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Wednesday, 30 November 2005 (shredding and plowing) 12:17pm Hung out with Lynnee last night. Haven't seen him for a while. It was nice. Compared notes. He made a passing reference to "people you've alienated." Don't worry, it wasn't by name.
Earlier in the evening, I watched Spielberg's War of the Worlds.
It was much better than it had any right to be.
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Tuesday, 29 November 2005 (here today) 10:12am I'm told the producers of the teevee show cast a drag performer in the part. 3:29pm Vash and I watched Punch-Drunk Love last night, which I've been wanting to show her ever since our first date (which itself was the day following my audiition for the aforementioned teevee showcircles reappear). Such a lush, beautiful, troubling film.
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Monday, 28 November 2005 (on the end of your fork) 11:20am What the hell was it about yesterday? At Bad Movie Night, a regular audience member apologized for having called me "he" last time I was there. Truth be told, I'd forgotten about it, but I thank him for apologizing all the same. He then went on to explain that he'd had once has a roommate who was biologically male and presented female but insisted on being referred to as "he," and another friend who'd started to transition from male to female but then went back to being male, hence his confusion with pronouns when it comes to trannies. Frankly, I wish he'd left it at the apology. But he meant well. Wearing kitty ears is like a sociological experiment, especially when there's no overt reason for them. (Which was actually the case; my ulterior motive was so my head would be obvious amongs the silouhettes in front of the screen. That, and they look cute, and how much more justification is necessary?) (For the record, I didn't put them on until I got to The Dark Room. I have my limits.) It's interesting to see who acknowledges them and who doesn't. Ty and Cory commented on it, as I suspected they would, but nobody else said a word. I suspect most were making a point of not looking above my eyeline. don't look at the ears...don't look at the ears...don't look at the ears...
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Sunday, 27 November 2005 (too late to keep the change) 2:04pm I read at a book release show with Jennifer Blowdryer and Mykel Board at The Dark Room last night, for Mykel's book I, A, Me-ist. I was there on Jim's invitation, as he and Mykel go back a long way. Mykel had never met nor even heard of me beyond us both being contributors to Good Advice. There was a real old-school slash New York punk feel to the proceedings, at least as I understand these things, never having been to New York nor being all that intimately involved in the punk scene. (Inasmuch as such a thing even exists anymore. I don't really trust anyone under forty who claims to be "punk." I won't even get into the Mission Records kids.) The audience included Jello Biafra and folks from Maximumrocknroll. As such, I felt a little out of my depth. Not nervous or overwhelmed, but unsure how much I really fit, and more than a little honored to be involved, that Jim took the chance on me. The crowd seemed to like me, though, and the exposure can't be a bad thing. Mykel told me to read something offensive, but I really wasn't in the mood to read "The J.C. Scrolls," so I went with "Coma White." If you can't offend, you might as well squick. Besides, historically, nothing has offended people more than simply reporting how I felt at a given time. I've lost a few friends that way. Vash wasn't able to make it to the showshe has a life of her ownbut we hooked up afterwards.
This evening, I return to The Dark Room for Bad Movie Night. I think I'll wear kitty ears.
It probably wasn't about me. I've been told that so many times throughout my life, often by people who I would not only expect to know better, but whom I would have expected to have my back. Seldom works that way. But I could hear that voice all the same: it wasn't about you! don't make everything about you! So, fine. It wasn't about me. Besides, I looked sufficiently nondescript, or at least vaguely feminine, right? Or not. Boots, purple and black stripeys, black capri pants, spaghetti-strap tank top, black trenchcoat, no makeup, and my hair down in what I've been told is a "softer" look for me, especially now that I've been growing out my bangs. I don't know. Probably screams out "androgyny." Then again, maybe it doesn't, and I'm acting like the universe revolves around me again. Besides, in today's queer political climate, passing is a bad thing, which means that NOT passing is a good thing, right? So I want derelicts to say things like that, don't I? Just means I'm fighting the good fight, resisting the tyranny of assimilation? Sure, of all that. I got my veggies and walked back to my car. As I approached them, I got out my cell phone and pretended to be looking at something. One of them, wearing a red shirt (I hope that means he gets killed first), saw me and started chairdancing and singing a weird melange of "Le Chic" and "Super Freak": "Freak out! Freak out! Super freak! Freak out!" Putting my phone back in my pocket, I stopped and looked at him. Just, looked at him. Which, of course, goes against everything I learned in Girl Army, but I couldn't help it. There's been so much of this sort of thing lately, people staring and doing the nudge-n-nod while murmuring things I can't quite discern except for "man" and "woman." Or that's what I think is going on, anyway. Probably doesn't have anything to do with me at all, does it? "Freak out! Super Freak!" With a grin a mile wide on his face, he explained, It's A Song That I turned and walked away. Didn't say a word, didn't make a face, and just turned and walked away, though I did blink slowly as I was turning, which felt strangely satisfying. This also goes against what I'd learned in Girl Army, turning my back on a potential threat. Worse, it had the desired effect: it pissed him off. How dare I walk away from him? Didn't I know that he had the power in this dynamic? Fuck You! he yelled after me. I kept walking, at the same pace, listening for the sound of him getting up and following me. Nothing, though after a few seconds I heard one of them, presumably the other guy, say That Was A Man? As I was rounded the corner, seeing my car thankfully just a few yards away, the heavy artillery was fired: Eat Poop! Their coprophagous command was the last salvo, though I waited at the car for a moment, expecting them to come barreling (or at least stumbling) around the corner. Given the condition of my car, I figured it was better to face them outside, on my own two feet. Felt I had a better chance of being loud and fending them off. Nope. I got in my car, and paused. Slight shakes came over me, and I felt for a moment like I might cry. A little hint around the edges, but nothing beyond that. I considered going into the Safeway on the other corner, as long as I was there, but decided that I just wanted to get home now.
