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Friday, 10 February 2006 (silence on the front) 8:20pm Better today. Not much better, but better enough to go to work. While there, Charlotte observed that I'm still not so well, and reported as much to Cindy, who suggested that I give the Queer Open Mic a miss tonight. I couldn't have brought myself to askCindy was under the weather for the last QOM, but was there anyway, damnitbut it didn't take me long to accept. The overall theory is that if I relax tonight, I'll be in better condition tomorrow for both The Gong Show and Karla's event afterwards, which are both rather high-pressure gigs. Here's to hoping. I'd briefly considered not going to work today, but I don't want to use up all my sick days so quickly, and what's more, there was a big staff meeting I didn't want to miss. It was the unveiling (or, if the email could be believed, the unvailing) of the new structure of the company. My job is secure, as is everyone else's; it's just going to change, is all. At worst, I'll become a hardcore data-entry monkey. Which will suck in a lot of ways, but I'll still be getting paid twice as much to do a much cushier job than I had in Sausalito under The Bad Man. Officer Dave is running interference for me, however, and doing what he can before moving onto his other pastures to make sure that I'll actually have work which use my Mad Webmonkey Skillz, such as they are. I'll also be getting my first performance review, after being with Nekkid Sore for going on ten months. Damn. If it feels to me like I started during another lifetime entirely, it because I did. Keeping my fingers crossed for a raise, of course. Just goes to show that I didn't really learn my lesson from CNET; I've never quite abandoned the theory that one of the reasons they laid me off was because I got too expensive, and if I hadn't accepted every raise they gave me (and whooboy, were they extravagant in the way that only the dot-com bubble could allow), they wouldn't have shitcanned me. Which is silly, of course. But it's hard to shake. More realistically, I did my taxes last night. As I suspected would be the case, I owe for the first time, roughly five-sixths of a month's rent. So, yeah, cash influx would be a happy thing. Which reminds me, while in the Haight last Saturday I went into Fluevog. Feeling lucky, I suppose. Almost got lucky, but not quite. Currently on sale is a style of boot, the Hughes, very similiar to my beloved, battered, and very unavailable Luckys. As I've bitched about before, the closest equivalent to my current/old pair is the Lucky Stud, which is really quite expensive. Not that the Hughes is cheap, but I can almost justify it. I tried it on, though, and it just didn't work. I could tell that the sole was too thin for the literally daily wear and tear I'd be putting them through, and perhaps because they were specifically a women's cut, even my proper size was still a smidgen too narrow for my big wide clown feet. Then there's the texture. I don't need my boots to be pre-cracked; I'll do a good enough job myself, thank you very much. So, still no new boots. In case you're wondering why boots for daily wear, it goes like this: I'm tall, taller than I'd like to be. If I was a genetic girl it wouldn't be a problem (not as much, anyway), but as a tranny, I tend to feel like it's a giveaway. So, I've found that wearing tall boots helps me feel like my height is...equalized, for want of a better word. I know that long legs are supposed to be considered an asset, but I feel like in my case they just make it obvious that my body is out of proportion. It's how my brain works, okay? Ergo, boots.
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Thursday, 9 February 2006 (raging in the sea) 10:22am I've always been fascinated by regional dialectsbag vs. sack, soda vs. pop, that sort of thing. Another one occurred to me last night, specific to San Francisco (and possibly New York): fisting vs. fistfucking. Around here, we just call it fisting. i got my soda out of the bag while i watched the fisting. In Nebraska, on the other hand, the statement would be i got my pop out of the sack while i watched the fistfucking. I've been to Nebraska, so I should know. 4:21pm Home. Officer Dave was kind enough to cut me loose early (after the big important prospective clients left; Tim rather preferred that I was present and ill than not present at all), and even paid for a cab. Beyond the fact that he's just a super-nice guy, I think part of it is because he knows that pretty soon not only will he not be my surpervisor anymore, but that the person who will be over me will not be nearly as nice (or intelligent), and I need all the kindness I can get right about now. Or not. 8:44pm If it's good publicity so long as your name is spelled right, then the same probably holds true for broadcast frequencies, in which case this is bad publicity. Although I'm still icky and gross, Vash braved the Hot Zone, bringing me cold medicine and fresh veggies. She also made what she calls her "death tea," including lemon, garlic, ginger and hot peppers. Pretty damn good, actually, and I'm not a tea drinker by nature. Best of all, she'd just come from an appointment at the cosmetology institute. She now has bright red streaks in her hair, and it looks really good on her. As most things do.
