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Sunday, 20 February 2011 (it's either ether or the other) 4:12pm After I picked her up from work, Ilene and I went back to The House of Boxed Steam, where she put the lights on low (and both volumes of Coil's Musick to Play in the Dark Play on at my request, though I snuck over and put them on repeat when she was out of the room) (not every moment needs a soundtrack, but then again, some do) and things more or less unfolded naturallyto be sure, boundaries were in place from both Marta and Porter as well as based on our own physiologies and personalities, but that was okay, keeping the progression of this still-new phase of our relationship at a reasonable pace. I can't help but think of things in literary tropes (or, if I'm being less pretentious about my cultural background, the tropes of movies and pop songs) and it's always rather exciting to when I realize I'm experiencing a new one, in this case, the classic "friends who become lovers." (Those seldom end well, it's true, but then again, what does?) (Like, I can probably pick out a half dozen cliches that occurred in my relationship with Vash, songs of heartbreak that I suddenly identified with, and for as painful as it was at the timefor as much as I realize that our relationship lasted a year longer than it should haveI'd still rather have had those experiences than not, because now I know.) (And there's a lot about my life that have gone better than could be statistically expected. So, I have faith that this'll work.) We talked a lot, as is our wont, about where we are now and why this didn't happen before, and I was relieved to discover that she had reached essentially the same conclusions as I did. (She also mentioned that even though she had no personal use for them, she kept the sweatshirt and sweatpants of hers that I'd always worn as pajamas in a drawer, just in case I ever came back. That gave me a mild, pleasantly vertiginous feeling) In any event, exhaustion finally overtook us just as The Box was openedthere's always a Box of some kind, sometimes a bag, usually within arm's reach of the bed, because if it was any further you'd have to get out of bed and nobody wants to do thatand she pulled the comforter over us, me on the side of the bed against the wall just like in the old days at her old apartment, and as we snuggled together she announced that she was only going to cuddle with me for a little while and then turn away to actually go to sleep and to please not take the turning-away part personally. She then proceeded to fall asleep mid-snuggle, surprising herself when she woke up again a few hours later. In addition to being the time I'd slept at her new apartment, it may well have been the first of the few dozen times we've slept together that I didn't have to leave before she woke up, what with it being Sunday morning, and not having to contend with meters at all is going to be a nice change of pace, as there is just-ample-enough free parking in her neighborhood. If we ever start spending weeknights together there'll be the whole "getting to the gym by six" issueespecially since she, um, likes the muscle tone I've been developingbut I'm choosing not to worry about that right now. After a breakfast of oatmeal and a hard-boiled egg (just like home!), we went out into the world to hike through a part of the Presidio conveniently located a few blocks fromThe House of Boxed Steam, returned for some post-hiking stretching, for which I felt far less flexible than I usually do when stretching with Yvette at the gym. And I'm really beginning to wonder if I'm ever going to be able to touch my toes without bending my knees. (As Maddy said lo those many years ago, your feet are so far away!) We wound up in Japantown, close to her office, which she had to be at at by two. We kissed goodbye (making sure to be out of the range of her work's security cameras) and parted company. Back home now, and then I'm heading to The Dark Room in a few hours for Bad Movie Night. 11:42pm I read the bad Yelp review aloudperformed it, reallybefore we started the movie (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time), and it became a running joke throughout the evening. That's how you deal with bad press. Still at The Dark Room. Marta's returning to town earlier than I expected, and she says she really need to talk to me, about the events of last night. | ||
