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Wednesday, 10 November 2010 (the duration of it all) 7:21am Very intense Bootcamp this morning. They never aren't intense, I suppose, but this one felt moreso than most. Occasionally, during the heat of it all, I wonder if I'm going to throw up. I haven't yet, but if I ever do, I'll have earned it. I don't think I burned away the cold, though. Frak. 12:01pm As always, a great way to procrastinate is housecleaning. In this case, I've cleaned out my entryway, which had been getting ridiculously cluttered, especially since Marta's been riding her bicycle over. As a result, I have a couple of chairs that need to be taken away, and I've scheduled a bulk pickup from Recology SF. I'm also asking my neighbors if they have anything need hauled away, 'cuz I'm neighborly like that. And, yeah. The cold is for real. | ||
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Tuesday, 9 November 2010 (embracing the space) 11:27am No gym this morning, but I'll probably make it this afternoon. Because that's how it works, and damnit, when I finally make it in for a job interview somewheres, I wanna look good. Or, at least, I want to feel like I look good, which is half the battle. While chatting with my friend at Borderlands Cafe last night, a cute, rather smartly dressed girl came up to me and was all oh my god! it's you! you do bad movie night, right? i'm your biggest fan! i'm not worthy! complete with the Wayne's World-ian genuflection and everything. She seemed sincere, or at least not like she was outright pulling my leg. I assured her she was very worthy, and we talked about the show for a minute or two. And, of course, I didn't recognize her at allI never would have guessed she was a regular. I don't pay as much attention to the audience as I should, I suppose. I have a groupie! 4:58pm I did make it to the gym this afternoon. There were signs up all over saying the treadmills are going to be gone from Thursday afternoon through Friday so they can bring in new ones. How very exciting. 9:12pm Ugh. I can feel a cold percolating in the back of my throat. Here's to hoping that I burn it out of my system tomorrow morning. | ||
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Monday, 8 November 2010 (why you fail) 8:11am This morning, Damiel (whose abs class I'm now only attending on Mondays, since Bootcamp is Wednesday and Friday) gave me a tank top for the Stonestown YMCA's 3rd Annual Turkey Ride. He said it was in thanks for all the music I've supplied him with, but I expect the fact that I've been wearing the same Nakedsword/Kink.com shirt every day for the past year has something to do with it as well. Not that anyone has ever objected to the fact that I'm basically advertising gay porn and fetish websitesI mean, even if they don't know what Nakedsword is, Kink.com is fairly self-explanatory. I've never dared wear my Masturbate-a-thon tank top, even though it's finally started to fit again. That would be a bit too on-the-nose, so to speak. In addition to getting the Domestic Partnership termination paperwork done, my other big plan for today is to finally close out our joint bank accounts. I already have a separate under just my name, but I've continued to use the joint one because I'm fantastically lazy. And I've never minded seeing Maddy's name on the statement, though the fact that it says I live on South Van Ness has always been a little disconcerting. 2:20pm Well, that was much simpler than I expected, in that at no point in the process did they ask for any sort of proof or evidence that Maddy approves of all the money being moved and the account being closed. She does, of course, but still. Anyway, mission accomplished. Still a bit of legalese to figure out on the termination paperwork, which I'll probably need Marta's help with, since she's about a zillion times smarter than me about such things. About most things, really. Tonight I'm going to Ramah's for squidtightening, and after that I'm meeting with the friend from El Rio to talk about the copy slash technical writing biz. Plus, just to hang out and chat. I don't really do that enough. 8:13pm Tightened squid! I also had Ramah remove some of the tentacles from the back of my heador, rather, not reattach them, since I've lost about a half dozen of them since last time. Instead, she shaved that part of my head, and frankly, it's a vast improvement. It removes quite a bit of the bulk, and those particular tentacles had always been the hurtiest after tightening, and always just seemed to get in the way. The squid, like all life, is constantly evolving. | ||
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Sunday, 7 November 2010 (brought to enlightenment) 1:41pm Marta just reblondified my roots, in anticipation of tomorrow's squidtightening. It's been four months since I've done anything with my roots, and I tend to forget how much better they look blonde. 6:13pm I'm completely off-book now in Christmas in Hell, a month before we open. It helps that I only have a couple dozen lines, but I'm proud of it all the same. 11:35pm Pretty good turnout tonight at Bad Movie Night for The Lawnmower Man. Tomorrow, I start getting my shit together. | ||
