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Tuesday, 31 January 2006 (laying bare) sometime after midnight I'm far beyond caring whether or not my feelings are "fair" to anyone else. I don't set out to be unfair, nor do I mean anyone any harm, but I have to be true to myself.
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Monday, 30 January 2006 (tea and string) 9:37am It's Charlotte's first day, and thus far, she's learned the difference (around here, anyway) between softcore and hardcore. So long as you can't see fluid or penetration...asses are softcore, ass HOLES are hardcore... 5:06pm She seems to be working out nicely, as I'd suspected she would. We had lunch at Monkey Thai, continuing the proud tradition. Sister Edith (who got my foot in this particular door) took me to lunch there when I got this job, and the person who got her an interview took her to lunch there when she was hired, and so on. It's all about the ritual. I'm doing my radio show for Pirate Cat tonight, for what is either last or third to last time. Won't know for certain until next week, I suppose.
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Sunday, 29 January 2006 (a stronger wake) 1:40pm Ever notice how whenever the forecast is "chance of rain," it friggin' rains? Why even bother saying "chance?" Why give false hope? 10:11pm I have two theories as to why I didn't make it into the Bay Area Reporter's writeup about the Cotillion, in which a friend described me as being "conspicuous in my absence." (Then again, they have a crush on me, so of course they'd think that.) The more emotionally satisfying one is an orchestrated attempt to erase me from the recordI was too political, maaaaaan! They were afraid of me! They don't want anyone to know I was there because I fucked shit up, yo! The theory which doesn't appeal quite as much to my half-assed rebel/martyr stance yet is almost certainly the actual truth is that co-host Donna didn't actually go on stage until after I'd read, and was too busy preparing herself to pay much attention to what was happening onstage before then. The monitor system backstage was not so good, especially when you're standing in the wings, so it's entirely plausible. Outta sight, outta mind, and it's not like she could list everyone who was in the show, especially someone who was as tangential as I was. It's fairly obvious she's not getting paid by the word like Sister Dana in Bay Times.) No slight intended, and, in fact, no offense is taken on my end. So what happens now, of course, is somebody totally misinterprets this as an attack on Donna, me saying horrible things about her in my damn blog. After the initial brouhaha about it dies down they'll continue to fester and brood about it, until I'm in the middle of something personally controversial (say, a breakup) and they're able to cash in on that anger, acting as though they're trying to be protective of someone else's feelings when in fact they're indulging in old issues with me. Don't laugh. It's happened before. After my BAVC class last night, I met up with Vash for a friend's birthday party at the Eagle. I'd originally planned on seeing Emperor Norton at The Dark Room first, but when the "chance of rain" turned out to be a sure thing, I decided to cut my losses and go straight to the Eagle. Remarkably, it was only my second time there; the first had been Wednesday night, when Vash and I stopped by for a drink before an opening at New Langton Arts. While we were there, a very drunk guy glommed onto us. He kept asking me if I was "real," though for the life of me I couldn't quite tell if me meant whether I was a real girl, or in some more drunkenly philosophical way. Whichever he meant, I assured him I was. References he made to Bambi Lake suggest that he meant the former, though I'm still not sure what he meant by the Brokeback Mountain comments regarding Vash and I. Even if he doesn't consider me to be a "real" girl, there's still no way her and I qualify as two men, since she's kinda obviously a genetic girl. The one sensical thing he said was to comment that Vash resembles "that woman in Green Card," i.e. Andie MacDowell. I wouldn't call her a ringer by any stretch of the imagination, but yeah, I can see that. Among the revelers last night was on the facilitators of my Girl Army class a year and a half ago. We chatted a bit and got caught up; much to my surprise, she not only knew about the breakup, but she claims that I'd mentioned it on my announcement list. Thing is, I know for a fact that I didn't. Maybe she saw Vash and I macking on each other (it's hard to miss) and did the math, but then again, she'd never met Maddy, though perhaps she knows Vash well enough to know that we weren't together in the Fall of 2004. I'm honestly not sure. In any event, we discussed the class fondly, how the psychological aspect was at least as important as the physical, if not more so. My life really did start changing drastically around then, either peaking or culminating (not sure which) in the breakup less than six months later. I wonder how much of that was related to learning how to fight. Heavens knows I did a lot, and most of it was worth it.
