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11:23am Something's got to give. Something has to change. Whatever this elusive "something" may be, I'm doing it all wrong. The next impulse may be the correct one. It may not. I must follow it to find out. The universe will have no tears to shed either way. The ultimate outcome will remain as it always was. Only what happens in the moment itself is of consequence, and if nothing ever does, only I can be held responisble.
"...spending too much time under the same influence." As apt a description as any. now i'm floating 'cause i'm not tied to the ground In spite of the fact that I shouldn't be spending any more money than is absolutely necessary (which is to say, food, bus fare and clubbing), I went to City Lights during lunch and got another Darcey Steinke book, Up Through the Water. It's her first novel, and I can't wait to start. I finished Suicide Blonde this morning, and was quite blown away. She really is a brilliant writer. A scary thing happened while I was there. The book was on the bottom shelf, and I guess I stood up too quickly or something because I nearly collapsed. The world went white for a secondI'm guessing my pupils dilated in a major wayand I became very dizzy. It reminded of that feeling I'd sometimes get when I'd taken one more hit of grass than I should have. Haven't smoked like that for a long time. Anyway, I grabbed onto the top of the shelf and steadied myself, waiting for it to pass, which it did in short order.
Probably it was nothing, just my body telling me it doesn't like the way I've been neglecting it. On
that note, I weighed myself the other morning and was astonished to see I'm still holding steady
around 180 in spite of not having worked out for a few weeks, and not having done so on a regular
basis for a few months. I'd probably be down to 170 by now if I had been.
Summer is leaving the company.
Wow. Wow, wow, wow.
Uh, no. I refuse to believe even my life can get that surreal.
Time and distance are out of place here. Space is warping. Time is folding in on itself. The past and the present are merging. Pandora was at Roderick's tonight. I don't know that I have the vocabulary skills necessary to express the significance. Or just how anticlimactic it was. We didn't exactly hang out together much, but we talked some at the bar. I think my presence unnerved her; she said it was the first time she'd gone to a club in four months, and me being there all decked out was surely the last thing she expected. We did make a point of dancing together when nine inch nails' "Get Down Make Love" made its obligatory appearance. I've always known it was her favorite nin song, which is just the weird way my memory works. Little details like that stick. It was closure, in a way, particularly that moment. Full circle. The culmination of years of her being a sort of role model for me, though she was probably never aware of it. (Surely that's for the best.) And this was it. The end. I'd made it on my own. My heroes have always been goth girls, and while I don't presume to be anywhere near her level, I'd still at least re-entered her orbit on my own terms. She said that Louise would be in town this weekend. Now I have a decision to make, to see how far I dare push my luck. Am I ready to see her again? I honestly don't know.
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Sunday, 18 April 1999 (tantrum) 7:17am I hate this. I hate being awake right now. I don't want to be. The world is offering nothing for me. Just being able to sleep and sleep and sleep...why can't I do that? Why did I have to be wired this way? Would it be so much to ask to lie back down and be oblivious until the phone rings and it's Sara saying she isn't coming over?
when the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone, 5:03pm I forced myself to go back to bed, and managed to sleep (more or less) until noon. The phone never woke me up. Around two I realized that sitting around the apartment just wasn't working, so I hopped on the 71 and went into the Haight. Although I shouldn't be spending any money, what with the usual (rent and bills) and a zapping session this week, but I went anyway. I had some missions, one of which was to track down some white face powders Lee had recommnded, stuff which would be a little kinder to my skin than the near-chalk from Hot Topic. I was also book-hunting; The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock and Roll is my current bathroom reading, and the few paragraphs on Leonard Cohen describe his song "Famous Blue Raincoat" as being an encapsulation of his first novel, Beautiful Losers, so of course I'm fascinated. No luck at the used bookstore, and I'd rather not pay full price. I'm also looking for anything by Darcey Steinke, a writer I'm getting into in a major way. She certainly seems a likely candidate for an Errata interview. No luck on any of the books, though I did get the powder. I also stopped in at the camera shop to get more b&w film. God forbid I should ever use color again. I was about to walk home when I realized my wallet wasn't in my pocket. I checked my backpack, since I often put it in there. Nope. Panic set in. The last place I'd used it was Presto Prints, so I retraced my steps, looking closely at the aggressive panhandlers I'd ignored the first time. Oh, wouldn't it be just perfet if I'd dropped it around them. Poetic justice, indeed. Thankfully, it was at the camera shop. The experience had left me a little shaken, so rather than walking home like I should have (exercise? whuzzat?) I hopped back on the bus. Getting home as soon as humanly possible sounded like a very good idea. I checked the messages occasionally while I was out. Nothing. Nothing when I got home. Likely nothing when I go back offline and check again.
