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Tuesday, 10 August 2010 (fading to bloom) 7:14pm Gym this morning, weights and cardio, then to work, where I found myself getting a bit nervous as the day wore on. There was no followup from the discussion on Friday about me starting to work with the new guy, and I overheard the guy in question discuss future plansincluding but not limited to stuff which I could totally do, and he was talking about having to bring in outside people. Um, no. Time to get all squeaky. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip away, godsdamnit. Another hour of cardio after work. I've come to realize that I've my current book before (The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to PokemonThe Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World), but that's okay. It's been a few years, and it's a good one. So, I have two readings coming up (Sizzle at Femina Potens on August 21, and the Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation launch party at Modern Times on September 1, meaning the book will be out by then), me and Jim and co-producing and co-hosting a show called "Roommates From Hell" for two weekends at The Dark Room in September, I'm acting in Zeke Tyrus's I Never Fucked Mrs. G at The Dark Room in November, and then in Jim's as-yet-untitled Christmas play (again at The Dark Room) in December, plus Unthology will be coming out either by the end of this year or early next year, depending. Work is beginning to pick up, things are great with Marta, and the whole "fit back into my favorite clothes" project is proving successful. Really can't complain about life right now. | ||
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Monday, 9 August 2010 (engine block cellular) 10:48am Did my usual Monday routine at the gym this morning. Damiel's added a new bit to the abs class, an exercise which requires a rather brutal defiance of gravity, so painful that it must be effective. And the pinstripes are getting progessively looser. I'm hoping I'll be able to fit back into my shiny pants before my reading gigs later this month, but it's unlikely, and I have no idea when I'll be able to fit back into my schoolgirl skirt. Alas. I'm coming along, which is what matters. 5:10pm Did another hour at the gym this afternoon, because this is the only way that it works. While mildly fretting about the fact that my weight hasn't been dropping in spite of my waistline shrinking and the cognitive dissonance involved in the science of the phenomenon, I came across this diary entry from two years ago, showing that I was pretty much in exactly the same place then as I am now (give or take twenty pounds). The more things change, et cetera. | ||
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Sunday, 8 August 2010 (cleanse me of earth) 11:02pm Great turnout at Bad Movie Night this evening. My little show just keeps chugging along. Now, to sleep. | ||
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Saturday, 7 August 2010 (destructo swarmbots) 7:52pm Marta and I went to the Hot Tubs tonight, followed by dinner at Miller's. I'm glad we finally made that circuit. | ||
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Friday, 6 August 2010 (it's like this) 9:53am Finally making something resembling progress on a story which I had to set aside to work on the grant. It's been on my mind the whole time, though, and it has a pretty good chance of making it into a particular anthology. And even if it doesn't get published, it'll still be nice to get the story's demons exorcised. Damiel mentioned this morning during the abs class that he's sixty-one years old. It actually gives me a lot of hope, and is a reminder that I have no excuse not to remain in shape. Well, to get in shape, then remain there. Granted, this is what he does for a livingas we were doing a minute-long plank, he commented that he has four client appointments later in the morning and will be doing the same planks in each of thembut, still. 2:13pm I just got what I'm pretty sure is good news about my job situation from one of the higher-ups. I don't fully understand all the details, but it sounds like the organization is being restructured (as they always are), and I'm going to start working with different people. Which is not a bad thing at all, because the fellow who originally hired me and whom I was ostensibly working for/with has been rather cold to me these past several months, only talking to me when I mess something up and tending to ignore me otherwise. That kind of thing. I don't think he ever wanted to be a manager. Whatever. What's important is that there are people here who recognize my value and think I can be used more efficiently. Yay. I asked if there was a possibility that this could lead to me being hired full-time, and I was told that, yes, it's a possibility. Perhaps I shouldn't believe it again after the rug was pulled out from under me in April, but I'm going to believe it anyway, because I'm all faith that things will get better if I work at it. That's what's been getting me up at four in the morning lately, and it'll get me hired full-time, and it'll get Bottomfeeder published. Yep. | ||