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Saturday, 19 February 2011 (the universe is a haunted house) 11:52am As always, sleeping late messes with my head a little. By the time I've had breakfast, it's already time for lunch. Conundrum. 1:31pm My landlord just called, and I could feel my heart pounding as I listened to her message: the new tenants are a professional couple, both teachers, with on medium-sized dog and no children. She said they have good credit and their references check out and they seem to be reliable and stable and stuff. (I still don't know why my soon-to-be-former neighbors are moving out, but I suppose it dosn't matter. And they never did respond to my email.) I'll be meeting them this Wednesday, and will use the hey, my girlfriend's a math teacher and i'm starting librarian school this fall! for bonding purposes. And, most importantly, I can finally exhale. Obviously I still don't know what's going to happen from here, exactly, but it feels like a tremendous weight has been lifted all the same. Also, I got a call from FedEx saying that the bag has passed customs in Brazil (Brazil!) and is being sent on to its final destination in San Francisco. So that's neat. 7:21pm Heading out to pick up Ilene from her office. sometime after midnight are you shivering? are you cold? are you bathed in silver or drowned in gold? | ||
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Friday, 18 February 2011 (everything keeps dissolving) 5:40am I've noticed that whenever I really like an albumand my current obsession is PJ Harvey's White Chalk, which is alternating with with Low's C'monit inevitably gets a 6.8 on Pitchfork. Just one of those things, I guess. 9:52am The bootcamp instructor was happy to see that I was back, as were other people who noted my absence. That felt nice. I have reblondified and repurpled my bangs, and gotten some long-delayed Dark Room / Bad Movie Night updates done, and all beore ten. Go me. Now, work. Hopefully. 10:41am Godsdamnit, I hate feeling petulant and spoiled. But it happens sometimes, because, let's face it, I am petulant and spoiled, being white and albe-bodied and thinnish and reasonably attractive by the patriarchical media's narrow beauty standards, and as I've been told on more than one occasion, being transsexual does not cancel out any of those things, especially since I've made the conscious choice to embrace the gender binary and look as female-female as possiblethough admittedly in the context of the goth aesthetic, and if I really wanted to blend in I'd ditch the squid, but still, I'm nobody's idea of a revolutionary, and I take advantage of whatever privilege I can getsome of which even falls into the non-trans privilege category, since I haven't gotten a second look in a women's restroom or locker roomwhich makes me pretty much evil. I accept all that. I've been searching for a proper purse for a long time now. I've been getting increasingly self-conscious about lugging my backpack everywhere, especially since I no longer feel the need to have my laptop with me at all times. I have a smaller bag that I use occasionally, but it still falls into the backpack category, and is rather clumsy to boot. I need something over-the-shoulder, something comparatively unobstrusive that I don't necessarily have to get a lot of thought to moment-to-moment. Besidesand, again, this is is me embracing the gender binarygirls have purses, and that sort of accessorization is rather important in providing clues to the rest of the world as to one's gender, if one wants to provide such clues, which I do, thank you very much. But my sense of aesthetics is also incredibly strong, or at least incredibly specific, and it's taken a long time to find a purse that feels like me, since so few things do. (At least the item also fitting onto my frame isn't the issue, for a change.) What I've really been wanting since Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World came out last August is a Ramona Flowers bag, or at least something along those lines in terms of design. Black Peace Now had a few round ones like it, but with their own logo on it and studs and just generally not quite what I was looking for. (It also made me suspect that the basic round design was probably Japanese in origin, which would make sense considering the extremely strong manga influence on the Scott Pilgrim comics, and which would probably also mean that my desire for one is secondhand cultural appropriation, much like how my synthetic dreadlocks are directly influenced by the blindingly white Switchblade Symphony, though over the years a few Jamaican women who clearly didn't get the memo have complimented my hair.) It was also rather expensive, but it's become abundantly clear that the final item probably wasn't going to be inexpensive, and what's more, it would be an investment, since it would get near-daily use. So, at the poorly-reviewed yet well-attended Bad Movie Night on Sunday, as I was behind the counter on my laptop, I finally gave in to my consumerist desires and ordered a bag from the place where such things are found in 2011: Etsy. (I was rather annoyed to find that both "Bottomfeeder" and "LandingOnWater" were taken as usernames.) The seller was in Brazil, because that's also very 2011, and I decided