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Friday, 30 September 2005 (such a heavenly death) 12:20pm Feeling better today. Not great, but noticeably improved. I'd like to think that crashing at half past nine last night helped. And, just to prove my dedication, I rode the train all the way to the end this morning rather than getting off at Montgomery and walking the remaining mile. Go me.
Yet another big scary 2257 deadline today. Lunch is being ordered in as to prevent any of us from getting any
sneaky ideas about leaving the office. Ali and I are going to share a Tia Mia Pizza.
Considering how active I've been this week, I think I deserve it. In any event, I'm out of here by seven so I can make
it to the Disquiet Festival in Oakland by eight. So I say now.
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Thursday, 29 September 2005 (pretending we don't exist) 11:41am Okay, it's official: I need to rest tonight. I've been backsliding into illness since Sunday nightit's amazing and kinda scary how one moment, one look, can lower defensesand the amount of running around I've been doing since then is not helping. Last night I walked from Sutter and Franklin to the Red Vic (about three miles) to see Popaganda: The Art and Crimes of Ron English with Vash, and after that we were at the Lexington until nearly one. (If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say "Do you want to just go to the Lex?", I'd have enough change to ride the train for a month. Though it would probably annoy the hell out of people as I dropped thirty coins into the slot.) I enjoyed myself thoroughly and have no regrets, and my nose behaved itself at the more crucial moments, but I'm really getting tired of this whole sickness thing. Between The Disquiet Festival Friday and Saturday night in Oakland, some classes I want to take at Tease-O-Rama on Saturday afternoon (Stage Makeup and Posing for Cheesecake Photos), not to mention what promises to be an especially painful Bad Movie Night on Sunday, I have a rather busy weekend ahead of me. So. Tonight, rest. 12:57pm From a March 2000 Anchorage Press article about Spalding: On the public radio program “Fresh Air” several years ago, Terry Gross interviewed Gray about the piece and turned testy about his having left Renee for a younger woman, suggesting that other women would be distressed by this, too. Gross seemed to be saying that Gray’s behavior and its consequences weren’t clear to him, when in fact he goes on at some length about just that in the work. Gray says he was miffed that she assumed she had the whole story from an audio excerpt. “She was acting as though everything’s in the monologue,” he says. “I’m 58 years old and the monologue’s an hour and 40 minutes.”Have I ever mentioned that I own one of the pr0n movies he did in the seventies? Used his real name and everything, god love him. 7:26pm Sometimes (often, more often than not, frequently, as a general rule, you can set your watch by it) the plans of the Modern MUNI Warrior go to shit. Hence me not getting home an hour and a half later than I should have, what with trains dying before they reach their tunnels and things like that. The usual, nothing new there. But I'm home now, at long last, and determined to expend as little energy as possible. Then I'll be healthy tomorrow. 9:27pm The difference is the energynew, unencumbered, unspoiledallowed to exist. It'll die, everything must. But it'll live first.
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Wednesday, 28 September 2005 (spiritdecadencefortress) 10:09am According to the IMDB, the movie Enough opened May 27, 2002. The reviews were mostly negative, many citing that it treated domestic abuse as exploitation fodder. It played in theaters until mid-July and grossed approximately forty million dollars, enough to recoup its budget. 4:46pm This is the fun part, isn't it? moremoremoremoremore! sometime after midnight What part of two girls making out against the side of a building doesn't scream out "Do Not Disturb," anyway?
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005 (the falling bombs) 10:21am Once again, I revel in the fact that I can use a word like "buttfucking" in a company email and get away with it. Hell, I didn't even start it.
When Lynnee booked me to feature at K'vetch last year along with his mother, some people objected that it wasn't a sufficiently diverse
lineup since both his mother and I are white. Lynnee bemusedly observed that only in San Francisco would a six foot tall goth tranny
and a seventy-odd year-old German woman not be considered diverse.
In any event, I haven't heard back. I'm going to assume that's neither a good nor a bad sign, simply that the decision hasn't been made.
TERRY: At the end of your new monologue, you confess that you were having an affair with another woman at the time you were married, and in fact while you were married she became pregnant with your baby, and you've since left Renee. This is such a surprising thing to hear.
I'm not a nice guy. What a wonderfully powerful statement, regardless of the gender. To own it.
As we waited, a beautiful girl in a finely detailed corset approached and asked if we had any liquid eyeliner she could borrow. I dug some out of my bag and gave it to her, only to watch in mounting horror as she used it on a shirtless man with a beard and long shaggy black hair. My horror and dismay only grew when I discovered that the corseted girl and the other girl sitting next to him were his slaves. Oh, wrong wrong wrong. I have no problem with the whole d/s thing, master-slave relationships and the like, but goddamnit, I would have really like to have been informed not only on a man, but a straight man, and a straight man whom these girls called "master," and whose look exemplified everything I find icky about bio-boys in the kink scene, especially tops. I've since replaced the eyeliner, since I can't get past the cootie issue. Yeah, I'm sexist. Deal. As Collette and I left after our individual photo shoots (when I told the photographer that while Collette and I had arrived together we weren't going to take pictures together he gave me the first in what would be a series of incredulous looks, the next being when he saw my arm), she stopped in front of the "master" and told him he was blessed. As usual, she's much more generous than me; the word going through my mind was undeserving.
