as long back then. And, you know, my shiny pants are fitting again, so that's something. So I'm staying home tonght, and possibly for most of the weekend. Got lots of work to do, as always, and my primary goal is a new draft of "Intersections and Interventions," the olf-told story I'm reprising for the next AIRspace show in March. It got a fantastic response last December, but now I need to not only memorize it and develop it into a off-book solo piece, and requires a bit of suturing here and there. Jim from The Dark Room has agreed to help me, being the theatrical wiz that he is. I read it for him last night, and for no good reason, I was nervous as hell. It's not like I haven't read stories on the stage at The Dark Room several times before (and hundreds of times elsewhere), and it was just him sitting in the audience, and he's one of my best friends. For pete's sake, last summer him and I did drugs (acid and 'shrooms, respectively) and sat on the bank of the Russian River, watching the tiny translucent blue fishies swimming around our ankles. Admittledly we haven't been quite as close in the ensuing months since my priorities and habits have changed, but still, I felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable performing the piece for him, in ways that I didn't when I was reading the piece in front of a packed house last month. Granted, that was a crowd full of trannies and queers and Jim is a garden-variety straight (Greek) man, but I don't think that's quite it, and it's never been an issue in our friendship. In any event, he liked the piece, and his suggestions were very helpful. What's lacking from the story is the emotional context which had been stripped away when I excerpted it from Exchange and Descent, especially since I went through and edited out as much of the backstory as I could, which pretty much makes it just a bunch of stuff that happened. It's pretty interesting stuff and people have liked it so far, but he's quite right, and I'm going to try to work the emotional context back into it, so it stands more on its own and feels less like just an excerpt from a larger piece. That's the goal, anyway. And considering that the next series opens in six weeks... sometime after midnight i'm afraid some long lonely road will lead me back to you again | ||
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Thursday, 22 January 2009 (shedding off one more layer of skin) 2:40pm Made it through the movie just fine after spin class (though as 3D movies go, I liked Journey to the Center of the Earth better), and Bunny unexpectedly joined KrOB and I, which was nice. I'm a bit more sluggish today, because I didn't go to the gym this morning due to lack of sleep. (Only five hours.) I'm going this afternoon, and of course seeing Raphaeal tomorrow morning. This evening, I'm going to The Dark Room to start working with Jim on turning my AIRspace story into an actual off-book solo theatrical piece. Which is what it should have been for December's show, really. Better late and all that. | ||
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Wednesday, 21 January 2009 (where to draw the line) 6:21pm Got recognized in Trader Joe's by someone who recognized me from the SNOWMISER pictures on Laughing Squid. Fuck me, I'm famous. (No, really. I'm more than ready for the starfuckers.) Going to spin class in a little while, and then to see My Bloody Valentine 3D with KrOB. Evidently I'm trying to get both my heart and my head to explode. | ||
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