to pay the extra ten samolians to get it delivered to the United States forty-eight hours. Again, from Brazil. What makes me feel petulant and spoiled right now is the fact not only has it not arrived, it's not likely to until next week. I've been in contact with the seller, and they did send it off FedEx Internacional (because Brazil!) Priority as I'd specified and paid for, FedEx goofed and sent it Internacional Economy, not Priority, and the estimated arrival date is next Wednesday. The seller sent me a scan of the packing form to show that the mistake was on FedEx's part, not theirs, and when they were unable to get FedEx to correct the mistake and change from Economy to Priority mid-stream, the seller refunded me the ten bucks. Which is quite awesome of them and convinces me of their honesty (and assures that they'll get glowing feedback), but godsdamnit, I wanted the bag now. I wanted to have it in time for my date with Ilene tomorrow night (which I find myself anticipating with all the nervousness of a first date, which is really is not), not to mention when the Marta Blackout Period ends next week, and while it might arrive before the latter, it sure won't before the former. That makes me grumpy and upset, surely exacerbated by the overall anxiety and uncertainty I'm feeling about who's going to move in upstairs. As the kids these days would say, retail therapy fail. 4:12pm Rain or no rainand the answer to that is "rain," by a long shotI am going to The Castro tonight for Midnites for Maniacs for Beverly Hills Copy, The Warriors and The Last Dragon. 6:31pm Killing time and staying out of the rain by reading a sample of The Autobiography of Mark Twain on my phone at Spike's Coffees & Teas. I'm also ruminating on the fact that I may be overly made up for what's going to be about six hours of sitting in the dark. 7:22pm The fact of the matter is, no matter how active your sex life, sitting alone in the back of a theater makes you like feel like a huge virgin. (And a wanker at that.) 10:13pm The host of the show who hasn't seen me for a while but always gives me a hug and says hello when I am there, asked me: did you see that we're showing the craft next month? Yay! I've still got my goth cred! sometime after midnight KrOB joined me for the second and third movies, so I didn't feel quite so loser-ish, and I won a Band of the Hand one-sheet (theme song by Dylan!) because I knew that Michael Schultz directed The Last Dragon, which is just the kind of thing my brain knows. And, best of all, Phoebe was neither ticketed nor towed from the slightly questionable spot in which I parked her. A good night overall. Now, sleep. | ||
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Thursday, 17 February 2011 (submitting to embarrasing capture) 5:12am As much as I adore Low's "Do You Know How To Waltz?"and I adore it beyond all reasonit's not so good for early-morning pre-gym amping-up music. 7:16am As expected, I got some good-natured grief from Yvette this morning about my absence this week, as I expect I will from the bootcamp instructor. And I was honest with her: Monday was good night that ran late because the girl I was with wanted to be with me for a little while longer, and Tuesday was a bad if emotionally cathartic night which didn't run late, but which did result in me being incapable of dealing with bootcamp the next morning, let alone breathing properly. Yvette understood. 9:02am My show got its first one-star review on Yelp! This actually cracks me up: I hate to do it, but 1 measly star is about right. This review is for Bad Movie Night, Sundays at 8. Don't go.Hey, you know you've made it when you annoy someone so much. 11:21am It's not even noon yet, but it's stormy and gray outside, thus making it a perfect time for both volumes of Coil's Musick to Play in the Dark. 10:27pm I'm trying not to feel anxious about what's going to happen upstairs, and I'm feeling a little better about it at all after my crying jag on Tuesday, but still, feh. I wrote my soon-departing neighbors to tell them that I'd sad that they're moving out and that I'll miss having them as neighbors (which is so very true), and also to get a sense of the timeframe of the actual moving process, when the Big Noise will be happening. | ||
