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Sunday, 20 May 2001 (saturn return) 8:02am It went well. A tad awkward at first, for spatial reasons as anything else, but eventually we all settled in comfortably. They loved Maddy's lasagna, as I knew they would; it was a particular victory for Maddy as they're both rather picky about these things. (Her liberal use of large chunks of garlic probably helped.) The Ex also commented a few times that she loves the way the place looks now. Like I've told Maddy more than once, it's certainly better than it's ever looked before. I especially made The Ex's day when I told her she could help herself to the laserdisc collection. I'm not sure how many were left, maybe thirty or forty. I'd pulled a few aside that I want to hang onto which aren't on DVD yet, but even then, it was a bit difficult to watch them go. I mean, it made sense; our machine is dying, we've pretty much moved onto DVD, it opens up space in the living room, and perhaps most importantly, she was thrilled to get them. Nobody said purging is always easy, I suppose. And I really wish I'd thought to show Maddy Toys while we still had the disc, though... Meanwhile, the proposal to add sex-change benefits for city workers was approved. Okay, it was three weeks ago, but I was in Kansas at the time. Kinda distracted, yknow? Anyway, one can only assume that the city coffers will be sucked dry by freeloading trannies. Kinda like how when Bush was elected back-alley abortions suddenly increased, or when copyrighted materials were blocked from Napster Metallica's albums shot to the top of the charts. Foregone conclusions, right?
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Saturday, 19 May 2001 (disappear) 7:43am So now we know: "pot stickers" and "dumplings with szechuan sauce" are indistinguishable from one another, at least at the place from which we normally order. At least they cost the same. In any event, I ate way too much of both (among other things) last night, and will probably eat a bit too much of Maddy's lasagna tonight. But I'm going back to the gym tomorrow morning, so that makes it okay. On that note, the dermal anomaly on my upper arm has mostly gone away, at least to the extent that the friction from exercising shouldn't make it worse. I can only conclude it was an allergic reaction to Kansas.
If you've ever doubted that the internet has replaced xeroxed pamphlets
as the primary medium for cranks, then you have yet to visit
Granted, I came across it on public access cable, which is no less appropriate.
Remember: PORZAC causes Murder!
Well, maybe just a little. The Ex and her boyfriend should be here sometime after 4pm. It'll be the first time she's seen the place since November '99. As such, we've been on something of a cleaning jag for the last weeknot coincidentally when Maddy's stuff arrived in the mail. I swear, though, this apartment probably hasn't looked this clean since before The Ex and I moved in almost exactly six years ago. My discovery of the wonders of vacuum cleaner attachments this morning certainly helped. Wow, you mean you can actually get into corners and along walls? Cool! There are nooks and crannies in the place which almost certainly haven't been touched since before we moved in, if then. Of course, Maddy would like to keep it looking this way. I'm sure it will. *cough* By the way, the above misspelling of Prozac is not a typo on my part.
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Friday, 18 May 2001 (she just wants to be) 9:43am Being an alumna of San Francisco State University's Cinema Department, I received a cheaply photocopied invitation to the Film Finals tonight, wherein the studentssome of them, anywayshow their wares. I've never been to one before, actually, and it doesn't look like I'll be starting with this one. I'm not even sure if any of the movies I worked on have ever been featured. I doubt it.
Anyway, in the first paragraph of the copy they point out that the Cinema Department
was recently named one of the nation's top film schools by none other than Entertainment
Weekly. I couldn't be more proud.
Anyway, there it is. The snorting, sighing, snot-smearing coke-addict-sniffling gadfly of my workplace is finally going away. And, of course,
he hasn't been nearly as much of an irritant since I was moved into my own office, but I've had
visions of us becoming cubicle neighbors once more when the company moves later this year. (I
don't expect to get another office at the new place. Obviously I'd like one, but I'm not getting
my hopes up. I know a fluke when I see one.) But, you know, there's probably be someone even
worse waiting in the wings. There always is.
