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Thursday, 10 November 2011 (dragon) 8:14pm Worked this morning, went to the gym after lunch, and my group just finished a runthrough of our presentation next Tuesday. Went well, I think, and the other people in the group liked how I did my section, so that's a good sign. | ||
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Wednesday, 9 November 2011 (little dog) 11:29am I was planning on returning to the gym this morning for the five o'clock spin class, but I wasn't able to get to sleep until well after midnight last night. So I'll go this afternoon for cardio, I will. Working on a new blog post for the weekly. It's in the San Francisco-centric vein they seem to like, and I'm going to try to keep them as local-oriented as possible from here on out. I want them to be posted, after all, and I suspect this may be the first week since I started back in August that I won't have anything up at all. Oh well. It was a good run, and at least they haven't completely abandoned me like the queer-lefty blog. I really don't know what happened there, but I suppose it doesn't matter. I probably didn't fit in. That's okay. I don't fit into a lot of places. 4:11pm Did an hour at the gym (where I'm greatly enjoying Penn Jillette's God, No!), and I'll be picking up Marta soon. | ||
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Tuesday, 8 November 2011 (frustration) 12:14pm Spent an unexpected but not unpleasant night at Marta's. I should realize by now that inviting me over for dinner is pretty much the same as inviting me to sleep over. No complaints here. Indeed, it worked out nicely because it made it much easier for me to get my favorite table here at Dash. Today is very much a hunker-down-and-work-day, and sometimes I need to be at a cafe to do that. So far, so goodI finished the three late discussion posts, and my instructor said (as does the greensheet) that they can be up to a week late, and I'll get docked a point per day. Each post is 1.7% of my total grade, and as he said, so, So, is it good to miss a few postings, no, but is it going to kill your grade, also no. So, whew on that. And, hey! We've since moved onto a new section entirely, and lookit that, there are two posts which are due today. For frak's sake, Connelly. Get it together. So glad I'm only taking one class. I've also put the rest of the semester's due dates into my Google Calendar, which I should have done in the first place but didn't and now I know. 3:47pm There. Finished the two discussion posts that are due today. Which means I get to go home. After voting, of course. 7:53pm At the gym. A bit more crowded than in early afternoon, but it'll do. | ||
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Monday, 7 November 2011 (small town girl) 2:32pm I'd like to think that one of the benefits that's come with age and a degree of self-knowledge is the fact that I'm good at both neither panicking nor beating myself up when I make a mistake, even a mistake with serious repercussions. I let the adrenaline and fear run its course, then get on to fixing the problem. More often that not, anyway. So, after I finished the Annotated Bibliography (97/100, I'll take it) I turned my focus to the group project, which also requires a lot of research and stuff and is a big part of my grade. I should also mention that the instructor hasn't been doing the online lectures for the last couple of sections, due to reasons I don't entirely understand, thus creating an out-of-sight/out-of-mind deal for a portion of my work. Long story short, I discovered this morning that I completely neglected three discussion posts. (Since it's a totally online class, posting to a discussion forum is a big part of our grade and overall participation.) The most recent section had three required posts, which were due on November 1. Like, a week ago. I got that familiar world-dropping-out-from-under-me feeling when I realized that, and was convinced that I'd just flunked out and was totally screwed. Got over that a few minutes later, but I'm still nervous about it. I'm going to write the instructor to ask if there's even any point to doing them now, if I'll still get any credit for them at all, and/or if I've just destroyed my chances of getting a passing grade in the classsa B, which in this case means at least 89%. So, an A by any other standard. And the real hell of it is, unlike some other sections, this one is really interesting-looking, too, involving copyright and fair use and other things which I'm already well-versed in. Goddamnit. Not going to stress too much, though. Indeed, right now, I'm going to the gym to do an hour of cardio. The morning thing isn't working anymore, so I'll now start doing the afternoon and/or evening thing again. There aren't any classes, so at least I'll get caught up on my reading. And I'll do the discussion posts tomorrow morning. 5:37pm Oh, that felt good. And Marta just invited me over for dinner, which also feels good. | ||
