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Monday, 20 December 2004 (the seventh brings return) 6:26am My car has started to make the get-the-brakes-fixed-NOW wailing banshee sound. Good thing Wells Fargo graciously upped my credit limit. I didn't even have to ask! How courteous is that?
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Sunday, 19 December 2004 (reweaving the pattern) 8:55am I think I may still be in an early stage of grief over losing the job. Not sure which one, or what they are, if such a thing can even be quantified, which it probably can't. Just that I have a ways to go, and the real pain hasn't hit yet, the strongest sense of injustice. Our New Orleans trip is still happening. Our hotel, paid for back in June when everything was different, has wireless internet access. That makes me happy. I'm very shallow. (I may even get to hear some of Temple guest-hosting my show a week from tomorrow, assuming Pirate Cat Radio is back on the air and netcasting by then. And, really, there's no reason to assume that it will be.) I'd like to think the fact that I don't give a shit about the cable teevee says something good about me, but it probably doesn't. Things will change in 2005.
At a party at Collette's last night, we heard tell of
Page's Bar in England. It's a huge sci-fi geek hangout,
replete with
a giant model of the Enterprise D hanging above.
That's almost as cool as the
movie-era Enterprise at Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton.
We've been planning to go to England eventually anyway (I'd like to see at least some of the world before I die, y'know?), and that just makes it
a pilgrimage.
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Saturday, 18 December 2004 (the next stage) 9:12am Yesterday, I went to Jennifer Blowdryer's place in Berkeley to help her with a book. Not the Good Advice anthology I'll be in next year, but a collection of stories about sex work, including one from Danielle. Did some proofreading, and also worked on the actual proposal to be presented to prospective publishers. (Excuse me while I wipe the spit off my keyboard.) Man. Writing book proposals sucks, hard. Not looking forward to the time I eventually do it myself. Then again, I kinda am. I recently got a hit from someone doing a Google search for the phrase books by sherilyn connelly. It's really embarrassing that such a creature does not exist. By now, many should. Or at least one.
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Friday, 17 December 2004 (a cut below) 6:21am I've had sushi from my favorite San Francisco restaurants these last two days. Went straight to Kiki's in the Inner Sunset after losing my job on Wednesday, in fact. It did nothing for me. No pleasure in it at all. I wonder if I'll taste anything in New Orleans next week, if we even go. It's not certain. Nothing is. 8:10am No. No. NO.
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Thursday, 16 December 2004 (mercurial future, forget the past) 6:17am I almost showered this morning, before realiziing there's no point. Who the hell am I trying to impress? 7:36am We didn't go to Maddy's office holiday dinner last night. I just didn't think I could handle the potential stress, especially if her coworkers and/or boss read me. Normally I'm pretty strong, but not right now. The left turn signal of my car needs to be fixed. If the wheels of the car aren't pointing in the just the right direction, the signal won't go on. It's been like that for a few months now, but it's something I can live with. One of my big plans for this job was to be abe to afford to get it fixed. There are lots of little things in the car and the house which need work and/or to be replaced. I was looking forward to doing so. I was starting to breathe again, to relax just a little, to think everything was going to be okay. One of the first things I do on any new-to-me computer is install Ad-Aware. It found four hundred and seventeen, count 'em, four hundred and seventeen foreign objects on the hard drive. Not the most computer-savvy office ever. Indeed, that seemed to be one of the things The Boss Lady liked about me in the interview, my technology experience. Yesterday, as I was filling out my W-4 (they hadn't given me one yet), The Boss Lady asked about that new icon on the desktop. I explained the concept of spyware as best as I could. Don't know if she really got it or not. Maybe installing that was my big mistake. Made her realize I can't be trusted. She's no fool. The digital video company said they'd make a decision in late December. It is now officially mid-December. I couldn't help notice that a week after I interviewed there, they reposted the job listing, a hi-fi version which almost seemed inspired by my interview, like they'd learned a thing or two about what they don't want in a candidate. My usefulness as a negative example is endless.
Lightning usually doesn't strike once, let alone twice.
It wasn't evil. This is important. My defintion of evil In this context, is "convincing consumers to spend money." You know, capitalism and all that. The business was not predicated on consumers buying stuff they don't need, or even stuff they do. That's what all my previous jobs have been about, and the last few months I spent at the last job was quite possibly the most vile example yet. It was a relief to no longer be on His radar, but the majority of the daily work involved the sale of online stiffy pills. No, we weren't involved in email spamming (nor did we use any of the 600,426,974,379,824,381,952 ways to spell it except for the correct way), but it still did not do my self-esteem any favors. There was no sales element to this business. None. Lots of money was involved, but itl flies around between subcontractors and city governments and stuff. No marketing, no advertising, no parting of a fool nor a reasonably intelligent person from their money. If there were any sketchy business practices, I didn't have enough time to discover them, but frankly, I really got the sense that everything was on the up and up. It was even doing good work, ultimately. Sure, it's very annoying when traffic is slowed down because of a construction crew tearing up the street, but, well, it's necessary. If you want your toilet to work properly, deal with the occasional bottleneck. I was happy to be a part of it. I didn't want to leave.
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Wednesday, 15 December 2004 (in like the rose) 10:27am Tonight, we go to Maddy's office holiday dinner, at Trader Vic's. The dress code is "casual elegant." Swell.
Pictures of me, Lynnee and Dattner (among others) at the
Pirate Cat Radio Listener Appreciation Party
a couple weeks back, and me on Election Night. You
know when that was.
I want to do bad things.
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Tuesday, 14 December 2004 (mercy mild) 5:11pm Still alive. Just running around a lot. I'm slowly getting the hang of the job, and am beginning to think that I'm not going to screw things up too badly. The Boss Lady continues to be really nice, although I find that I tend to get flinchy whenever I have to ask her a question or show her something I've done. My muscles tense in anticipation of getting snarked at for even the littlest thing, just like He used to. (Old habits die hard, as well as relatively new ones.) From watching her interaction with her present admin, my Trainer, I really don't think I have to worry about that. It's difficult, though. This evening is the second night of auditions for Macao, the play I'm assistant-directing at The Dark Room next year. So far, it looks like we've got Jon Fast involved. We acted together in Night of the Living Dead, and he was in my Twilight Zone episode earlier this year. On Sunday we finally saw The Princess Bride, the play I made a point of not auditioning for. It didn't really do much for me. At least, I don't feel quite the same regret as I did at not getting the part in Clue. Admittedly, I've never been much of a fan of the movie (The Princess Bride), nor fairy tales in general, so that probably has something to do with it. In a week and a day, we're heading for New Orleans.
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Saturday, 11 December 2004 (certificate of the wound) 10:11am It's official: I'm reading at the Cotillion. Yay! I have a gig! And in a pretty big room, too. Biggest since Fray Day last year. Neat.
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