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My favorite movie poster and memorabilia shop, Showbiz on Grant Street in North Beach, has gone out of business. The posters for Crash and Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (the teaser poster for the latter, to be precise) which grace our walls were from there, amongst many others. Meanwhile, not only are most movie posters these days little more than big huge closeups of faces (and if the theatrical version isn't, you can bet the video box will be), in multiplexes they're being muscled out by more lucrative advertisements for toothpaste and corporate rock bands. I'm not saying there's a connection.
8:15pm When you're walking alone after dark into a part of town in which you don't feel comfortable (say, going to Jezebel's Joint to buy tickets for The San Francisco Independent Film Festival), it's a very bad idea to have started reading Fritz Leiber's Our Lady of Darknessa very spooky novel set in San Franciscoearlier in the day. Trust me on this one.
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If I make it out to goth clubs and shows just rarely enough to always elicit at least one "Haven't seen you in a while," then Maddy coming along usually results in jaw-dropping surprise. Such seemed to be the case with Dax, Leni and a few others at the Penis Flytrap show last night. We'd met the band at SpookyCon, and Maddy very much wanted to see them live. She had been particularly taken with bassist Lucifer Fulci. As is so often the case with people whom conventional wisdom suggests should be scary and unfriendly (follow the link to see what I mean), he's an extremely sweet, almost self-effacing guy. We talked to him a bit before the show; he remembered us from SpookyCon (rumor has it I'm hard to forget), and practically turned red with embarrassment as he confirmed that Maddy and I were, in fact, an item. Seems that he thought we were both pretty hot, and just wanted to make sure. Daaaaaw. What may have made been a little uncomfortable coming from someone else was practically heartbreaking from him. Later, as I was dancing to the opening act and Maddy was sitting off to the side reserving her energy, he bought her a beer, which she thought was just about the sweetest thing ever. We were at the front of the stage for Penis Flytrap, and much to my surprise, we lasted through their entire set. Not that we weren't enjoying it, but because we getting just a tad jostled from the moshers. While Maddy's chiropractor has never precisely forbidden her from moshing (or, more specifically, being moshed), but since the car coming to a sudden stop can do very bad things to her neck, I think we can safely assume that it falls into the "goes without saying" list. I took the brunt of it for her, and though my left leg was killing me afterwards (probably since it had most of the burden of keeping us both upright), I'm not as sore this morning as I was expecting to be. It'll probably hit me later today. The funny thing was, it's not like we were trapped or anything. Attendance to the show was poor, probably because the original headliner had to cancel, and we could have turned around and walked a few feet away to relative safety at any time. But Maddy wanted to be in front, for height reasons as much as anything, and by gum, we were in front. 'cuz we're punk as fuck. I told Dax that I coveted her coat, a long faux-fur trimmed number. She said she was going to be replacing it soon, and that I could have it when she got her new one. Yay.
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The State of the Union Drinking Game. Almost makes me wish I drank. My endoc has prescribed prometrium to deal with my current hormone issues. Prometrium pills look like jellybeans. I don't like jellybeans, but I won't hold that against them.
11:09pm I didn't actually listen to the speechMaddy's tolerance for that sort of thing is much lower than mine, and I didn't want to subject her to itbut I've read it. Wow. Many people in many other places are deconstructing it better than I could, but I will say that Hitlerism is in fact a real word, if a very stupid one. I guess he figured that for the average American Idol-watching citizen (that Kelly Clarkson, she's a new breed of pop star!), it would do a better job of boogeyman-conjuring than "fascism" or "Nazism." Hey! Look! It's the full force of the United States military bringing freedom and democracy to the world! Oh, wait, this was twelve years ago. Well, I'm sure it'll be different this time. And when it's done there'll never be no evildoers ever again.
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Even though you can see the silver lining, it's still okay to wish it had been sunny in the first place. The Big Game is today. If our upstairs neighbors are having a party, which I doubt, they surely would have mentioned it to us by now. I'd like to think they're as disinterested in it as we are. Hell, they're KQED members, which is a pretty good sign. Anyway, since the scary people will glued to their teevees today, we're planning on going to a movie. My initial impulse had been to see the chickiest flick out there, but we've both already seen Far From Heaven. So it'll probably be Bowling for Columbine, which Maddy hasn't seen yet. Seems just as appropriate, and with any luck, we'll have the theater to ourselves.
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I hung out with Yen and Embeth tonight. Embeth does, in fact, live.
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Since we're still insuredand we won't be for much longerwe went to an optometrist today. I'm a few prescriptions behind, and I've been wanting new frames for a while anyway. Nothing was purchased, but I tried on a few pairs. When we go back, I hope they still have the pair that Maddy said made me look like Lisa Loeb. Because I am that shallow. I doubt Twisted Lens will be calling any time soon, though.
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Lilah's pictures from the march. Those of you who thought the whole thing was a big traffic-blocking waste of time will be happy to know that, while tens of thousands of people were taking advantage of our freedom to assemble while we still have it, the real Americans were spending over seventeen million of their hard-earned dollars on a movie about a kangaroowith attitude! Makes you proud, don't it? Take that, Osama! Or Saddam! Or that North Korean guy who Newsweek compared to Dr. Evil! Or whoever the Big Bad is at the moment! Granted, I knew it was going to happen (and Fametracker has some tips on how you can cash in). If American pop culture is any indication, H.L. Mencken was a philanthropist.
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