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Sunday, 20 November 2011 (pink turns to blue) 12:07pm We're having brunch with one of Marta's cousins at Brenda's French Soul Food. I've been trying to make it here for years, ever since Maddy and I visited New Orleans in December 2004, but it never happened. Vash and I had even intended to, but, well. Finally! It's damned good, and probably just as well that I never had crawfish beignets until now. The place is also uncomfortably crowded, which is no surprise at all. 3:58pm At Borderlands, working on a story that's due at the end of the month. Well, it's not "due" so much as the anthology submission deadline is at the end of the month, and I both think I have a really good shot at it making it into the book and it's a story I want to tell. Once I figure out how to tell it. 10:43pm So-so turnout at Bad Movie Night for WarGames: The Dead Code. So much for the curiosity factor. | ||
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Saturday, 19 November 2011 (beyond the threshold) 8:12pm Showing Marta The Legendary Liberace. One of the things she didn't like about The Cat Club last night (and, by extension, goth and goth clubs) is the gloominess, and this is about as far from gloomy as it gets. And it's just plain awesome. | ||
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Friday, 18 November 2011 (inseparable from the void) 3:14pm Took Phoebe to the mechanic this morning. Still haven't figured out the sound or why the light's coming on, nor have I paid for the work done yet. I'm going to bring her back after Thanksgiving, which I'm sure will be fun. Got a few hours of work done after that, then got in an hour at the gym, and pretty soon I'm heading out to pick up Marta. We've been invited to go dancing at Dark Shadows at The Cat Club tonight with Ilene and Davina et al. That'll happen, or it won't. sometime after midnight It happened, but it probably won't happen again, at least not in that configuration. Neither goth clubs nor The Cat Club really agree with Marta, and she did not enjoy herself in the least. Alas. Next time, I'll go solo. Well, not solo, because I don't go clubbing by myself anymore, but the next time our friends want to go out dancing, Marta doesn't have to join us. It's okay to not do everything together, especially things she actively dislikes. Her and I did have an excellent dinner together beforehand at On the Bridge in Japantown, though. Okonomi Yaki Pizza is by no means healthy, but it's incredibly delicious. | ||
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Thursday, 17 November 2011 (when all you see is light) 12:07pm At my favorite corner table at Dash, finally making some real progress on the research paper. The actual research portion, by and large, is done. As always, I can only hope I don't get surrounded by boys at the other tables anytime soon, because that always derails my productivity, because I'm a bad person who doesn't appreciate masculinity the way she should. My group on 97/100 on our project. I'm good with that. 1:59pm Yep, here they come. Goddamnit. Still, I got five pages into the paper. 9:15pm Back from the gym. I like to imagine that I'll get up early enough tomorrow morning to be there for the five o'clock spin class, but that probably won't happen. | ||
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Wednesday, 16 November 2011 (in the face of descent) 3:22pm No gym today, for better or worse. Hit my groove productivity-wise, and I'm going to Marta's later to spend the night. I was thinking about going to the Embarcadero Cinema to see Lars Von Triers' new movie Melancholia, but that just sounds like way too much stress. So we'll stay in at her place, most likely. 7:13pm Dinner at Kiki, because it's right there, and it never doesn't hit the spot. My editor at the weekly (who really liked the Star Trek piece from yesterday) wrote me, saying that he wants to get together after Thanksgiving to "talk to you about ways I think you could get more from the great material you have access to and knowledge of," adding that "your institutional knowledge and perspective is vast, and this is a great opportunity to put that to use." Sounds good to me. | ||
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011 (second transcendental component) 9:43am The light came on again last night, so I went straight to the mechanic's after leaving Marta's this morning. He still can't quite figure out what it means, even using his "this is what the light means" diagnostic tool. Alas. Still haven't paid, since we're still monitoring the weird sound. He referred to Phoebe as his "project" car, which is all fine and good, but I doubt that it means I'll get any kind of discount when the invoice is finally made. Back home now, starting on my research paper. It's due on December 6, which should give me more than enough time. My enrollment appointment for the Spring 2012 semester began this morning, and I'm now officially enrolled in Libr 202. Just