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Saturday, 30 June 2007 (nothing could go wrong) 10:16am i told you from the start just how this would end
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Friday, 29 June 2007 (the air was singing) 4:13pm As a belated birthday present, Vash is taking me to see Steve Roach at Grace Cathedral tonight. We're going back to my place after that, and she's leaving early tomorrow morning, only returning briefly to have dinner with my brother on Saturday night. Don't know when I'll be seeing her after that, as she's super-busy on her next art show, opening in just under a month. Hayley is out of town visiting relatives for the next week or so, as is Ennui. (Both to the Midwest. Ah, irony.) Looks like I'll be having dinner with Jezebel on Monday, the first time I'll have seen her since I broke up with her in February. Not quite the same thing, though. 6:10pm Ezri lost her tags.
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Thursday, 28 June 2007 (this is only a game) 4:01pm Prowling through the lower depths of Google, I discovered there was another attempt to add me to Wikipedia. I honestly have no idea who's doing it, but what they wrote was terribly sweet: Sherilyn is a San Francisco resident who performs and writes mostly about her life. Her gender identification figures prominently in her work, but her humor and grace are the hallmark of all her creative endeavors.Certainly not the kind of thing I'd write about myselfme? graceful?but I'd like to think it's true. Meanwhile, the squid is a month old, my head is fine, and I dont mind how my roots look. These are good things.
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Wednesday, 27 June 2007 (downward ebb) 11:42pm My original plan for the evening was to go to the Erotic Reading Circle, and then hang out with Sadie. Instead, I ended up Ennui's place, having dinner with her and her boyfriend and her boyfriend's boyfriend, eventually snuggled up on the couch by gender (girls with the girls, boys with the boys) watching Mystery Science Theater 3000. Not a bad substitute at all.
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Tuesday, 26 June 2007 (all this is that) sometime after midnight Hung out with Sadie, had dinner at Mariachi's, then went to Ritual to update The Dark Room's site. Back to the routine.
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Monday, 25 June 2007 (roger and out) 8:37pm There. It's done. Over. Except for the cleanupwriting the performers and finding out what things I did wrong, disposing of the leftover unused paperwork, and generally getting my brain back on track. Today has not been the day for any of those things. It's been an attempt at relaxation and decompression. Don't know yet how well it worked. Overall, the Stage was a success, and by Satan, it ran on time. Unfortunately, Kelly arrived too late to go on stage, and Alexis Miranda missed it altogether because her contingent in the Parade was towards the end. Ironic considering the mention she gets in the article about the Tranny Stage in Inside Pride, based on the interview I did back in May: Sweet TranssexualsAll of that, and no Divas presence after all. Yay for irony! I'm not thrilled about how I sound in the interview, but I tend to babble like an idiot, so I can't really say I was misquoted or anything. And the politics, such as they are, are all there. The blurb for the stage sounded exactly like I wanted it to, since I wrote it:
The karaoke was in the form of Charlie Anders, who more than ably covered for Alexis's unfortunate absence. I'd suggested it to Charlie when I asked her to host, because I knew she wouldn't be able to resist. The other hosts were Susan Stryker, Julia Serano and myself (Carmen Morrison had to cancel); Ryka and Mr. Tuff 'N Stuff were last-minute additions to the lineup of performers, but closed out the show perfectly. There were unexpected moments and some chaos, and that was okay, what with the happy accident principle. It woulda been nice if certain of the performers had told the tall squidified schmuck in the kitty ears ostensibly running the Stage (hi! that's me) that they were going to be bringing other people onto the stage, but it all worked out. Best of all, nobody played to an empty street, in spite of how far away we were from the rest of the celebration. There was always a crowd, not necessarily a large one, but full of people enjoying themselves. To me, that's what it's all about. Though my first passion is writing, I have an entertainer streak in me a mile wide, and it's what made all the stress of the past months worth it, to see an audience (strangers, even!) being entertained. It's why I do the Queer Open Mic and especially Bad Movie Night, which is all about the stimulating the pleasure center of the brain. Whether or not I'll do all this again next year, put myself through it again, is a question I'm nowhere near close to answering. Afterwards, Vash and I had dinner with Sadie at Cafe Gratitude, and topped it off with ice cream from the Bi-Rite creamery. glorp!
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Saturday, 23 June 2007 (thinning the numbers) 9:25am Today I'm joining with Ryka and others at the Main Stage for an abbreviated version of The Penis Issue. Pride Sunday, and the Tranny Stage, is tomorrow. On Monday, I get my life back. I'm also taking Perdita to the vet that day for further vaccinations, since I discovered she's been getting outside. If I leave the window open even just a little bit, she can push it open enough to squeeze through and escape via the hole she made for herself in the screen. Declawing her is starting to sound like a good idea againafter replacing the screen, that is. Bottom line is that I'm a bad kittymom. An email I sent to my landlord earlier this morning:
Subject: extreme noise. Happy Pride, y'all.
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