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Tuesday, 31 January 2012 (later into the night) 8:31am This is where the majority of the Sketchfest attendees who skipped Bad Movie Night ended up. People like that sort of thing, I guess. 1:47pm Everyone who read at Perverts Put Out on Saturday has been asked to read at an emergency show on Valentine's Day, to make up for the fact that My Sucky Valentine (which I read in last year and in 2008) won't be happening. Neat. 2:39pm Heading to Marta's to work. Or continue working, anyway. 4:03pm As I've been putting together the long bio, I've been looking for new-to-me press references, including using my newfound mad research skillsspecifically, being able to search through scholarly journals and such via San Jose State University. And Google Scholar rocks. Seriously, the only thing more ego-strokey than Googling yourself is GoogleScholaring yourself Anywho, I've found my Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation essay quoted in a few places, sometimes in the context of the book itself and sometimes not. From an essay called "Facing Gender Performativity: How Transgender Performances and Performativity Trouble Facework Research" in Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research 10: For instance, an individual such as Sherilyn Connelly (2010), who is male sexed but identifies as a woman and performs the gender identity of a woman, may participate in a transgender culture but always also belongs to the dominant culture of heteronormativity, although most likely in the margins of that culture. Connelly, who decided not to have sex reassignment surgery, explains the complexities of being transgender and not transsexual, “I’m not a boy because I have a penis, and just because I don’t have a vagina doesn’t mean I’m not a girl” (p. 81). Connelly finds herself always wondering whether she is “guilt[y]-by-biological-association” because she has a penis. She is perceived as a “threat” in cultural activities such as music festivals and bathhouses because of anatomy and despite gender performance (Connelly, p. 80). Connelly has an understanding of her status in dominant gender culture, but also finds that it can conflict with her status in transgender or feminine subcultures.I don't entirely agree with the conclusions that are drawn from my words, and sometimes they don't always quite get the point I feel I'm making, but, well, that's the fun of it, isn't it? Also, I'd never heard of "facework" before, so I learned a thing! Go me. And here's what I look like outside of Wikipedia as a reference: Connelly, S. (2010). The big reveal. In K. Bornstein & S.B. Bergman (Eds.), Gender outlaws: The next generation (pp. 76-81). Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.Then there was the more elusive "Home on the Wide-Open Range of Gender" from the Journal of LGBT Youth 8 (4), which I wasn't able to get to on my own but which Marta's ex-boyfriend was able to acquire using his own research cred: Likewise, Sherilyn Connelly calls for a new understanding of what makes someone a man or woman—one that does not base gender on an individual’s genitals. Connelly states that just because she has a penis rather than a vagina does not mean that she is not a woman. While this argument is not new—transgender people have long asserted that gender identity, or an individual’s sense of his or her own gender, should be the final arbiter in determining gender—the transgender community has not always abided by its own philosophy.So those are things that exist. 6:45pm Huh. Just got an email from a small publisher who publishes stuff by people I knew in town, saying they've heard me read "at various [Perverts Put Out]s over the last couple of years and would love to do a collection of the kind of work you read there in both ebook and paper." As I say, huh. | ||
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Monday, 30 January 2012 (the seconds drag) 1:23pm Wow. My Agent just nudged me for the long bio she asked about on Friday. It must be a big deal. 5:52pm At Caffe Trieste, working on the long bio and enjoying feeling like the youngest person in the joint, and in a little while I'm having dinner with my editor from the weekly at Mario's Bohemian Cigar Store Cafe, which I'm lead to believe is more cafe than cigar store. 9:43pm Dinner with my editor went very well. He referred to me as a "freethinker" twice, which I took as high praise, and he seemed excited by my idea for a series of recaps of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the intro to which should go up in a few days. Of course, this means, I'll have to then actually write them, which is always the scary part. | ||
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Sunday, 29 January 2012 (while waiting) 3:10pm Tonight is the SF Sketchfest edition of Bad Movie Night. Historically, every Sketchfest show at The Dark Room sells out in advance. So far, we've sold three tickets. Alas. 10:42pm We did not sell out, but still a pretty good crowd, as these things go. My post for the weekly about the movie, Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women, doesn't appear to have drawn any people in, but I didn't really expect it would. And now, Rhiannon and Mike Spiegelman and I go to the evening's Sketchfest afterparty. sometime after midnight Didn't stay too long, and the Bar Adagio's bloody mary was a bit disappointing, but we made it, and even saw some of our competition. What matters most is that our show was part of Sketchfest, and may be again next year. | ||