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Thursday, 17 May 2001 (all the way to reno (you're gonna be a star)) 9:25am Maddy saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail for the first time last night. I envy her, because it means (unlike me) she wasn't surrounded by people like this as a teenager. 10:28am Okay, this has been bugging me for a while now. Ignoring for the moment that she has no business telling Mr. DJ his job (OF COURSE he's going to put a record on! can you wait three seconds?), is Madonna's goal dancing with her baby, or is she attempting to incite revolution amongst the bourgeoisie? Part of me wants to ask The Fidget Queen, if only to see his look of utter incomprehension. Which wouldn't be too different from his usual expression, I suppose. It might be a little difficult, though, 'cuz I don't think he's around anymore. He wasn't in the last few departmental meetings, he wasn't in the cc list of recent message about a new one next week, and the teletubbies and furbies are gone from his cubicle. So, presumably, is he. The most recent wave of department-specific layoffs was done without any kind of formal announcement, and I suspect that were I to ask I wouldn't get a straight answer. Not that it matters. Better him than me, in any event, although I'm not quite as happy about him being gone as I would have expected. Not that I'm upset about it, mind you, but damn, it woulda come in handy when I was still in earshot...
Meanwhile, Brian has been dropping hints to the effect that he has a position for me at
a company he's about to join. While I appreciate him considering me, I've
pretty much already talked myself out of it; too many people I know have switched
jobs recently only to crash and burn. Barefoot is the most obvious example, and
Brian was none too happy at the place he went to last October, the one that's
downsizing him now. I'm starting to feel like something of a survivor here, and
I don't want to give that up, not yet. Not to mention I've got mad
vacation time stored up...
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Wednesday, 16 May 2001 (i've been high) 9:55am Last night's zapping session was only two hours (long enough for Reveal and The Dirty Three's Ocean Songs), which may be record time. For clearing my face, anyway; used to be we could go six hours and he'd barely have half of it done. But there just ain't much left to get, really, and the majority of it is around my mouth. And since that's the area most prone to scarring, we've gotta take it easy. The closer you get, the longer it takes. Not that I have the foggiest idea how long it's taken so far. When I first started going in mid-'98, I had about 45 hours done over the course of (two? three?) months, and my face was just barely completed. At the time I was keeping careful track of the length of each session, even fretting over whether rounding a 2 hour, 45 minute session to 3 hours would be compromising the integrity of the figures. When I got back into it in early '99, I stopped counting entirely. I guess my priorities shifted a tad. If I really wanted to find out, I suppose I could go through my old journal entries and do the math, since I'm pretty sure I mention it every time I go. Ballpark, though, I'm going to say 400 hours, which is about average. I knew going in that it would be a long, long, long, long, long time.
And after the very last time a follicle goes to its electrical death, there's
still the healing time to consider. Phil says that it'll probably take another
year or so for the more apparent damage to clear up. I mentioned that I was
going to be asking my new endoc to recommend a dermatologist, and he suggested
that I should wait. Call me impatient, but I'd kinda like a second opinion
on this one.
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Tuesday, 15 May 2001 (the lifting) 9:58am I don't get to play the excited fan too often, but I was at Tower when they opened this morning to get the new R.E.M. album Reveal. I even broke down and got the more pricey "limited" edition, figuring that they can use the financial support. Besides, they've said they won't be touring, so it's still cheaper than concert tickets. The clerk apparently wasn't aware that the album came out today, since he asked me if I'd heard it yet. I automatically said "No," since by that point the album had technically only been available for fifteen minutes. In fact I got it off the usenet a few weeks ago, and I suppose it couldn't have hurt for him to know that us music-stealing types are still known to purchase it now and again (and, in fact, I buy as much new music now as I did before). Still, though, it felt like an incredibly stupid question. He redeemed himself a bit, though, when he commented that customers often seem surprised that the employees haven't heard everything in stock. I know that feeling well, since I often had to pretend to have seen certain movies to get people off my back in my video store days. ("You'll love Big Business! Lily Tomlin and Bette Midler are comedy gold!" Well, I didn't lie quite that blatantly, but...)
