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I feel like I should be downtown today, but I'm not. I do support the protesters, though.
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Here we go again, I guess. War 'n stuff. Everything will be better after this. I hope the fact that I don't support the troops doesn't make it more difficult for them. I mean, everyone else is supporting the troops, so I don't see why I need to. I'm sure they'll be just fine without my support. Heck, they probably won't even notice. We braved The Castro Theater Tuesday night to see Robert Wise's The Haunting. I'd just finished reading the novel it's based on (Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House), and it's never been released on video in a widescreen format, so we took the old-movie-at-The-Castro plunge. There was the inevitable "it's an old movie so it's funny!" laughter, but not as much as I was expecting, and it took them much longer than I expected to pick up on some of the lesbian subtexts. I don't know, maybe I'm more hung-up about inappropriate audience laughter than I should be. Perhaps it's an integral part of the modern moviegoing experience. Very likely, I'm a pretentious twit. Never can tell. It was showing in double feature with The Hunger, but we only stayed for the opening sequence, up until Ann Magnuson's death, after which we've both always felt the movie goes kinda downhill. Really, what movie wouldn't after losing Ann Magnuson?
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Vacation's over. If it ever started. Speaking of things starting: "...and may god continue to bless America." Again with that desire to kick in teeth. But it's the president, so I suppose I shouldn't say such things in public. And, as Tom Tomorrow pointed out, he said "do not destroy oil wells" before "do not use weapons of mass destruction"? I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. Yay war! Going to Death Guild tonight. Chupa will be there. That makes it a good place to be, I think.
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What is it about panhandlers saying "Gawd bless you," especially when I've walked by without giving them money, that makes me want to kick their teeth in? That can't be healthy. After having Chupa color it yesterday, I got my hair cut today. I went to the same place as last time, a local Korean-owned salon; there's a bit of an accent problem going in both directions, but her English is considerably better than my Korean, and that's good enough. About six inches off the bottom, which isn't as much as it sounds considering that my hair grows fast and it hasn't been cut since June. It looks and feels much better now, and she also ironed it before cutting it, so it's nice and straight, the way I wish it was all the time. It's a shame I don't have anywhere to go tonight. She had on both the radio and the teevee. The teevee was tuned to a soap opera, and the radio to a non-commercial xtian station. I actually preferred the radio. The music was pretty, big choral and orchestral stuff, and it was pretty easy to tune out the actual words and just listen to the voices. I'd rather listen to that than teevee commercials. And even the praying between songs was okay, because it was sincere. Unlike, say, for example, someone saying "Gawd bless you" after you've walked by and denied their request for change.
10:03pm But when an opportunity arises, I sometimes take it. Someone on the sfgoth email list said they were selling off a lot of their stuff to get their towed car un-impounded, and among the things they listed were a few DVDs I'm interested in. So I wrote, got her address, got dressed (I was already in jammy mode), got made up, and drove to her apartment in Daly City. Didn't stay very long, just enough to pick up the DVDs (A Clockwork Orange and Nick Broomfield's Fetishes), chat for a few minutes, and leave. She was selling more stuff, but twenty dollars for the two DVDs was the most I could justify. I was seen, at least.
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Chupa came over today. My hair is now blackened. No purple. That's for the best. On a pr0n hunt (Maddy's on a roll), I discovered that Le Video has a bootleg of The Gong Show Movie. This makes me happy. (No, I haven't seen Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, though I'm sure it's a very good movie and I should probably go see it. I read the book, though.)
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