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Tuesday, 20 February 2007 (your memory won't die in my grave) 9:10am Saw an old acquaintance last night, one who has a tendency to wield the word "punk" like a blunt object. I hate punk rock.Just brought it to mind, is all. 2:10pm My latest Medialoper article is up, and in fact I published another one on Friday. I haven't checked, but I'm guessing that the latter is the single most thing ever on Medialoper. I edited myself a lot, too. Also updated The Dark Room's page, at least the part about Bad Movie Night. Throughout all of this, I've even gotten some of my own writing done. And, you know, actual work that pays the rent. The experiment continues: I haven't washed my hair since January 28. (Conveniently if entirely coincidentally, it was the morning of the sfgate Bad Movie Night slideshow shoot.) I've showered plenty since then, of course, made simple thanks to the elastic marvel known as a "shower cap." My hair's actually holding up quite well, and is more manageable than when I shampoo it regularly. I've been brushing it out every couple of days to (theoretically) prevent dreadlocking, and of course will shampoo and condition again. Just, for now, I want to see what it does if I more or less leave it be. Stil haven't had Rachel put in the Switchblade Symphony extensions yet. I hope to have them by June, if at all; but the main obstacle has been the money issue, both the initial outlay and the maintenance. I've been considering just doing the real thing. Not neglectlocks, mind youthat's too goddamned hippiebut having my actual hair done professionally done. I believe that's within Rachel's expertise, and it would be a hell of a lot less expensive. It's scary because of the quasi-permanence; once they're there, they're there until I cut them off, which, to my understanding, requires cutting my hair super-short. That's when the scare factor goes off the charts. Short hair does not work with this body or this face. Period. Bad bad bad if I want people to parse me as female. And, of course, it's bad and inethical and culturally insensitiveindeed, in the queer lit scene, it's one of the few things I can think of which in which the phrase "politically incorrect" is applicablebut I find that doesn't bother me so much. What, I'm worried about losing elitist cred in this town? That happened quite a while ago, kthxbye. | ||
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Monday, 19 February 2007 (sister's comin' home) 4:03pm Except for a technical glitch towards the end (a crappy DVD, nobody's fault but mine), Bad Movie Night was a lot of fun. High energy crowd, Phil and Rimma were both great, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy introducing the show myself. There are few rushes quite being onstage in front of a crowd that's ready to laugh, and making it happen. I'm sure an argument could be made that it's more of an accomplishment with an indifferent or even hostile crowd, but damnit, sometimes there's a lot to be said for the lower stress level of an audience that's already on your side. Jezebel wasn't there, the first one she's missed in a while. She won't be back in the foreseeable future, nor will we be seeing each other beyond randomly crossing paths. We reached an impasse, and I cut the cord. (As The Ex, Maddy, and Collette will all testify, I'm quite the accomplished cord-cutter. I may not do it the right way, but by gum, it gets cut.) Nobody's right or wrong; we just have different, incompatible needs. She's a good person, and I hope we can be friends after the personal dust has settled.
Meanwhile, I haven't seen Vash since Valentine's Day. She's still immersed in her art project and will be until the show itself opens a week from Wednesday, so I'm not expecting to see her until this Friday at the earliest, or more likely Saturday for NakedSword's GayVN afterparty. I'll certainly be keeping busy between now and then. On top of everything else (like acting in an episode on the first weekend), I've been asked to do a commercial for the third weekend of The Twilight Zone. That's a nearly a month away and I already have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do, so I think I'll be all right.
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Sunday, 18 February 2007 (trouble on the road) 1:05pm I mentioned to Embeth that I'm looking for an experienced rope bondage top. Might as well network, as my attempts to find one in meatspace haven't gone so well; one fellow at the Power Exchange who was openly looking for a bottom told me when I volunteered: i'm sorry, but i'm specifically looking for tasty young ladies to tie up. Of course. He's not a faggot or anything.
Embeth pointed me towards a friend of hers on Tribe. I contacted him and told him that Embeth sent me, and I'm looking for a rope bondage top. His response:
A few minutes later, I send another message:
Given the reaction I've encounter to my not-genetic-girl status thus far in this context, I figure I might as well get it out in the open now. As well I should have, it turns out: I thought perhaps that might be the case. No, it's not a deal-breaker. Though I don't know a lot about the sort of play you're looking for. Well, sure, because I hadn't been completely up front about the fact that rope bondage was the kind of play I was looking for, had I? My (hopefully) diplomatic response: Well, like I said before--looking at your FlickTures, my immediate reaction is, "Yes, like that. Exactly." That's the sort of play I want to do. I want to be a bondage model, like them. That I'm a tranny means I'm probably a bit bigger on average, but then again, [the somewhat heavy-set girl on his Flickr page] doesn't look especially waiflike, either. Me being pre-op (I've been on hormones since '98) shouldn't be a problem aesthetically or practically; my penis is very small, more like a glorified clit...Haven't heard back yet, and I'm not expecting to. Maybe my use of the word FlickTure confused him and he didn't realize I was referring to his FLICKr picTUREs of rope bondage models. My fondness for creative conjugation does often obscure my actual meaning. Or maybe I just scared the hell out of him when he realized that it's really a guy omg!!1!!!11! Don't know, and I don't suppose it matters at this point.