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Wednesday, 16 February 2011 (alighting the ropes) 8:12am There it is: the paycheck has cleared, f'reals, and the money is in my checking account. I am now officially writing for a living. Granted, I'm an anonymous hack at best whose work is in the service of somebody else's capitalistic machinations, but I'm okay with that, because I'm still getting paid to play with words and find new ways to arrange them, and I even get to indulge myself with jokes about how 1850s Visalia was like Mos Eisley, so it evens out not to mention I gotta pay the rent and bills and buy cat food and stuff. Goddamnit, though, I wish there wasn't this other big frakking albatross hanging overhead, but what can I do about it? Nothing, nothing at all, just deal with whatever happens, and if that means busting out the white noise generator and the Buddha Machine and buying earplugs in bulk again, then that's what I'm going to have to do. 11:01am After dropping Marta off at work (thus beginning the Marta Blackout Period) I went shopping at Target for a frame for the poster I bought at the Low concert last December, and I bought some extremely cheap makeup brushes. I've decided it's high time I start applying makeup like an adult, even if the end result still looks like it was done by a disaffected seventeen year-old. 5:09pm Now at the Greenhouse Cafe on Taraval, née Mocha 101, and the kid behind the counter confirmed that it's owned by the same people who own the place I was at yesterday. Two in as many days! And they're open until nine, which is good, though the Open House today again only goes from five to seven. But I might stick around longer, I don't know. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do my work-work at a cafethough home may beome inhospitable during the forthcoming upheaval of people moving out and people moving inbut there's still something about this environment which helps me to focus on diarizing and other personal writing in a way that's trickier than at home. So. After Marta arrived in West Portal last night, we decided to have dinner at Golden Gate Pizza, the only Indian restaurant between here and there and a very good one at that. As I drove us there I talked about my anxieties regarding the forthcoming upheaval, how I sincerely hope my landlord doesn't rent it out to a family with small children again (the one exception being The First, who admitted considering it, and I would actually be okay with that because knowing and loving the parents as I know and love her would make it not so bad), and I got to thinking about when the family with the giraffe moved in, that horrible, horrible Christmas Eve of 2006, and I said to Marta: i have no reason to believe that you would act this way, but...if... And I couldn't go on, not at first. I began to choke up. Jesus fucking Christ, after four years I should not still have such a strong emotional reaction to it, I should just get the fuck over it, but all the same I felt tears welling up in my eyes, wetting my vision as I drove north in the already rainy dark on 46th Avenue. I tried to just spit it out: if a family does move in and they're really loud and there's yelling and running and screaming and Oh, goddamnit. There it was, the big fear of near-total loss of control over my environment, the loss of peace and quiet and serenity, coupled with one other major fear ...if that happens and i have a breakdown and start crying my eyes out and you're there in the room with me... Another long pause, why was this so hard to express? Why did it still hurt so godsdamned much? ...just promise me that you'll comfort me, okay? hold me, or even just hold my hand, something. don't just sit across the room, looking like you'd rather be anywhere else but with me, especially with me bawling like a fucking baby because of noise from upstairs... And eventually we were at the restaurant, and Marta suggested that maybe we should get it to go, but no, I insisted we eat there even though my eyes were brimming with tears most of the timeand I was glad I've been in full battlegear lately, since I've known for a long time that it can make brimming eyes far less obvious, and if genuine tears do escape, they make awesome streaks. So, win-win on that, I guess. Back home I continued to do that wracking-breath thing every so often, sort of a dry sob, as well as the long deep breath, like my body's never really experienced oxygen before and wants to take in as much as it can before it all goes away. And I'm still kind of there right now. Which means, if nothing else, I've begun to deal with the most basic emotional issues. Obviously I have no idea what's going to happen from here, or who the new tenants will be. For all I know, they'll be a perfectly awesome couple whom I'll get along with splendidly. (I never quite clicked with the current occupants, not the way I have with some people in the past.) The future is unwritten, and the best may be yet to come. I don't, and can't, know. But this is still a trauma, a loss of a fundamental element of my home, of the promise of peace and quiet. Again: I don't know what comes next. That doesn't make my natural response to mourn the loss any stronger, though. I hope I get over it soonI am returning to the gym tomorrow morning to exercise with Yvetteand I hope the new people are nice and quiet and I hope for a lot of things, really. And all I can do is handle whatever happens, and whatever happens, I'll handle it. Survivor cat is surviving. 7:12pm Hail! | ||