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Saturday, 28 January 2006 (opehlia in the river) 10:13am Photoshop II, BAVC. Another Saturday morning at ten. Vash was kind enough to give me a lift, after having breakfast at the Sea Biscuit, which has become our regular morning (or early afternoon, depending) place. I got a sixteen ounce mocha, and caused no small amount of amusement in the employees when I declined whipped cream. I guess it's kinda like ordering a big fatty meal with a diet soda. What's the point? In addition to making sure I'm wide awake and alert for the class (which was the point), the mocha also made me hyper-chatty on the trip to the BAVC. More and more I'm delving into subjects with Vash which I'd originally promised myself that I wasn't going to bring up (moving beyond just the raking of flesh, which itself continues on quite happily), traumas and dramas which she shouldn't be burdened with, of my decline from grace over the last few years and the controverseys I've created, wittingly and otherwise. My primary fear, of course, is of scaring her off, that she'll realize that being with me is probably more trouble than it's worth. On the other hand, she's excited that I'm going to be in the 2nd Annual Devil's Valentine's Ball. So at least she's enjoying the ride.
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Friday, 27 January 2006 (a time for bitter things) 4:30pm Aw, man! Not only will I be missing a Tim and Roma shoot tomorrow because of my dumb stupid BAVC classPam is setting up the lights right nowthe guest is going to be Michael Lucas. He's rather...er...legendary around here. I may end up being glad I wasn't here to personally witness whatever sparks fly, but for now, bleh. No fair. It doesn't even look like they'll be shooting in the pink room, for what would probably be the last time before my beloved pr0n library is moved elsewhere. The room itself is turned into an officetwo, in factafter which it will of course no longer be the pink room. I supposed it's just as well that I wasn't through decorating it. There's a guitar store near my office, and for the last week or two a book in their window has been catching my attention. The book in question is Robert Johnson: The New Transcriptions, and something about the picture has seemed off to me. (Aside from once again being struck by the resemblance to a kid who used to willfully intimidate me in high school. He also continued on to Fresno City College, and after a few years we became something resembling friends. Gosh, isn't that heartwarming?) Google Images has revealed that my suspicion was correct: the publisher removed his cigarette. I don't get that at all. Are they afraid that kids are going to look at the picture and want to smart smoking? Does it make him look more friendly somehow? Speaking of things changing, Annie's Cocktail Lounge has moved into the old Cherry Bar location, which I still tend to think of as the Covered Wagon Saloon. (I miss Stinky's Peepshow, I do.) New Year's Eve was evidently the final night in the old space across from the Hall o' Justice, though I didn't find out about it until Saturday night, when Vash and I were trying to decide what to do with ourselves after the Cotillion. We got as far as finding nearby parking (never easy on a Saturday) and making it to the front door of the Power Exchange before discovering that it was the night of the Fetish Ball, and therefore would cost ten bucks to get in. We declined. Aside from the fact that it probably would have been even more crowded than usual thanks to the Ball, I simply will not pay to get in to the Power Exchange. Standards, y'know.
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Thursday, 26 January 2006 (after the effect) 2:23pm My first performance review at CNET was April 19, 1999. The main (if somewhat repetitive) criticism was that I needed to "demonstrate more initiative in offering ideas—her ideas are often very good but she oftens hesitates in offering them." So I had a meeting with Tim the other morning. Not a review, but to talk about me doing SEO stuff on the site. I mentioned that there's any of a number of things in the code that have been bothering me, and he (gently) chewed me out for not having spoken up about them before. I pointed out that I had during our QC process for the current version of the site, but nobody paid attention. And now, unsurprisingly, I'm having some difficulty getting certain people in other departments to listen to me, or at least to bother to read my email. Funny how that works. Delving into the SEO world has resulted in me getting back in touch with my old supervisor at the place in Sausalito, for those last two months that I worked there, largely out of the bad man's grip. I'm told that the fat, irradiated bastard doesn't come into the office much anymore. Figures that the nicofuck would wait until after kicking me out to go into semiretirement. (Tangential observation: Vash smokes. She isn't a chain-smoker, but lights one up every few hours or so. Kissing her is, however, is not at all like kissing an ashtray, not even when she's in the middle of or has just finished a cigarette. If ashtrays felt like her mouth, people would probably kiss them a lot.) I still hold out hope that something bad will happen to him, if he doesn't die first. Maybe a long, painful death, one where he can't...quite...reach his cigarettes. That would be a good start. Anyway, my supervisor (always a really sweet guy) has suggested that I consider running Google AdSense on my site. Says it's not a bad way to earn a few extra bucks. Might even help finance those new boots I so desperately need, not to mention helping to pay off my various debts. The scary thing is, I'm actually considering it. My main concern is that colorwise, it'll stick out like the sore design thumb that it is. Otherwise, I'm not too worried about appearing to "sell out" or anything like that. Who am I trying to impress? Another shift in reality: I'm ending my radio show. The station itself is moving into a new physical location which is beyond inconvenient for me, and the station's philosophy is also moving in a direction which I don't much care for. It was fun while it lasted, and I'll probably revive the show elsewhere before too long.