Sometimes, it is about me.
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Saturday, 26 November 2005 (the stars above you) 10:42am After In Cold Blood, I moved on to Heroes and Villains: The True Story of the Beach Boys by Steven Gaines, and I just finished Holes by Louis Sachar, which is as good as its reputation suggests. I think I'm ready to swing back around to Capote: A Biography by Gerald Clarke. Need a break from the heavier stuff, y'know? Granted, neither Heroes and Villains nor Holes turned out to be light reading, showbiz bio and children's book (respectively) though they may have been.
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10:42am After class on Wednesday (during which time she made the majority of Thanksgiving dinner), Vash and I did ecstasy. It hadn't done much for me before; once was a full hit with Maddy which had no noticeable effect at all, and another time was half a hit which was barely noticeable. This stuff, acquired from a coworker, definitely worked. We'd considered candyflipping, which is what the kids call mixing ecstasy with acid (those crazy kids!), but decided against it. Vash hasn't done either drug for a while, and I'm unfamiliar with ecstasy, so we decided to keep it pure. It was an amazing experience, especially doing it with someone for whom I'm developing such strong feelings. The desire on ecstasy to get all kinds of touchyfeely and emotionally expressive on ecstasy is strong. Under the blacklights and Music from the Hearts of Space, we talked and felt the weight of each other. Those feelings and desires were sincere, and I didn't say or do anything that wasn't already in me. But the edges burned brighter. Though we didn't candyflip, we did flip through Candy Darling's My Face for the World to See, the book which the title of this page homages. (It's an homage rather than a rip-off because I call it "Part II," right?). The book had been in my bag because I used this picture for a scanning and retouching exercise in class that evening. It's my favorite one of Candy, and possibly my favorite portraits of anyone. At first I was a little reluctant to alter it, to remove so much as a freckle, but after a while I realized that Candy surely approved of airbrushing. When the teacher first saw the picture, she asked if it was me. Awww. That's just as flattering as when I'm occasionally asked if this is me. I'd love to work with a photographer (and, I suppose, hair and makeup artist) who could recreate that picture with me. For that matter, I've been tossing around the idea of doing a solo show as her, based on her writings. But I toss around a lot of things. Wasn't I talking about a band recently? Something to do with Marilyn Manson? I forget. I crashed around four on Thanksgiving morning, and we slept on and off until the early afternoon, sometimes together, sometimes in shifts. The main course had mostly made the night before, so we assembled the Big Salad (including but not limited to red lettuce, purple carrots, tangerine slices, pomegranate seeds, mushrooms, pecans, cherry tomatoes, and hothouse cucumbers) and she made a multi-mushroom dish. Most touchingly, when she went on an emergency Walgreens run for a corkscrew, she also stopped by an open diner to get me a slice to pumpkin pie, the only traditional Thanksgiving-y food I actually like. How thoughtful is that?
Less thoughtful is her place of employment, which required her to be at work this morning. Not to mention the Friday and Monday around
xmas weekend, which result in a somewhat truncated Fresno trip. Whether that's necessarily a bad thing is debatable, though I'm oddly looking
forward to giving her the Tour, showing the pitufita stomping grounds. She's also
asked about Foriestere Underground Gardens,
which I've never even been to. (Though the abrreviation of Foriestere Underground Gardens is FUG, it is not to be confused with Go
Fug Yourself, a common mistake.) But at least we got a lot of time together. So it evens out.
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Wednesday, 23 November 2005 (fairweathering) 11:25am feliz cumpleaños, mi vashita. 4:23pm Alone in the office. Everyone else has left early for the holiday. I could have too, except that this is the last night of my Photoshop I class, so there's not much point in traveling too far. The really frustrating part is, Vash is at the Black Light District as I type. She'll be picking me up from class tonight, but still. It's ironic, or something.
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Tuesday, 22 November 2005 (procession of due) 10:02am Funny how lynch mobs never seem to involve anyone who was directly wronged by the lynchee. It's always on their "behalf," whether they want it or not. 4:32pm New Anger. And Snow. At the Pacific Film Archive. Tonight. With Vash. Hell yeah.
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Monday, 21 November 2005 (natural emotions) 11:01am In accordance with US Code 2257, all models appearing in products displayed on this website were over the Age of 18 at the time of photography. Records supporting this are kept with the individual producers of Each product herein at the offices of record for same. Any references to the word "teen", "boy", or any other Term that may refer to a youthful appearance of any models in the products sold in this website, are used as marketing terms only and make no reference to any usage of any model that is not at least 18 years Of age.Good luck with that one, guys. 3:01pm Wondering when it'll stop being so sunny and we'll get the San Francisco Gray we all know and love? As soon as I get my new sunglasses. 4:28pm At least burning bridges look pretty from a distance.
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