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Thursday, 10 November 2005 (extended to distraction) 8:16am The Parkway is a neat little theater on Vash's side of the bay, a self-described "speakeasy" which sells food and booze and has very cheap admission prices. I'm especially grateful for that last part, because the audience at A History of Violence was probably the loudest and most annoying since the last time I saw a Hitchcock movie at the Castro (or possibly a David Lynch movie anywhere) laughing at anything remotely dramatic or emotional and treating it like a campy, broad comedy. I found myself wondering if the audience watching The 40 Year-Old Virgin on the other screen was quiet and rapt. This is why I'm not actually bummed that I'm already committed elsewhere on the night that the Castro is showing a double feature of Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me and Mulholland Drive; for as much as I love those movies and would like to see them projected again, especially on that screen, I'm just way too much of a pretentious film snob to deal with those fucking catty audiences. It's not that I'm lacking a sense of humor, honestly, and I don't think that every movie should be treated with dignity and respect. I was one of the founding hosts of Bad Movie Nights, for pete's sake. But everything in its right place, y'know?
So, note to self: no more serious movies at the Parkway. Comedies? Sure, why not? Especially since they have those comfy couches, even better
than the Red Vic's for cuddling.
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Wednesday, 9 November 2005 (on the left) 9:52am From Sean Carswell's review of Good Advice for Young Trendy People of All Ages in the October '05 issue of the print 'zine Razorcake: ...if you read the essays as a personal glimpse into how different people learned to accept who they are and find a little peace in a chaotic world, then it makes for an interesting read. Though I don't have any intention of becoming a woman, I was really taken by Sherilyn Connelly's essay on how to make the transition from man to woman. It was an unflinching, unapologetic piece about how she became comfortable in her own skin, despite the criticisms of those around her.Daaw. I'm "unflinching" and "unapologetic." Of course, there are those who would say that's precisely my problem. 12:26pm Though I've always kept my fingernails short, and haven't painted them in at least three years, I've been keeping the nails of my left hand pointy. It's for utilitarian rather than fashion reasons, though an argument could be made that it's for art's sake as well. It's an interesting experience navigating the tactile world with sharpened claws, forever catching them on things, fabrics and surfaces. Now I know how Perdita feels. 2:11pm I'm drinking my second Starbucks beverage in as many days. It's a long story. 3:42pm We just had an office meeting about the video shoot on Thursday. As I'd suspected, I've been asked to do a punk/goth thing. In anticipation of this, I brought the appropriate clothes to work today, since I'll be staying at Vash's tonight after we see David Cronenberg's new movie A History of Violence. Yay me for being clever.
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Tuesday, 8 November 2005 (villains and neutrals) 8:03am I had an organic grapefruit for breakfast, courtesy of Vash. It was yummy and messy, my favorite combination, and one which I've come to associate with her.
Today, I resume my pre-tour intake of water and vegetables. My body's been missing both, among many
other things.
In the meantime, about the shows Portland. Okay show, if underattended, especially given the number of phone calls the bookstore says they'd received. Three of the seven audience members were there to see me, and if everyone I knew in Portland had actually shown up, the ratio would have been five out of nine. That those who actually knew me in person didn't attend probably speaks volumes about my personality. Olympia. Great show, fun time, easily the high point of the entire trip. In addition to being able to go into full-on rock star mode thanks to Jennifer deciding that we didn't have to read from the book we were ostensibly supporting, I definitely could have gotten stoned and probably laid if I'd played my cards right. Unfortunately, the cards I held involved me being the only one of the three of us who smoked grass and/or drove, so I was not able to, as the kids like to say, "party." Clearly, I need to return there under my own auspices. Still, the memory of the night kept me going for the rest of the tour, which noticeably declined. Seattle. Middling show, and at least one comment was made about me which I found equal parts of hurtful and unprofessional. Not that I'm incapable of being hurtful and unprofessional (and deliberately, needlessly cruel depending on who you ask), but the timing was really foul. I handled it with what I'd like to think was my usual aplomb, but I could be wrong about that. My aplomb may not be usual, and in fact may not exist at all. One familiar face in the audience, which was nice. Discovered that flagging thong may be the cruising equivalent of snipe-hunting, something which Vash and I must change. Also discovered that the home of the universe's most comfortable couch is not Vort, but Seattle. Bellingham. Proof of something I'd gotten bitchslapped for observing a few days earlier: no matter how much you promote a show, actual turnout is a crapshoot. One (1) person was in the audience. At least it was in the afternoon rather than the evening, thus allowing us to start driving back to San Francisco immediately afterwards.
I'm so very happy to be home. I like seeing other places and need to do more of it, but I missed the Black Light District, mi vashita, my job (no, really), Perdita, my friends.