And why should there be? No reason I can think of.
Not having learned my lesson, I'm going out again, to The Black Lodge. I haven't been out dancing, or simply out enjoying myself, since Bound last week. It gave me the excuse I was clearly looking for to call Sara, who sounded interested but won't be attending. She'll very possibly be joining me for Roderick's on Tuesday, though. Either way, I'm going, with or without her.
As it always was, as it always will be, world without end amen.
I'm still glad I went, if only because it got me dressed and deep into the city of which I'd spoken so wistfully while in Fresno. Ironically, the club was directly across the street from a great little taco shop my sister-in-law and I discovered a while back. San Francisco is ultimately very small. I also scored in a used bookstore, finding a mint condition $7 copy of Darcey Steinke's out-of-print Suicide Blonde, the library book which I'm actually reading at the moment. It's pretty damn brilliant, perhaps even moreso than Jesus Saves. It's set in San Francisco and rather vividly describes areas I'm familiar withThe Castro, Post and Larkin, some of the seedier parts of town. (Not that the Castro is remotely as seedy as the Tenderloin, mind you.) The main character reminds me of myself in some very dark ways, her life taking turns mine might if I'm not careful. Or, more frightening, if I want it to. Sleep now.
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Thursday, 15 April 1999 (sycophant) 7:36am I just talked to Phil; he can't see me until next Thursday. *sigh* I was really hoping for Monday, but he's booked. So it'll have to be Thursday. That pretty well rules out Lilith, since if all goes well my upper lip will be red and swollen Friday night. But hairless, goddamnit.
Guess I'll have to do Roderick's on Tuesday to compensate.
Speaking of compensation...after going relatively low-key this week, I was struck by the urge this morning to put my hair up in pigtails and go a little thicker on the eyeliner than usual. I don't know why; it just felt right, so I did it. I've also been experimenting with eyeshadow, going a little more raccoony. (The other day I realized I'd been unconsciously channeling Invisigoth from the William Gibson episode of The X-Files.)
My boss just now came up to me and said that compensation reviews are this morning. So in a little
while I'll be discussing my salary. Ah, irony. If I get a raise, it'll certainly come in handy
when talking to my mom this weekend...
I'm damn lucky and I know it, though. I couldn't ask for a better place to work in terms of coming out, which I haven't "officially" done yet. The resident F2M (who is finally on the verge of choosing a boi name for himself) has talked to HR, and they've been very receptive and are willing to work with us ("us" being me, him and one other F2M, though I suspect there's a few closet cases floating around) to make sure we have all the proper paperwork when the time comes. Put another way, I'm not gonna get fired, which is the most common result.
As I said, I'm not officially out, but I don't consider myself entirely closeted, either. If any gives it any thought
at all.
I'm probably just regarded as an androgynous goth.
I didn't honestly think she would beshe's not that shallowbut it's hard not to worry about these things.
I'm not nearly as anxious or nervous as you might think. I should be, but I'm not. It's just like one more thing to me now. Another inevitable source of stress, so I may as well just deal with it. Walk unafraid. If my mother wasn't willing to make this work, she wouldn't have seemed quite so eager for me to come down. I'm still her child, whatever else occurs. She seems to understand that. And Sara wants to see me when I get back. So I even have something to look forward to in that regard. Everything's going to be okay.
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