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Friday, 20 April 2012 (the coming of jah) 1:49pm Still no EBT card. 4:21pm Marta and I are in Golden Gate Park. Though we are quite sober ourselves, I think some of the other people here may be smoking grass. | ||
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Thursday, 19 April 2012 (for the third, fourth, and fifth time) 3:55pm Still no EBT card. On the other hand, I found that Trader Joe's takes them, so that'll be helpful if the card ever arrives. At this rate, I'll probably receive the "proof that my income has not significantly risen" paperwork for the May renewal first. I've got a bad feeling I'm going to have to eventually go to the office to get the damn thing. Tonight, however, Marta and I are going to the Great American Music Hall with Davina and Mouse to see Godspeed You! Black Emperor. 6:08pm Fourth in line outside the Great American Music Hall. In the negative column, I'm downwind of some very stinky people trying to get tickets. sometime after midnight Great show, if a little long, and the hippies in my peripheral vision (really, dude, you have to take your shirt off? really?) got on my nerves more than they should have. Much more of a Burner crowd than Low ever gets, thankfully, since I'll definitely being Low again someday. I also ate too much of the wrong kind of food, specifically their tri-colored nachos. Nobody's fault but my own, that. | ||
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Wednesday, 18 April 2012 (commanding in the name) 8:35am Spent the night at Marta's place (and we had dinner and played Scrabble with Alicia, which was nice), and this morning I took Phoebe to the mechanic once more. There's nothing new wrong with her, but a part hadn't arrived by last weekjust the coolant receptacle, nothing critical, and it should only take a few hours. I am spending those few hours at the Sea Biscuit, studying. I think I'm going to start coming here more often when I have large chunks of reading to do. 4:14pm Still no EBT card, though my recap of episodes 21 and 22 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is now up, and the episode of the Bronyville Podcast has, as they say, droppped. Both of which are cool, but I really wish the godsdamned card would arrive. I walked a lot today, but I'm still going to the Wednesday night class at the Y. 6:47pm The class thoroughly exhausted me, as it's supposed to. On the other hand, I got a response to my book query from last week. It's not a yes, it's not a no, it's a hmm, maybe, and I'll totally take it. 10:13pm As much as I want to be in bed right now, I'm in a late meeting with my Libr 202 on our final assignment. It occurs to me that in a month, my first year as a grad student will be over. Weird. | ||
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Tuesday, 17 April 2012 (knockknockknock) 9:09am Spent an hour on the phone this morning, trying to find out if I can get an extension on the 2012 1040-ES payment that's due today. The answer was basically no, but it's better to pay something than pay nothing, so pay something. And I did. 2:15pm Still no EBT card. 3:03pm Oh, godsdamnit. Someone else is already using my book title (which I stole from Richard Thompson, thank you very much). Titles aren't subject to copyright, so I can still use it, but, phooey. | ||
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Monday, 16 April 2012 (a hushed and rapt silence) 8:33am I have a new, non-Pony article up on the weekly, this one about Bob Wilkins's Captain Cosmic show. I like the things I write about, and I write about the things I like. That may be a problem, I don't know. 4:14pm The EBT card still hasn't arrived. This is getting ridiculous. | ||
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Sunday, 15 April 2012 (vouching for the mouse) 5:12pm I got to bed around three this morning. Marta was already here and asleep, having left Frolic early and taken the last L home. I parked around the corner as usual, and I almost didn't notice the creepy guys standing and smoking outside the RV I'd parked behind. They definitely noticed me, and I didn't like it at all, so I started Phoebe back up and drove around the block. They were probably harmless, but there was absolutely no way I was going to take any chances. It's also the first time in the seventeen years that I've lived in this neighborhood that I've felt unsafe, so fuck them very much for that. Anyway, Marta got up before me, which is very unusualalways has been, I've seldom slept longer, or at least stayed in bed longer, than my girlfriendand I managed to sleep until about nine. We got out a lot of last night's pent-up energy (through sex!), then went into her neighborhood, had a late brunch at the Irving Street Cafe, and when we returned to her place, I napped for a couple hours on her bed. Last night was more exhausting than I'd realized, apparently. 11:52pm Only two non-friend paying customers at Bad Movie Night for Game of Death. Ignominious end to a great weekend, but that's how it goes sometimes. | ||
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Saturday, 14 April 2012 (the notes beneath the surface) 3:13pm Since there was no reason not to (plus it was a lot less expensive and time-consuming), I just used Skype for the Bronyville interview. It was quite a lot of fun, actually. Now, an extended disco nap. 4:17pm Got my jammies on, closed the drapes, turned off the lights, put in earplugs, got under the blankets, did not fall asleep. And I think a half hour is a good cutoff. (That fact that right before I laid down, I read an email from My Agent, in which she explained that her bosses are not crazy about my latest proposal. Gave my mind too much to think about.) Oh well. I'll manage tonight. 9:12pm Marta and I had our beloved Hiyashi Deluxe and sushi and Osakaya in Japantown for dinner, and are now killing time at Wicked Grounds before heading to The Stud. I'm also getting more school reading done than I'd expected to. Never can tell. sometime after midnight Well, that was one of the sweatier nights in recent memory. And I do believe I know how Meet on the Ledge is going to end. | ||
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Friday, 13 April 2012 (as it always was) 1:17pm Got Phoebe back. The labor costs alone are a month's rent, but goddamn, she drives like a healthy car again. Though there's many things going on out in the world tonight, including Goodfellas at The Dark Room and Midnites for Maniacs at the Castro, Marta and I are staying in at her place. Going to try to err on the side of getting a full night's sleep since, I have plans to drive to the East Bay tomorrow morning to be interviewed on the Bronyville Podcast. Also, tomorrow night is Frolic, and Jimmy has offered to let me wear Blip again. So, yeah. Gonna be a late night tomorrow. | ||
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Thursday, 12 April 2012 (paradise disowned) 9:31am Got offered some extra work from the marketing guy's new editor. Why yes, I'll take it, thank you very much. It's travel-blog type stuff, but they said we thought you’d be a good match for the style we’re going for, so yay. 11:36am Came up with another book idea. Bounced it off My Agent, who loved it, and now I'm querying the people who would need to be queried. Worst that can happen is they'll say no (or, perhaps more likely, just not respond), so it's worth a shot. 8:33pm pitch pitch pitch propose describe overview pitch overview describe propose pitch pitch pitch! 8:33pm Ooh, big lightning storm! I like it when those happen on nights that I'm staying in. And I'm watching it alongside Anatomy of a Murder, just because. | ||
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Wednesday, 11 April 2012 (overbounding the steps) 9:11am Took Phoebe, who's been sounding and running worse and worse, to the mechanic. Whatever needs to be done will be done, and my credit card will take the hit, because that's what it's for. There was another Saturn there, and the mechanic mentioned in passing that it's at over 200,000 miles. Phoebe hasn't even hit 90,000 yet, and I do hope she has at least another 110,000 in her. Meanwhile, my recap of episodes 19 and 20 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is now up. They just don't stop, until they do. 10:01am Got a 10/10 on the second quiz for Libr 202! I may just pass that class after all. 2:20pm The mechanic just called. I won't be getting Phoebe back until tomorrow at the earliest, possibly Friday. Good excuse to stay home and work on school and writing and book proposals and even work-work, and of course to not go to the Wednesday evening class at the Y. I'm always looking for those excuses. | ||
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