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Monday, 31 October 2005 (lowest terms) 8:33pm Halloween, that most ambivalent of nights for me. I'm staying in, packing and generally psyching myself up for the tour. I got a little clippy sunglass attachment thing to put over my regular glasses for six bucks at Walgreens. They're inelegant at best, but they'll do the job. Me driving in the sun or (worse) snow won't be quite so bad now. Vash and I went by my office last night on the off chance that I'd left my sunglasses there on Friday. No such luck. I got to show her the pink room, at least. (welcome to canada) From there we went to a party at Temple's, and though it was fun, we didn't last all that long. I suddenly found myself very tired, so we went back to Vash's place, where I promptly crawled into her bed and fell asleep. From the outside, it must have looked like borderline narcolepsy. It had been a long weekend already. Vash had a reading on Saturday night, and afterwards we went to Spectacular! Spectacular! at the all-too-nearby DNA Lounge, with Esther in tow. (Is it just me, or does this flyer invoke Danielle in a huge way? It's probably just me.) The show itself was a lot of fun, and I especially dug that the music between sets was the sort of thing which I haven't heard in a goth club in ages, if ever, since it was before my time: "Lucretia My Reflection" by The Sisters of Mercy, and especially "Bloodletting" by Concrete Blonde. Halloween or no, anything vampire-related has been highly frowned up since I've been been puttering around in and on the fringes of the goth scene. It was also the first time I've actually danced with Vash. After the show, we dropped off Esther and went back to my place, reveling in the fact that neither of us had anywhere pressing to be on Sunday, at least not until the afternoon. We stayed up late, slept some, then stayed up some more, finally venturing outside so I could give her the grand walking tour of Outer Sunset culture. (Stop laughing.) We eventually got back into her car and headed for a little fuckin' culture in the form of a symphony performance at the Jewish Community Center. On New Year's Eve and Day, they're doing Beethoven's Ninth. A look was exchanged. Vash dropped me off this morning at the muni stop around the corner from my office, from which I blessedly have the day off. Though I'd slept well by my standards, I still had that up-all-night feeling. Thirty-six hours, chai twice. Enough? No, not hardly.
So, yeah. Going on tour tomorrow.
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Saturday, 29 October 2005 (the power of two) 2:35pm Y'know, I can forgive myself a lot of my glaring character flaws, but my tendency to lose things really pisses me off. Once again, I've lost track of my glasses cases, with my (prescription) sunglasses inside. I'm pretty sure I was wearing them when I arrived at the LGBT Center last night; I called, and if I left them there, they've yet to find their way to the Lost and Found. I also stopped by The Dark Room after the Queer Open Mic based on the erroneous notion that Uphill Both Ways was performing at ten, and in addition to having left a message on their machine, Maddy would be looking for them when she gets there to stage manage Batman this evening. I've got a bad feeling that they're gone for good this time, and there's no way to replace them before leaving on Tuesday. For as much as I was not looking forward to the weather conditions in Oregon and Washington, I guess I should be grateful that I won't really be needing my sunglasses, huh?
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Friday, 28 October 2005 (half of the symmetric division) 8:35am I'm no expert at these things, but if you're going to change the alarm code for an office, it's possible that the best time to announce the new number is not at quarter past five in the afternoon. Especially since I left at ten past five yesterday, and as such was quite unprepared when I arrived first at the office this morning after four hours of sleep and no breakfastI have no regrets about the night's events, mind youto find my alarm code not at all working. Much fun on my cell phone (which I am now genuinely glad I own) with the alarm company people, who themselves had no idea that the code had been changed. Seems like a bit of a disconnect there, but again, I'm not expert. In any event, it was so not what my nerves needed this morning, but nerves very seldom if ever do get what they need.
Vash joined me for the Negativland show last night, which was was quite lovely. We were in the balcony, so we had a good view of both the action on stage ("action" being
the three guys noodling about on largely archaic sound equipment, tape machines and turntables and the like) and the audience. Aside from the immediate company,
I especially enjoyed watching one particular audience member, a guy sitting towards the front who was clearly having the time of his life. He had a big shit-eating grin
on his face the whole time, and I saw him reacting especially strongly to familiar Negativlandisms, stuff he'd clearly grown to love on their albums or on Over the Edge, and now he was
thrilled to be hearing them live, even if they were the same recordings. I love watching reactions, even the ones I didn't cause.
