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Monday, 20 December 2010 (the trick to maintaining) 12:07pm Engaging in some hardcore housecleaning. I'm planning on being gone for a week, after all, and I hate coming home to a messy apartment. Marta's also leaving town for a week tomorrow, so we're spending tonight together. The fact that she's going to be gone combined with the gym being closed is why I've decided to spend so much time in Fresnothere'd be no real point to me staying in San Francisco. And I'm taking Perdita with me, because in spite of the stresses it'll put on her, it would stress me more not have her around. Therefore. My upstairs neighbors are also leaving tomorrow, but they'll be gone until January 3, which means I'll get a week or so to myself. It's by no means the repreive of when the giraffe was gone for Christmas 2007 since my current neighbors aren't even close to being as loudtruthfully, I hardly ever hear thembut, still, it'll be nice. I got a gnarly Trojan on my desktop computer a couple weeks ago. It was from a bad Twitter link that I shouldn't have clicked, nobody's fault but my own. (And not pr0n, which is the cause of the vast majority of infections. I'm much smarter about my pr0n than that.) I was able to eradicate it by partially reinstalling Windows XP and switch from Mozilla Firefox to Google Chrome. I also set up a dual-boot of Ubuntu and have been experimenting with it, but as with my previous dabblings in Linux, I'm just not smart enough to make it work properly. | ||
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Sunday, 19 December 2010 (right on schedule) 11:36am I just showed Marta (whose first real exposure to Star Wars was at my birthday Bad Movie Night six months ago) the RiffTrax version of the Star Wars Holiday Special. I'm pretty sure she still loves me. sometime after midnight Good turnout at Bad Movie Night for our second year showing Santa's Slay, one of those nights were it seemed like nobody was going to show up (there was thunder and lightning, even), but by the time the movie actually starts the theater's two-thirds full. We're hanging in there, we are. | ||
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Saturday, 18 December 2010 (at the peak) 1:45pm I've spent most of the day napping, and now I have to get ready to face the world. Marta and I are going to meet up in Japantown for some shopping and an earlyish dinner. Mmm. Sushi. That'll cure what ails me. 7:52pm About to start the final performance of Christmas in Hell. Man, this has been a quick three weeks. Marta's in the audience. That makes me happy. 8:32pm Good heavens, but I'm mushmouthed tonight. ...did not dispway the wequisite Yuletide jowwy... 9:44pm Well, that's that. (Unless it's revived next year, which hasn't been brought up at all but stirkes me as quite likely.) There's a cast party now which I'd really like to go to, especially because it's at the house of a castmember with whom I never really got along with over the past few years but now we finally seem to be clicking, but I'm just not up to it. My new goal is to be healthyish before going to Fresno on Tuesday, so sleep is required, | ||
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Friday, 17 December 2010 (after i ran dry) 9:21am Woke up this morning feeling the worst yet. Didn't stop me from going to Bootcamp this morning, where I most certainly did not sweat it out of my system. (It'll work one of these years.) Nor was I slowed down by the cold, so that's something. Since it's our last class for a week and a halfa thought which terrifies exercise junkies like usthere was talk of keeping touch via email to keep each other motivated to not only not gain weight, but continue to lose it, including a mild but surely illegal wager. We'll see how that works out. I have a fantasy that when I'm in Fresno next week, I'll manage to continue exercising somehow. It's a nice fantasy, as fantasies go. And if I don't, well, a week and a half won't do that much damage. Certainly not as much six months away from the gym (and with increasingly atrocious eating habits, it's true) did last year. 4:47pm Oh, thank goodness. Rockstar parking in front of The Dark Room. I really need to not have to circle and/or walk any great distance in this weather, especially since this is definitely the peak day of the cold. I feel super-gross. But the show goes on, it does. 6:21pm Considering walking to Borderlands to get a latte to dry/pep me up for the show, but that would require going out into the world where it's raining, and I don't think I can handle that. Plus, it probably wouldn't help me get over the cold. Feh. 10:13pm We got a nearly full house tonight in spite of the icky weather, and the rain stopped by the time the show was over, which was very considerate of it. And I don't think being sick affected my performance at all. I wasn't the only one with a cold, and besides, the adrenalin always kicks in and overpowers the illness, at least for a little while. Now, home and warmth and sleep. And no gym tomorrow morning, even though it's still open this weekend. | ||