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Saturday, 28 January 2012 (a pause for reflection) 11:54am Back home while Marta's at school. (Learned my lesson about working elsewhere last week.) My agent as asked for a new version of my bio, including the Weekly, Bad Movie Night, every anthology I've been in, videos I've made, the whole enchilada. I need to compile such a thing anyway for the Lucasfilm internship application, the deadline for which is coming up fast. Anyway, I'm taking it as a good sign, particularly one that means she's not planning on dropping me as a client anytime soon, in spite of the fact that she hasn't made a single red cent from me so farand she's going to deserve every cent she does get when Bottomfeeder or Landing on Water or whatever follows them finally sells. 4:24pm Heading out to pick up Davina and then Marta for Perverts Put Out tonight. sometime after midnight The three of us had dinner at Basil, as is our thing, then killed a little more time at the newly reopened Wicked Grounds before heading to the Center for Sex and Culture for the show itself. (I was okay in it, I think. Read about wearing Blip.) Porter and Daisy both joined us at the show, and there had been talk about going dancing at Divas afterward, but we collectively decided to err on the side of sleepespecially since Sunday's potentially going to be a late nightso Marta and I dropped Davina back off at her place and returned to the Black Light District. Now, that sleep. | ||
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Friday, 27 January 2012 (the same as the others) 10:32am My article for the weekly about the movie we're doing at the SF Sketchfest Bad Movie Night is up. And, thanks to Vimeo still being under the copyright radar, I was able to include the clips that got me into trouble with YouTube. Arrr! 9:13pm Spending a quiet-ish night in at Marta's. These next two nights are going to be plenty busy and late, though, between Perverts Put Out and the Sketchfest Bad Movie Night and the planned excursions after each. | ||
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Thursday, 26 January 2012 (you're here) 8:12am Spent the night at Marta's after Raphaela's pilates class, and now I'm heading back home. It is very foggy, and there are many fogsharks out. 2:11pm Just got a call from Lyon-Martin regarding last week's bloodwork. The results suggest I have elevated liver enzymes, so they're going to take moar bood next week in order to find out why. And I'm not going to worry about it in the meantime. 4:32pm Heading downtown (to the Hotel Rex, to be precise) to pick up my lanyard-badge thingy for SF Sketchfest. 5:57pm Mission accomplished, and they even spelled my name right! Between this and Further Confusion, January 2012 has been a great month for lanyard-badges. | ||
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Wednesday, 25 January 2012 (aphelion) 9:49am Hey, that's me! First day of the spring semester. Kinda ready for it to be over. (Oh, school.) 5:22pm Having dinner and getting some work done at The Grove Fillmore, after which I'll head to Athleta for week three of Raphaela's pilates class. | ||
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Tuesday, 24 January 2012 (under the midnight sun) 2:33pm Got many little things done that have been needing to be done, including paying rent, taking last semester's textbook to the post office to mail it back to Amazon for a trade-in, and coloring my bangs (purple with a red stripe down the middle). Also, I've finally made plans to meet my editor at the weekly in personover dinner in North Beach next week, in fact. I expect that if there was a great desire/need to actually bring me on to do more stuff it would have been broached over email by now, but who knows? And, as Marta points out, it's good that it's happening at at time when my posts have finally started to get some response. 7:53pm Now the squid has been tightened, as well as new colors (purples, pinks and blues) put in, replace the blonde. Having dinner at Tao Yin, and from here I'm meeting up with Ilene and Porter at The Cat Club for goth karaoke. sometime after midnight Coil's "Love's Secret Domain" and The Tear Garden's "In Search of My Rose." Neither were very good, but that's only because I'm not a very good singer. | ||
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Monday, 23 January 2012 (hypomania) 10:36am Roughly a month after I originally wrote itthat, as I say, is the bizmy post for the weekly about the restoration of Manos: The Hands of Fate is up. Picked up Marta last night after Bad Movie Night, and various acts of reblondification are coloring are happening. Tonight, squidtightening occurs. 5:47pm Or not: Ramah had to reschedule until tomorrow, which is fine by me. Besides, Marta and I have a rough day emotionally, and we're now working through it over sushi at Taraval Okazu Ya. 9:18pm The guy who's doing the Manos restoration and I have been commenting back and forth about my article, and we're now friends on Facebook. It's a little thing, but it's neat. | ||
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Sunday, 22 January 2012 (an itch) 11:21pm Even though we got a pretty good lead-in with Jim's fiftieth birthday party in the afternoon at The Dark Room, our winning streak at Bad Movie Night ended with a thud this evening, as about ten people showed up for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The fact that it was raining and a San Francisco sports team lost a big game probably had a lot to do with it. If nothing else, though, since the film never explained what its subtitle meant, we decided that an "On Stranger Tides" is when a left-handed person gives a handjob using their right hand (or when a right-handed person uses their left). We do good work, we do. | ||
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Saturday, 21 January 2012 (the splinter) 8:55am Marta's at her first day of Saturday school, so I've come to Dash to work until she gets back. Sadly, it's nuked the fridge a bit since the last time I was here on a regular basis. Not quite as student-friendly as it once was, and the shades are gone from the large, south-facing windows, meaning oh so much direct sunlight and glare, especially on sunny winter days like this one. Alas. Now I know. 1:31pm Fuck off, hippie. And get better 3G coverage, for fuck's sake. 2:43pm Out in the worldincluding the Haight, which is even more Haight-y than usual todayshopping for school supplies for Marta, mostly hitting fabric and art supply stores. I also got some new tails from Discount Fabric, and also picked up the 2012 SF Sketchfest schedule book. Hey, there's Bad Movie Night! 6:54pm National Pie Day party at Davina and Mouse's! | ||
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