Go melt back into the night, babe, 11:22pm Pandora, the somewhat terrified-looking little goth girl from my Before Picture, has pinged me on Friendster. She's on the East Coast, and aside from having drifted towards a foundation which more closely matches her natural skin tone, she looks just as good as ever. I, on the other hand, have changed a great deal in the eight years since the picture was taken, and entirely for the better. Hooray for medium-sized miracles. (Why some people preferred that incarnation of me remains a mystery; I can't help but think that the 2005 model is an improvement in every regard.)
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Monday, 7 November 2005 (the daring art of independence) 6:35am My second wind hit yesterday morning around seven as the sky began to brighten. I'd been up for twenty-four hours, driving for the majority of the previous twelve (thanks to energy drinks and Penguin Mints and prescription drugs and force of will), and would continue to for the next five or so. My third wind, which I didn't even know existed, hit when Vash arrived in the evening. 11:17am Santorum!
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Sunday, 6 November 2005 (a pill for that) 1:23pm We drove out of Bellingham (fifty miles south of Vancouver) at five yesterday afternoon. I got home at a quarter to noon today. You do the math. I'm too tired, seeing as how I volunteered to do all the driving.
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Friday, 4 November 2005 (forty-seven and one twenty-second) 8:57pm some writers like to read long because they think it makes them look better. Ow.
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005 (small things are good) 9:18am I'm at the Fireside Coffee Lounge in Portland. Alvin is here with me, and Jennifer is still asleep, as befits someone who considers eleven to be early. The cafe has a "lodge" theme, with an emphasis on bears. Wood-carved bears in every direction. Being from San Francicsco and involved in the queer scene, bear imagery makes me think of large hairy gay men. I really don't think that's the intention . Alvin's here for the hot caffeinated beverages, of course, and I'm here for the wi-fi. Got an email from Curve asking if I want to be featured in an article on "lesbian and queer identified MTFs." That's me, pretty much. Neat. Normally I don't trust the press any further than I can throw it, but isn't not like it would be a fucking scare-quoted Chronicle hack job. I would still dearly love to kick that writer square in the nuts he's so protective of. The Dark Advice Tour has gotten off to a good start. Some rain was encountered on the drive, but nothing too gnarly. (What was the first thing I bought outside of San Francisco? Sourdough bread. Evidently I get homesick quickly.) Alvin drove for a few hours in California during sunlight and dry conditions, and I took the rest. Rapidly falling in love with our rental car, the make and model of which eludes me at the moment. If I could even begin to consider getting a new one, it would be at the top of the list. Alas. It has cruise control, but I didn't use it; that's more of a driving to Fresno in the daylight thing, not driving through Oregon at night. The stereo was off for the first seven hours of the drive, and though I would have preferred to have it off the entire timeI'm learning to appreciate quiet more and more as I get olderI was outvoted. I have to admit, Jennifer singing along to "Doll Parts" was very cute. It was very dark by a quarter to six, right about as we hit the state border, meaning we've actually seen almost none of Oregon in spite of having driven across it. Possibly on the drive back. I really hope so, since my family used to drive to Washington and back every summer, and I have fairly vivid memories of driving through Oregon. For that matter, going through the Shasta area took me back in a big way, one of those all too rare memories which doesn't really have a negative angle. My maternal grandparents used to live on Loon Lake (how falsely-romantic sounding is that? it's entirely true, though), but unlike Snoqualmie and the Double R Diner, it's too far out of our way on this trip. So what happens the day I leave my City? Joan Didion speaks. Of course. I really want to be half as good a writer as her, to observe and report with her wit and clarity. And maybe I could, except that my insecurities tell me that I can't, therefore I won't. Buffets seem almost as popular in Oregon as in the Midwest. It's bright and sunny right now, which goes against everything I was told weatherwise. I don't expect it to last, but I'm going to enjoy it while it does. Yeah, me enjoying sunlight. Doesn't make sense to me, either. We got in last night around half past ten, and are staying with Ariel Gore until tomorrow morning. She has a black shorthair cat named Ricki Lake who took to me in a big way, even sleeping with me. Ricki is no Perdita, but it was nice to have a cat next to me all the same. Today we bum around Portland, take in the sights (rumor has it there are, in fact, sights) and hopefully hook up with some friends. Tomorrow, we head to Olympia, were I've heard that everyone's the same. They even fuck the same. Not expecting to find out whether that's true or not. Nor will I be flagging thong in Seattle. Our final gig is at four in the afternoon on Saturday. We've decided to take advantage of this and start heading south right away, to drive at least back down to Portland. Might even get back home by Sunday evening. The long road-tripping business isn't so scary after all, is it? It wouldn't be a road trip, but I really need to see New York City, preferably with a native guide who knows all the right spots, ferries and houses of dreams.
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Tuesday, 1 November 2005 (ways and meaning) 5:50am Vash just called to wish me a good trip. I think that means it will, in fact, be a good one.
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