And then, back out into the throng.
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Monday, 26 September 2005 (hearing the sound) 10:57am Other events of the weekend: Lynnee has replaced me as his opening act for the next run of the show, I lost my favorite scarf on Muni, and I broke Collette's heart. (That last is unrelated to events earlier in the weekend.)
In the plus column, I got to work before my boss (doubly important because he's returning from a long trip, and it's the day after Folsom), and the
threatened biteyheadedness doesn't look like it's going to happen. She says, jinxing herself.
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Sunday, 25 September 2005 (after all is said and done) 1:07pm My right arm has two distinct constellations of bruises and marks from Friday night, parallel lines and semicircular, a zodiac of roughness, of clenching and biting. But, as the old joke goes, you should see the other car. 6:51pm Sometimes, tactical retreats simply don't work. But at least I tried. 9:39pm I really should have quit while I was ahead this weekend. From Friday evening at eight to about two this morning and so many things big and small between (that easy smile, those socks), it felt wonderful. Until tonight, even the things that didn't go right seemed okay. sometime after midnight there are no safe spaces.
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Saturday, 24 September 2005 (claws and talons) 3:41pm Last night was wonderful. And long. It only ended a few minutes ago.
Now, I head into the clusterfuck.
wow, it really does happen. I'm now at the office, eating a Veggie Biryani I picked up from a nearby Indian restaurant. (In retrospect something with protein would have been a better choice, but hey.) I'm here because I've heard highly plausible rumors that our fearless leader is going to be biting off heads regarding productivity when he returns to the office on Monday morning, so I figured getting a few more hours of work done couldn't hurt. Granted, it probably won't make a difference, but this kind of thing is triggery for meif I know a man is going to be mad at me, I'm going to damn well do everything I can to soften it. Harm reduction, I suppose. Something like that.
So very tired, and I anticipate another late night. Opening for Lynnee should be fun.
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Friday, 23 September 2005 (the only way to be sure) 1:35pm So Vash and I were buying tickets at the MOMA box office, having met up all of thirty seconds previous, when a tranny approached me. Her wig was (shall we say) somewhat ill-fitting, she probably should have shaved that morning, and she had a slightly blank look in her eyes. I have no idea if she was on something, or naturally spaced out. Seeming to look right through mewhile very nearly violating my personal spaceshe told me I was beautiful, then complimented my boots. I told her they were from Fluevog on Haight Street, then started to describe where on Haight, then realized that I needed to end this as soon as possible. Thus, I resisted the urge to tell her about the Queer Open Mic; I already have one potential stalker, and don't need to grow another. I thanked her and turned to the ticket window, where the employees were watching with bemused interest. She then turned to Vash, told her she was beautiful (no lie), and walked away. Figures, somehowwithin a minute of being in public with me, the weirdness begins.
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Thursday, 22 September 2005 (forward diversification) 11:03am New Orleans shall rise again, Bush rhetoricized recently. Larry Flynt is proving him right, god love the wheelchair-bound bastard. 3:57pm My four new favorite words: giant pink bunny erected. 11:52pm Vash and I went to the SFMOMA tonight to see the Jeremy Blake exhibit. I don't know the exact number, but we must have been in the screening room for at least two and a half hours, moving from bench to bench, watching each of the loops on the three screens over and over. It was hypnotic and hallucinatory, as good art should be. Some of it, anyway. Afterwards we had Thai food (it wouldn't be a proper first date if we didn't follow up the movie with dinner, right?), and I got back some of my automotive karma in the form of a ride home. Y'know, I'm never really conscious of how far my apartment is from ther rest of the world until I have someone else in the car, or even moreso, I'm getting a ride. All the same, I lingered for a few minutes before going inside.
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Wednesday, 21 September 2005 (half circle) 9:39am I've memorized the revised lines, decided on her backstory, what she's doing and how she's feeling at any given moment. Maybe it's a lot of prep for a character with less than a dozen lines, but as far as I'm concerned, the story is about a tranny hooker who may have witnessed a murder, and is subsequently questioned by a smooth-talking cop and his gruff but lovable partner. Assuming I get the role, that is. If I don't, it won't be for lack of trying. 2:06pm There was a couch in the casting office, but I don't think it was the "casting couch" I've heard so much about. An actor auditioning for a different role brought his three year-old daughter along, and her bouncing up and down next to me on said couch didn't do my nerves any favors.
