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Friday, 10 June 2011 (two of the lucky ones) 8:11am I didn't slur my words during Bootcamp this morning, but the instructor did check in with me every so often to make sure I wasn't on the verge of fainting. I don't think I was about to, but I did try to push myself as hard I could, both because that's the only way it works (I can't shake the feeling that I should be in better shape by now than I am) and because I was feeling, for want of a better word, pentitent. Maybe if I put myself through enough, I'll be forgiven for the bad things I've done, the crimes of passion which barely qualify as misdemeanors when done by other people? Somehow, I doubt it. Back to work-work now, plus another rewrite of "Finding Sister Midnight," specifically for the revived WhoreLover anthology. The maximum word count has changed, so I have to shave about two thousand words off. And, at two o'clock, I sign up for college classes. 2:32pm There. I've enrolled in (two) classes. I also now owe a few thousand dollars in tuition, in spite of the fact that it's all supposed to be subsidized and/or covered by financial aid. Gotta figure out what the deal is with that. 5:42pm The revised version of "Finding Sister Midnight" is completed and submitted, as is a book review for make/shift, and I've also been corresponding with the editor of an anthology about queer bookshops. Bookshops, not bookstores, because like Unthology, it's yet another British anthology! I'm nowhere near the Anglophile that Maddy has turned into over the years, probably because I've never actually been to England, but I like the idea of being in more than one British book. Anyway, the editor is excited by my proposed story, and that's always a good start. 9:11pm By myself at home tonight, and it's getting to me a little. Tried to make last-minute plans with Ilene, but she's already busy. We'll be having dinner on Monday night, though, and for now I have new 25G needles to experiment with. | ||
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Thursday, 9 June 2011 (daily records) 2:11pm At Wicked Grounds with Marta, working on the edits My Agent sent me for Landing On Water. That's what I'm working on, anyway. I'm pretty sure that Marta, sitting across from me, is getting ready for the regular Thursday afternoon class she teaches. Before we landed here, we checked out both Mr. S (which seems to have largely absorbed Madame S, to the extent that there's almost no women's clothing to speak of) and Leather, Etc., primarily for pony stuff but mostly to see what there is to be seen. Nothing that was a distinct improvement over the bit I already own, at least not for how much they cost. Alas. 7:23pm Back home now working on Bad Movie Night stuff, and Marta's having dinner with Ilene. That'll go how it goes. | ||
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Wednesday, 8 June 2011 (stuck with the venom) 10:31am No work-work this morning. Instead, housecleaning and lots of it, because I know I'm going to want a clean house later today. And clean sheets, too. 4:04pm As nice as the whole "being in nature" thing is, walking for four hours in mostly chilly and overcast weather through Golden Gate Park, even stopping for a while in the Redwood Grove, is not the most enjoyable way to enjoy an acid peak. Thankfully, we're back at the Black Light District, where I can turn those namesake lights and I can put on some Coil and we can put on comfortable clothes and cuddle on my bed, which is probably what we should have done to begin with. There's an email waiting for me from My Agent about the latest draft of Landing on Water, but I'm not going to check it just yet. 11:31pm The new version of chapter 1 is sooooooo good!!! Love it! Awesome! Much better than before and I thought what I read before was pretty good. Yay!Okay, whew. My Agent is really liking it. This is a good thing. Around eight, after we'd both sufficently come down, we had dinner at King of Thai, followed by ice cream at Marco Polo (it's milk and eggs, bitch). A good way to end the evening, especially since neither of us had eaten since breakfast, what with the acid being stronger on an empty stomach and all. Now, sleep. I did go to Bootcamp this morning, but I'm giving the gym a miss tomorrow morning. I've already informed Rita that I won't be there, but I didn't mention why. No point, really. | ||
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Tuesday, 7 June 2011 (just five minutes) 5:43pm I've come to realize that Marta and I are going into some places where I may not be entirely welcome in the coming months. But that's okay. So long as she's with me, I'm bulletproof. | ||