Anyway, the one thing that bothers me about the album is the
cover, which I'd like a lot better if it didn't remind me
so much of
Dan's last album. I'll have to ask Michael about that.
Anyway, I hadn't realized at the time that there was an online version of the paper, and though the site hasn't been touched since '99 (note that the year is apparently 19101), my reviews of Rush Hour and One Tough Cop are still up. Yeah, I knowwhat the fuck is One Tough Cop? Hey, it wasn't my idea. Re-reading my review of it was certainly more entertaining than watching the movie in the first place. They completely fucked up my punctuation, though. Honest. If you've ever had someone else publish your writing, you know how it is. Which isn't to say I don't make my own share of typos...
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Monday, 14 May 2001 (ends of the earth) 8:17am Guns! 12:16pm The best stuff on the web is usually at 20kbps. 5:06pm Have I been to Shrine of Lilith in recent memory? No. In spite of my apparent utter lack of loyalty, am I still bummed that it's leaving the Maritime Hall? Yes. Conventional wisdom tells me it's a sucky venue, but I've always like it, for sentimental reasons as much as anything else. After that it's moving to Jezebel's Joint, deep in the heart of the Tenderloin. No parking and high crimemy, that's a strong incentive. Meanwhile, Shrine's last night at the Maritime is June 16, so I guess I know what we're doing for my birthday. I wonder if I can use this to lure Lee out of hiding. Somehow, I doubt it.
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Sunday, 13 May 2001 (eye) 8:17am Although it's not really about coming out, is it? More like going out, which is a different matter entirely. But that's what I named it at the time, so that's what it's called. After one of our more comparatively upbeat therapy sessions yesterday morning (for as much as Maddy's mother stressed us out, our relationship didn't appear to sufferand the shrink couldn't help but point out that she'd never seen my bare arms exposed), we ate entirely too much at the sushi buffet in Japantown and then went shopping for a new bookcase. Successfully, much to our surprise, and our shelf space in the living room is now doubled, giving a home to the books and tapes which Maddy mailed back from Kansas plus the ones which I'd had boxed up. Well, books, anyway; most of my videotapes are still in boxes, 'cuz we still don't have that much space. And, even so, we've both been doing a lot of purging. Our goal is to not have to rent out storage space; if it's not something which can fit into our closet, and/or we only even feel the need to get to once or twice a year, then it's not worth the effort or expense to keep. Still, though, the packrat gene we both share is tough to to get around.
Later this afternoon, the landlord will be putting in screens in the window so we can
actually air the place out once in a while. It's almost getting to be like grown-ups
live here.
The impending visit does partially account for why we've been so focused this weekend on cleaning/rearranging the apartment, with a particular focus on unpacking the recently arrived boxes of Maddy's. Of course, even if we weren't having company, having the boxes sitting around for longer than absolutely necessary would drive Maddy nuts.
If the landlord doesn't make it today, I suppose it would serve us right, since we
completely flaked on a party at Miguel's last night. It wasn't intentional, and we'd
wanted to go, but when we finally got home yesterday afternoon we just kinda launched
into getting the new bookcase set up, and the next thing we knew it was 10pm and we
were exhausted, so we smoked a little, ate dinner, watched a couple Powerpuff Girls
episodes, went to bed...and realized this morning what we'd done. I am going to feel
so embarrassed explaining this one: "Well, y'see, we got new furniture, and..."
Meanwhile, Maddy's getting to witness my first serious fit of hiccuping in a very long time, the kind where my body jerks around. I keep waiting for her to sneak up behind me and say "Boo!" It works, right? I did try the bag trick. Didn't work, plus it made me miss doing Whip-Its. Oscar simlpy insisted on pushing up against the screen, so we had to put him in the bedroom for the time being. (The oven's on, y'see, so we need the windows open for ventilation.) It reminded of why I don't think I'd be a good parentI feel sorry for him, being shut away like that. Reminds me too much of being disciplined when I was growing up, I guess. Mind you, it didn't happen often. Once was usually enough.
Shit, that reminds me. I should call my mom. That's the most the Hallmark
shareholders are getting out of me.