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Saturday, 6 November 2010 (merging with grace) 2:11pm I Never Fucked Mrs. G last night was great, and Christmas in Hell rehearsal is a lot of fun. I don't have much to do in itand among the battering my easily-battered ego has been taking lately involves at least one role in the play which should have gone to me but didn'tbut I'm making it count. After rehearsal, I'm going to help Marta pick out new frames for her glasses, which is quite an honor, really. Then, dinner and the second/final night of I Never Fucked Mrs. G. Yay for keeping more or less busy. sometime after midnight After the show (which went really well, and for which fuzzy performance shots are already up), Marta and I went to her best friend's house to console her on the recent loss of her cat. When we returned to the Black Light District, we found that my contributor copy of Unthology No. 1 had arrived. It's a fine-looking book, and one of those rare fiction collections that I'm actually excited to read. Though when I read Perdita her segments of "The Last Dog and Pony Show" and told her how she's all internationally famous and stuff now, she was unimpressed. Cats always are. | ||
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Friday, 5 November 2010 (in the wood) 4:12pm Gah. Bootcamp this morning, then I came home, showered, had breakfast, and promptly napped for three hours. Got up and had lunch, then napped for a couple more hours. This just isn't right. It's gotta be my increasing depression, or something. Maybe I need to start going to cafes again. I can't really afford it, since I end up spending about ten dollars per visit, but clearly the working-at-home thing isn't, well, working. Meanwhile, what little time I've been able to devote to writing has lead to me already (already!) abandoning the National Novel Writing Month experiment, since it's just not what I should be focusing on at the moment. I have other, much smaller writing projects which have a decent chance of being published, so that's the priority. Plus finding actual for-hire writing work. My networking on that front is not going so well, mostly crickets and unanswered emails. But, gotta keep at it. On Monday, I'll start refocusing my efforts, and not sleeping so godsdamned much during the day. At least I have gigs coming up. Tonight, I Never Fucked Mrs. G opens. So there's that. | ||
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Thursday, 4 November 2010 (moon environment) 3:14pm Another rejection. They do kinda add up in my soul after a while, especially this week when I'm feeling lower than usual, but this one has some potential: they said the wanted the characters to be "a bit more developed," and that "if the author does make any major revisions or reworkings please do send it along again." So, that's what I plan to do, once my agent gets more details as to what characters they want developed. I had to remove a lot of character stuff to get the manuscript down to fifty thousand words, and I'd be very happy to reinstate a lot of it, since I still think of the book as a love story more than anything else. Went to the gym this morning, the first time I've done the early morning ritual on a Thursday since Bootcamp started. Going back again right now. 5:31pm After five years, it's time to make it legal between Maddy and I. The termination of our Domestic Partnership, I mean. We never quite got around to it back in the dayor back in May, when she more recently brought it upbut we're both finally ready for it (and there are practical reasons as well). So, here goes nothin'. And who knows? Maybe while I'm at it, I can finally get my insurance company to take The First off of my policy, where she's listed as an exclusion or something. For some reason, they've refused to do so thus far, even though I've explained that we broke up eleven years ago, and she's never even been in the car the policy currently covers. Her being listed doesn't really affect anything or increase my rates, but if nothing else, it's a waste of ink. | ||
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Wednesday, 3 November 2010 (satan is boring) 2:48pm Finally made it to bed at a reasonable hour last night, even with going to Zeke's place for I Never Fucked Mrs. G rehearsal. Went to bootcamp this morning, and will most likely again on Friday morning. And Mrs. G opens that night. 3:16pm Then again, "too old" is a thoroughly relative concept, especially when your options are limited. | ||
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Tuesday, 2 November 2010 (death valley '69) 9:41am Didn't make it to the gym this morning, either. I'd honestly planned to, but in addition to not getting home until quite late due to the Mission (and points beyond) being filled with increasingly rowdy revelers celebrating the baseball game, I followed the ensuing riot on the police scanner, and had a grand old time tweeting about it until I crashed at two. It was just too interesting and entertaining to turn away, even though my own tweets evidently weren't funny enough to be reported. There's no accounting for taste. 1:39pm Via email: Dear Sherilyn Connelly,Hey, at least I got a response, which is more than most will do. In the meantime, I'll just submit the story elsewhere, and submit something new to Modern Love. That's how it works. And now, I finally head to the gym. Three days away is plenty. | ||
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Monday, 1 November 2010 (warming the bell) 2:32pm Gah. Even though I got seven hours of sleep (from two in the morning to nine), I still feel off. That's problem without staying out late, at least these days. It really throws off my rhythm. And no gym today, either. Scary though that is, I'm sure I'll survive three days off in a row. Since it's National Novel Writing Month and everyone else is doing it, I'm going to start working on the one (1) fiction idea that's been rattling around in my head for years. It'll be nice to not write about myself for a change, and who knows? Maybe I can finally give my agent something with commercial potential. I also talked to Mikl-Em last night about possibly helping me get gigs with the magazines and blogs that he writes for. Dig me, I'm networking. | ||
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