On the signup sheet, you're supposed to write the name of the part you're auditioning for. Several people wrote "hippie."
That cracked me up.
Beyond my brain locking up, my main problem was inflexibility, adhering to the script too closely. It said "She takes off her sunglasses," so I insisted on keeping them on until the script tells me to take them off, although I did take them off for the slating (the camera panning up me, and me saying my name and the character's name). Because I may be a prima donna, but I'm not a fucking prima donna. I want to work in this town again. Or even once. Then there was the matter of my clothes. (This gets a little tricky, so you might want to make a flowchart.) My plan was to wear my hooker dress for the audition, since the character is a hooker (duh), and at least one draft of the script described her as wearing a "slinky red dress." It's more trashy than slinky, but I rather think it gets the point across. A primary aspect of the plan involved me wearing a black dress over the hooker dress, then taking off the black dress at work and going out to the audition wearing my Spike jacket so I wouldn't be tooostentatious on the bus (though, upon reflection, it would have been a swell way to get into character). Unfortunately, it was most definitely not heavy jacket weather out. Feh. It had to be gray and windy yesterday, not today when I could really use it. So, I kept the black dress on over the hooker dress but didn't bring my jacket when I headed to the audition, intending to take off the black dress as soon as I arrived. Long story short (too late, I know), I was still wearing the black dress when I did the first few takes. "My agent" though it was fine, tasked as she was with moving things along and not having time for costume changes, but when the president of the eponymously named casting company joined us halfway through and I showed her the hooker dress underneath, she liked it. So off the black dress went. After seeing me in the video monitor, she asked if a lighter lipstick was an option. For as much as she was liking "the goth thing" (yay! i've still got it!), the dark purple of the lipstick was making my mouth lose definition on video. (This is something I've observed in still pictures, too, but I've yet to find a substantially lighter shade that I'm comfortable with.) So I wiped off the topcoat of $1.99 Wet 'n Wild Blackberry Mega Colors, revealing the faded but still visible layer of Lipfinity beneath. They seemed happy with that, so I went back in front of the camera. Now, the character (she's not my character yet, if she ever will be), has two scenes. The first is in the pre-credits teaser, as she solicits the soon-to-be-murder victim. He's in motion, walking past her, so I played it that way, turning to follow him. My agent told me to A) slow it down and be more natural, and B) act directly towards her. We ran through it a few more times, only recording the final one, which she really liked. I have no idea if that's typical or not, especially given the time constraints...though it only now occurs to me that maybe they had a bit more time to work me, since I was scheduled for 1:05pm but they started with me a 1:00pm, the person scheduled for 1:00pm presumably nowhere to be found. Were someone to flake, I can only hope it was one of my competitors. Speaking of such things, as I was leaving, I glanced back and saw a tranny going in. If it's verisimilitude they're after then they're in luck, because she sure looked like a Motherlode girl, the sort of sex workers you're much more likely to find in the Tenderloin than crackers such as myself. I imagine the real deal might be considered a bit much for a primetime audience, and producers might lean towards what would be considered a more "classic" beauty, tall and blonde, the goth thing notwithstanding. Of course, if I get the part they'll make me up however they see fit, though I'd certainly be fine with continuing said goth thing. There's even a precedent on this sort of show, not that this character would be anything quite so high-profile, even if she does become recurring like "my agent" implied. The request to tone down my lipstick notwithstanding, they seemed really taken with my appearance, telling me over and over how great I looked. Maybe they'd taken Tranny 101 and guessed that my ego would need all the help it could get, or maybe they do that with everyone, or maybe they really meant it. At times, it seemed as though they were really enthusiastic about me in particular getting the part. In all likelihood that's just how professionals do their thing, making their clients feel loved to foster loyalty. I'm easy, though, so I liked how it felt. Anyway, we did a couple takes of the longer dialogue scene, and...ugh. As I mentioned, I totally forgot a line, and it never quite felt as comfortable then as it did when I'd practiced it by myself. Well, of course not. There was also the problem that I'd been thinking in terms of interacting with the other person, but "my agent" was several feet away out of camera range. She would do the gestures of the other person, pretending to hold up a photo or a badge, but it was still difficult to relate at that distance. Gah. Good learning experience, if nothing else. Here's the deal: I probably won't get it. Even though there isn't much competitionshe told me on the phone yesterday that they only had four people auditioning for the part, and based on the signup sheet, many more were trying out for the part of "hippie"the odds are stil against me. Yes, sure, I might get cast, and I really hope I do, but I'm also accepting the probability that I won't. And that'll be okay. Won't be the first audition I've failed (if you include plays), and it sure won't be the last. There's no shame in it, and it just means I'll be open for other things. I have no idea when I'll find out how I did. Could be tomorrow, next week, next month. Not a clue. So, I go on about my business. (Which, of course, doesn't mean I won't still talk about it.)
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