"Three burned-out blue bulbs." Say it five times, fast.
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Saturday, 12 May 2001 (negative 3) 10:21pm In late '97, when my denial about my gender issues was crumbling faster than my relationship with The Ex, I found the excuse that I'd been looking for to do drag in public. It goes without saying that what I do now doesn't qualify as drag, but those were different times. Anyway, I had a few friends I wrote to about these things...
Part one of three. It's funny how much more detailed I was in my writing before my current daily grind. I also feel a little guilty about the Tammy Faye-bashing (see The Eyes of Tammy Faye and you'll understand), but apparently I've never been above picking on easy targets.
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Friday, 11 May 2001 (shine like it does) 7:21am I have to admit, I kinda wish I'd watched at least part of an XFL game. It looks like it would have been campy fun of the variety you only get when men revel in their manliness and, not suprisingly, make asses of themselves in the process. 9:05am The wastebasket in my office didn't get emptied last night. It's happened occasionally over the last few months, and I always wonder if it's a subtle form of revenge from the janitor for me reneging on buying the laptop. If so, hey, right on. Fight the power. 10:53am Probably the only thing more impolitic than being a Star Trek fan who likes Voyagera little troll recently explained to Maddy and I why the show sucks, yet we continue to enjoy it (clearly, more aggressive intervention is required, like back in high school when that kid tried to talk me out of listening to Pink Floyd)is one who also likes Star Trek: The Motion Picture. You may recall it as being "the really slow one that everybody hates because it sucks." It's always had a special place in my heart, though. I've never found it particularly slow, and love the lush look of the film, the use of blues and grays (yes, it could stand to be more colorful, but it does a lot with its limited pallette), and perhaps most of all the widescreen cinematography. Robert Wise is only the Trek director to really take advanatge of the fact the films are shot at a 2:35 to 1 aspect ratio, and as a result it plays better in a theater (or letterboxed) than on teevee; that's probably among the reasons that it's so unpopular, in addition to the fact that not a single phaser is fired. (Well, that and the fact that the movie sucks.) (Hey, I don't want to be accused of being unfairly positive about it.) And it has an overture, for pete's sake. An overture, for those unfamiliar with that particularly acane film convention, being a piece of music which plays before the movie proper begins. They were common in musicals, and since Robert Wise directed The Sound of Music and West Side Story, there's probably a connection. I've always suspected it was the last major film released to feature an overture; I'm not sure, since it isn't the kind of thing that you can look up on the IMDB, but I'm probably right. Don't get me wrong, it's a seriously flawed film. Then again, nobody was actually in the room when Charles Foster Kane said "Rosebud"which is to say, no movie is perfect. But Star Trek: The Motion Picture has no shortage of problems, many of which are because the film's production and release were both rushed; Robert Wise has said that the finished product was in fact not truly finished, and released before he'd had sufficient time to edit it or fine-tune the effects. Of course, I've also read enough about it to suspect that like everything after the first thirteen episodes of the original series, Gene Roddenberry's input/meddling/constant rewriting didn't help, either. So it has issues. Yet I've always liked it, and consider myself fortunate to have seen it twice in the theater after its initial release, as part of Star Trek marathons. I think I still have the ticket for the second one, a 25th Anniversary deal, somewhere in my desk. It's also the only of the movies not yet on DVD. I have it on laser, but I've finally begun to acknowledge that as the dead format which it is. (That my machine is dying and new ones aren't being manufactured anymore doesn't help.) Which is why I'm so damn jazzed that it's not only coming out on DVD by the end of the year, but in a new version, re-edited with the effects cleaned up and generally enhanced. From the looks of things, they're trying to avoid the excess of what Lucas did to his movies. One can hope.
I'm sure there's going to be a lot of backlash, arbiters of taste whining
that the movie isn't worth the effort. I don't care. I'm looking forward
to this more than any other release this year. (With Big Trouble in Little China coming a close second.
I saw it four times in the theater when it came out. Neener.)
Ah, fanboys. You gotta love 'em, since there are laws preventing the alternative.
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