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Thursday, 16 December 2010 (if you were born today) 8:11am The woman behind the counter at the gym has now started calling me "Skinny Minnie." I'll take it. Officially sick f'reals, godsdamnit. But it's Marta's birthday party tonight, and the final weekend of Christmas in Hell and then Bad Movie Night on Sunday, so I'll just have to work through it all. 9:12am I'm listening to the commentary track on the on the most recent DVD edition of Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer. This is the sort of thing that's making me seriously consider pursuing film archiving and restoration and stuff as a career, since that's the sort of thing that people with a MLIS (which I'll have in a few years) can do. Not to mention it'd be kinda neat to circle back around to my Cinema degree (SFSU '97, bitches!), which I haven't done jack with in the meantime. Of course, there's no guarantee that there'll be such jobs available when I graduate, but hey, there's never any guarantee that there'll be jobs available in anything ever. No reason not to try. 1:39pm Jim from The Dark Room has invited me to go see Tron: Legacy in IMAX at the Metreon tomorrow afternoon. Tempting, except for the fact that I'm sick and it'll be tricky to get back to the The Dark Room in time for Christmas in Hell (granted, if I'm late I'll be arriving late with the director which is a pretty solid excuse) and it's supposed to be raining, and it all sounds like way too much work and stresss, not to mention the fact that it's opening night. I could handle it last year for Star Trek, but well, that was Star Trek, and for as much of a Tron fan as I've always been, it's just not worth it. So. 5:11pm At Borderlands Cafe with Marta, getting in some alone-in-public time before her birthday party at Zante's this evening, which will be mostly comprised of coworkers and extended family and people who only know her live-in boyfriend and to whom I am not a partner of hers, and therefore hanging off her the way I normally would is not an option. Such is the life of these arrangements. Instead, I'll be bringing Ilene along as my date. She totally gets it. 10:34pm The party went well. Ilene and I were on our own at the Goth Kiddy Table next to the big table, which was just about right. Between cold medicine, a soy latte earlier in the evening at Borderlands and (mostly) willpower, I managed to make it through the evening, though I'm glad to be home now, because, of course, can't not attend Bootcamp tomorrow morning, especially since it's the last one until the week after Christmas. That right there, that's a terrifying thought. There'd been talk before about Ilene and I going dancing afterward, but between our assorted illnesses, we decided against. Plus Bootcamp tomorrow and all. | ||
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Wednesday, 15 December 2010 (no doubt from experience) 5:20am Bah. I feel a cold coming on. Maybe I'll burn it out of my system at Bootcamp. Not that it's worked before, ever, but what the hell. It's not like I can't not go to Bootcamp or anything. 11:10am As Marta and I waited in line outside the Great American Music Hall last night, a mostly limbless guy a few doors down kept yelling hey, lady gaga! at me. Mostly, I was just surprised that it's never happened before. Finally, he wheeled over and said oh, you're a man. I managed to ignore him and continue on with my conversation with Marta, in spite of how much I wanted to punt him into the fucking street. And, jeez, he'd been wheeled around earlier by what I would kindly describe as "an obvious transsexual," so, seriously, what the fuck? That sort of thing, it really doesn't do my self-confidence any favors. Meanwhile, when Marta told an aggressive panhandler (who was, for some reason, offering to give us eleven pennies for a dime) that she didn't have any change, he responded angrily: oh, you have change! you're just stuck-up! It was one of those kinds of nights in the Tenderloin. We were the only ones in line until nearly fifteen minutes before the door opened, which was really odd, since the last time Low played the line had already been forming for an hour. This time it meant we got our choice of seating, and Mimi and Alan definitely saw us (I'm as starstruck with them as ever), but it got me to worrying that nobody else would show up. By the time the show started for real, of course, it was packed. A chatty but pleasant woman ended up sitting next to us, and at one point she referred to me as "him." I bit my tongue, and inwardly congratulated myself on my comparatively newfound ability let it go. Christ on a fucking crutch, after eleven years, I'd godsdamned well better be learning to let it go, because it's never ever ever ever ever going to not happen, worldwithoutendamen. Anyway, a few minutes she apologized for calling me "he." I hadn't brought it up and wasn't going to, but she seemed genuinely sorry for having hurt my feelings. Yvonne's goofed on the pronoun a few times in the morning at the gym, but also corrects herself right away, and it's clearly not an issue for her at all. Indeed, aside from the occasional weird looks (whatevs, I'm weird-looking by any standards), nobody's ever given me static for being a tranny. And, Christ almighty, when I'm at the gym I'm pretty much stripped down my bare essence, y'know? In any event, the show itself was brilliant, as I knew it would be. The material they played from their upcoming album before the Christmas set was great, and leave it to Low to follow the Christmas set with "Murderer," a song from the perspective of a sociopath who kills in God's name. I love that group so much. 3:21pm From the stub of what may or may not be my final UI check, which arrived today: "Your extension is exhausted." I just love the verb choice. "Exhausted," indeed. They don't know the half of it Thankfully, it goes on to say that I may be eligible for another extension, and that if I am no further action is required on my part. I'd like to think that if the well really has run dry, it would say so, meaning I do have a fighting chance of getting an extension. | ||
