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Thursday, 31 May 2012 (evidence of the existence of grace) 11:25am My grades for this semester are in. Got a B+ in Libr 202 and an A- in Libr 204. So I'm doing fine, and my overall GPA is 3.666, which pleases to no end because it's all satanic and stuff. So much for maintaining that 4.0, though. It was nice while it lasted. | ||
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Wednesday, 30 May 2012 (leaning is natural) 3:32pm Got my hand slapped by my new work-work editor, whose approach is a bit different than the original marketing guy's, and who doesn't care for the way my articles have been turning out. This is why change is scary. Much sorer today than I was yesterday from Monday's work. Which is good, that means it's working, but I also don't have it in me to go and do cardio. I just hope I'm not still walking funny on Friday when we fly to Chicago. 10:12pm Went to KrOB's to watch Who's Minding the Store? It's nice to get back on the Jerry track with him. | ||
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Tuesday, 29 May 2012 (alternating the aggression) 11:31am So, the two editors I've been working with at the weekly are leaving for other pastures. Both have said they'd like me to write for them at their new gigs, so here's to hoping, and to hoping that I can find more immediate work in the meantime. I'm not being let go from the weeklyI'm just a freelance contributor, so there's not much for them to let go ofbut there's no telling what happens from here. For now, I am so very very sore from working out with Damiel yesterday. He said I wouldn't really start feeling it until Wednesday, but he seems to have been off by a day. 12:31pm From the local publisher: I have read the last draft of the manuscript twice and it is really thrilling.Thrilling! That's got to be a good sign. The working title has also changed to Dancing on the Ledge: A Decade of Strange Behavior in San Francisco, and she likes my idea for a cover image, thank goodness. | ||
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Monday, 28 May 2012 (writing down to the level) 12:01pm Did an hour of both re-learning some old stuff and learning from new stuff at the Y with Damiel. It was brutal and exhausting, but that's the point. Also saw Rita for the first time in more or less forever, and she seemed very happy that I'm returning. That's as good a reason as any to start going in the mornings again. | ||
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Sunday, 27 May 2012 (the free hand in focus) 12:59pm Just had a horrible experience at the Irving Street Cafe, which is a shame, because we're quite fond of the joint, but we were put right off of our food by a group of very loud obnoxious drunken lookit us and all the space we occupy! people. Our best guess is that they're refugees from Carnaval. That's one of the many things I don't care for about street festival season: it's also public drunkenness season. Blech. 10:52pm If the rationalizations for last week's low turnout at Bad Movie Night was eclipse afterglow and Bay to Breakers and Maker Faire (and those were indeed the rationalizations), for this week the reason so few people showed up for Ghosts of Mars was Carnaval, the Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary celebration, and people getting a head start on Memorial Day. | ||
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Saturday, 26 May 2012 (gauging time) 11:03am I'd originally planned to have Davina come over at eleven this morning so I could give her the keys and show her the very ropes involved in Perditasitting for when Marta and I are in Chicago next week, but when we got back to Marta's place at two in the morning, I emailed Davina to ask if we could push it back to this afternoon, and I'm glad I did, becuase I only just got home from Marta's place, and am not at all ready for Davina to see the apartment. It was a late night, and I'm not thirty-five anymore. | ||
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Friday, 25 May 2012 (contact, warmth) 9:17am Having completed the majority of my work-work for this week (and, thus far, all the people who provide me with work-work, when I've asked them if I can do more work-work for them because money is getting very very scarce (not that I'm mentioning that part) have not even bothered to respond), I'm working on the new book My Agent and I have been scheming about this week. We've been tossing around quite a few ideas this past month, but I think this is the one that's going to stick. And, more importantly, sell. I actually sent My Agent the first chapter, all of four pages, and she really likes it so far, so whew. 12:36pm Did an hour of cardio at the Y, and I ran into Damiel, the trainer I worked with when I first started going there, and whose abs class I was a regular at until I abandoned it for Bootcamp. He assumed me that the mass exodus from his class was actually fine, since it took a lot of pressure off of him. He also seemed genuinely pleased to see me, and happily accepted this prodigal back int his fold. We have an appointment on Monday morning, and if we're not going to start from scratch, exactly, I'm going to at least get back on the horse (yay multiple metaphors), and more importantly, get back into the routine of working out by myself. For better or worse, group classes just aren't agreeing with me anymore. 8:47pm Having dinner at Big Lantern with Marta and Ilene and many others, and after this we're going to a big play slash dance party. First time we've been to one of these things in quite a while, especially after last year's meltdown. Phases and stages, circles and cycles... sometime after midnight That went very well, I think. | ||
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Thursday, 24 May 2012 (not for the first time) 2:10pm Last night was the memorial, and this morning was the memorial/lunch/party. And now, for better or worse, I'm on my way to the San Francisco General Hospital Pharmacy to pick up my prescription refill. By some miracle they answered the phone on the first ring (which never, ever happns), and told me it was ready to pick up, and I found free parking in the Mission, so here goes nothing. 3:39pm Not the worst experience I've ever had at the Pharmacy, but not the best. In and out in about an hour, so I can't complain too much, and I think a guy in line fell in love with me a little. (He was asking about the squid, and started talking about upcoming street fairs, as well as that he once "won" the Exotic Erotic Ball. Plus, the way he was looking at me.) Yep, I've still got it! | ||
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Wednesday, 23 May 2012 (raindrops from the sun) 11:03am I lost my shit and got into a shouting match with a panhandler who got entirely too close to me at an ATM this morning. I emerged unharmed and without having lost any of my money or propery, but, frakfrakFRAK that sucked hard. 12:33pm My recaps of episodes 3 and 4 of the second season of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic are now up, a little later than usual due to some drama at the weekly's office, things I'm only vaguely aware of. Which is probably just as well. 8:38pm Marta and I went to the wake for friend's mother in Daly City, and are now having dinner at Old Mandarin Islamic, which has been on our "gotta go back there eventually" list for a very long time. | ||
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Tuesday, 22 May 2012 (ave maria ad micturiendum est) 11:15am New article up on the weekly, this one about If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do? And now, except for tomorrow's Pony recap, I have nothing in the queue. That's not good. 6:37pm On the way to Marta's place this afternoon, I stopped off at the Sunset branch of the library to pick up a copy of William Saroyan's The Human Comedy. For research purposes, as always. | ||
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Monday, 21 May 2012 (and runneth over she did) 10:50am Just heard back from my followup to the "they didn't say no" book query a few weeks ago. They apologized for the delay, the answer continues to not be a firm maybe, and they asked me to write them back on Friday if they haven't responded by then. Can do! 4:31pm Did an hour of cardio at the gym while starting to read the first book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. It would be incomprehensible and boring to me if I hadn't been watching Game of Thrones, but as it is, it's enjoyable enough, especially for mid-sweating. 11:35pm Up late, plotting and scheming with my literary agent. And I'm starting to get genuinely enthusiastic about what we're scheming, which I think is a good sign. | ||
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