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Monday, 20 March 2006 (the equinox of our discontent) 2:56pm You gotta admit, San Francisco's weather is occasionally gracious. It didn't rain on Friday night, and it was downright pretty for the next two days. I can't remember the last time it rained on the Anarchist Bookfair, which, like the consistently clear skies for Pride Sunday, proves that gawd loves cocksuckers and bomb-throwers. Sure, there's been hail today and "numerous showers" are predicted for this evening along with the snow level taking another plunge, but it's Monday. Par for the course. 6:20pm The Ortega branch of the library shares space with a school, and you have to walk partially through the grounds of one to get to the other. Returning some books a little while ago, I passed about fifteen feet from a group of kids, probably no older than thirteen. One of them yelled, The Library's Closed! Which I already knew, and the fact that I was carrying a stack of books might have implied that my trip wouldn't be a complete waste, since I could, like, return them even if the library was closed. But you'd probably have to be a library patron to know little details like that. Momentarily forgetting that I don't ever have to speak to anyone if I don't want to, and I sure as hell don't have to respond to people yelling useless, unsolicited information at me, I called back i'm just returning them. As soon as I did it, I knew it had been a mistake. Dead silence. Then Oh My God! That's A Guy! No Way! That's A Dude? Totally! Did You Hear His Voice! And so on and so forth. Nothing I haven't heard a million times before, nor anything I won't continue to hear in one form or another for the rest of my life. I kept walking, didn't respond. Dropped off the books. Thankfully, I knew another way to get back to my car, slightly out of the way but worth it. It was starting to rainhail, actuallybut given the choice I'd rather deal ice falling out of the sky than go back through a harassment gauntlet. Mostly I don't have the choice, and they come at me from unexpected directions.
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Sunday, 19 March 2006 (underscoring) 11:02pm Our first Twilight Zone readthrough was this afternoon. The damn thing is too short, all of fifteen minutes long. Sometimes my tendency towards brevity is a pain. Thought about going to The Power Exchange after the Bad Movie Night, but got chased off by the cold. It's always something.
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Saturday, 18 March 2006 (she's good people) 3:24pm It's green from some sort of hairspray, mind you. It was as far into the St. Patrick's Day thing as I was willing to go in terms of appearance. I spent most of the evening with people from work, getting ready to go to a Sisters event way out of my neck of the woods, around Polk and California. Which was fine, and I anticipated that it would be a very late night. When it hit eleven o'clock and we'd barely made it to Van Ness and Market, I began to reconsider just how far I wanted to go. If it had just been a very cold night, or just been a very busy Friday night for cabs and public transportation, that would have been doable. The combination of the two scared me a little, however, so I bid adieu to my friends, walked to the Metro, had a pretty good Bloody Mary while I marveled at how every girl in this very gay bar was hanging onto her boyfriend, then took the N home. Vash is on her way over. We're going to the Anarchist Book Fairher first time, surprisinglyand then into the Haight in search of trashy clothes. It's for the play she's in, but I can always use more as well.
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Friday, 17 March 2006 (nonritualistic transgressions) sometime after midnight My hair is green. Greenish, anyway. I like it.
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Thursday, 16 March 2006 (time to get alone) 10:21am It's officially an Ugly Day. On the train this morning, I saw a girl who cut straight to my ego, to all my self-image issues of late. Imagine Shawna Virago, who's a hottie to begin with, if she was a genetic girl. (No, I'm not outing her as tranny; google her if you don't believe me.) I'd made the conscious decision not to wear makeup this morning, and even made a point of washing off yesterday's, a habit I've long since fallen out of. Still didn't put any one when I got to the office, as I've done more than once these past few weeks, what with the influx of scary new people. But, no. Among other things, it's good to let my skin breathe now and again.
I finally remembered my dwindling supply of the small white pills with a "V" on them in my freezer. Took a half pill when I got
to work. Hopefully today won't be quite as gnarly as yesterday, but there's still an edge to be taken off.
Now, the fun part: joining. The fellow I spoke to the other morning gave me his card and wrote down my phone number, which suggests that I have a bit of leverage. I'd told him I was going to talk to my boss to see if he'd cover it, and though I didn't (on top of the raise? um, no) I figure I'll play the my boss said no, but I'd really like to join, so do you think you might be able to cut me a deal? card. Because I'm a card player. We all are. You, too.