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Sunday, 6 November 2011 (cheat on me) 1:43pm It's an unusually (but happily) social weekend for Marta and I, as we're now at Davina and Mouse's to play poker. Like grownups do. 10:52pm Agreeable turnout at Bad Movie Night for Wall Street: Money Never Sleep. If nothing else, it confirmed that I've been doing the right thing by avoiding Oliver Stone's movies in recent years, in spite of how much of a fan I used to be. | ||
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Saturday, 5 November 2011 (iced honey) 9:51am Almost enough sleep. It'll have to do, anyway. 2:55pm Earthquake! 4:27pm Marta and I heading out to have dinner with the new friends we met at the Roundup, Mustang and Thendara. They've described their neighbors as "very vanilla," and asked us to wear "grandma-friendly" clothing. Sure. sometime after midnight That went well, I think. I went in with absolutely no expectations other than dinner and getting to know Mustang and Thendara more (and we did), but I got a little more, in the form of laying back for what may well have been an hour as Mustang demonstrated the various settings of the ErosTek ET312B Power Unit on me. It was quite lovely, and Mustang seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was, so we'll be playing with different things next time, whenever that may be. | ||
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Friday, 4 November 2011 (mistress dread) 10:51am My latest post for the weekly, about the 1967 documentary The Hippie Temptation, is up. I'm at Dash right now, hoping that not being at home will make me productive. The problem is that I have boys sitting entirely too close to me, and it's messing with my head because I don't like them. I'm very bigoted. 6:03pm I received a postcard (allegedly) from the bad doctor's officethe big gay bully who said I wasn't really trans because I wasn't afraid of my penissaying they have a credit balance on my account to refund to me, and I need to call them and confirm my mailing address. The zip code is 89406, which is Fallon, Nevada, and the phone # is an 888 number. This is really feeling like a scam, especially this part: "A high volume of calls are expected so please leve your name and current address on voicemail." Uh-huh. It's an awesome way to harvest addresses for junk mail. I might call the office directly next week just on the off-off-off chance that it's legitimate, but I doubt it. I sure as hell ain't calling the 888 number, that's for sure. 9:35pm At KrOB's, watching Jerry Lewis movies (Three Ring Circus and the 1971 Friars Club Roast of Jerry Lewis, which is not technically a movie). Found parking nearby, miraculously enough for a Friday night. sometime after midnight It's not the late nights I have a problem with, so much as the risk of not being able to get enough sleep as a result. | ||
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Thursday, 3 November 2011 (pumping blood) 12:43pm It's raining outside. It's supposed to do that (beats the alternatives, even), but, still, feh. That season has arrived. Things went well with Ilene last night. We picked her up from her new place, went to a sushi place for dinner, then returned to her place to sit on the deck and talk and wach for the occasional Taurid meteor. It wasn't even very cold out, unlike right now. Quite lovely all around. I'm listening to Lou Reed's new album, which he recorded with Metallica. I'm really liking it, but the rest of the internet does not. That's pretty much par for the course with me. 8:19pm The squid is now tightened. Ramah is also living in a different place than she was a few months ago. There's a lot of that going around. At Marta's now. Hadn't planned on it initially, but I don't want to be alone tonight, and she's not yet tired of me spending so many nights over. She may never be, but it's been known to happen. | ||
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Wednesday, 2 November 2011 (the view) 11:13am Back home, at long last. After Marta left for work I did some erranding, including picking up a jar of Boozely's Pickled Okra and a couple jars of Farmhouse Culture Sauerkraut (one of smoked jalapeno and one of horseradish leek) from Whole Foods. That's kind of mood I've been in lately, culinarily speaking. Now I work for a few hours, then pick up Marta and head down south to have dinner with Ilene. 8:59pm Halloween fireballs! | ||
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Tuesday, 1 November 2011 (brandenburg gate) 6:10am Just got back from the gym, and it's still dark out. Funny how that works. The fact that the time change has been pushed back to next week probably has a lot to do with it. 2:34pm Annotated bibliography completed and turned in! Now I can move on with my life, at least for a few days. In the meantime, I'm going to Marta's tonight. 9:52pm Thanks to Marta, my hair is reblondified, and just in time for squidtightening on Thursday. | ||
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