Meanwhile, Sister Edith has introduced me to a trans-friendly female domme from Temple of Atonement (I went to a party of theirs at the Porn Palace last October) who does rope bondage, among other things. We're getting together in meatspace tomorrow to talk. Though my expectations remain firmly under my heel, my hopes are considerably higher.
phases and stages
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Saturday, 17 February 2007 (love minus zero) 9:20pm Had lunch with Sadie, then went to Rimma's to watch to preview Masters of the Universe, tomorrow night's Bad Movie. It's not very good at all. Afterwards we smoked in her backyard, and one hit got me much more hammered than I'd expected, so I stuck around for a few more hours and basked in the stoner glory of her big-ass plasma hd-teevee. When I was straight enough to drive again, I decided to come home and stay here. I'd hoped to go out again tonight, but, um, not gonna happen. This was the first Saturday in some time which I didn't get any writing done. Feels kinda weird, but it's nice to take a break now and again.
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Friday, 16 February 2007 (lay down your weary tune) 9:12pm Doors close, doors open. sometime after midnight So I'm standing at the corner of Sutter and Polk at about a quarter to three in the morning. The R Bar across the street recently emptied out in a Streets of Fire-esque roar of motorcycle engines, and the street is no longer crammed with slow-driving men looking for their Friday night blowjob. My companion, a tranny hooker by the name of Gina, is being propositioned by a short man. They always are. Granted, she's tall, as we always are. He's well-dressed and kempt enough, at least. I was only half-listening to them, looking down Polk, wondering where Kelly and Violet got off to and realizing that our intended trip to the Endup wasn't going to happen. Sounded like he's trying to save her, or something. Whatever. He turned to me said: can you please tell her not to? I had a hunch that I was going to be on her side, whatever it was. I replied: tell her not to do what? Gina said: i'm trying to get a lift to the power exchange. business is too slow out here. The fellow implored me: tell her not to go there. it isn't safe. Oh, for pete's sake. Dude was telling a streetwalker, arguably the riskiest form of sex work, not to go the Power Exchange because it "isn't safe." Even if I wasn't already aware of the joint's notch-below-pondscum reputation, it would have been hilarious. Not attempting to stifle my laugh, I said: i go to there all the time. i'm a regular. i love it. if i wasn't standing here right now, that's probably where i'd be. The guy's face dropped. but it's not I continued: it's perfectly safe there, safer than here. He insisted: no, it isn't. bad things happen there. Uh-huh. I turned to Gina and said: do you want a lift to the p.e.? i'm parked up on franklin. The guy threw up his hands in frustration. Gina said: oh, would you? that'd be great. I brought the car around, and Gina and I drove to the Power Exchange, where nothing nonconsensual happened to either of us.
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Thursday, 15 February 2007 (falling through grace) 3:02pm For Valentine's Day, Vash and I went to Cajun Pacific, a "Louisiana Kitchen" in my neighborhood. The food was delicious but expensive, which accurately replicates the New Orleans dining experience as I remember it. Even if she hadn't been wearing kitty ears and a Bavarian durndel, we probably would have drawn a lot of attention to ourselves by our relentless PDA and giggling. I'm always surprised not to see more of that thing on Valentine's Day. Isn't it the whole goddamned point? The people at the next table over should have tipped us for how much sheer entertainment we provided. Eating the food out of each others' mouths was an especially neat trick. Before going to dinner, I gave myself my first solo estrogen injection. Vash was there for moral support and such, but I did the mechanics myself, as I will from here on out. Assuming I'm able to find a new doctor who'll continue prescribing the liquid stuff, anyway. Sometimes, though, I wonder if anyone will ever notice that I'm doing it.
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007 (six underground) 10:42am RIP, Heather.
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Tuesday, 13 February 2007 (a cloak of decency) 10:23am NakedSword won VOD Company of the Year at the 5th Annual XBIZ Awards. The award itself resembles a Kryptonian dildo.
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Monday, 12 February 2007 (slow train coming) 11:40pm I started this diary eight years ago today. What have we learned?
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Sunday, 11 February 2007 (watching her undrape) 9:39am At Progressive Grounds, a non-wobbly table near the power outlet without too much glare on the screen. This'll do, I think. No Power Exchange last night. Between the weather and my persistent sadness of late, I just wasn't feeling up to it. There's no telling what I missedthe most interesting nights tend to be the ones where I've had to drag myself out of the housebut it doesn't really matter. There is no such thing as destiny. Things just happen. Sometimes you're in the right place, sometimes you aren't. Last night, the right place felt like at the Black Light District eating Chinese food with Jezebel and watching Idiocracy.
There's plenty of Cure on the laptop. That should help.
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