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Thursday, 27 October 2005 (lowest term primes in the range) 12:23pm It occurs to me that not only does Daylight Savings Time end a couple days beforehand, but we're leaving town on the new moon. Therefore, I am now calling it The Dark Advice Tour.
Sister Edith has suggested I could look at the new moon as the start of a new cycle, time to begin planning new projects and the like.
I should kick her hippie ass and send her back to Woodstock.
Speaking of such things, while my upstairs neighbors will be attending to the daily catsitting duties while I'm gone next week (like they've done in the past for the erstwhile kittypr0n stars), Vash has offered to come by and visit Perdita, even though the Black Light District is nowhere near Vash's home or office. How sweet is that?
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Wednesday, 26 October 2005 (centered above and below) 9:08am ...oh, let's just say I've had better morning commutes. Please don't take a picture. 11:52am This is rapidly turning into one of those days in which I shouldn't attempt to do anything, lest it go wrong. 3:16pm Oscar help me, I really like Madonna's new single. Maybe working in the gay pr0n industry is starting to rub off on me, I don't know. I'm especially digging SDP's Extended Dub, which is worth a download. The single version wouldn't be out of place in a goth club, and the instrumental break from 1:50 to 2:20 in SDP's Extended Dub really takes me back to my kindergoth days, descending the stairs at the Maritime Hall to Shrine of Lilith, as the synth and beats started out muffled and eventually grew in volume and focus. Makes me wish I had a DJ gig coming up so I could play it. 4:30pm A lot of pictures were taken of me weekend before last, while my roots were prominent. Some of them aren't so bad at all, and I'm pretty much set for diary pictures through the end of the year. Since reblondification, however, not a single snap has been shot. Makes perfect sense, somehow. sometime after midnight One of the things I like about living in the Outer Sunset is that the much decried quietness (it's so BORING out there! they always say) means I can walk the handful of blocks from the train stop to my apartment at a quarter past one in the morning and feel perfectly safe. Of course, I'm not perfectly safenobody is ever perfectly safe anywhere at any timebut it's nice not to have to worry about dodging crackheads, like an hour earlier walking down Van Ness to Market. The drunk girl vomiting all over herself on the train ride home was rather annoying and icky, but, well, that's just the kind of Muni day it's been.
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Tuesday, 25 October 2005 (the base nine seven four symmetry) 10:37pm I made a bunch of new chapbooks tonight. Well, new copies of the old ones, anyway. It's important before going on tour to have merch for people not to buy.
Lynnee freaked out on me a bit when I told him on the phone last night that I'm driving up to Washingtonhe
seemed convinced that I would be going through Donner Pass, and meet a similar fate as the eponymous travelers.
We won't be going anywhere near Donner Pass, but it didn't do my existing fears any favors. I hate driving in the
rain, and I've never driven in snow. Being the only remotely experienced driver on this trip, I'll get the honors should we hit
nasty conditions. The extended weather forecasts suggests that it'll mostly just rain, and forecasts
are never wrong, are they?
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Monday, 24 October 2005 (bodies, rest and motion) 8:54am I am the proud owner of a new travel pillow. It's like this. Having been just dropped off at work by Vash after a long, exhausting and bruising night together celebrating her return to the Pacific Time Zone, I decided to trudge to the nearby Safeway to get something to boost my energy. (I can totally hear Ali from the last couple times I was similarly tired: i have no sympathy for you whatsoever. As well she shouldn't.) On the way there, I spotted a small purse on the ground. I picked it up, hoping it would be empty. Nope. In it was a billfold with a license, credit card, the whole shebang. I studied the face on the license, hoping to recognize her in Safeway. No such luck.
