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Wednesday, 30 November 2011 (radiation generation) 12:15pm I'm about two-thirds done with the paper, which is not bad for it being due next Tuesday. 1:24pm Cardio fail. I made it all the way to the gym before I realized that I'd forgotten my reading material, and by the time I got back home, my willpower had largely evaporated. So I did some crunches, showered, and am getting back to work. Another Bottomfeeder rejection, this time from a major publisher. They liked my writing style and stuff, but are looking for more a transition memoir, which Bottomfeeder was never intended to be. So My Agent told them about Landing on Water, which comes much closer to fitting that bill, and the publisher is now reading it. That'll go how it goes. 6:31pm Marta and I are having dinner at Osakaya, because we're in Japantown and it's where we go. Though I expect we'll make it back to On the Bridge sooner rather than later. | ||
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Tuesday, 29 November 2011 (beginning of the labyrinth) 9:22am The Mystery Science Theater 3000 classic Manos: The Hands of Fate is being given a full high-def restoration. I'm very excited about it, but does go to confirm my suspicion that there won't be any film left to preserve by the time I get my degree in a few years. Back home now. I thought about hitting Dash, but quite frankly, just working from home feels like a better idea, since I've been getting entirely too stressed out lately by boys sitting near me. 3:22pm Got a few solid pages done on the paper, went to the Y for an hour of cardio, and returned to find one of my blog posts for the weekly is up, this one about Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. Yay. 8:56pm I'm finally watching A Fistful of Dollars, and I'm having trouble telling the Italian castmembers apart, which makes me feel vaguely racist. Also, Deep Congo is wonderful stuff. I may have finally found my strain. | ||
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Monday, 28 November 2011 (the great machine pulse of dormant revulsion) 11:22am Okay, the story has been submitted to the anthology. Now I move on, and what happens with it is what happens. It's a British anthology, which makes me hope all the more that the piece is accepted, because seeing my double quotation marks changed to single makes me feel all worldly. In the meantime, I continue work on the research paper. 3:02pm Ugh. Can. Not. Focus. This isn't good. 9:11pm Spending the night at Marta's place, because she wants me to and I can. sometime after midnight It took a few months before Marta felt comfortable with the idea of us having sex in her new apartment, particularly since her ex-boyfriend lives there, too. But she's comfortable with it now. | ||
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Sunday, 27 November 2011 (hollow direction) 9:59am At home, working on the story for the anthology with the November 30 deadline. I intend to finish it by no later than tomorrow, though, since I need to shift gears to my research paper. Of course, my laptop death-rattling doesn't help much. The screen pretty much wants to die soon. Hopefully it can hold out until next semester, when I may look into getting a MacBook. I'm less concerned with brand loyalty at this point than actual reliability. sometime after midnight Ilene, Daisy and a friend's visiting nineteen year-old niece came to Bad Movie Night. All had a good time, and Ilene sat in the front row with me, which was very nice indeed. And a pretty respectable turnout for Lost Boys: The Tribe, including some fiery young trans folks with memorable tattoos. | ||
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Saturday, 26 November 2011 (termination shock) 9:42pm Marta and I returned to my place after the party at Daisy's (everyone else went to the Cat Club, but we didn't have it in us) and spent much of the day working. We relocated to her place early in the afternoon after erranding, and had dinner at Hotei. Mmm, cold noodles. I'm in that kind of mood these days. | ||
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Friday, 25 November 2011 (way out there somewhere) 10:23am Marta and I are having breakfast with Jonco at the Fox & Goose Public House and Restaurant. (Heather's not really a breakfast person, and certainly not a restaurant-breakfast, so she doesn't typically come along on these trips.) It's British food, as the name implies, and while I've heard of rarebit before (specifically from Thomas Edison's 1903 film "Dreams of a Rarbebit Fiend", since I'm a film grad and all), but goddamn, welsh rarebit is so good. No wonder thay guy fiended out on it. 2:01pm Jonco and Heather loaded up Phoebe with vegetarian leftovers (including stuff that I hadn't even realized was around in the first place) and we hit the road about an hour ago. We stopped Ikeda's Market in Davis to stock up on things which arent' avaialble for purchase in San Francisco, like Gourmet Atomic Frog Balls and Tiffe's Louisiana Hot Pickled Okra, my fondness for both of which just goes to show how old I'm getting. We then hit the Davis Target, which is pretty sedate for Black Friday. Of course, it's mid-afternoon, and by all accounts it was much nuttier earlier this morning. (Like when Heather went to the Target in Sacramento early this morning with a friend, where she may or may not have picked up a new Blu-ray player for me.) Among other things, we were picking up new space heaters for her apartment, and the clerk who was helping usa really sweet kid who's just starting out, and I can only hope he doesn't get too jaded too soonasked rather conspiratorially if we were going to be taking them to the Occupy UC Davis camp. It's nice to know we still look like radical youths, or at least radicals. 3:11pm Having a late lunch at Dos Coyotes Border Cafe in Davis, based on our theory that Mexican restaurants always offer the best odds of actually decent food on the road. And this place isn't disappointing, in spite of its Chevys-lite feel. 8:13pm When we got to San Francisco we stopped by the Black Light District to check on Perdita (who was nowhere near close to being out of food or water), and are now Daisy's house with Ilene and others for Daisy's post-Thanksgiving shindig. It's good to go from being with friends to being with more friends. | ||
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Thursday, 24 November 2011 (frontier chemistry) 7:11pm An excellent Thanksgiving. Lots of good food, grass, and company. Watched the Blu-ray of Ghostbusters last night, and we're settling in for Poltergeist tonight. | ||
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Wednesday, 23 November 2011 (dreams of dead names) 9:43am Breakfast with Jonco at Orphan Breakfast House. Unfortunately, they have this weird policy of not serving coffee to the people who haven't been seated yet, so Marta and I had to duck down the street to Roxie Deli & Grocery, which was more than happy to sell us coffee. I'm sure it makes sense to the Orphan people, and the food is delicious, so that helps. 10:56am My second (2nd!) turkey-related post, about the actual food served at The Last Waltz in 1976, is up. | ||
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Tuesday, 22 November 2011 (indecision time) 10:03am My first of two (2!) turkey-related posts for the weekly is up, this first one about the movie Blood Freak. It's nowhere close to being a living, but it's fun and I do get paid for it. 7:29pm We're having dinner at New Eritrea, and then, hopefully, hitting the road for Sacramento. Also hopefully, leaving lateish on Tuesday will give us an edge on the traffic, result in a shorter ride than our usual Thanksgiving slog up I-80. 10:32pm Hooray for small miracles, it worked. The drive was only an hour and a half, rather the four hours, which is what's it been the last couple of years. | ||
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Monday, 21 November 2011 (newest industry) 9:30am Oh, godsdamnit, really? Seriously? Evidently both auto-save and I screwed up, since the current draft of my research paper is about a page and a half shorter than I remember it being. Frak me. It's nothing I can't rewrite, but still. I don't think this has ever happened before, and of course it would be on something like this. This is not okay, brain. 3:58pm Did an hour of cardio at the gym, possibly the last for this week, since Marta and I are heading to Sacramento tomorrow. Granted, we're leaving tomorrow night, but I also know that historically gyms get super-crowded right before Thanksgiving as people try to make room. Don't care to deal with that. So. 6:01pm Of course The Public Zoo's shirts don't go up to XL. Why would they? Thankfully, tokidoki's shirts do. | ||
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