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My Face for the World to See (Part II): The Diary of Sherilyn Connelly a fiction
Sunday, 30 September 2012 (a mere coincidence) 2:11pm After last night and all its drama, Marta and I are now having lunch at Miller's East Coast Deli. Pickled herring in wine sauce makes everything better. sometime after midnight Final night of Lord of the Rings movies at Bad Movie Night. Not one of my more successful experiments in terms of turnout. | ||
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Saturday, 29 September 2012 (all sounding very sweet) 3:47pm Rough, rough night last night. Lost my shit a little during dinner, managed not to cry, at least not until after Marta and I left the restaurant and relocated to a somewhat less occupied corner. I managed to maintain during poker, and somehow got to sleep when we returned to Marta's place well after midnight, but broke down again this morning. All is not well, as it tends to not be for us in autumn. Nearly breaking up (or breaking up but getting back together like we did in our first year together) seems to be timed with the changing of the leaves. At least, the changing in the leaves in climates where the leaves change. The problem might be that I'm a vampire, and she's a werewolf. That never ends well. | ||
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Friday, 28 September 2012 (my ghost likes to travel) 1:49pm Been chatting on and off for much of the morning with my upstairs neighbor (while they're at away at work and I'm sitting up in bed trying to get to work done) about the fact that their dog has been howling and barking nonstop since eight o'clock not only this morning, but every weekday morning in recent memory. I've complained about this before, and they've apologized and said they've looked into it getting a walker, but clearly squeakiness is required on my part. And now they say that the dog will definitely be going out with a walker starting next week. Here's to hoping, and gods, how naive I was to think that wikipedia saying the breed has "a very quiet temperament" meant I'd actually get peace and quiet in my home. I was so young back in March of 2011. On the plus side, I'm just about done with the bulk of the work for the big research paper that's due on Sunday afternoon. So that's something. And this evening Marta and I are playing poker with friends, so that's also something. sometime after midnight i'm not having this discussion. | ||
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Thursday, 27 September 2012 (breaking the girl) 11:21am Better today, but not healthy yet, so I've cancelled my RSVP for the gaming thing tonight. And KrOB's out of town, so no Jerry Lewis tonight, either. More rest and work, then. Also, a new milestone: the reviews for the Voice are syndicated across the chain, and Seattle Weekly misspelled my name. Awesome. | ||
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Wednesday, 26 September 2012 (orphans and widows) 9:35am I have a new review up on The Village Voice of an anthology film called Stars in Shorts. I imagine it won't be as controversial on Rotten Tomatoes as the last one. 3:22pm My attempts to nap in order to fight this sickness have been stymied by the constant howling of my upstairs neighbors' dog. That's what I get for letting them move in above me, I guess. In the meantime, I've been managing to get work done while in bed. Go me. | ||
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Tuesday, 25 September 2012 (dwelling in their past) 7:35am Yep. As I expected, my throat is killing me, and I'm feeling dehyrdated. Going to gargle with apple cider vinegar and drink a lot more water than I have been lately, and maybe that'll make it go away. In the meantime, I still have a lot of work to do. 11:10am A new review of the upcoming anthology on Bending the Bookshelf, and (I suspect) one of the few that will like my story: "Malediction And Pee Play" (Sherilyn Connelly) is definitely an odd story, but a solid runner-up for my personal favourite. It's a tale of sub-cultures, both gothic and fetish, involving acts of gender rebellion, fetish exploration, and satanic blasphemy. It certainly has the potential to rub some readers the wrong way, but it's the one tale that has me most curious about reading more from the author.I'll take it. I also got two new movie-reviewing assignments today, which I'll also take. 3:12pm And now the sneezing starts, so it's officially a cold. Hopefully today's the worst of it, and I'm heaing to Marta's place all the same. | ||
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Monday, 24 September 2012 (ratcheting up the curiosity factor) 2:39pm New article up on Catster, about cats on Star Trek. It's silly, even by my standards. Speaking of my silly articles, because of the one I did last week about San Francisco in video games, I've been pegged as a "Bay Area gaming writer" and thus invited to attend a preview event for a big game developer this Thursday, including "hands-on playing time" with a bunch of games I know nothing about. Sure, why not? Just so long as this tickling in the back of my throat doesn't turn into the cold that it so clearly wants to. 10:59pm Just got back from watching Justified with Pete and Sarah, and, yep, it's going to be a cold. | ||
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Sunday, 23 September 2012 (the regional definition of ordinary) sometime after midnight Tough day todaytough week, emotionally, lots of trickiness between Marta and mebut once again a pretty decent turnout for the first half of The Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King at Bad Movie NIght, so there's that. | ||
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Saturday, 22 September 2012 (twice in one night) 10:58am At the main branch of the library, doing some hardcore research for school. Also, I'm very aware that Gyro King is right across the street. 7:12pm In the name of Adventure, and because I've been craving welsh rarebit ever since having it in Sacramento last year, we're at Melt! in North Beach for welsh rarebit fondue. Been a long time since I've had fondue, for that matter. | ||
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Friday, 21 September 2012 (better than this) 3:12pm Well, now I know: never ask a librarian anything. | ||
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