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Tuesday, 15 February 2011 (the sun's darkened angle) 10:37am My landlord wrote to ask if I'm still using my Victory Garden, which is now home to a fascinating and thick array of alien-looking weeds. Though I've been giving serious thought to revitalizing it as an all-tomato garden, I decided that to admit defeat and declare it a noble failure. I don't know if the "noble" part is truly accurate, but I'm sticking with it. And, hey, there's lots of other things I haven't failed at, right? Right. There's an Open House this evening from five to seven. I intend to be far away during it. 2:12pm Godsdamnit, the stress is kicking in about the upcoming moving out of the old neighbors and moving in of the as-yet uknown new neighbors. DO NOT WANT. 5:47pm At the Greenhouse Cafe in West Portal, waiting for Marta to arrive on the train. Nice little place, though I could do without the homeless guy hovering nearby and occasionally staring. You're going to get that, I suppose. 9:11pm Wow. It's amazing how much it still hurts. That's the nature of unresolved emotional trauma, I suppose. I'm not going to the gym tomorrow morning. It'll be the first bootcamp I've missed since I was in Fresno in December, but I just can't handle it, not the way I'm breathing right now. And sleeping in next to Marta sounds much healthier right now. Besides, the woman behind the counter at the Y keeps telling me that I need to stop losing weight so quickly, so I can totally use that as an excuse on Thursday. Though if Yvette asks, I may tell her the truththat I had a really good night followed by a really bad one. Or I may not. | ||
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Monday, 14 February 2011 (how they twist 'round the room) 9:34am After of course thanking him for the roses (which really are a lovely gesture, no question, and as always, my mother raised me right), I asked the marketing guy what the usual turnaround is for checks. He asked the payroll people, and said that it went out in Friday's mail, so I should get it today. Here's to hoping. 2:47pm The check! It arrived! This is all for real now! Granted, I still have to actually cash it, but by gods, that's a load off. I now officially have steady employment as a writer. A hack writer, a writer of copy for someone else, but hey, I'm okay with that, because it sure as hell beats not working at all. 3:44pm Oh, frak frak frak, you have got to be kidding me. I went out to run some errands (I'm celebratin' my first check by having a salad tonight, just like I have almost every night that I don't get a check!), and when I get home I see there's a godsdamned FOR RENT sign in the upstairs window. Not this, not again. Not having to deal with a new set of neighbors, and I know better to think that my landlord will turn down a family with children if they have the dough and are ready to move in just because of my issue, and...shit. I realize it's just a coincidence, just my brain's natural tendency to look for patterns in chaos, and I know there's no trickster god or any other kind of invisible man in the sky pulling strings, but it seems cosmically appropriate all the same that this would happenor, at least, I would find out about itwithin an hour of me getting my first paycheck. Godsdamnit. The sense of balance was nice while it lasted. Meanwhile, I'm both going to try not to stress about it too much, and also try to hopefully find new tenants, preferably a childless queer couple. Because I'm a horrible bigot and all. 5:59pm At least I have a gig tonight, which always helps me feel...I don't know. A little more in control. Like a rock star. Something. And I'm going to pull down the long pink-and-white pony tail that I haven't worn since the Castro Street Fair in '07. It's been hanging in my bedroom along with the ears ever since, and though I never quite pictured a time when I would wear them again, I didn't want to part with them, either. Besides, they made for a good room decoration, even though they covered up the Liberace poster Maddy and I bought in New Orleans in '04. (I really need to get a frame for that, methinks.) I strongly considered wearing them to Frolic on Saturday, but then Ilene mentioned that she was going as a cat, and there's no way that I was going to miss out on being a cat alongside herlet alone be a pony while she's a catespecially since she said yes to my request to do my makeup. In any event, tonight the long pink-and-white tail goes on, and I'd wager that the belt it's attached to wouldn't have fit even six months ago, so that just goes to show all the more how the time is right. sometime after midnight My Sucky Valentine was great. Not a lot of people due to the rain, but these things are always a crapshoot