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Saturday, 30 November 2002 (hallucination orbit) 12:13pm The lone Tower Records in Fresno, which has been something of a traditional stop while in town (in spite of the fact that I don't shop at Tower in San Francisco) no longer has the kick-ass bargain book section. Among other things, I'd bought The Torture Garden and ANSWER Me!: The First Three Issues quite cheaply there. Unfortunate. Thankfully, their magazine section is still considerable and carries Cinema Sewer, quite possibly the greatest movie 'zine ever. I must write for it. I have no idea what I'm going to submit, but one thing at a time. Although my mom was very accommodating of my desire to not eat turkey flesh, and the actual meal was great, I ate rather badly during the rest of the trip. Like, Maddy and I found ourselves at Denny's with Nicole late Thursday night. (It was around ten in the evening, and Thanksgiving dinner had been at one in the afternoon.) (After years of wondering why holiday dinners were always so early, I finally asked my mom why that is. She said it's to get it over with. I'll buy that.) Nothing looked particularly good or healthy, but I was feeling an odd craving for a hot fudge sundae. It must have had to do with being in a Denny's in Fresno; nowadays that sort of thing doesn't sound good at all, but once upon a time it was fairly common for me. Armed with the rationalization that it was a holiday known for feasting as well as a nostalgia trip, I ordered it. Problem was, the waiter misheard Nicole and thought she wanted a sundae as well. (I'd like to think that taught him to read back orders, but somehow I doubt it.) When he brought them both out and we said we'd only ordered one, the horns poked out of his forehead and he suggested we keep them both since he'd just take the second back and throw it out anyway. Heaven forbid it go to wastethink of the starving kids in Zimbabwe!so I ate them both. Because, you know, it was Thanksgiving and all. (Nicole did get her proper order, by the way, and we didn't get charged for either sundae.) I'm trying not to think about what I ate at the Italian restaurant on the way out of town on Fridaynor of the red-haired girl in the long black leather coat who was entering Denny's as we were leaving, but for different reasons.
At a dollar store on Friday, I bought (for a dollar apiece, natch) VHS copies of
Starstruck, Seaside Swingers, Strangers in the City
and Kid Creole & The Coconuts Live. Besides breaking the unintentional alliteration, the latter was intended for (e), but now I realize it's Kid Koala she's into,
not Kid Creole. To eBay it goes.
It's why I'm going to see this show, specifically the second screening, at the Artists' Television Access tonight:
Hijacking Commercial CultureNegativland, The Billboard Liberation Front, WTO mockery and Craig Baldwin? Oh my yes. I love my city so much. Although I'm sure the Adam Sandler cartoon is doing very well here, too. sometime after midnight The WTO speaks a little too honestly. Utter brilliance. Chupa's working at the DNA tonightit's officially her second jobbut doesn't seem to be at the downstairs bar, the one that's on the webcam. Nobody better be giving her any shit just 'cuz I can't see her. (Why, um, yes, I would rush right down there if somehow I saw that someone was hassling her.) While nothing's on the table yet, she says it's not outside the realm of possibility that she might end up leaving Sacrifice and working at the DNA full time. It would almost certainly pay better for her, but the selfish part of me hopes it doesn't happen. Visiting her at work would become very impractical, since when Sacrifice has a cover it's usually about three bucks and we get in free anyway, and kittypr0n would lose one of its main venues. Alas.
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Friday, 29 November 2002 (the better angels of our nation) sometime after midnight fresnogoth.com. It's about time.
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Tuesday, 26 November 2002 (the dead side of the moon) 3:25pm It's a truism that getting a good job depends on who you know. Like all truisms, though, it's not always true when you need it to be. All the same, Lew is going above and beyond for me, not only submitting my resume for the open position at the company but helping me make it a little more presentable. Resume-sculpting has never been a strength of mine, not to mention he has a better idea of exactly what it is they want to see, even though it isn't his department. I'm not expecting anything to come of thisI never dobut it's always worth a shot, I guess.
In his referral accompanying my resume, at no point did he mention that my name and gender were different
when I used to work for the company. Cool.
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Sunday, 24 November 2002 (going inland) 11:02am As a child of divorce I should know better than to do this, but I just applied for what is essentially my old job. As with the many other times I've done so, like right after I was laid off and was told that I'd have first shot at other positions in the company, I'm not only not expecting to get it, I'm not expecting any reply at all. And yet. Yeesh. K'vetch is a week from today. Gotta work on the new piece.
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