that, though. I'm still nowhere near ready to take more than one class at a time. And, I have a new post on this weekly, this time about a 1975 Bob Wilkins Star Trek special on KTVU. I'm quite proud of this one. 4:01pm Did an hour of cardio at the gym, and now I'm going to start preparing for my group's presentation tonight. And by "preparing" I mean making the decision to not stress about it. 9:52pm There. It's over. It took longer than it should have to get started, mostly because the professor didn't bother to show up (and didn't both to tell us ahead of time to tell us he wasn't going to bother to show up) and we had to improvise to actually do the presentation, and as usual I babbled and digressed when I got to my part, but, as I say, it's done, and that's what matters. And I'm also learning that I'm not the only person who pronounces it "liberry." | ||
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Monday, 14 November 2011 (flatline receiver) 12:11pm Took Phoebe to the mechanic this morning for her long-overdue checkup, and she's also been making an unidentified sound. Though he hears the sound as well, the mechanic has been unable to figure out what it is, and that I should wait until it gets louder. Okay. Also, Phoebe's brakes are just about shot and all need to be replaced, which will cost somewhere in the mid-three-digit range. The price of convenience, and it makes me all the more glad that I don't commute. It's also roughly what a new laptop would cost, and my current laptop, though less than a year old, is starting to death-rattle. And it goes without saying that its warranty has expired. Living in the First World is tough. 5:12pm So, the mechanic replaced Phoebe's brakes and rotated her tires (free since I'd bought the tires there in the first place, so yay on that) but was still unable to identify the sound, or why her "SERVICE ENGINE SOON" light keeps coming on. He reset it and said to bring it back as soon as the light comes back on, if it comes back on, and beyond that we'll regroup at the end of the week. The scary part is that I still haven't paid for anything yet. Which I guess means he trusts me, but I've also watched just enough David Mamet movies to know that that's the first step in a con game. I really don't think that's the case here, but the mark never does, do they? Whatever. Going to the gym this evening, and then to Marta's after that. | ||
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Sunday, 13 November 2011 (on the edge of certainty) 12:31pm Marta and I are in Golden Gate Park for Grizzly's Bullwhips by the Bay. We confirmed that it's happening today, but apparently it's already over even thought it's supposed to go until one in the afternoon. (We would have gotten here when it was supposed to start at eleven, but we got distracted, sex-wise.) Oh well. It's still nice to be in the park. 4:01pm We had lunch at Underdog, and are now at Borderlands, since Marta needs to be in the Mission anyway for her book club. Feels like I haven't been here in a long while, probably because I haven't. On the plus side, the other people at the table with us are a couple of gay boys playing Scrabble. Can't complain about that. 10:51pm Tron: Legacy at Bad Movie Night this evening was underattended. I figured we were either going to fill the house or not, and it turned out to be the latter. Alas. We had fun anyway. | ||
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Saturday, 12 November 2011 (the continuous accident) 10:28am I have reached an unfortunate but necessary decision: I need to take out a couple of my skirts, ones that had been taken in before when my waist was smaller. The fact that they were taken in will make it a simple process, but still, I don't like the fact that i have to do it, that my waist continues to expand like a red giant. So. They'll get taken back in eventually, they will, and there's no point in being uncomfortable in the meantime. 2:12pm Late lunch with Marta at Yum Yum Fish, and now back to her place for a while, and then to mine for the night. 10:53pm Finally showed Marta Winnebago Man, which has been on my mind a lot lately. Such a good movie. | ||
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Friday, 11 November 2011 (junior dad) 1:30pm My editor says that Bottomfeeder is still with the editor in France, as well as editors in Germany and the UK. And both it and Landing on Water continue to be rejected domestically. No gym for me today. It's cold and rainy out, and I'm delicate. 5:02pm Parked in the Castro, where it's still raining. I'm doubling back to Marta's place for dinner (and because we had a slight squabble this morning over holdiday logistics, and I want to see her), and then I'm heading to KrOB's place to watch more Jerry Lewis. This is going to involve Muni. Adventure, and stuff. sometime after midnight The rain's not so bad when you accept it, and it's worth it to spend time with friends. | ||
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