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006 (never learn not to love) 10:13am I'm allegedly going to get my raise today. It's also the Ides of March. What could go wrong? 11:35am It's a Soliloquy for Lilith kinda day. Helps soothe the urge to killas opposed to sublimating it, you understand, which is more of a Sutcliffe Jugend job. 4:52pm Less than hoped, more than expected. 10:21pm The relatively good news about my compensation notwithstanding, it was an unpleasant day at work. Strain is starting to show, and any of a number of people seem on the verge of losing their shit all over someone else. I know I came close at least once. They would have deserved it, though. Honest.
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Tuesday, 14 March 2006 (under the mekong) 11:11am As we did our whirlwind tour of Hollywood with Christa on Saturday (Bronson Canyon, Mulholland Dr., The Ed Wood Arms, Paramount, damned good lunch at the 101 Coffee Shop, across from the surprisingly squat Hollywood Tower), Christa and I engaged in all manner of movie talk. Vash was unfamiliar with most of itChrista and I can get obscure like nobody's businessbut she seemed to enjoy it anyway. I told Christa about Bad Movie Night, and when she suggested we do Roadhouse, I was all kinds of proud to tell her that not only was it already on the schedule, but it had been my suggestion. She also took us to Wacko, which Lynnee and I had stumbled across on our own and which I'd never expected to find again. Quite possibly the most surreal moment of a weekend filled with them (like a Jewish wedding with nary a yarmulke in sight) was that evening, towards the end of the reception. Vash and I were outside of the restaurant where the wedding was also held, with a group of her fellow family smokers. The butt of choice was cigars, and I was relieved when I turned one down, even though I was told that inhaling wasn't necessary. It's one thing to start drinkingI had a couple of glasses of wine the night before, and a White Russian and predictably bland Bloody Mary during the reception dinner, resulting in me guzzling down water as the drunk-fear crept inbut I am so not going to even risk becoming a smoker in my thirties. So not gonna happen.
Anyway, somebody's self-described "blonde shiksa wife" took hold of my arm and
started expounding about love and how love is all that matters and how she loves me even though we've never met because I'm part of the family now (it made me
a little uncomfortable every time that word was used in association with meI've lost track
of how many families I've passed through at this point) and how if Vash and I are ever in their neck of the woods then we can stay with them and she's not just drunk,
she really means that, about the love and the crash space and everything else, and while we're talking about love she gets how it's an uphill battle for me and what
a difficult road it is for us and how we just have to remember to remember love, wash rinse repeat. I'm still uncertain if she was just referring to Vash and I
as being the big obvious queerbots we are, or more specifically about me being a tranny. If so, it was the closest anyone came to acknowledging the fact. Maybe
most couldn't tell, I don't know. If it was and issue with anyone, they kept it to themselves, which certainly would have been easy enough. In any event, it's not
the first time a ninety-nine-percent stranger has latched onto me like that. Sometimes I think I attract them.
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Monday, 13 March 2006 (what was sent) 10:18am Back in the office. Everything is pretty much the way it was on Thursday, if feeling a little more crowded.
Driving north on 101 yesterday, without the benefit of a California map (which Vash I had both somehow managed
not to bring along), I decided that we should stop in Santa Cruz to eat at Pink Godzilla. I asked for directions in
Soledad, where the snow-flecked mountains off in the distance were gorgeous largely due to their distance, and cut
across the 183 (through the artichoke center of the world
to the 1 without either a hitch or the slightest bit of preciptation. I was especially proud of the fact
that I managed to find Pink Godzilla without looking a map, which after twelve years is a first. Vash liked it a lot,
and even found some nice slutty clothes at one of the thrift stores across the street. She also had good luck at a
store in Echo Park the day before. Her thrifting fu was strong this weekend.
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Sunday, 12 March 2006 (downgraded architextures) 8:44pm Vash and I are back in San Francisco. Aside from a bit of rain now and then, the weather was fine in both directions, and never felt unsafe. This is largely because we did in fact avoid I-5, where conditions were the worst. The snow sure was pretty from a distance.
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