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006 (on your honor) 10:15am A piece of doggerel from my ex-writing group, written two and a half years ago. Yours and HersIt isn't about anyone in particular. Nothing ever is. 4:35pm Cindy's girlfriend Charlotte just had a second and final successful interview here in pr0nland. Sounds like she'll be joining us soon. Yay. Sister Edith got my foot in the door, and I'm glad I was able to extend the same favor to Charlotte. Other than that, I've been a right bastard lately. I gotta be me, I guess.
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Tuesday, 24 January 2006 (that much ego to spend) 10:34am Nothing is more offensive than the truth. 1:58pm I watch very llittle actual pr0n during the course of my job. I'll look at a lot of covers and pictures, perhaps, but not much in terms of actual moving images. Mine is one of the few computers in the office with a DVD drive, however, so I often check movies for other people, especially for bareback content. ("Bareback" meaning penetration by a penis without a condom.) It's a big no-no on our site. The only exception is stuff made before the outbreak of AIDS, often referred to somewhat inaccurately as "Pre-Condom Classics." Anyway, yesterday I had to confirm that Pig Masters is, in fact, bareback. Now, I realize that as someone who is not attracted to men (hairy pain pigs or otherwise) I have no right to make comments on the subject, but, ew! That is some vile stuff. Of course, that's what the people who are into it like about it, so it's all good.
Today, I got to look through some tranny pr0n for similiar issues. So, so much nicer.
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Monday, 23 January 2006 (one act of kindness) 5:28pm Yep. I knew it. For all the camera-carriers who were walking around the Cotillion snapping pictures like mad, did anyone take any pictures of Vash and I? Of course not. What, were we too picturesque together? Maybe it was that we were both wearing kitty ears and dressed kinda slutty, and they were worried that our combined hotness would overload their cameras. Yeah, that must be it. The reading itself went well, in spite of the odd technical glitch or two. The mic stand was too low (as always), and while attempting to adjust it, the black plastic bit at the top that actually holds the microphone came off. As I put it back on, I announced that it was the first mishap of the evening while deciding that i would deal with the mic at whatever height it decided to be. Meanwhile, I realized that my Public Enemy intro was still playing. It had been turned down, but not all the way down. Fuck it. I've only read with musical accompaniment a few times in the past, and it could only help the tone of my performance, especially since it required me to raise my own energy level to ensure I could be heard clearly. Besides, now the flash-bulbs were popping, and I just knew that if I wasn't careful, for the second year in a row the main picture of me to emerge from the show would be me motioning for the sound to be turned down the rest of the way. The photo itself is technically very proficient, but I hate how I look in it. (For some secret reason known only to herself and her g-d, Vash printed it out and taped it to her work cubbyhole.) As it is, I'll probably just dislike my posture in this year's picture. What feedback I did receive from the piece was positive, sometimes enthusiastically so. It stands to reason that if someone didn't like it, or if they were offended by the language, they would just avoid me rather than giving me static about it. The salty language tally was one "goddamn," one "fag," one reference to "getting laid," and three uses of the word "fuck," although two of them were simply quoting the killer in The Silence of the Lambs ("I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard!"). I fancied myself as being the first person to swear so intentionally and repeatedly at the Cotillion, which some would say speaks more to a childlike need to shock than anything else. I actually disagree (I would, wouldn't I?). I think it was all quite necessary. Kara Flynn suggested that most of the attendees would probably consider swearing to be un-ladylike. She probably has a point, but I've never really seen it that way. With the exception of my mother, I've always been around girls who were pottymouths. The Ex swears like a sailor, as does Maddy, and Vash could probably tell a memorable version of the Aristocrats joke if she wanted. Inasmuch as I have role models in terms of feminine behavior (most of the time I simply act as comes naturally, and I get along just fine), they're my contemporaries, products of what I'm inclined to call a more enlightened age. Fuck yeah. Speaking of ages of enlightenment (however doomed they may have been), Vash and I saw the Shotgun Players' production of Cabaret at The Ashby Stage last night. It was a lot of fun, and, predictably, made me miss acting all the more. Doesn't take much.
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Saturday, 21 January 2006 (i found out) 10:33am I was able to do a walk-in this morning and get a trim, so the majority of the dark remnants of my old hair (plainly visible in this month's diary picture) are now gone. Though they used a flatiron last night and my hair certainly didn't regain any fluffiness in the meantime, an iron was used again this morning. To paraphrase Deadwood, my hair is now flatter than hammered shit. Of course, this means that not a single picture will be taken.
It would be an exaggeration to call me "healthy," although "better" does apply. There's no telling whether or not
I'll be able to generate the vocal energy the piece deserves, but how it comes out is how it comes out. I might
try to beg off actuallty reading the whole thing during the rehearsal this afternoon, saying I want to save my voice
for tonight. The main reason I'm going to the rehearsal is to deliver my
intro and outro music.
Ironically, my current reading material is The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood by David Thomson. At least, I think that qualifies as ironic.
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