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Saturday, 31 March 2007 (coming up with a vengeance) 11:14am Good lord. Slept until eleven, in spite of the giraffe upstairs. The earplugs worked! The trick will be to resist the temptation to wear them all the time, because the noise from above is persistent. There are a zillion things I need to do today, many in the form of writing. Topping the list is taking my bike to the shop on Taraval for a checkup, deadlines be damned.
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Friday, 30 March 2007 (afraid of a light in the dark) 4:54pm you could have me, if you wanted me. 6:36pm Powell & Geary, watching Critical Mass. The turistas are confused and angry. 7:05pm Six foot tall goth tranny quietly sobbing in a booth at a Union Square cafe. I am so San Franciscan. 9:04pm Watching the revival of Emperor Norton at the Shelton Theater. Not sure what my plans are from here. 5:34am Hung out with Sadie (who was pleased that I've been reading When Things Fall Apart) from ten in the evening to half past three in the morning, then went to the Power Exchange and wrote til five. Stopped at a twenty-four hour Walgreens on the way home to buy earplugs. The sun will be up soon.
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Thursday, 29 March 2007 (feasting on famine) 3:50pm Buckshot Man Alex Chandler just walked by, brushing his teeth. I do love my job. Vash and I hit The Magazine yesterday after work. On the way there from the car, we swung into Divas to piddle. Normally I don't like to do that sort of thing, just use a place's facilities without actually paying for anything, but my ego tells me I'm enough of a regular to get away with it. To slightly cover, I fibbed and said we'd be back in later. (Then again, maybe we would. You never know.) On our way back out, the bartender told me that the guy at the end wanted to buy us a drink. Damn, that was quick. I joked and said that he could if maybe he was still there when we returned later, and the bartender replied: you don't even have a time for one shot? I laughed and said that I was a in teasing mood today. I wasn't entirely sure what it meant as it was coming out of my mouth, and judging from the look on the bartender's face, she wasn't sure what it meant, either. Oh well. They can't all be winners. I left The Magazine with a few old bondage publications to bring to Eva's place (though I doubt she's lacking in pictorial literature of her own, I figure it's still good to bring stuff to point at and say wanna), and we had dinner at that little Italian place at Post and Larkin, right across from the old Motherlode location. Better than one might expect for an Asian-owned Italian restaurant in the Tenderloin. Our primary destination was the Erotic Reading Circle, but the we got to the Center for Sex and Culture early, so we killed time by making a spectacle of ourselves against the glass doors of a consignment store. The Circle was terrific as always, and I think I've actually come up with an idea for an anthology Carol's editinga hetero story, no less. Because I don't have enough of my plate as it is.
At the risk of jinxing myself before heading across the Bay to Eva's, the canker sore on my tongue has mostly healed. It may not even distract me when she busts out the needles and the electricity.
I think that sums it up nicely.
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Wednesday, 28 March 2007 (the howling beast on the borderline) 3:10pm Not so glorious after all. As I'd feared he might, my new doctor called bullshit on my current estrogoo regimen. He said he'd continue prescribing it if I really wanted him to, but that not only was the risk of heart attack and stroke considerably higher, and if I did have medical problems as a result of it: no reputable doctor will ever prescribe you estrogen again. This had the expected chilling effect on me, and I caved in, letting him switch me back to a pill-based prescription. Didn't occur to me at the time to ask if he would also refuse to prescribe 'mones, in spite of the fact that I'd brought in eight years' worth of my medical history. In retrospect, it kinda felt like a bullying tactic, one which worked in spades. Didn't help that I felt intimidated by him. When he asked if I'd ever experienced an erection associated with cross-dressing prior to transition, I almost afraid to say yes, for fear that he'd be all well, forget it, then. it's obviously just a fetish. besides, look at you. you're too tall and bulky to be taken seriously as a girl. In my rather stammering answer, I made sure to throw in "autogynephilia," both to show that I knew some fifty-cent words and was aware of the controversy. I honestly don't know if it helped or not. I got a new prescription, at least. I had a few hours free when I got home, so I changed into bike-appropriate clothing and...well, drove to the bike shop on Taraval. I was in the market for a helmet, and it was super-windy outside, so it felt like tempting fate to pedal there. Unfortunately but not all surprisingly, most of their helmetseven the XL oneswere too small on me. Why? Because I have a ginormous head. Why should it be any different from the rest of my body? I hate being this big. I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, it does me not a damn bit of good, I have no choice but to live with it, and there's no point in crying over spilled deoxyribonucleic acid, but I have to get it out of my system all the same. Ryder arrived around half past six. We talked for a while (this past year has been exceedingly rough on her, and I get why she disappeared), went to dinner, returned to my place to watch Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, and then retired to the bedroom. A gnarly stress-related canker sore on my tongue proved an obstacle, but we did the best we could in my hobbled state. My physical limitations aside, it was quite wonderful, though also a bit peculiar. I've never reunited with an ex-lover before, let alone someone whom I'd figured I'd never see again. That's probably because I've had very few partners (for a thirty-three year-old in San Francisco), and generally when I break up with someone, that's that. (There's exactly one in the short roster that I've considered contacting for booty call purposes.) The difference here is that it wasn't so much a breakup as a disappearance, ergo we aren't so much reuniting as picking up where we left off last May, a million years ago. Vash and I are going to the Erotic Reading Circle tonight, and if all goes well (which it generally doesn't), my tongue will be healed by the time I see Eva Destruction tomorrow night.