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Monday, 6 June 2011 (throwing away the key) 6:51pm Sent off the latest draft of Landing on Water to my Agent. It's not completed (though it currently clocks in at 111 pages and 35,093 words), but it's a lot closer to having an actual structure than it's been in the past. And now for the waiting. Always more waiting. At the Castro Theater now with KrOB for Jacques Tati's Playtime in 70mm. I love San Francisco. sometime after midnight i'd rather be dead than go back. he's a creep. you're a bitch, and you all deserve each other. | ||
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Sunday, 5 June 2011 (she likes transparency) 5:22pm Back at Borderlands once again, after a late lunch at Sun Rise. Unlike last week, I'm not expecting any friends to come to Bad Movie Night tonight for Watchmen. And why should they? It's just me. sometime after midnight Wow. That was a seriously underattended night, so much so that I heard Erin referring to Bad Movie Night as a "loss leader." (Dunno about the "leader" part.) On the plus side, one of the seven people who did show up was Collette, whom I insisted upon sitting next to me in the front row. | ||
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Saturday, 4 June 2011 (an unmaterialized entourage) 6:27pm After dinner at an Vietnamese-Italian restaurant which was by no means "good" but at least better than we expected (though the fact that they only had Tabasco sauce made me feel like we were back in New York), Marta and I are now at a cafe near Davina and Mouse's apartment, getting some writing done before actually descending upon said apartment to watch Barfly with them and Ilene and the others. Ilene organized the event, and I'm supplying both the movie and (at Ilene's request) an hour of pre-show material. It feels nice to be involved (especially that she signed the invite "Ilene, Davina, Mouse, and Sherilyn"), and that the wounds are healing. They don't always. 8:31pm Me, Marta and Davina are snuggled together on the couch. It's perfect for right now, and Ilene will re-enter this particular equation soon. | ||
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Friday, 3 June 2011 (your favorite disguise) 11:57am It was one of those mornings at Bootcamp where when I thought I was asking a perfectly reasonable question (is this where you want us to stand?) and was met with a confused look as a result. I asked again, to someone else, and got the same what the hell? look back. Finally I realized that I must have been slurring my words, even though they sounded fine to me. Which meant I was doing something right. Just about done now with today's work-work, and then I tackle a book review I've been putting off, one for which I've already gotten an extension on the deadline. Now that makes me feel like a real writer, it does. | ||
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Thursday, 2 June 2011 (run like hell) 5:14pm Worked out with Rita this morning, came home and teh had secks with Marta, then lunch at Underdog, and now we're at Borderlands, where the rewrites on Landing on Water are coming along nicely, I think. | ||
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Wednesday, 1 June 2011 (changing the game) 12:50pm A new editor is reading Bottomfeeder. The circle of life. My right arm is sore, probably because of the stuff that our substitute bootcamp instructor was having us do this morning. I liked what he called the "panda walk," but not so much the "crab walk." 3:43pm Marta and I went to the Randall Museum to see the birds, and are now at Borderlands, writing. Her work schedules are in flux, so ours is, too, hence being together on Wednesday afternoon rather than Tuesday evening. From my Agent, in response to my question about what editors mean by baring my soul, which I kinda feel like I already do (and that a bit of it got excised in the most current draft of Bottomfeeder when I considerably pared down the Vash story): When writing Landing on Water ... and keeping in mind the baring of your soul, editors want the voyeuristic, want your deepest/darkest thoughts, answers to the hardest questions or more questions ... YOU YOU YOU. (Think: like why you felt the need to go M-F, why the name "Sherilyn," how did your family feel, did you cry a bunch over this decision, etc etc) Just think along those lines. They might be boring details to you, or issues you've long since dealt with, but to the reader they're fresh and interesting ... It's not the relationships so much as you in them--like getting that first blouse or having a makeup lesson--that's the heart, the emotion.Oh. That stuff. It's already there, but I've been going easy on it. Guess it's time to ramp it up. | ||
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