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Wednesday, 8 February 2006 (a voice from nowhere) 9:12am Okay, sure, it may be a pedantic and downright half-assed translation by fanboys with way too much time on their hands, but I still think this analysis of the Battlestar Galactica theme is fascinating, especially since it's a piece of music I'm so fond of. (Note that it made it into the playlist of my final show.) Besides, some people have spent a lot more time and energy on dogs which are even shaggier. And that's okay. To quote a Television Without Pity recapper, it's nice to love something that is very, very excellent. 2:31pm The office is undergoing one of its occasional de-pr0nifications, in anticipation of a visit by a potential straight client tomorrow. I mean, they're potentially a client; they're defnitely straight. (On the outside, that is. They're highly religious, so they're probably closeted.) Surprisingly, I wasn't asked to take down anything from the wall next to my desk, in spite of how queer/sexual a lot of it is. There's no actual nudity, however, no cock or tit or pussy, so evidently that's clean enough. Certainly the odds of any of them remember the controversey around Crash from a decade ago are slim. I was half-expecting to be asked to hide my dead Vectrex machine on eyesore grounds, but wasn't. As Sister Edith pointed out, it's not like I'm playing pr0n on it, so there's no problem. If there was Vectrex pr0n, however, it would probably look like this.
My cold has returned with a minor vengeance. What better way to enjoy the gorgeous weather than with congestion, a runny nose and an
achey body? Fun.
The girls forced to work in cribs had a different lifestyle altogether awaiting them. They were not treated as humans. More often than not they were terribly abused, earned no money of their own, and were forced to work in the most dismal of conditions. Some cribs were little more than a prison cell with narrow doors and small, barred windows. The girls, called "sing song girls" were locked in and spent the day half-dressed trying to attract a customer's attention. They would call out from the doorway, "Two bittee lookee, flo bitteee feelee, six bittee, doee." If the girl did not bring in enough money she was beaten. These girls rarely left their dismal crib. The life span of a crib girl lasted about six years unless they were rescued by concerned social reformers. Because they lived a life with little hope or future, many of the girls ended their lives with narcotics or suicide. More.
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Tuesday, 7 February 2006 (the great disillusionment) 7:46am My final show for Pirate Cat Radio was supposed to be last night, but, um, it wasn't. For some reason (the intervention of intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, perhaps?), the broadcast died between eight and ten, when I was supposed to be on. Funny how these things work. The connection returned at ten for Karla's show, so all was not lost. I had a great show lined up, too:
Durtro - "Abbatoir" - Abbatoir 4 - mp3.com The only thing I'm really disappointed aobut is that I was looking forward to combining the WFMU thing (a slow scan of the AM band from a high altitude where signals from hundreds of miles away can be picked up; the mp3 is downloadable from the link, and I highly recommend it) with CHML 900 AM in Hamilton, Ontario's live netcast of old radio shows, as well as mixing in the last twelve minute of the first act of the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds. That would have been hella cool. Maybe some other time. In any event, Vash was with me, and it just meant we got to head back to my place sooner rather than later. Not tragic at all.
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Monday, 6 February 2006 (2x2l calling cq) 9:26am The Marlena's show actually got started a bit later than intended last night. It seems the organizer of the show didn't realize it was also the day of The Big Game, which was in its third quarter by the time the show was supposed to begin. Thankfully, the decision was made not to interrupt the Game. It's a bad enough idea for a bunch of drag queens and trannies to invade a bar when a football game is playing at all, let along that game. If they had in fact turned off the teevees, I probably would have gotten all Diva and refused to go on stage. I want to live, you see. What cracks me up is that we're talking about Marlena's, of all places. It's not like we invaded a straight bar. Hell, it's probably the closest thing this City still has to a drag bar. (Divas is more of a tranny hooker meat market than a drag bar per se, though it's friendly to non-working girls.) Hell, the walls are lined with potraits of past Imperial Empressesnot to mention a picture of Emperor Norton right next to Absolute Empress I, The Widow Nortonbut yesterday you wouldn't have guessed otherwise. The Empress page I linked to above is really neat. Reba and Cristal were quite the hotties, weren't they? I'm very glad I was born when I was (''83 would have been even better than '73, but beggars and choosers, huh?), and I so would not have wanted to deal with being queer and/or trans around the middle of the century, but pictures from before the eighties fascinate me. Like the ones in Harry Benjamin's book. The before and after pictureshell, the before and during pictures are in such stark contrast to each other, and I'm a bit of a sucker for the hair and fashions, even though I can't really envision myself in the them now.
But how wonderful it must have seemed at the time, when there's such a division between the
genders? These days, the lines are so much more blurred to begin with; my hair was already long as a boy (longer than it tends
to be now. in fact), and I seldom wear dresses or skirts, which would have been absolutely required back then, both because of social customs in general
and to convince the Powers That Be that I was "serious about it." Heck, I don't wear a bra nor are my ears pierced (don't wanna, and don't wanna) and I think
I've more than proved by now that I'm real enough, thank you very much.