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Thursday, 5 August 2010 (filling the space) 11:15am After work yesterday I picked up Marta, and we returned to the Black Light District to eat salad and finish out the fourth season of How I Met Your Mother. It's a ritual. Did my full set of Thursday-morning stuff at the gym, and after sex and breakfast and coffee (also rituals), we're trying to get some work done. The official publisher page for Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation is up. Unsurprisingly, like the already extant Amazon page, it only lists the editors, not the contributors. That's the biz for ya. And though it's not out until the end of this month, one of our fellow campers this weekend mentioned that she'd read an advance copy. I chose not to mention that I'm in the book (and Marta, picking up on my vibe, also kept mum), because there's really no point. I was hoping they would say i especially liked this one essay called "the big reveal", but they didn't. I'm pretty much used to not getting mentioned in anthology reviews. As I say, that's the biz. Although I did recently come across a misspelled reference to me online (I was Googling various misspellings of my name, inspired by the fact that the promo material for the Femina Potens gig later this month spelled my name wrong), from a person who was not happy that I "accidentally" gave away the ending for a forty-seven year-old Twilight Zone episode when Jim and I guest-hosted on KOFY TV20's Retro Night last year: The third was “To Serve Man.” One of the guests introducing the episode, named Sherilynn Connelly, seemed like a transvestite, and stupidly gave away the secret of the title.Man, I hope the guy never watches The Simpsons. They're even worse about making fun of decades-old shows than I am. | ||
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Wednesday, 4 August 2010 (something sweet and wild) 9:21am The Cinematic Titanic show last night was fantastic, and it was neat to get to hang out with Jim during the afternoon as he got the sound system up and runningspecifically the microphones, arguably the most important detail. Arriving at The Castro around half past one and having one of the SF Sketchfest people open the door for me and say hi, sherilyn! was pretty great too. Managed to get to bed at a semi-reasonable hour, and was up again this morning in time to do run for half an hour on the treadmill, though not to do my pre-treadmill set of crunches. Though I got plenty of crunching in during Damiel's abs class at six. My whole schedule's off a little this week, but I expect I'll be back in my regular groove next week. | ||
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Tuesday, 3 August 2010 (a good tousling) 10:19am Back in the office, finally feeling rested. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow morning, however, because there's a lot more work to be done, more inches to lose. Though not this afternoon. I often go on Tuesday afternoons, but instead after I get off work I'm heading straight to The Castro Theater. Cinematic Titanic is tonight, and once again I'll be "assisting" Jim with the sound, which means I get to get in for free and feel like one of the super-cool kids as my comedy heroes (well, half of them) perform. I do like this life I lead. | ||
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Monday, 2 August 2010 (antigone speaks about herself) 9:14pm I made it to the gym this morning, because I hadn't been since Friday, and in spite of how much exercise I got this weekend, my waistline would surely grow ten inches if I missed Damiel's abs class this weekend. I cheated a little bit, though, not getting out of bed until a quarter past five, and barely making it to the gym on time for the six o'clock class. After the class I stuck around and did an hour of cardio, but it still felt weird to be off my regular routine. I doubt I'll be back on my regular routine tomorrow, though. I spent most of today sleeping, and managed to get myself out of the house to join Marta at Borderlands Cafe for an hour or so before preceding on to Ramah's for squidtightening. She also replaced a number of the original tentacles with new ones, bright pink and white, and trimmed off as much of my natural hair as possible. So, my hair is primarily squid now, and my natural hair is probably the shortest it's been since I was born. Which is fine, since you can't tell by looking, and most people don't realize the squid is synthetic. And now, sleep. For real. Not even setting my alarm clock. No gym tomorrow morning. It's always tricky the day after squidtightening because my head hurts for the first few days, plus I really, really need a full night's sleep. My waistline will survive. | ||
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Sunday, 1 August 2010 (i see you standing in the rain) 11:12pm Marta and I got back into San Francisco around two this afternoon. We attempted to nap, since we did a lot of hiking over the past twenty-four hours and were generally exhausted, but no such luck. That's okay, though. Thankfully, my energy levels were back up snuff for Bad Movie Night this evening, which is a good thing because the house was surprisingly packed for Super Mario Bros. And now, sleep. | ||
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