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Tuesday, 27 March 2007 (what did you get) 10:56am Vash and I went to breakfast Sunday morning at a cafe in Oakland which, by virtue of global tininess, was right next to Zuki's shop. She spotted us walking by, and we talked for a few minutes, Zuki and Vash meeting for the first time. Sounds like we'll all be at the Erotic Reading Circle on Wednesday night. Afterward, Vash and I headed into San Francisco. She went to a reading at Borderlands, and I caught the final performance of The Twilight Zone. We reconvened at The Stud for Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, an art workshop hosted by Thomas Roche featuring burlesque dancers as models. Can't go wrong with that. Vash drew, and I got some writing done. I also talked to Roche regarding writing about The Power Exchange for Eros Zine. He seemed intrigued.
Dinner was (as usual) Taqueria Cancun across from The Dark Room, though Vash bailed before Bad Movie Night started, thus sparing her from the ordeal that was Spy Kids 3-D. (No fool, she.) Bad movie, but a fun show.
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Monday, 26 March 2007 (no matter how you try) 3:44pm As I came out of a bad dream Sunday morning, the first thing I was aware ofthe thing that made me realize I had been dreamingwas the warmth of the sleeping Vash's steady breath on my cheek. It's my favorite way to wake up.
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Sunday, 25 March 2007 (waiting forever) 1:46pm The universe helps those who help themselves, maybe. Hopes, though. Hopes, and never expectations. Ryder has resurfaced.
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Saturday, 24 March 2007 (going for the ick) 6:25pm Damn good Queer Open Mic last night, one of the best yet, the kind that makes me glad we've kept doing it for so long. I didn't read, but Vash and I did our Twilight Zone commercial, quite well for not having looked at the script all week long. Afterwards, we went to Zeitgest with Cindy and our co-features, the travelling band Dandelion Junk Queens. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I'd had no idea that Zeitgeist had such a massive backyard. It felt like entering a portal into another dimensional. Their White Russians are pretty damned good, too. Sadie called around eleven, and when I told her that we were at Zeitgeist with a bunch of hot femmes who play accordions and musical saws, she hightailed it over. Turns out she knew one of them from a trip to Seattle a couple years ago. Didn't surprise me a damn bit. Today, Vash and I met with Steven Leyba and his girlfriend Sarah at their house. Vash got to see his studio and his work in person (dried blood really doesn't have the same effect when it's reprinted in a book), and he took some full-frontal noodlety pictures of me for his new book of paintings, Alchemical Transectual. It'd be neat if he had the one of me presentable by the time he features at the Queer Open Mic in late April, but I'm not holding my breath. Vash dropped me off at the BART Station afterwards. Sitting on bench on the platform looking for something in my bag, I discovered that I still had her housekeys, which she'd asked me to hold onto earlier. I called her and went up to the street so she could drive back by to get them from me. While I was waiting for her, four BART Police cars (three marked, one not) pulled up. Two of the officers who went downstairs were carrying heavy weaponry; one had a shotgun, and the other had what I think was either a sniper rifle or a machine gun of some persuasion. When Vash picked me up, it was decided that I'd just go back to Wonderland with her. Much safer that way.
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Friday, 23 March 2007 (at no one else but me) 4:38pm Sadie and I talked until a quarter to two in the morning, and though I didn't get much sleep, I'm feeling a little better than I did yesterday. Before the Queer Open Mic tonight, there's a vigil for a slain Motherlode Girl.
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Thursday, 22 March 2007 (standing on the edge) 10:21am A week or so after the injection is the roughest. The estrogoo levels really start to plummet, fucking with my head and my (metaphorical) heart something fierce. It's hard to tell what's internal chemicals and what's from the outside, what's the emotional loss and withdrawal (so so so cold) and what's just the amplification. I'm not even sure it matters, because it all feels the same. 12:30pm Sometimes my biggest fear about the office relocating is that I'll no longer have sufficient privacy to sob at my desk. 8:32pm My body, my energy, is all off today. I'm lethargic and sore and I didn't even do anything last night. I'm not exactly recovering from an evening of indulgence. No such luck. Haven't had that kind of luck in what feels like ages.
Heading to Sadie's house, where we will mostly likely be moistening each other's shoulders.
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007 (handshake with carbon monoxide) 11:10am I may be getting braver, but I flinch harder than ever. sometime after midnight An interesting evening with Kelly. I don't expect we'll be more than friends, but that's okay, and we'll definitely be hanging out again. And I learned that the stretch of Post in front of Divas which the Motherlode Girls work is referred to as "The Track."
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