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My Face for the World to See (Part II): The Diary of Sherilyn Connelly a fiction
Saturday, 10 November 2012 (a look of sorrowful perplexity) 11:21am We picked up this morning more or less where we left off last night, though with the added drama of me not wanting to spend the day at her place (largely because of the imminent return of her ex-boyfriend / current roommate from out of town, a return I cannot handle witnessing), and we decided to relocate to the Black Light District. But, for now, huevos of many kinds at La Playa Taqueria. 4:45pm Worked for a few hours, and then went shopping out in the world, because we had things we needed to get and we're Americans. The Macy's in Daly City is playing Christmas music, which I guess means that particular beast has awakened. 8:22pm The new season has begun, the one I will not be recapping for the weekly. | ||
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Friday, 9 November 2012 (so useless to reason) 12:37pm I am now officially enrolled in classes for the Spring 2013 semester. I've signed up for three classes, mostly relating to archives and records, and whether I panic and pare them down to two before the semester begins remains to be seen. The interview with the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic songwriter is now up. Unfortunately, it's going to be the last thing I write about the show for the weekly in the foreseeable future. The new season starts tomorrow morning and I was planning to start recapping it after the season finale, but my editor wrote to say i don't think it's worthwhile to keep doing the mlp recaps and that they don't thnk it's is the right audience for weekly mlp posts, esp since they are so thorough and no doubt time-consuming. The time the recaps took to write was never a problem for me, and they were worth my effort, but, well, I guess that's that. I'm not getting let go or anything, I'm still going to be writing stuff for both the online version and the print version, and I'm still going to get to write about things that I like. I'm just not allowed to write about the show anymore. Which is more than a little heartbreaking, because I really enjoyed doing the recaps, and I can't help but feel sad when something that's important to me is taken away. 8:12pm Spent much of the afternoon fighting and crying and processing at Marta's (I was feeling hurt by something I had no rational reason to feel hurt by), and as a result, we decided to not risk going to the video art thing I wrote about earlier in this week, instead only venturing as far as You See Sushi for takeout. | ||
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Thursday, 8 November 2012 (defeated, re-emerging) 9:53pm After hanging out with KrOB this evening, I've returned to Phoebe to find that someone duct-taped her front license plate back onmeaning, it would follow, that it had been knocked off. Damn, but she's been having a run of really bad luck ever since getting her cutie mark. And today has not been one of my better days, for that matter. | ||
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012 (spitting in the lock) 7:44am Obama is still in office, yay. I'm sure Tom's upset about that, but he'll get over it. 10:35am I have a new article up on the weekly, about a video art thing happening this Friday. The article's mostly an excuse to wax rhapsodic about the "La Mer" / "The Great Below" sequence at the Nine Inch Nails concert at the Cow Palace back in 2000. Damn, that was such a good show. | ||
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Tuesday, 6 November 2012 (devouring her own sweet brood) 9:37am Election Day, finally. It won't be like that night in 2008, and that's probably just as well. At worst, it might be a different kind of hurty. 4:35pm I'm dropping off my absentee ballot at a Naan-N-Curry, just the like the Framers of the Constitution intended. | ||
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Monday, 5 November 2012 (the sorry season) 2:56pm New article today on the weekly about a Kickstarter for the Roxie Theater. Also, I'm looking into getting press credentials for a big Star Trek convention next week. That'll be an adventure, I'm sure. It's been tough to get any work done today, since my internet has been down. But at least I've learned my lesson and am not wasting my time trying to contact them. | ||
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Sunday, 4 November 2012 (shade for wandering) 1:34pm There are some bad, bad vibes among the bicycle hippies at Velo Rouge Cafe today, and was that way even before Marta and I brought our own negative energy inside. sometime after midnight According to a quick poll of the audience (specifically, me asking them), nobody who was at Bad Movie Night tonight for Burlesque had been at the Aquarium this past Wednesday for Piranha 3D. Oh well. It was a nice idea. | ||
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Saturday, 3 November 2012 (moments of such positive intoxication) 7:11pm Thankfully, it's safe to spend a Saturday night at my apartment once more. There's just the usual insane amount of racket coming from upstairs, but not a party. There was a party elsewhere entirely that I'd wanted to attend tonight, a rare situation of the sort that I very much enjoy, but I'm not going, mostly because of domestic issues on this end. There'll be another one, I'm sure. | ||
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Friday, 2 November 2012 (time doing its worst) 2:35pm I have a new article up on Catster, one which took me far too long to write, on the thoroughly vague topic of my lifelong fondness for black cats and Star Trek. My editor has askied if I can possibly do weekly posts, and I'd like to, but coming up with ideas is rapidly becoming difficult. I've pitched him an idea, something that would involve talking about movies and be more sustainable. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, I'm getting ready to do my first phone interview with a celebrity, in this case the songwriter for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I'm just going to have to get over my lifelong fear of the talking on the phone, I guess. 4:12pm That went well, I think. My heart was going a mile a minute, and I had to will myself to speak clearly and not babble, but I think I got some good stuff, and he said at the end that my questions had been really good. He probably says that to everyone who interviews him, but I'll still take it. When I mentioned that I recapped the show, he asked me what a recap is, and I totally blanked, as I always do when asked that question. um...y'know...I just, like, write about the show and stuff... | ||
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Thursday, 1 November 2012 (the world and its fading sweets) 8:31am Marta and I are still together, and thankfully nobody noticed that my wallet fell out of my purse last night and was sitting on Phoebe's passenger side door in plain view all night long. Christ almighty, I do not know what's wrong with my head these days. 11:14pm At Radio Valencia with KrOB as he does his show. I started out at his place earlier this evening to watch a Jerry Lewis movie as usual, then I got a call from Pete and Sarah inviting me to come over to watch Justified (Pete says he saw a commercial earlier in the week for the Bad Movie Night Piranha 3D shindig at the Aquarium), and then at their suggestion I came here to the station. It's actually really nice, and makes me miss doing a radio show. It's an urge I get every few years, of course, and is very unlikely to happen. | ||
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