regardless of the weather, and I nailed the reading. Hushed silence in the right places, laughter in the right places, and using body language to extend the laughter in the right places. Ilene arrived earlier than expectedshe'd originally thought she was going to be late, but her yoga class let out early due to the rainso I got to have her there with me for the entire show for handholding and cuddling and general togetherness, which was so very much what I needed at the moment. Afterward, we had late-night sushi at Drunken Sushi, which was quite delicious. No gym for me tomorrow morning, since even if I went to sleep right now (which is unlikely at best) I'd get three and a half hours of sleep at the most. Oh well. I'm sure Yvette will forgive me, and even if she doesn't, the fact is that Ilene wanted to spend more time with me and that was what mattered most. On my way home from dropping off Ilene (whom I'll be spending Saturday night with), I deposited my check at a Wells Fargo ATM. Now, I wait for it to clear. I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to worry that it won't, but damnit, my skepticism is dying hard. | ||
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Sunday, 13 February 2011 (bringing down the czar) 10:11am I tweeted about the furry conga line last night, and received a predictably negative (if half-jokey) reply. Mostly I'm just surprised there weren't more. Not too many other people showed up to Frolic, at least who there as part of our group. Just me and Ilene and Davina in cat mode on the dance floor tearing it up, Ilene and I in whisker-and-nose makeup (a major leap of courage for me since while I'm all about makeup I've always detested face painting (probably because of the cover of this fucking book, but I trust Ilene and if she was gonna do it then I was gonna do it, so long as she was the one who actually made me up) and Davina just in ears, with Davina's husband Mouse and Ilene's boyfriend Porter (with no animalization to speak of between them, which I can't write off to them being straight because neither of them are) tending to keep to a corner with each other, which was fine, because it meant there was someone keeping an eye on our stuff at any given time, and I kinda liked it just being us three girls as a unit on the dance floor. Not to mention Porter was graciously buying all the drinks, though I was still just keeping to orange juice, not feeling quite so much of the need for artificial uninhibition the way I had at the party a few weeks back, since the built-in surreality of Frolic did the trick. Admittedly, it didn't quite feel the same as it did the past few times, both because Marta was elsewhere and because the music was quite different, with more gothy stuff than I've ever heard there and no "Barbra Streisand" by Duck Sauce at all, at least not between half past ten and closing time. And I also found myself unnerved by a new, most likely drunk girl who was insisting on seeing what the people inside the fursuits looked like, lifting off their hands whether they wanted her to or not, and it was clear that in most cases they really didn't want her to, but there wasn't a whole hell of a lot they could do to stop her. It was kind of horrifying, truth be told, a party foul at best and a violation of some sort at worst. I don't care if they're "just furries" or not, you simply do not take the head off someone's costume unless you have their explicit permission. Blech. I managed to mostly ignore her, and she didn't stay too long anyway, the three of us certainly outlasted her, and as our energy began to wane and me and Ilene's makeup was beginning to turn into a big sweaty mess (yay for elevated heart rates!), we graduated from dancing to group cuddling and smooching along the wall, and after a while Ilene wandered off to join Porter and Mouse and then it was just Davina and I, cuddling and nuzzling and occasionally kissing but mostly talking about our parents, oddly enough. I was once again reminded of just how stupidly lucky I am to have the mother that I do, who accepts me and my weird life, and whom I don't have hide anything fromor who, perhaps more accurately, is brave enough to follow along and not put up blinders like so many do. (And more than anything I was just trying to exist in the moment, to appreciate this period of abundance as it's happening, conscious of the fact that it won't last forever, just like the times of famine don't either.) We eventually relocated and joined the others at the bar and were there for a while (group circle, arms around each other, one around Davina and the other around Mouse and his around mine) and then without warning BAM! the lights came on and we were asked to kindly get the hell out. Two in the morning, it came fast. Porter gave Ilene a ride home and I dropped off Davina and Mouse at their place in the Richmond, where it seems like all the cool kids are moving to these days. It was half past three by the time I got to bed, and as always, staying up late isn't the tricky part for me. It's the "continuing to sleep after the sun rises" that's difficult. 