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Sunday, 5 February 2006 (different oscillations) 1:21pm Damn, it's beautiful outside. Just a gorgeous day. That must be why I wasn't able to find any parking at Safeway: the weather is inspiring people to go shopping. Either that, or it's a run on blood oranges. One of the two. 1:50pm Being a judge in The Gong Show last night was a lot of fun, but also more than a little scary. Unlike hosting a show or even Bad Movie Night, it really feels like flying without a net, because every so often the spotlight turns on you (when scoring an act, or explaining why you gonged them) and you have to be funny now. It ain't easy, but I think I managed for the most part. What fascinated me about the show is how seriously some of the contestants were taking it. We're talking about the frickin' Gong Show, people. I mean, okay, it's been off the air for a zillion years and I only even barely remember when it was originally on, but between Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and The Game Show Network and just paying attention, it ain't too difficult to figure out what's going on. Some acts didn't want the judges (read: me) to see them rehearsing before the show, as though it could possibly make a difference. A few people even accused me of "cheating" because I was in the audience on Friday night. I pointed out to them that I'm judging on three consecutive Saturdays, so by their logic, I'm "cheating" on those first two Saturdays by seeing the show before the third. There was generally a pause followed by a grudging agreement.
The gong didn't get used as much as one might expect, and I think I know why. The San Francisco performance community is highly
tolerant of outré, idiosyncratic acts, the sort of thing which in another time and place (say, Hollywood in the late seventies) would be
considered simply bad. As a result, I think we're less likely to gong someone. But gong we will, and whoeey, some people were
not happy about it. There's one person in particular whom I'm fairly certain will never forgive me. It makes me wonder, is there someone
out there still holding a grudge against Phyllis Diller or Rip Taylor for gonging them? Is there a failed entertainer somewhere in L.A. who
was never able to watch M*A*S*H again because his brilliant career was cut short by Jamie Farr?
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Saturday, 4 February 2006 (i know there's an answer) 4:13pm Well, He's In His Early Twenties. I Put Up With A Lot More Shit From People When I Was That Age Than I Do Now. 11:11pm Owie. My head's a-poundin'. I'm not sure if it's because my noggin is still getting used to my new hat, or the fact that it's very easy and tempting to bang the Gong entirely too hard (and that fucker is loud), or both. No regrets either way, mind you. So proud to be a part of this number.
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Friday, 3 February 2006 (lines of force) 8:41am Yawn. Somewhat rough night emotionally (isthisfighting?), not aided by the fact that I seem to have entered into yet another super-itchy epoch. I don't know if it's from too much caffeine, not enough water, or my clothes. Actually, I refuse to accept that third possibility, so it must be dehydration. My visible skin is showing the effects of a lot of recent scratching, and not necessarily the fun kind, though Vash has been happy to oblige my increasingly frequent requests to have at my back. 12:22pm Do Mormons genuflect?
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Thursday, 2 February 2006 (for the day) 4:23pm Lovely. Why not combine the worst elements of the worst elements of the teaser poster (she'd use the women's restroom, period, it's not even a question) and the theatrical (the horrible, masculinizing airbrushing) into horrible third? And I'm not even sure I want to know what how the tagline translates. is it a man or a woman? what restroom does it use? not even IT knows! Ed Wood would be...well, not at all proud, actually. I suppose George Weiss might have been. It's more his advertising style.
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Wednesday, 1 February 2006 (no matter what you say) 10:21am The pink room is being dismantled, and Officer Dave is being transferred to another department. Those are unhappy things. Charlotte is coming along nicely, and in addition to working on promotional material for their San Francisco Performance's orchestra-and-film series of The QATSI Trilogy, Vash and I will be getting passes for Naqoyqatsi. (I specifically requested that particular film, for the opportunity to hear "Media Weather" live.) Those are happy things. It's nice when they balance out. Super busy-week coming up. Retool tonight, dinner with Vash and my niece tomorrow night, an art opening on Friday at which Vash not only has work showing but will also be reading, The Gong Show on Saturday, and then a near double-booking of Bad Movie Night and a comedy show for the Transgender Law Center, put on by the Sisters. I only got confirmation about the comedy show today, and provided I go on during the first hour or so, I should be able to make it to The Dark Room on time. The really scary part is that it's being promoted as a standup comedy show, and I feel like I should try to be off-book for it, not actually reading from the page or doing my usual stuff. I'm doing more and more off-the-cuff comedy lately (Bad Movie Night and The Gong Show being the most obvious examples) and I feel like I do a pretty good job of it during readings or while hosting shows, so I think I can come up with five or ten minutes of funny material which doesn't suck. I hope.
Meanwhile, my last show on Pirate Cat Radio is officially this Monday, though I'm already off the schedule.
Change is life is change is life is change.
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