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Sunday, 31 October 2010 (licking my wounds) 11:24am No Caprica or dancing last night. A minor emotional breakdown hit as Marta and I were heading out there door, as they are want to do, so we stayed in and dealt with that. Which was okay, too. This morning, we went on one of our rare excursions to The Sea Biscuit. The dyke behind the counter commented on the fact that I haven't been in a for while, adding: you're lookin' good! Dig me, I'm lookin' good! We're doing The Twilight Saga: New Moon as our Halloween feature at Bad Movie Night. Here's to hoping people actually show up. sometime after midnight Though we didn't sell out, we got a good-sized crowd this evening, especially given the zillions of other events happening at the same time. Afterward, I hung out with with Mikl-Em, Danielle and Rhiannon at Shotwell's. I didn't drink, but I did have a tamale. And then, when I got home, I had some of the soy cream in the freezer. It's Halloween, after all. Gotta indulge a little. | ||
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Saturday, 30 October 2010 (squall) 1:34pm In the next few days, at least one picture of me holding my CLONE ZAPPA NOW! sign (a leftover from last year's St. Stupid's Day Parade) should be showing up on Flickr. I probably won't come across it until a few years later. Kinda like this picture of Vash and I at the GayVN afterparty a million years ago, which I had no idea existed. I mean, obviously we knew at the time that our picture was being taken, but, I kinda forgot about it after that. Pity that it's too old to use as a diary picture. I'm at The Dark Room now for Christmas in Hell rehearsals. There have been a few pronoun mishaps, somebody who really ought to know better calling me "he" and "him." They usually correct themselves quickly, but still, it leaves a pall. Over me, anyhow. Probably not anyone else. At least it's a pall I've been used to for a very long time. | ||
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Friday, 29 October 2010 (slow life) 4:58pm Made it to the gym this morning and again this afternoon without getting rained on. Go me. In between, I wrote a new draft of "Coma White," then submitted it to Cleis Press's new lesbian BDSM erotica anthology, because why not? If I don't hear back from from the New York Times by next Friday, it means they'll have rejected my first submission for the Modern Love column. So I'll submit something else. That's how that works. 7:29pm Ilene invited me out tonight, but it's supposed to be monsoony, so I've declined. She understood, saying that cats stay inside during the rain. We certainly try. Besides, I want to be at the San Francisco Rally to Restore Sanity tomorrow morning at nine. So there's that. She's also invited Marta and I to go dancing with her at The Stud tomorrow night for Dancing Ghosts' Tribute to the Batcave, and before that we'll be going to Pete and Sarah's to watch the final episode of Caprica. So there's that as well. 10:52pm Feh. The rain has been little more than a light drizzle. I feel mildy ripped off. | ||
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Thursday, 28 October 2010 (welcome to them) 9:47am No gym this morning, even though I was chased out of bed around five by a particularly nasty dream. The first thing I did was put on my pajamas, since Marta was sleeping over, and we sleep nekkid together. But, if I'm out from under the covers long enough with my pajamas on, my unconscious likes to give me nightmares. It's just one of those things that it does. Last night, after we picked up a very neat piece of art that Marta bought during Open Studios this past weekend, we wrote for a couple of hours at Borderlands Cafe, then had dinner at Mission Street Food. Her treat, to celebrate me getting accepted into the Masters program. We were, of course, the only people in the Mission who didn't seem to be celebrating the big baseball game. Though it was on at the restaurant, because it was on everywhere. | ||
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Wednesday, 27 October 2010 (scary and exhilarating and between) 7:14am Regular bootcamp this morning, just as brutal as it ever was. Next week, she starts doing it on both Wednesdays and Fridays, and I intend to be their both. This is pretty much the sort of thing which I used to pay Raphaela for, after all, except it's now practically freeRaphaela charged me forty a session, which is extremely affordable for a personal trainer, and I do miss working with her, but I don't see myself going back to that arrangement. Even if I can ever afford it again. In the meantime, my fitness goals are much like they've always been: I want to be thin enough to be accused of being brainwashed by the patriarchy's beauty standards, since we all know that real beauty requires being plus-sized. According to progressive San Francisco politics, anyway. I'll also settle for being told that I need to eat a cheeseburger. 12:51pm Dear Sherilyn Connelly,In spite of the somewhat tentative language, that my admission has simply been recommended, I appear to be in for real. Scary. Being about the managment of information, the program focuses heavily on the use of technology and computers and stuffand it's all online, after allso I'm think I'll do fine in it, since I have a pretty good head for that sort of thing. And I have a year to prepare. By then, I may even have gotten the whole i'll show that guy who laid me off because he didn't think i was smart enough! bitterness out of my system. 6:11pm I'm almost nine thousand words into a story which has a limit of nine thousand and is simply not working anyway. Time to start from scratch. | ||