12:01pm My mother has pointed out that I'm mentioned in what is thus far the only customer review of Unthology No. 1 on amazon.co.uk: In the UK, short fiction anthologies are pretty rare. Equally, readers of anthologies are pretty rare. To buy an anthology, of unknown writers, by an unknown publisher can only be, I think, an act of investigation. Firstly, a reader has to be at least disenchanted with the high street 3-2 staple on offer. Disenchanted enough to wonder what else is out there, to wonder if what's publicly available really is a representative range of the uses of the medium.Just a passing reference toward the end, but hell, I'll take it. 9:52pm We're doing Eat Pray Love at Bad Movie Night right now. Thankfully, I'm not actually on mic. (That's one of the advantages being the one who makes the schedule.) It's shocking-in-a-good-way how many people are here, about thirty or so, far more than we got for Jonah Hex or The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Just goes to show that it's always a crapshoot, and sometimes you win. And if I'm learning anything from this movie, which is based on a memoir that sat on the Bestseller list for a zillion weeks, it's why the publishing industry keeps rejecting my memoir. Not about to stop trying, though. | ||
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Saturday, 12 February 2011 (the rejection in question) 8:51am I started this diary twelve years ago today. That's right, isn't it? 1999 was twelve years ago? I'm no good at math. 11:15am Since I pre-ordered the CD, I've been streaming Low's new album from the Sub Pop! website. As I'd expected hearing the material at the concert in December, it's brilliant stuff, and "Nothing But Heart" is my latest Song I Can't Believe I Ever Lived Without. Low tends to make a lot of those. 6:13pm Good day with Marta, including a fair amount of time outside in the sun (and mango cream pillows at Mango Medley, and the last day I'll see her until...well, I'm not sure when, exactly. Until whenever I see her next. I'm picking up Ilene in a few hours to go to Frolic, and whoever else shows up is who shows up. sometime after midnight I'd thought that watching a furry do The Robot a few months back qualified as having officially lived, and I still think that was thoroughly awesome, but seeing the furry conga line pretty well surpassed it. | ||
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Friday, 11 February 2011 (looking out for hope) 8:11am When I walked into the gym this morning, the bootcamp instructor (whom I was very happy to see) said: your hair! it has purple in it now! She was a little shocked when I told her I'd done it a few weeks ago, and she's seen it a number of times already. It did support Marta's theory about why so few people have commented on it, though: it just looks natural on me, especially with the squid, so most people figure it's been there all along and they just hadn't noticed. And, admittedly, people don't tend to comment on such things anyway, especially at comparatively conservative places like the Stonestown YMCA. 6:31pm Marta and I are at Black Peace Now, a store at the New People Mall in Japantown. Not much in the way of things that could ever possibly fit memaybe some of the coats, maybebut moreso than across the way at Baby The Stars Shine Bright, which I'm guessing is Ground Zero for all Gothic Lolita activity in San Francisco. It's still nice to browse and imagine, and thankfully, that's far less painful than it once was. During said browsing, a white girl who clearly wants to be a Harajuku Girl when she grows up walked over to me and complimented me on the squid. I could tell she'd been contemplating doing so for a while, and I'm glad that she finally worked up the courage to do so. More for my sake than hers, really. 8:12pm We just got back to the Black Light District to find a box from a flower company sitting on my step. At first I thought that it must have been something else, something I'd ordered and forgotten about that the seller decided to ship in a used Pro Flowers box, but noit's actual, honest-to-god flowers, roses, in a vase and everything. It's from the marketing guy with a thank-you note for "all my talents and hard work." Which is a really nice gesture, but doesn't do much to alleviate my anxiety about the fact that I haven't actually received my first paycheck yet, even though I submitted the invoice a week and a half ago. I'm almost certainly not being scammed, and if this is a con, it's a long and ultimately pointless con. And yet. | ||
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