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Tuesday, 14 December 2010 (one special gift) 8:11am This woman who works the desk at the gym told me (jokingly) that I'm getting too skinny. Yeah, I don't know about that. I did an hour of abs and weight stuff from five to six, then hooked up with Yvette, one of the regulars that I'd done the cardio stuff with last week. It was just her and I this time, which is fine by me. Reminds me all the more of working with Raphaela, though it costs a whole hell of a lot less. Tonight is Low's Christmas concert at the Great American Music Hall. I remain very excited about it. 5:05pm Jonco just asked for a copy of my current resume, for a telecommuting webmonkey position through a friend of a friend. That's how these things are done, remote networking. Quite frankly, the fact that I made it as far as an interview last week for a job on Craigslist is a major fluke; sometime after midnight Incredible show, as I knew it would be. Marta did observe that the crowd was a bit douchier than she expected for a Low concert, and I can't disagree with her on that. | ||
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Monday, 13 December 2010 (taking down the tree) 12:27pm Late nightIt's a Wonderful Life is a stupidly long movie with a leaden second act, and I'll wager that the unconditional love most people have for it is due entirely to the final twenty minutesso no gym this morning. I got lots of exercise this weekend anyway, so I think I'll be okay. After snatching defeat from the jaws of victory last week (but lookin' good doing it!), it's Job Search Day One yet again. Whee! After free-agenting for the past few months, I'm working with the TEEI again. We'll see how that goes. 3:12pm Well, it's official: my desktop computer has a virus. Or a trojan. Malware of some kind. That'll keep me busy this week. | ||
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Sunday, 12 December 2010 (long way around the sea) 10:32am Another surprisingly big crowd for Christmas in Hell last night. By god, I think it's a hit. Who knew? I'd parked across from The Stud earlier in the evening and walked to The Dark Room, and then Marta and I walked to The Stud after the show. Yay for exercise! Especially since I won't be getting to the gym this week. And Frolic was a blast, more so that the somewhat self-serious leadenness which is so common to events like Love Triange. Though we were there for about three hours, Marta and I were both running on empty from the start, which nicely added the already-high level of surrealism, as mild exhaustion will do. And, unlike last time, we were part of a small posse, including Ilene looking painfully adorable in a bunny suit. Not that it's possible to look any other way in a bunny suit. And I don't think I'll be getting "Barbra Streisand" out of my head anytime soon. 4:11pm Writing and lunch and Community and 30 Rock and The Office and sex and napping and now Missionward for Bad Movie Night. 9:32pm For as much static as we get for showing It's A Wonderful Lifewhile the SF Weekly is tongue-in-cheek about it, some humourless sentimentalists get genuinely angryit packs the house every year, and the audience is having a great time. I'm so proud of my silly little show. | ||
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Saturday, 11 December 2010 (red nights) 12:01pm Love Triangle was indeed fun last night, the crowd being a peculiar cross-pollination of the goth and poly crowds. Some people were happy to see me, and others (like Sara) studiously avoided eye contact, same as it ever was. I spent more time just hanging out and socializing with Ilene and her friends than actually dancing, but that's perfectly okay. I was a little sluggish this morning, even though I got a good seven hours of sleep when I got home, probably because my body's so accustomed to my weekday schedule. It's a worthy sacrifice. Before I went to The Dark Room last night I swung by Community Thrift and bought a three-dollar tie, the first tie I've ever bought in my life, to complete the schoolgirl outfit I've been slowly assembling (and, indeed, slowly getting into good enough shape for such a thing to work on me). The white button-down shirt I bought earlier this week is another crucial component, I already have the proper plaid skirt, and the tie itself is from an honest-to-goodness boarding school, which just goes to show I have some luck left. I'll be wearing the whole thing (along with ears and tail) when Marta and I meet up with Ilene and entourage tonight at Frolic. Gotta do what I can to keep my spirits up during this stupidly dark December. | ||
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