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My Face for the World to See (Part II): The Diary of Sherilyn Connelly a fiction
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Thursday, 20 December 2012 (scatterage) 9:51am Last day in Sacramento. Heading back to San Francisco today, staying the night at Marta's place (it'll be safe, since her ex-boyfriend / current roommate will be out of town), and then we'll gather up Perdita and head for Fresno. I'll sleep in my own bed eventually. 12:42pm Got assigned another movie to review, one that's not due until January. Phew! I was afraid it might just be a 2012 thing. Also, Jonco and Heather's cats now all officially like me, or at least are not afraid of me. Took a few years, but it was worth it. | ||
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012 (loose change) 11:46am And yet another on the weekly, about a documentary called Ten Thousand Points of Light. (It's times like this that being on Cinemageddon is helpful.) The results of the film critics' poll is also up, as is my individual ballot. Both Amy Taubin and I called Cosmopolis the best film of the year, so I feel like I'm in good company. | ||
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Tuesday, 18 December 2012 (between the lines of age) 10:03am New article up on the weekly that I'm especially proud of, using sound effects clips I hacked from The Sounds of Star Wars. 10:45pm Whenever I housesit here, I'm both tempted by the prospect of getting cable television again, and reminded of why it's not worth it. So many reality shows and so many commercials, my least favorite things! The one thing that could change my mind is the ready availability of a lot old/obscure movies in HD, like Nighthawks. Serioursly, Nighthawks! In high-definition! Not quite worth it, though, unless I start making a lot more money. | ||
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Monday, 17 December 2012 (just counting the score) 3:14pm Just arrived in Sacramento, solo, and in near-record time. I'll be house and catsitting for Jonco and Heather until Thursday, and Marta and I will head to Fresno on Friday. Lotsa driving this week, whee. | ||
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Sunday, 16 December 2012 (talking in rhythm) 1:12pm It's neither mossy nor particularly roomy, but the Moss Room Restaurant at the California Academy of Scienceswhich we're at for Marta's birthdayis definitely a resturant, I'll give it that. 4:49pm Napped for a couple hours at Marta's, the first significant time I've spent here in weeks. I haven't left her room, it being the only safe space, and I do hear him around, but it hasn't been so bad, just so long as I stay in here. 7:12pm No Bad Movie Night for me tonight, what with it being Marta's birthday and all. Instead, we had dinner at Big Lantern and are now heading to the Roxie for the Found Footage Festival, which really is the next best place to be. | ||
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Saturday, 15 December 2012 (time hasn't told) 4:23pm It's gray and fugly outside, and though we'd discussed going to KFJC for the Psychotronix Film Festival (which I will make it back to eventually!), we're staying in tonight to eat warm food and watch Love, Actually. Tomorrow will be our big adventure day. | ||
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Friday, 14 December 2012 (all the same) 9:41am Hey, there's me and Jim representing Bad Movie Night on the SF Sketchfest site! I guess we're way-official now. And the picture turned out pretty well, considering how frazzled I was that morning. 5:12pm Marta and I just had our first official couples therapy session after the intake session a few weeks back. This was still kinda intake-y, in that it was with a different person, but our official person, who we'll presumably be seeing going forward. Very sweet, and she actually reminds me quite a lot of the psych studient I saw for my very first round of therapy I saw at the Pacific Center in Berkeley back in 1998. I liked her a lot (even though she was quite mean to me that one day), so being reminded of her is not a bad thing at all. And it's probably why I felt comfortable slash vulnerable enough in today's session to break down into tears after a few minutes. Even I was suprised by that. | ||
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Thursday, 13 December 2012 (nowadays clancy can't even sing) 8:21am Their dog is howling. It's amazing how much that sets me on edge. It also hasn't escaped by attention that while they're both Christians who work in professional Christian environments, it's the atheist who's most concerned about their neighbor. I try me best to be quiet and unobtrusive, while they categorically do not care about how much noise they make or how it impacts my standard of living. And yet I'm the one without a moral code, since I don't believe in their invisible man in the sky. (It's not something I've discussed with them, of course, and they probably don't know my religious views. I'm merely observing having religion does not make you a better person. It just doesn't. There's a reason why uber-Christian Tom was the one who got drunk and crashed someone else's car last Christmas Eve, not me.) 11:43am Part of being done with schoolwork of course means writing a lot more articles, and sometimes they even get published on time, like this one about Mad Magazine's Lord of the Rings parodies. Schoolwork, as important as it is, doesn't pay very well. (Neither does anything else do, admittedly. Rent is going to be tricky this month.) | ||
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Wednesday, 12 December 2012 (already one) 10:03am At Boogaloos with Marta after a bloodletting at Kaiser, though unlike last time, there was no fainting, thank goodness. And the soyrizo is delicious. 1:34pm More things up in various places, specifically a review on the Voice of a movie called Saving Grace B. Jones, and a preview of El Vez in the Night + Day section of the print version. | ||
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Tuesday, 11 December 2012 (comes a time) 11:56am The Nice Lady has offered to do the paperwork to make Perdita an official emotional support animal, meaning that were I to move somewhere that doesn't allow pets, I'd still get to keep her. I'm not planning on moving at this exact moment, but I've lived in the Black Light District since 1995, so a change is going to happen eventually. And something tells me very loud people with the very loud dog upstairs are going to stick around for a long, long time. | ||
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