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Tuesday, 26 October 2010 (scratching to start) 12:03pm There. I've submitted my Hospital essay. (An abstract of it, anyway.) The editor tells me that they'll be making their decisions in January, so, I'm moving on. She's started following me on Twitter, however, and I'm following her back, because it's 2010 and that's how networking is done. | ||
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Monday, 25 October 2010 (waves of libido and adrenalin) 2:23pm I should be a lot more tired than I am, since I got barely five hours of sleep last night, then did my usual Monday morning gym routine. But I haven't napped, nor have I wanted to. After breakfast, I made a cup of coffee then got to work on the Hospital essay. And now I'm getting ready to go to the gym again. 4:15pm Feh. The gym didn't happen, since right as I was about to leave, I heard my landlord in the entryway right outside my door, talking to some guy who's going to be working on the water heater or something. Which means I'd have to make my way past them, and, well, I hate doing that. My deal with myself was that I'd still go to the gym if they were gone by four. They weren't, and aren't. Alas. It won't do any damage not to go this afternoon. | ||
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Sunday, 24 October 2010 (the final obstacle) 6:12pm We're finally getting onstage for Christmas in Hell rehearsals, rather than just doing script readthroughs, and I've pretty well memorized my lines. I don't get a lot to do, but it's fun all the same. ask them if they have any advice or leads for someone looking to get into it the field. Networking and all. 9:41pm For the first time in what feels like forever, I don't actually have to host Bad Movie Night tonightI'm behind the counter, providing sound effects and such. I love hosting, but it's nice to take a break once in a while. Anyway, The Wolfman remake is pretty fucking horrible, but it's almost redeemed by the audience frequently howling. I think they were partially inspired by Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London," which I played during the preshow. And that's fine by me. | ||
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Saturday, 23 October 2010 (infractions major and minor) 9:12pm After Christmas in Hell rehearsal, Marta and I went to dinner at Angkor Borei, and we're now at Ritual killing time before going to Pete and Sarah's for Caprica. Meanwhile, there's apparently been a victorious baseball game for a local sports concern, and the City is going batshitpeople out on the street are screaming and honking their horns and generally, as I say, going batshit. Reminds me a little of the night Obama was elected, but unlike that, I can't relate to any of this at all. Some people on the internet are trying to convince me that if I truly love San Francisco and/or hate George W. Bush (check and check), I have to be emotionally invested in the baseball victory. I'm just not buying it at all. | ||
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Friday, 22 October 2010 (bloodbathing) 4:12pm At El Rio on Wednesday night, I hung out a bit with an acquaintance (someone I mostly know through Johanna), who mentioned that they used to do copywriting and technical writing for a living. They even taught it at a University level. It's not their thing anymore, but I think I'm going to ask them if they have any advice or leads for someone looking to get into it the field. Networking and all. 11:43pm Just got home from a party in my neighborhood. It was at the house someone whom I've hung out with a couple times via Ilene, and who even came with her to the Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation launch party. And, of course, Ilene herself was there, and I'm always happy to get to spend time with her. Since it was a vaguely Halloween-themed party, I put on my kitty ears. I think it spooked their resident cat. Thankfully, Perdita's very used to seeing them on me. | ||
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Thursday, 21 October 2010 (deep enshrouded) 11:15am No gym this morning, and I'm wide awake now and actually being productive and stuff. I should probably go this afternoon, though. My work there ain't even close to being done. | ||
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