Back at the office, I'd decided I would drop it in the mail to the address on the license when Maddy (via IM) suggested that look for a
business card. Duh. Sure enough, there was one. Place appeared to be a pillow and linen store within spitting distance of my office. Called, didn't get an answer, so I walked over there. Understandably, she was more than a little shocked to see me, whoever the
hell I am, at the door holding up her purse. Hadn't even realized she lost it. She had no cash to give as a reward, and I wouldn't have
accepted it if she did, as that would look way too much like a scam. So she insisted on giving me some little present. Hence the travel pillow,
which will come in awfully handy for all the traveling I'll be doing next week (!). The End.
And it's done before Tim returns to the country/office, which is important, because he'd been getting cranky about it.
As it happens, my supervisor is taking a "personal day" because he doesn't feel well (which I'm parsing as "nursing a hangover") and Tim doesn't return until later this week, not today like I'd thought. So just rolling over and going back to sleep like Vash had wanted to do this morning was an option after allI totally could have called in sick and it wouldn't have been a problem. Alas. I'll have to remember that "personal day" business for the first night
Vash and I spend together after I get back from the tour.
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Saturday, 22 October 2005 (last acts) 8:12am When a shrink in a dream asks if you want to talk, your unconscious is probably trying to tell you something. Time to call The Nice Lady, perhaps. 1:26pm Creative kittens do not enjoy leashes. 2:20pm There's nothing quite like the look of a fresh dye job, especially when the color is still fairly new. I got my hair reblondified today, and I have to say, my generous tipping over the years at this particular salon has paid off, because I surely would have paid twice as much for the same work almost anywhere else. For what the extremely reasonable amount I was quoted for just a bleaching, I also had toner added (which I provided), as well as a trim and straightening. Though I was liking growing out the length, I've also been getting very tired of the remnants of the old color, and there's only a few hints of it left at the very bottom. Most of what you can see in my pigatails in the above picture is gone. I'd daresay I'm nine-five percent blonde at this point. Okay, world. Now what? I got the toner at the Sally's at 16th and Bryant yesterday after work. It was far from my only destination, however. First I went to the AAA on Van Ness to get maps for the tour week after next (!), then to the Great American Music Hall to get Vash a ticket for Thursday's Negativland show (after seeing their gallery show in New York, she's fast becoming a fan), then to Sally's, and finally to The Dark Room for Batman and Uphill Both Ways. I was the Phantom of The Dark Room most of the time, lurking in the shadows behind the bar, but that's okay. I can do that. They don't mind.
I hadn't planned on going out tonight, but it almost seems a shame not to with my hair looking as purty as it does, so I'm probably going to The Dark Room to see Batman
again. What the hell, it's free (to me).
So as her and Jim introduced the show, Erin read the list with only the slightest hint of discomfort. Squid List guyapplause. Fringe guyapplause. Wife of the Jokerapplause. Actor in The Dark Room's upcoming production of Emperor Norton: The Musicalapplause. My name The crickets in the woods next to Maddy's old trailer park in Kansas make one hell of a racket. It's a wonder anybody gets any sleep.
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Friday, 21 October 2005 (commotion on the motorcade) 3:30pm We just had the obligatory stand-around-uncomfortably-in-the-kitchen office goodbye for Ali, who leaves the country tomorrow. Actually, she won't be leaving the country just yet; she's going to New York first. Her flight leaves at eleven in the morning, and Vash's return flight lands at midnight. I'm no good at this sort of math problem, but it sounds like they'll be able to wave at each other as their planes cross each other. Anyway, as these sorts of office things go, it could have been a lot worse. The cake was yummy, and the card wasn't entirely stupid. The ironic part is that Ali and I would usually stick together for moral support during these things, and now she's leaving me to fend for myself. The nerve.
Meanwhile, I've been quite productive today in the pr0n library, hereafter to be equally known as
the pink room. It's mostly
alphabatized, a process which has been about fifteen percent planning and eighty-five percent physical labor. Rather proud
of it, especially since I've been doing it in PVC pants. If there's anything I've learned from c0g, it's that there isn't much
that can't be done in fetish gear. Besides, last night was rough emotionallythings blew up and broke downand I'm sufficently shallow that wearing sexy clothes makes me feel better.
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